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09-13 投稿



dematerialize 发音

英:[?di?m??t??r??la?z]  美:[?di?m??t??ri?la?z]

英:  美:

dematerialize 中文意思翻译




dematerialize 网络释义

vt. 使消失;使丧失物质形态vi. 消失;丧失物质形态

dematerialize 反义词


dematerialize 同义词


dematerialize 词性/词形变化,dematerialize变形


dematerialize 短语词组

1、dematerialize stock ─── 去物质化库存

2、dematerialize means ─── 非物质化手段

3、dematerialize band ─── 去物质化带

4、dematerialize shares ─── 股票非物质化

5、dematerialize art ─── 非物质化艺术

6、dematerialize payment ─── 非物质化支付

7、dematerialize mtg ─── 材料化mtg

8、dematerialize wow ─── 去物质化哇

9、dematerialize define ─── 非物质化定义

dematerialize 相似词语短语

1、dematerialises ─── v.非物质化,精神化;消失;使电子化(等于dematerialize)

2、dematerialise ─── v.非物质化,精神化;消失;使电子化(等于dematerialize)

3、rematerialize ─── 重物质化

4、immaterialize ─── vt.使失去实体;使无形

5、dematerialised ─── v.非物质化;消失;精神化(dematerialise的过去式和过去分词,等于dematerialize)

6、rematerializes ─── 重物质化

7、dematerialized ─── vt.使消失;使丧失物质形态;vi.消失;丧失物质形态

8、dematerializes ─── vt.使消失;使丧失物质形态;vi.消失;丧失物质形态

9、rematerialized ─── 重物质化

dematerialize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I've only done it once," Harry reminded him; he had finally managed to disappear and dematerialize inside his hoop during their previous lesson. ─── 我才成功了一次。”哈利提醒道。他上节课终于做到了消失后在木圈里现身。

2、As the occurrence of faceless electron money on Internet, the dematerialize that the product sells, it is more and more difficult that pay taxes object is decided really. ─── 随着互联网上匿名电子货币的出现,产品销售的非物质化,纳税对象的确定越来越难。

3、mirrors have the effect of dematerializing a wall. the dry ice seemed to dematerialize as it sublimated ─── 镜子有使一堵墙丧失其物质实体的效果。干冰升华时好象丧失了其物质实体

4、In the Philippines, an entrancing healer, allegedly, has the ability to materialize and dematerialize matter. ─── 据说在菲律宾一位巫医有将事物实体化和虚无化的双重能力。

5、The only solution to make oneself free from the worldly problems would be to dematerialize oneself, and to dissolve the linkages of the subject to the world. ─── 再次,浓厚的抒情色彩是全书的特点。行文虽千变万化,总离不开作者的自我表现,或爱或憎,或褒或贬,嘻笑怒骂,感慨无端。第四,怪异与灵动的风格。

6、Now as our possessions dematerialize into the cloud, a blurry line is appearing between what's mine, what's yours, and what's ours. ─── 随着我们的财产逐渐的非物质化,一个模糊的界线正在显现介于什么是我的,什么是你的,什么是共有的财产间。

7、to use light to dematerialize the stage until only the personality of the dancer remains ─── 用灯光使观众看不见舞台而只看见舞蹈演员本人

8、Devices derived from transporter technology to dematerialize matter and then reconstitute it in another form. ─── 传送器科技应用的装置,将物质"去物质化",重组成另外的型态

9、Slopes and berms dematerialize the wall to accent the hovering forms of metal sheet roof resting on slender steel columns. ─── 斜面和狭道将墙体非物质化,突出了那个架在细细的金属柱子之上的金属悬垂屋顶。

10、1.Mirrors have the effect of dematerializing a wall.The dry ice seemed to dematerialize as it sublimated. ─── 镜子有使一堵墙丧失其物质实体的效果。


deregulated 形容词 反常的 deregulate 是及物动词 意为:撤销对…的管制和限制 To free from regulation, especially to remove government



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