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09-13 投稿


fragmental 发音

英:[fr?ɡ?mentl]  美:[fr?ɡ?ment?l]

英:  美:

fragmental 中文意思翻译



fragmental 反义词

sturdy | strong |solid | tough

fragmental 同义词

slippery | frangible | friable | puny | tenuous | crisp | delicate | dainty | shaky | slight | breakable | thin | weak | in poor health | crumbly | aerial | infirm | frail |brittle | flimsy | feeble | precarious | unstable

fragmental 词性/词形变化,fragmental变形

副词: fragmentally |

fragmental 短语词组

1、fragmental data ─── 零碎的数据

2、fragmental structure ─── 碎片状结构; ─── 碎屑状结构

3、fragmental soil ─── 砾质土

4、fragmental def ─── 碎片定义

5、fragmental jacket ─── 碎片夹套

6、fragmental material ─── 碎片状材料

7、fragmental sinter ─── 碎块烧结矿

8、fragmental medulla ─── 碎裂髓质

9、fragmental time ─── 零碎时间

10、fragmental rocks ─── 碎屑岩

11、fragmental rock ─── 碎屑岩

12、fragmental deposit ─── 碎屑沉积

13、fragmental product ─── 碎片产品

14、fragmental texture ─── 碎屑结构

15、fragmental bullets ─── 碎片子弹

16、fragmental vst ─── 碎片vst

fragmental 相似词语短语

1、fragmentated ─── vt.使…裂成碎片

2、fragment ─── n.碎片;片段或不完整部分;vt.使成碎片;vi.破碎或裂开

3、fragmentary ─── adj.碎片的;不完全的;断断续续的

4、fragmentarily ─── 碎片地;零碎地;不完全地

5、fragments ─── n.碎片(fragment的复数);片断;[计]分段;v.破碎(fragment的三单形式);打碎

6、fragmentates ─── vt.使…裂成碎片

7、fragmentate ─── vt.使…裂成碎片

8、fragmented ─── adj.片断的;成碎片的;v.分裂(fragment的过去分词);使成碎片

9、fragmentally ─── 碎屑状地;断岩地

fragmental 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、FSet Don't Fragment flag in packet. ─── 信息包中无碎片。

2、obtained are important to controlling the fragmental quality under bench blasting. ─── 所得结论对控制和提高爆破破碎质量具有重要意义。

3、This paper presented a least-square orthogonal distance fitting method for double concentric fragmental ellipses. ─── 提出一种带有同心条件的双椭圆弧拟合方法。

4、The major components of the reservoir clastic rocks are fragmental materials of tuff and extrusive rock. ─── 储集层在成岩过程中的主要成岩变化为机械压实作用、水化水解作用和胶结作用。

5、P3G9-L can express soluable Fab fragment and the function of Lac promotor is weak. ─── 1.P3G9-L为单Lac启动子同时驱动Fd段及K链的双顺反子的可溶性Fab段表达载体。

6、A simple fragment program that converts every pixel to greyscale. ─── (译):一个简单的片段计划,每个像素转换为灰度。

7、It looks like such a small fragment of time, but it is not. ─── 一个小时好像很短,事实不然。

8、Estimate the percentage of the lysozyme that interacts with the antigen-binding site of the antibody fragment. ─── 估算与抗体片段的抗原结合位点结合的溶菌酶的比例。

9、It enables a specific gene to be located on a particular restriction enzyme fragment. ─── 它就能使专一的基因被定位于特定的限制性内切酶切成的片段上。

10、The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the Earth's atmosphere. ─── 卫星在进入地球大气层时会裂成碎片并燃烧。

11、Instance to be a well-formed XML fragment. ─── 实例限制为格式正确的XML片段。

12、Second, be close with those he loves in order to fragment his awesomeness. ─── 二是拉拢敌君的近臣,以削弱敌国的力量。

13、The experiment suggested that the protein pcak cluted by 0.225 M sodium acetate buffer is antibody Fc fragment. ─── 实验提示,0.225M醋酸钠缓冲液洗脱出的蛋白蜂是抗体Fc片段。

14、The following fragment cannot be an XML document because it has multiple root elements. ─── 以下片断不能作为XML文档,因为其中包含多个根元素。

