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08-21 投稿


caking 发音

英:[?ke?k??]  美:[?ke?k??]

英:  美:

caking 中文意思翻译




caking 词性/词形变化,caking变形

动词现在分词: cakewalking |动词过去分词: cakewalked |动词过去式: cakewalked |动词第三人称单数: cakewalks |名词: cakewalker |

caking 短语词组

1、caking quality ─── 烧结性

2、caking power ─── [机] 粘结力

3、non-caking ─── [化] 不结块的

4、caking of crystals ─── [机] 晶体块结

5、non-caking black ─── [化] 不结块的炭黑

6、caking coal ─── [化] 粘结性煤

7、anti-caking ─── 抗结块

8、caking strength ─── 粘结强度

9、weakly caking coal ─── [化] 弱粘结煤

10、caking live ─── 现场结块

11、non-caking coal ─── [化] 不粘结煤

12、caking fertilizer ─── [机] 块状肥料

13、caking index ─── 粘结指数

14、caking capacity ─── [机] 结块性

15、caking property ─── [机] 粘结性

16、caking inhibitor ─── 结块抑制剂

17、caking art ─── 结块艺术

18、caking yarn ─── 结块纱

19、anti-caking additive ─── 防结块添加剂

caking 相似词语短语

1、baking ─── v.(在烤炉里)烘烤;烘焙;(将某物)烤硬;(变得)灼热;(非正式)(在太阳下)晒(bake的现在分词);n.烘焙,烘烤;adj.灼热的

2、cacking ─── 咯咯叫

3、raking ─── v.(用耙或类似工具)耙;(用耙)耙平地面;耙(灰);搔(某物,尤指人的皮肤);拖,拉;(用火力)扫射;扫过;搜寻;确定(某物的)倾斜度;(船桅杆、烟囱)成倾角;(艏、艉)倾斜;(猎犬)鼻子贴地追踪猎物(rake的现在分词);n.刮蹭犯规

4、taking ─── n.取得;捕获;营业收入;adj.可爱的;迷人的;会传染的;v.拿;捕捉;夺取(take的ing形式)

5、calking ─── n.填隙;塞缝;v.填…以防漏水(calk的ing形式)

6、faking ─── v.伪造;假装;制造(某事)即将发生的假象;把绳子松松挽好;把(帆)在主桅的一侧咯下叠好;做假动作(fake的现在分词)

7、making ─── n.发展;制造;形成;v.制作(make的现在分词)

8、carking ─── adj.烦人的;恼人的;v.使烦恼(cark的ing形式)

9、coking ─── v.炼焦(coke的现在分词形式)

caking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Try a hot cake," said Mammy inexorably. ─── "试试吃个热饼,"嬷嬷好像求她似的。

2、She weighed out flour, sugar, and butter for a cake. ─── 她量出做一只蛋糕的面粉,糖和奶油。

3、She patted the dough into a flat cake. ─── 她把面团轻轻拍成扁饼。

4、Had summarized the main causation of UHT milk-caking. And had tested the UHT milk-caking in a microbial indicators and protease activity. ─── 总结了UHT乳产生结块问题的主要原因,并对发生结块的UHT乳进行了微生物指标与蛋白酶活性的检测。

5、She cut herself a large wodge of chocolate cake. ─── 她为自己切一大块巧克力蛋糕。

6、some materials for prevention of fertilizer caking are recommended. ─── 介绍了各种具有防止肥料结块性能的材料。

7、She wanteda cake, preferably one with chocolate icing. ─── 她想吃蛋糕,最好是有巧克力糖衣的。

8、A piece of cake got lodged in her throat. ─── 一块蛋糕卡在他的喉咙里了。

9、A small, thin, crisp cake, biscuit, or candy. ─── 华夫饼干一种小而薄、脆的饼、饼干或糖果

10、Stay at home and watch TV or go to the party with us. You cannot eat your cake and have it. ─── 你要么待在家里看电视,要么跟我们去参加舞会,你只能二者选其一。

11、A solid cake that won't crumb. ─── 不会碎裂的坚硬蛋糕

12、She usually bake cake on Saturday; it take her about two hours. ─── 她通常在星期六烤糕点; 大约要用两小时。

13、She has to bake lots of cake for a children's party last saturday; it take all morning. ─── 上星期六她不得不为孩子们的聚会烤了许多糕点,花了一上午的时间。

