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09-09 投稿


contradictor 发音

英:[[k?ntr?'d?kt?]]  美:[[k?ntr?'d?kt?]]

英:  美:

contradictor 中文意思翻译



contradictor 相似词语短语

1、contradicters ─── 矛盾

2、contractor ─── n.承包人;立契约者

3、contradictories ─── adj.矛盾的;反对的;反驳的;抗辩的;n.对立物;矛盾因素

4、contradict ─── vt.反驳;否定;与…矛盾;与…抵触;vi.反驳;否认;发生矛盾

5、contradicted ─── 反驳;矛盾

6、contradictory ─── adj.矛盾的;反对的;反驳的;抗辩的;n.对立物;矛盾因素

7、contradicter ─── 矛盾者

8、contradicts ─── vt.反驳;否定;与…矛盾;与…抵触;vi.反驳;否认;发生矛盾

9、contradiction ─── n.矛盾;否认;反驳

contradictor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The statements which comply with the laws of the Religion are the sound sayings, whereas the sayings which contradict the Religion are abhorrent and evil. ─── 与宗教法相符的声明属合理言论,反之抵触宗教就很可憎和低劣。

2、To oppose, contradict, or call into question. ─── 反对,冲突,质问

3、Because nothing will happen, if it is contradIct with loving you. ─── 因为任何事与爱你抵触者无效。

4、If the other party is not congenial or seemingly holds one in contempt, one would contradict by saying that one has all along looked down on him, or even hate the sight of him! ─── 对方不是很投契的类型,他更好像看不起我,那么,我们会反过来说:我根本看不起他,甚至有些讨厌他呢!

5、You are a woman: you must never speak what you think,your words must contradict your thought,but your actions may contradict your words. ─── 你是个女人:千万别讲你想的事情,你的话一定会跟你的思想矛盾,而你的行动又可能跟你的话矛盾。

6、She waxes righteously indignant if anyone tries to contradict her. ─── 如果有人想反驳她,她说起话来就会义愤填膺。

7、 双语使用场景

8、But you know what, if your parents never really fully contradict you about anything, and like are basically nice, and supportive. ─── 但是,你知道吗?如果你的父母从未真正反对你做的每件事,基本上对你很好、支持你。

9、I am sorry to contradict you but there is no mention of economic considerations on the price of cotonine in any ancient text. ─── 对不起,我要反驳你,但在任何古代文字中在cotonine的价格上没有提到经济方面的考虑。

10、But there was no need to contradict her now, her agreement was already victory enough. ─── 可是他不便于再别扭她,只要能拉车去,他已经算得到一次胜利。

11、An investor who makes decisions that contradict prevailing wisdom, as in buying securities that are unpopular at the time. ─── 反向投资者做出与大众的智识相反决定的投资者,如购买当时不被看好的证券

12、Once an avid reader himself, he is disgusted with the idea of books and detests how they all contradict and refute each other. ─── 他曾经是一个渴望阅读的读者,但是他对书上的思想感到作恶,厌恶它们是如何的矛盾,并且一一地反驳它们。

13、Defending the comments of the provincial party leader, Mr.Liu said they did nothing to contradict China’s commitment to avoid politicizing the Games. ─── 刘先生在为自治区共-产-党领导人的言论辩护时声称,他们并没有做出任何有违中国为避免奥运政治化所作承诺的事情。

14、It means that the defendant did not even try to contradict what the first prosecution witness said in court. ─── 上诉人在盘问时,没有对他和控方第一证人之间的交易过程,提出任何异议。

15、A traditional, theoretical view supposes that raising tuition will contradict the above aims. ─── 一直以来,理论界认为提高缴费标准,会损害教育公平和社会福利。

16、You are a woman: you must never speak what you think; your words must contradict your thought, but your actions may contradict your words. ─── 你是个女人:千万别讲你想的事情;你的话一定会跟你的思想矛盾,而你的行动又可能跟你的话矛盾。

17、Additional, contemporary do not contradict with the tradition, any spaces in the home put furniture of on 9 Chinese style the metropolis is very sapid, grace many. ─── 另外,现代和传统并不矛盾,在家中的任何空间放上一两件中式家具都会很有味道,增 色不少。

18、It was saucy of you to contradict your boss. ─── 你顶撞你的老板真是没礼貌。

19、He had a tattoo on his face which branded him as a criminal, so he dared not contradict the court. ─── 他因忤逆朝廷被刻上了金印。

20、Francis Bacon: Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, let to weigh and consider. ─── 培根:读书时不可存心诘难作者,不可尽信书中之言,亦不可段章取义,而应推敲细思。

21、You actions contradict your principles. ─── 你的行为与你的道义相悖。

22、Creationists argue that the biblical creation account does not contradict true science. ─── 上帝论者说,圣经里的创世理论并不与真正的科学相矛盾。

23、Assertion is not argument, to contradict the statement of an opponent is not proof that you are innocent. ─── 坚持已见不是论据,反驳对方的说法也不能证明你就是正确的。

