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09-11 投稿



dzeren 发音


英:  美:

dzeren 中文意思翻译



dzeren 相似词语短语

1、dzerens ─── 饮酒

2、adherence ─── n.坚持;依附;忠诚

3、bredren ─── n.朋友;同志(breddah的复数)

4、adherends ─── n.被粘物;黏剂

5、deferent ─── adj.输送的,输出的;n.导管;(托勒密体系)均轮

6、adherend ─── n.被粘物;黏剂

7、adherents ─── n.(政党、思想的)拥护者;adj.粘着的;遵守的;(植物)联生的

8、mezereon ─── n.欧亚瑞香;欧亚瑞香树皮;丁香花;adj.瑞香科的

9、adherent ─── n.(政党、思想的)拥护者;adj.粘着的;遵守的;(植物)联生的

dzeren 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Now with its small number,the dzeren have become one of the rare species. ─── 因此,帕羊成了南线上一个重要的食宿地。

2、In the past,there were large number of dzeren,but out of the uncontrolled hunting,most of the dzeren had been hunted and was coming to extinction. ─── 长途货车一般都会在帕羊停留一晚,检查车辆之余兼带养精蓄锐。

3、Dzeren have the thin and beautiful outlines and often live in the grassland of Semi-desert areas. ─── 黄羊的体形纤瘦,身姿优美,栖息于半沙漠地区的草原地带。

4、Dzeren have the thin and beautiful outlines and often live in the grassland of Semi-desert areas. ─── 黄羊的体形纤瘦,身姿优美,栖息于半沙漠地区的草原地带。

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