15、Press the PLAY keystroke once again, and playing next fragment by order. ─── 再次点按PLAY键顺序播放下一段录音。

16、The following code fragment specifies that a custom attribute can be applied to any class or method. ─── 下列代码段指定自定义属性可应用到任何类或方法。

17、Memory is like a living books worth reading a hundred times in my life who is brilliant fragment. ─── 回忆就像是一本生活的好书,令我百读不厌的就是生活中那些精彩的片段。

18、The major peptide fragment of AVT was AVT1_8 (Cys-Tyr-IleGln-Asn-Cys-Pro-Arg) . ─── 发现最主要的一个降解产物为AVT_(1-8)(Cys-Tyr-Ile-Gln-Asn-Cys-Pro-Arg)。

19、This paper is to discuss the derivative of fragmental function on the boundary point,and to put forward the new method to this type of questions. ─── 对分段函数分界点处的求导进行了讨论,对分段函数在分界点处求导的方法进行了改进。

20、At anaphase the dicentric chromatid will form a bridge and the acentric a fragment, both of which can be scored. ─── 在后期双着绿点染色体将形成一个桥,无着绿点染色体单体形成一断片,此两者均可记录下来。

21、A shell fragment ripped open his right arm while he was swimming. ─── 在游泳时碎贝壳划破了他的右臂。

22、If no acknowledgement is received within a system-defined wait time, the sender sends the message fragment again. ─── 如果在系统定义的等待时间内没有收到确认,发送方将再次发送该消息片段。

23、Therefore, the 4.5 kb fragment was isolated and subcloned in pUC 19, and its physical map was made. ─── 因此,将这一4.5kb片段分离出来之后,在pUC19中亚克隆并作酶切图。

24、The code fragment above displays a MIDI file as background music for a web page. ─── 上述代码片断显示了作为网页背景音乐的MIDI文件。

25、Among all the land, there's an increase of agricultural acreage and patches'number, which present a fragmental trend in oasis landscape. ─── 其中耕地面积与斑块数量增加,在绿洲景观中呈现出破碎化趋势。

26、There's a fragment of glass in the wound. ─── 伤口内有玻璃碎片。

27、The social security of the Eastern Han Dynasty is fragmental in con-cret implementation, but as a whole it still forms the embryo of the plate system. ─── 东汉社会保障在具体实施内容上是散碎的,然总体上仍构成了板块性体系雏形。本文从四个方面进行了探讨。

28、A novel cDNA fragment associated with gastric cancer drug resistance screened from a library by mAb MGr1? ─── MGr1抗体筛选文库获得胃癌耐药相关的新基因片段

29、A fragment of the Fuehrer conference of January 27 has preserved part of the scene. ─── 1月27日元首会议记录的片断还保存了这场戏的一部分。

30、The fragment of a life, however typical, is not the sample of an even web. ─── 一段生活,不论如何典型,绝非整齐匀称的网状标本。

31、Fragment The XML data conforms to the rules for a well-formed XML 1.0 Document fragment. ─── XML数据符合格式正确的XML 1.0文档片断适用的规则。

32、Do not let the discussion fragment into a desultory conversation with no clear direction. ─── 不要让讨论变得支离破碎,成为没有明确方向的漫谈。

33、Should a fragment of the message be lost, the protocol retransmits only one fragment rather than the entire message. ─── 如果消息的某个片段丢失,则该协议只需重新传输这一个片段而不是整个消息。

34、Even if the speed is so slow, I also want to get close to the fragment of my dream and the person I love deeply. ─── 即使再缓慢也要接近,梦之碎片与最喜欢的人

35、But that fragment of talk lodged, thick, in his small gizzard. ─── 可是谈话的片断却深深盘据在他的小头脑里面。

36、He pick up all fragment of glass gingerliness. ─── 他小心地拣起所有的玻璃碎片.

