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09-11 投稿


circumcenter 发音

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circumcenter 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 外心


circumcenter 短语词组

1、circumcenter and perpendicular bisectors ─── 外心和垂直平分线

2、circumcenter definition ─── 圆周中心定义

3、circumcenter theorem definition ─── 外心定理定义

4、circumcenter calculator ─── 环心计算器

5、circumcenter formula ─── 外心公式

6、circumcenter problem ─── 环心问题

7、circumcenter of triangle ─── 三角形外心

circumcenter 相似词语短语

1、circumcentre ─── n.外心

2、circumvents ─── v.包围;智取;绕行,规避

3、circumciser ─── 割礼器

4、circumventer ─── 预期

5、circumventor ─── 环绕器

6、circumcentres ─── n.外心

7、circumcenters ─── n.[数]外心;[数]外接圆心

8、circumvent ─── v.包围;智取;绕行,规避

9、circumvented ─── v.包围;智取;绕行,规避

circumcenter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Triangular circumcenter ─── 三角单元外心

2、Two geometric inequalities for the circumcenter of a simplex ─── 涉及单形外心的两个几何不等式

3、explores into the distance formula between median point, orthocenter, circumcenter and inner point of triangle by means of two related formulas of vector methods. ─── 两个向量法相关公式探讨了三角形重心、垂心、外心以及内心之间的距离公式。

4、Circumcenter and Incenter of a Triangle ─── 三角形的外心与内心

5、We considered the finite volume element methods (FVM) based on circumcenter dual subdivision for the elliptic equations and parabolic equations. ─── 考虑基于外心对偶剖分的椭圆型与抛物型方程的有限体积元法。

6、Finite Volume Element Method Based on Circumcenter Dual Subdivisions ─── 基于外心对偶剖分的有限体积元法

7、Application of power law scheme based on the triangular circumcenter to simulation of spur dike recirculating ─── 基于三角单元外心下的幂率格式在丁坝绕流中的应用

8、Application of power law scheme based on the triangular circumcenter to simulation of spur dike recirculating ─── 基于三角单元外心下的幂率格式在丁坝绕流中的应用

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