14、She dredged a little sugar over the cake. ─── 她在点心上撒了点糖。

15、His cake is four times as big as mine. ─── 他的蛋糕是我的四倍大。

16、The function of caking index in production and its relationship with ash of coal for coke making are discussed in the paper. ─── 文中讨论了粘结指数在生产中的作用及与炼焦煤灰分的关系。

17、I'll bring a cake home for everybody for Christmas. ─── 圣诞节我去买一个蛋糕回家吧。

18、She sifted the brown sugar on the top of the cake . ─── 她在糕饼上撒上了一点褐色的糖。

19、She hadn't spent hours slaving over a hot stove! That was shop-bought cake if ever I saw one. ─── 她并未在热烘烘的火炉前劳累几个小时!如果我没看错的话,那蛋糕是从商店里买来的。

20、He ate the cake provided for his breakfast. ─── 他把留给他作早点的糕点吃了。

21、Another cake? You're insatiable! ─── 再来一块蛋糕? 你可真贪得无厌!

22、A leavened rum cake, usually made with raisins. ─── 兰姆糕一种发酵的兰姆酒蛋糕,一般用葡萄干制成

23、Winning that prize is a piece of cake! ─── 夺得那个奖,简直易如反掌。

24、You cannot eat your cake and have it too. ─── 你不能吃掉蛋糕而又保有它。

25、The cook frosted the cake with sugar. ─── 厨师用糖撒在糕点上。

26、She measured out the flour, butter, and sugar and started to mix a cake. ─── 她量出一定量的面粉、黄油和糖,开始拌做糕饼。


28、She washed her hands with a cake of soap. ─── 她用肥皂洗手。

29、Oh goody, there's some cake! ─── 好哇,还有些蛋糕呢!

30、There's only one piece of cake left. ─── 只剩下一块饼了。

31、She sampled the cake and found it very good. ─── 她试吃蛋糕,觉得很好吃。

32、What size of cake did you have in mind? ─── 你要多大的蛋糕?

33、You must avoid taking sweet foods, e.g. cake, chocolate, and ice cream. ─── 你必须避免吃甜食,诸如蛋糕、巧克力和冰淇淋。

34、Have you some tea to wash the fry cake down? ─── 你倒点茶水把这干蛋糕烟下去,好吗?

35、Have some more cake! You need fattening up a bit. ─── 再吃些蛋糕!你要长胖些。

36、He had his cake dough and felt sorry all the time. ─── 他的计划失败了,所以一直难过。

37、Why did not you sift some sugar on to the cake ? ─── 你为什么没在糕点上撒点糖呢?

38、He cut the cake into pieces and gave each of us a wedge. ─── 他把蛋糕切成块,给我们每人分了一块。

39、Don't scant the butter when you make a cake. ─── 做糕饼时不要吝惜奶油。

40、He topped the cake with whipped cream. ─── 他在蛋糕上浇了掼奶油。

41、He gave us measly little portions of cake. ─── 他给了我们少得可怜的一点蛋糕。

42、She often buys some cake mixes on weekends. ─── 她通常在周末买些蛋糕混合料。

43、The boys cut the cake in two and ate half each. ─── 两个男孩把蛋糕切成两块,一人吃一半。

44、He blew out all the candles on his birthday cake at one go. ─── 他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛。

45、He thought his first solo flight a piece of cake. ─── 他认为他第一次单飞一点都不难。

46、They had cake and ice cream at the party. ─── 在交谊会上他们吃蛋糕和冰淇淋。

47、He wants a regular income but doesn't want to work. He can't have his cake and eat it! ─── 他又想要有稳定的收入,又不想工作. 他不能两者兼得。

48、The basic car it adequate and the special wheel trims and two-tone paintwork are just icing on the cake. ─── 一般的汽车就能满足需要,特殊车轮的装饰物和双色调漆只是不必要的点缀品而已。

49、Assed with substances to prevent caking. ─── 加入此物质为避免结成固体状。

50、He thinks it'll be a piece of cake. ─── 他认为那是唾手可得的事。

51、He dropped crumbs of cake all over the table. ─── 他把蛋糕屑丢得满桌都是。

52、They cut the cake in two and ate half each. ─── 他们把蛋糕分成两块,每人吃半块。

53、It can be widely used for drying particles, crystals, and caking materials in pharmacy, chemistry, food feeding industry. ─── 可广泛用于制药,化工,食品加工,饲料等行业,对颗粒状,结晶体,滤饼,粉状,小块状物料进行干燥。