24、She doesn't like to contradict her husband in public. ─── 她不愿在众人面前反驳她丈夫。

25、No decrees in effect can contradict the constitution. ─── 任何现行法都不可以和宪法相悖。

26、The theories of Confucianism and Taoism repel,contradict and couple with each other,thus forming the systematic mechanism of ancient China's aesthetic harmony conception. ─── 儒道两家学说互斥互补 ,对立统一 ,二元耦合 ,形成古代和谐观相互耦合的系统机制

27、No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. ─── 不管某一理论如何与多少回的实验结果相一致,你决不能断定这一理论将与下一次实验结果不会有矛盾。

28、These are: body language, avoiding eye contact, when their voice changes from high to low pitch, and when they contradict themselves. ─── 它们是:肢体语言,避免眼神交流,但他们的声音由高变低,以及他们自相矛盾。

29、"I don't know that I've anything smart enough to wear," Mary said pursing her lips; this was to make me contradict her. If I valued my life I had to buy her something smart. ─── “我不知道我有什么时髦的衣服可穿。”玛丽噘着嘴巴说。她这话本可让我和她顶起嘴来。要想不顶嘴,我只得给她买点时髦的服装了。

30、If you argue and rankle and contradict, you may achieve a victory sometimes; but it will be an empty victory because you will never get your opponent's good will. ─── 如果你辩论、反驳,或许你会得到胜利,可是那胜利是短暂、空虚的,你永远得不到,对方给你的好感。

31、Body signals that can't be helped sometimes contradict the messages of spoken language. ─── 不能控制的身体信号有时会与说出来的语言信息相矛盾。

32、Assertion is not argument, to contradict the statement of an opponent is not proof that youarecorrect. ─── 坚定的看法不是论据,反驳对手的说法不能证明你是正确的。

33、Puzzlingly, however, the results contradict other observations and do not fit with constraints deduced from astrophysics. ─── 不过,令人费解的是,这项结果和其他的实验观察结果并不相容,而且也不符合天文物理学界所推论出的限制。

34、Before the Wuhan team Lubo Fei and Li Kun has been suspended due to contradict referee 6 games and 3 games. ─── 之前,武汉队的陆博飞和李鲲也因为顶撞裁判被停赛6场和3场。

35、The two statements contradict each other. ─── 两种说法相互抵触。

36、Henry thinks he is always right and gets on his high horse if anyone dares to contradict him. ─── 亨利认为他总是对的,如果有人敢于反驳他的话,他就摆出一副盛气凌人的架势。

37、Here we find ourselves among forms of family which directly contradict those hitherto generally assumed to be alone valid. ─── 在这里,我们可以看见一系列家庭形式,这些家庭形式,同那些迄今习惯上认为唯一通行的形式正相矛盾。

38、In case the contractual JV agreement and the articles of association contradict with the contractual JV, the contract shall prevail. ─── 合作企业协议、章程的内容与合作企业合同不一致的,以合作企业合同为准。

39、Soppose you should contradict yourself,what then? ─── 假设你说了,那又怎么样呢?

40、You must not contradict mummy. ─── 你不应该跟妈妈顶嘴。

41、Your present letter seems to contradict the previous one. Please clarify. ─── 你方目前这封信与前一封信似乎相互矛盾,请澄清。

42、English: Confucius said:"I conversed with Yan Hui and throughout the conversation, he did not ask, disagree or contradict, similar to someone who is slow to learn. ─── 孔子说:“我和颜回言,整日他没有反问,像愚鲁人一般。待他退下,我省查他的私人言行,对我所言,甚能发挥。回呀!

43、Speak what you think now in hard words and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict everything you said to-day. ─── 今天你想说什么就像发连珠炮似的说什么;明天你想说什么,就斩钉截铁地说什么,哪怕跟你今天所说的是相互矛盾的。

44、Do the Thought of "the People are Foundation" and the Theory of "Working with Brain and Laboring with Body" Held by Mencius Contradict Each Other? ─── 孟子的"民本"思想与"劳心劳力"说是矛盾的吗?

45、In the time since Heth took power a sizable number of citizens, believing the rule of a single man to contradict Caldari ideals, have left the country. ─── 他首先没收财富的中高层次管理人员和管理人员都在国家和再分配它属于最低高高处于劳动力。

46、Being just an expedient to facilitate Chinese-English translation, the principle is not supposed to contradict the present Chinese studies. ─── 作为只是利于汉英翻译转换的权宜之计,该原则并不与现行汉语语言研究的本体范畴相抵触。

47、In order to build China into a real state ruled by law, those regulations, which conflict and contradict each other, must be smoothed out. ─── 为了把我国建设成真正的法治国家,就必须消除这些相互冲突、相互矛盾的法律规定。

48、Comments that contradict the code are worse than no comments. Always make a priority of keeping the comments up-to-date when the code changes! ─── 同代码不一致的注释比没注释更差。当代码修改时,始终优先更新注释!