37、A thin or faint streakor fragment, as of smoke or clouds. ─── 一缕薄或微弱的条纹或碎片,如烟、云等。

38、The following code fragment deletes the material list. ─── 下面的代码片段释放材质列表

39、Alignment of the PCR fragment showed high identity with Lake Andes strain. ─── PCR产物与 L ake Andes株的相关序列比较 ,广东毒株与 L ake Andes株同源性较高

40、The following code fragment associates a type converter and a UI type editor with the property Value. ─── 以下代码片段将类型转换器和UI类型编辑器与属性Value相关联。

41、Some of fragment ions probably results in Mclafferty rearrangment. ─── 其中许多碎片离子是由麦氏重排而得。

42、The XML data is a well-formed XML fragment. ─── XML数据是格式良好的XML片段。

43、No effort was made to secure the lesser trochanter fragment. ─── 对小转子骨折未采取措施。

44、Every fragment in perpetuity is instantaneous. ─── 在这个永恒中任何片段有仅仅是那么一瞬

45、Perhaps the crescent moon smiles in doubt at being told that it is a fragment awaiting perfection. ─── 也许新月怀疑的笑在被告知它是等候完美的碎片。

46、Aershan reservoir in Hanan Oilfield is a multi layer formation whose faults are very developed and structure is complicated and fragmental. ─── 哈南油田阿尔善组油藏是一断层发育、构造复杂破碎的多层油藏,其油藏流体类型属于黑油。

47、We also measured the dependence of fragmental ratio of each ions on laser intensity and laser power index of total ions. ─── 实验还测得了各产物离子信号分支比对激光强度的依赖性和总离子信号的光强指数。

48、Yingcheng group's volcanic rocks in Shengping gas field are composed of rhyolites, andesites, basalts, felsites and volcanic fragmental rocks. ─── 升平气田白垩系营城组火山岩主要为流纹岩、安山岩、玄武岩、霏细岩及火山碎屑岩。

49、Even if the process is so slow, I also want to get close to the fragment of my dream and the person I love deeply. ─── 在脑海中描绘出爱的形状,一直不断的寻找着。即使再缓慢也要接近,梦之碎片与最喜欢的人

50、Mex: Oh! It's my Relic Fragment! ─── 哦!我的遗迹碎片!

51、If one fragment, one part of you... ─── 如果一个碎片,你的一部分...

52、Fourthly, a prototype system of two dimensional irregular fragmental objects is researched. ─── 接着,进行了平面非规则碎片匹配的原型系统的研究;

53、There would still be a soul fragment in a Horcrux, somewhere out there. ─── 在某个角落仍然有封存着一片灵魂的魂器。

54、Fragmental genetic information at hand, a systematic biological story goes into mind, which has to be an experience at the state of the unspeakable. ─── 喜欢现在的工作,也喜欢现在工作带来的生活状态。

55、Code fragment and comments follow. ─── 包括代码片段和注释。

56、FP-Growth algorithm adopts pattern fragment growth method and only scans database twice. ─── FP-Growth算法是一种基于模式增长的频繁模式挖掘算法,避免了大量候选项集的产生,只需要两次扫描数据库。

57、In the code fragment, the first parameter indicates that this trace event is an exception. ─── 在以上代码片断中,第一个参数指出该跟踪事件是一个异常。

58、Xiao Hong, who was born at the end of the 1960s, should be deeply affected by this fragmental culture and history during his own growth. ─── 出生于上个世纪六十年代末的肖红在他自身的成长过程中,也应该是能够对于这种碎片式的文化历史感同身受。

59、In our viewpoint, managerial mechanisms of information security could be present by a series of fragmental, diversified, but interrelated functions. ─── 在本文的观点下,资讯安全的管理机制可被视为是一连串片断的、多元的、但互相有关连的功能。

60、The following procedure describes how to create a new method from a code fragment of an existing member. ─── 下面的过程描述如何从现有成员的代码段来创建新的方法。

61、The first use of cemented fragmental rock filling in China was conducted atTongkeng tin mine operated by Dachang Mine Bureau. ─── 大厂铜坑锡矿在国内率先使用块石砂浆胶结充填法。

62、Her hand was cut by a fragment of glass. ─── 她的手被一块玻璃碎片划破了。

63、The fragmental coast shows some peculiar high latitude landfbrms formed by wave action with floating ice. ─── 对碎屑海岸受负载浮冰的波浪作用造成的各种现象进行了成因和类型研究。

64、Only the breaking away of the moon from the earth as a single fragment seems definitely excluded. ─── 只是几乎完全排除了月球是从地球分裂出去的碎片。

65、A fragment of 1 011 bp was amplified,and sequence analysis showed it had a 98% homology with Leptospira kirschneri. ─── PCR扩增出1 011 bp大小的目的片段,序列分析显示它与Leptospira kirschneri的LipL41基因成熟肽序列同源性高达98%。