54、He divided the cake among six boys. ─── 他把这块蛋糕分给六个男孩。

55、Sugar is a sine qua non ingredient in any kind of cake. ─── 任何糕点中,糖都是不可缺少的原料。

56、Have some more cheese cake. ─── 再吃点干酪蛋糕吧。

57、They fete his recovery with ice - cream and cake. ─── 他们以冰淇淋和蛋糕庆祝他的康复。

58、He passed me one fifth of the cake. ─── 他递给我五分之一个蛋糕。

59、A birthday cake is going to be brought to the table by the cook. ─── 一只生日蛋糕将被厨师放到桌子上。

60、His cake is three times bigger than mine. ─── 他的蛋糕比我的大三倍。

61、As soon as he touched the hot cake, he yanked his hand away with a cry of pain. ─── 他的手一摸着滚烫的饼,就疼得大叫了一声,马上把手抽了回来。

62、Don't skimp the butter in making a cake. ─── 做糕点时不要吝惜放奶油。

63、effects of treatment time and compositions on the caking-resistant characteristics are studied. ─── 研究了处理时间和组成对脱脂奶粉抗结块性能的影响。

64、caking reasons of sodium sulfate are analysed and the ways for preventing it from caking are given. ─── 分析元明粉结块的内、外因,提出了防止元明粉结块的基本方法。

65、She finally buy the cake with the most beautiful garnishment. ─── 她最后买下了装饰最漂亮的那个蛋糕。

66、The two children had to go halves on the last piece of cake. ─── 两个孩子只好平分最後一块糕点。

67、The chef sprinkle poppy seed on the cake. ─── 厨师往蛋糕上撒罂粟籽。

68、Sift the flour before making the cake . ─── 做点心之前,先把面粉筛一下。

69、She portioned out the cake, so everyone had a piece. ─── 她将蛋糕切成多块,每人可得一份。

70、He lit the candles on the birthday cake. ─── 他点燃了生日蛋糕上的小蜡烛。

71、She split the cake and filled it with jelly . ─── 她把点心掰成两半在中心夹上了果冻。

72、Sift the flour before making the cake. ─── 做蛋糕前先把面粉筛一下。

73、He bit into a cake. ─── 他一囗咬住蛋糕。

74、She put a sprinkle of sugar on the top of her cake. ─── 她在蛋糕上洒了一点糖。

75、She levelled the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula. ─── 她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料。

76、The cake is dotted with cranberries. ─── 一些小红莓点缀着蛋糕。

77、The pure yam drink has good stability for normal temperature and low temperature storage, has no sedimentation and caking phenomenon. ─── 在常温和低温下存放时稳定性好,无沉淀和结块现象。

78、She's so refined that she always eats cake with a little fork. ─── 她非常文雅,吃蛋糕一定用小叉子。

79、The quality of metallurgical coke is improved by means of controlling caking index in the coking plant of Taiyuan Iron &Steel Complex. ─── 太钢焦化厂通过控制粘结指数指标提高了冶金焦炭的质量。

80、You must avoid sweet foods, e.g. cake, chocolate, sugar and ice cream. ─── 你要避免吃甜食,例如蛋糕、巧克力、糖和冰淇淋。

81、The meat of the walnut can be used in cake. ─── 做蛋糕时可用胡桃肉。

82、Thus the final cake moisture is lower. ─── 因而最终泥饼的含水量也较低了。

83、We have a choice of cake or ice cream. ─── 你可以任选蛋糕或冰淇淋。

84、She cut the cake into quarters. ─── 她把蛋糕切成四份。

85、He cut the cake up and gave each of us a piece. ─── 他把饼切开分给我们每人一小块。

86、Contented himself with one piece of cake. ─── (他)吃了一块蛋糕非常地满足

87、Can I entice you to a piece of cake? ─── 你吃一块蛋糕好吗?

88、Doing my algebra was a piece of cake. ─── 做代数学对我来说简直太容易了。

89、transport and storage should avoid dampness, moisture - caking property invariant distribution solution after use. ─── 运输和保管应避免受潮,受潮结块后性能不变可配成溶液使用。

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