49、But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began to contradict what was spoken by Paul, reviling him. ─── 但犹太人看见人这样多,就满心嫉妒,硬驳保罗所说的话,并且毁谤。

50、They have made the decision not to stop the line when a seat is defective, which appears to contradict basic TPS principles. ─── 他们决定当座椅有缺陷时不停止生产线,这看起来与基本的TPS原则相互矛盾。

51、She does not like to contradict her husband in public. ─── 她不喜欢当众与丈夫顶嘴。

52、The very first article of the "October 10th Agreement" is on "peace and national reconstruction"; Don't these words on paper contradict reality? ─── 《双十协定》上第一条就是“和平建国”,写在纸上的话和事实岂不矛盾?

53、A spokesman was quick to contradict this statement to the press. ─── 一个发言人很快出来向媒体否认了这个说法。

54、They contradict each other all the time. ─── 他们总是相互抵触。

55、Your actions contradict your principles. ─── 你的行为与你的道义相矛盾。

56、Pentagon Press Secretary Morrell was quick to say Gates is not calling for negotiations with Iran now, which would contradict the president's position. ─── 五角大楼发言人莫雷尔急忙表示,盖茨并不是呼吁现在就与伊朗举行会谈,如果是这样的话,盖茨就和总统的立场相矛盾了。

57、The Indus civilization appears to contradict the hydraulic despotism hypothesis of the origin of urban civilization and the state. ─── 印度文明显然是与城市文明与国家的水利专制假说相抵触。

59、His private actions are in direct contradiction to/with (ie directly contradict) his publicly expressed opinions. ─── 他私下的行为跟公开的言论完全是两码事。

60、Francis Bacon: Read not to contradict and confute,not to believe and take for granted,nor to find talk and discourse,let to weigh and consider. ─── 培根:读书时不可存心诘难作者,不可尽信书中之言,亦不可断章取义,而应推敲细思。

61、We tend to remember news that accords with our worldview, and discount statements that contradict it. ─── 人们往往记住符合人们内心世界观的新闻,对与之相矛盾的说法则打折扣。

62、Her colleague, David Perrett from St Andrews, said: "Our results contradict claims that machismo denotes fitness and disease immunity. ─── 她的同事、圣•安德鲁大学的大卫•皮雷特说:“我们的结果与‘男人味意味着身体健康和疾病免疫力较强’一说相矛盾。

63、Most believers see these diversities as complementing each other and leave to scholars the argument that the primal documents may compete with and contradict each other. ─── 大多数信徒把这些差异性看作是互相弥补,留给学者去争论原始手稿是相辅相承还是相互矛盾。

64、He looked round fiercely, daring them to contradict. ─── 他狂野地环顾着四周,挑战似地看看有谁反驳。

65、Young children should never contradict what their parents say. ─── 孩子们绝对不应顶撞父母。

66、Don't contradict your father. ─── 别和你父亲犟嘴。

67、It was saucy of you to contradict your father. ─── 你顶撞父亲,真是无礼。

68、Another important way in which theism is commonly said to contradict science is in respect to creation. ─── 另一种断言通常认为有神论和科学相抵触,这种重要断言和创世有关。

69、A Bureau for Political Work of the Ministry of National Defence can contradict the Ministry of National Defence as well as the acting president. ─── 一个国防部政工局可以和国防部互相矛盾,又可以和它的代总统互相矛盾。

70、Because their daily experiences contradict the official ideas of our society. ─── 因为他们的日常经验跟我们社会的官方意识是相悖的。

71、One example is the ignored work of scientists dabbling in ideas that contradict neodarwinian dogma. ─── 其中一个例子介绍了涉足与新达尔文教条主义抵触的思想的科学家们被忽略的工作。

72、While when they two contradict to each other, we should insist the priority of employment, because it accords with the idea of human's full development. ─── 但当二者发生矛盾时,应坚持以就业为先导的以人为本的思想,因为它是与人的全面发展的思想相一致的。

73、And consequently they not only contradict the writers of historical memoirs, but also contradict themselves. ─── 其结果是他们不仅与专题史学家矛盾,而且自相矛盾。

74、The above three contradict and interact with each other so as to achieve final perfection. ─── 三者之间,由矛盾沟通,相互影响,并最终指向完善自身的终极目的。

75、Here, here I stand on the Word of God, except what I had written is contradict with the word of God and my conscious, I will never withdraw. ─── 如今我站在上帝的言语上,除非我清楚看见我所已经写出来的东西是违背圣经,也违背良心,我绝对不收回。

76、He did not contradict his attorney's comment. ─── 他没有反驳律师的意见。

77、The Invid commander, without the Regent there to contradict, will listen to me. ─── 因维人的指挥官,在没有瑞金特的时候,会听我的话。”

78、They do not necessarily contradict the view that women are less severely treated then men. ─── 他们未必否认这个观点:女性没有受到像男性那样严厉的对待。

79、Ethics does not contradict the law, but improves it. ─── 伦理与法律并无矛盾,它要改进法律。

80、Giles did not contradict him. ─── 基尔斯没有反驳他。

81、For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. ─── 因为我必赐你们口才、智慧,是你们一切敌人所敌不住、驳不倒的。

82、Your actions contradict your declared moral principles. ─── 你的行为违背了你宣称的道德准则。

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