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09-13 投稿


irrepressibly 发音

英:[??r??pres?bli]  美:[??r??pres?bli]

英:  美:

irrepressibly 中文意思翻译



irrepressibly 短语词组

1、irrepressibly definition ─── 不可抑制的定义

2、irrepressibly define ─── 无法抑制的定义

3、irrepressibly def ─── 不可抑制地

4、irrepressibly cheerful ─── 无法抑制的快乐

5、irrepressibly drab ─── 无法抑制的单调

irrepressibly 相似词语短语

1、irreprehensibly ─── 不可理喻地

2、irremissibly ─── 无可否认地

3、impressibly ─── 令人印象深刻

4、repressibly ─── 压抑地

5、irrepressible ─── adj.抑制不住的;压服不了的

6、inexpressibly ─── adv.到不能用语言表达的程度

7、irrepressibility ─── n.镇压不住

8、irreversibly ─── adv.不可逆地

9、repressible ─── adj.可抑制的;可镇压的

irrepressibly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There is something irrepressibly joyful about the idea of gay ducks. ─── 同性恋鸭子的想法让人有些忍俊不禁。

2、she never responded to these attacks, save by a flush of crimson that rose irrepressibly over her pale cheek, and again subsided into the depths of her bosom. ─── 她毫无反手之力,只是在苍白的面颊上不禁泛起红潮,然后便潜入内心深处。

3、That irrepressibly provincial housekeeper would be delighted. ─── 那个城府不深,眼光狭隘的女管家肯定会高兴。

4、That irrepressibly provincial nation would be delighted . ─── 那个城府不深,眼光狭隘的女管家肯定会高兴。

5、This is a smile that bubbles up almost irrepressibly. ─── 它是一种无法抗拒绽放的微笑。

6、The play between function and form here is spontaneous and undogmatic: the ramps and stairs of the swimming pool are stamped irrepressibly onto the fa?ades and shape the internal space. ─── 功能和形式之间的作用是自然产生和非教条的:泳池的坡道和楼梯无法避免地显现在立面上,并且形成内部空间。

7、and she never responded to these attacks, save by a flush of crimson that rose irrepressibly over her pale cheek, and again subsided into the depths of her bosom. ─── 她毫无反手之力,只是在苍白的面颊上不禁泛起红潮,然后便潜入内心深处。

8、There is something irrepressibly joyful about the idea of gay ducks. ─── 同性恋鸭子的想法让人有些忍俊不禁。

9、Ginny was irrepressibly rebellious. ─── 杰妮难以驯服地叛逆。

10、A howl of laughter went up irrepressibly. ─── 无法抑制的哈哈大笑爆发了出来。

11、Even the sack would have been unlikely to damp for long the spirits of the voluble, irrepressibly upbeat Prof Hopper (who claims as his personal motto: “Have your cake and eat it”). ─── 就算是解雇,也不可能让健谈又极为乐观的霍珀教授消沉多久。他宣称自己的个人信条是:“鱼和熊掌兼得”。

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