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dulcimer 发音

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dulcimer 中文意思翻译



dulcimer 网络释义

n. 洋琴

dulcimer 短语词组

1、dulcimer tuning ─── 扬琴调音

2、dulcimer instrument ─── 扬琴乐器

3、dulcimer table ─── 扬琴台

4、dulcimer chords ─── 扬琴和弦

5、dulcimer girl ─── 扬琴女孩

6、dulcimer tuner ─── 扬琴调谐器

7、dulcimer crossing ─── 扬琴穿越

8、dulcimer youtube ─── 扬琴youtube

9、dulcimer music ─── 扬琴音乐

dulcimer 词性/词形变化,dulcimer变形

动词现在分词: dulcifying |动词过去分词: dulcified |动词过去式: dulcified |动词第三人称单数: dulcifies |名词: dulcification |

dulcimer 相似词语短语

1、dulcimers ─── n.扬琴

2、dulcite ─── n.己六醇

3、Mulciber ─── 穆西伯。

4、dulcifies ─── 乐果

5、dulcinea ─── n.达尔西妮亚(女子名);理想中的爱人(出至堂吉柯德想象中美丽并与之相爱的普通农家姑娘)

6、dulcimore ─── 杜西默琴

7、dulcamara ─── n.白英,蜀羊泉;n.(Dulcamara)(英、意、美、法)杜尔卡马拉(人名)

8、dulcified ─── 愉悦的

9、declaimer ─── n.朗读者,演说者

dulcimer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In 1997, she gave a dulcimer solo concert at the Assembly Hall of Jiangsu Province to commemorate the returning of Hong Kong and was well received. ─── 1997年在江苏省政府礼堂举办“迎香港回归”扬琴独奏音乐会;获得巨大成功,深受好评;

2、The instruments are mainly zhuiqin, two-string Chinese violin, dulcimer, lute and others. ─── 伴奏乐器中,主奏乐器为坠琴,另有二胡、扬琴、琵琶等乐器。

3、The Schools and Appreciation of Traditional Music Played on the Dulcimer ─── 扬琴传统乐曲的流派和欣赏

4、Contemporary Instrumental: Piano, Flute, Cello, Violin, Electric / Acoustic Guitar With Rhythmic Hand Percussion Accented By The Hammered Dulcimer And Placed In Lush Orchestral Arrangements. ─── 当代乐器:钢琴、长笛、大提琴、小提琴、电声/声学吉他同节拍手敲打击版一起,由德西马琴加强效果,并置于繁复的管弦乐编曲中。

5、Warm up piece for the concert.Played on a dulcimer by me =D. ─── [风华国乐] 光阴 - 姜克美 [二胡] 张高翔 [扬琴] 姜景洪 [笛子] - 沈丹 [作曲] ...

6、Regional Characteristics of Traditional Dulcimer ─── 传统扬琴的地域特征

7、Huang Xin-fang got the second prize for the dulcimer in Group B of junior high school in the National Student Music Contest, Ping-tung County, 2006. ─── 屏东县95学年度全国学生音乐比赛国中B组扬琴独奏优等第二名:黄莘芳。

8、Opera houses on the market many varieties: Sichuan Opera sit sing (attacks Wai drums), and Sichuan voiceless, Sichuan bamboo-qin (dulcimer), leaves a cappella more generally storytellers teahouse. ─── 书场茶馆戏曲品种不少:有川剧坐唱(打围鼓)、四川清音、四川竹琴(扬琴)、荷叶清唱更普遍是说书茶馆。

9、Stringed instruments musical instrument (zheng, guqin, dulcimer, harp and so on) which kind cheapest? Most easy to learn? ─── 弦乐乐器(古筝,古琴,扬琴,竖琴等等)哪种最便宜?最好学?