66、You have a code fragment that can be grouped together. ─── 你有一段代码可以被组织在一起并独立出来。

67、The following code fragment illustrates an event declaration and a procedure in which the event is raised. ─── 下面的代码片断阐释了一个事件声明和一个引发该事件的过程。

68、B.thuringiensis can be identified according to 500bp amplified fragment. ─── 500 bp片段可以作为苏云金芽孢杆菌鉴定探针。

69、How many amino acid residues are in the heavy and light chains of the Fab fragment and in lysozyme? ─── Fab片段的重链和轻链由多少个氨基酸残基组成,溶菌酶由多少个氨基酸残基组成?

70、July. Fragment of youth. Waken dream. ─── 七月。青春的零碎。梦醒。

71、A character string or document fragment appears repeatedly and can be abbreviated. ─── 字符串或文档片断反复出现,并且可以缩写。

72、Furthermore, a fragment of 150bp from start codon ATG to 150nt showed the most variation. ─── 从ATG至第150bp区段的核苷酸序列变异频率最高。

73、As one piece of fragmental information can have abundant images, more information may diminish the images and obscure the overall impression. ─── 一个片段信息所衍射出来的意象是非常丰富的,但随着片段信息的不断增加,多种意象相互消减,整体印象反而不明确了。

74、Imagine a fragment of a compiler that manipulates a symbol table. ─── 在存储空间很宝贵的情况下,有可能需要将多个对象保存在一个机器字中。

75、One nucleotide acid fragment (350bp) was obtained in Brassica parachinensis Bailey and Brassica oleracea L. Var. ─── 在49菜心和包菜中扩增到一条(350bp)核酸片段,而在芥兰中扩增到两条(350bp和466bp)核酸片段。

76、The ResetPropertyName method sets a property to its default value, as shown in the following code fragment. ─── Reset PropertyName方法将属性设置为其默认值,如以下代码片段所示。

77、A thin or faint streak or fragment, as of smoke or clouds. ─── 一缕薄或微弱的条纹或碎片,如烟、云等

78、Not a fragment of bone had been discovered in these beds. ─── 在这些岩层中,没有发现过这些动物遗骨的一块碎片。

79、A disconnected piece; a fragment. ─── 不相连的一块; 片段

80、A rock fragment between64 and256 millimeters in diameter, especially one that has been naturally rounded. ─── 圆石子直径由64至256毫米的岩石块,尤指自然形成的圆形石子

81、Deimos has a smooth surface due to a blanket of fragmental rock or regolith, except for the most recent impact craters. ─── 火卫二因碎屑岩或风华层的覆盖而表面光滑,除了最近的撞击坑。

82、The code fragment above displays a MIDI file embedded in a web page. ─── 上述代码片断显示了嵌套在网页中的midi文件。

83、Fragmental 3d - Build Lines with Falling Blocks! ─── 破碎3d -建立与下跌块线!

84、Design primes with fps gene and PCR, obtain 1000bp fragment, proved fps gene was confirmed. ─── 以fps基因设计特异性引物对发状根进行PCR扩增,得到了1000bp的目的基因片段,证明了fps基因在烟草发状根的基因组中得到整合;

85、The code fragment above displays a WAVE file embedded in a web page. ─── 上述代码片断显示了嵌套在网页中的WAVE文件。

86、Expressed Fab fragment has the antigenic specificity for human erythrocytes. ─── 于大肠杆菌表达了具有抗原结合特性的人抗-D抗体Fab段抗体分子。

87、Translocation occurs when a fragment of one chromosome becomes attached to a non-homologous chromosome. ─── 一段染色体跟非同源染色体连在一起时就发生易位。

88、Four primary failure modes observed in the tests are frond fracture,local buckling,fragmental failure and catastrophic failure. ─── 在纤维体积分数相同的情况下,随着编织层数的增加和编织角的减小,圆管的吸能能力有所提高。

89、That is, Wx-Ala gene and Wx-Dla gene present in all wheat lines,but the larger fragment showed length polymorphism. ─── 也就是说在扩增的小麦品种中均存在Wx-Ala和Wx- Dla基因,并且较长的片段显示了长度多态性。

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