10、dulcimer art ─── 扬琴艺术

11、On Dulcimer Performance and the Inner Auditory Sensation ─── 论扬琴演奏与内心听觉

12、After each run dulcimer, do not relax the strings, because often tuning tuning, string tension than when the greater pressure. ─── 每次用完扬琴以后,不必放松琴弦,因为经常调弦定音,会比琴弦张紧时的压力更大。

13、The "yang qin" , a hammered dulcimer of Near Eastern origin, is commonly used for entertainment. ─── 在中国,人们经常将“扬琴”这种源于近东,用木槌敲击的琴用于娱乐。

14、However, he paralyzed, and can not do anything, and the family erhu, dulcimer, has become children's plaything. ─── 但他瘫了,什么也干不了了,家里的二胡,扬琴,成了孩子们的玩物。

15、The story of Su Wu of Han Dynasty.Played on a dulcimer / yang qin by me.(Sorry no vid again... ─── )满怀大志而力尽苍伤的躯壳在流放的荒野上无声地叫喊还可盼望展翅成器的一天...

16、the dulcimer ─── 扬琴

17、very good...... ( 4 days ago by yangqinksvery good... beautifully played....I play this piece of music on my yangqin (dulcimer) too! ─── 现在逢打功夫都用此曲做背景音乐,澹叔又将它填埋词,但我始终最喜欢还是这原装版本,现代版本无得比!

18、The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early keyboard instruments of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries -- the spinet, the dulcimer, and the virginal. ─── 钢琴的家系可以追溯至15至16世纪早期的键盘乐器,包括小型拨弦琴、洋琴和维金娜琴。

19、Frighten ghost ah you!"BE a Ru dulcimer. ─── “哇!!!!!吓鬼呀你!”原来是茹笙。

20、solved these problems, can improve the efficiency of dulcimer study greatly. ─── 解决好这些新问题,可以大大提高扬琴学习的效率。

21、Accompaniment of traditional musical instruments, the text field to four HU, dulcimer, flute-based, or to the erhu, sanxian, Sheng, cello; ─── 传统伴奏乐器,文场以四胡、扬琴、笛子为主,合以二胡、三弦、笙、大提琴;

22、From Wuhan, just study guitar and dulcimer. ─── 来自武汉,初学吉他,扬琴。

23、Comparison and study on traditional Chinese schools of dulcimer ─── 中国扬琴传统流派比较研究

24、Dulcimer usually appears in a happy music. ─── 扬琴一般用来弹奏轻快的曲子。

25、The larger zither family includes such instruments as the Aeolian harp, autoharp, cimbalom, dulcimer, koto, and even the clavichord, harpsichord, and piano. ─── 齐特族乐器品种不一,包括如风鸣琴、自动竖琴、小提琴、扬琴、日本古琴,以及击弦键琴、大键琴和钢琴。

26、The Art of the Belorussian Dulcimer ─── 白俄罗斯的扬琴艺术

27、A damsel with a dulcimer In a vision once I saw: It was an Abyssinian maid, And on her dulcimer she played, Singing of Mount Abora. ─── 有一回本人在幻象中见到一个手拿德西马琴的姑娘:那是个阿比西尼亚少女,在她的琴上她奏出乐曲,歌唱着阿伯若山。

28、An early known version of this instrument in Arabia was called the "Kannun".Today an instrument in wide use of this same family is the Hammered Dulcimer. ─── 商品描述: The Cimbalom is a musical instrument of the Hungarian Gypsies, and may be tracked back in history to the Orient and the Middle East.

29、In the 1920s, there were four main traditional dulcimer schools in China.They are dulcimer schools in Guangdong, Jiangnan, Sichuan and Northeast of China. ─── 上世纪二十年代前后,我国形成了四个中国扬琴传统流派:广东音乐扬琴流派、江南丝竹扬琴流派、四川扬琴流派和东北扬琴流派。

30、Paint stains on dulcimer, should also promptly wipe clean stubborn stains with a soft clean fabric dipped in a little toothpaste. ─── 扬琴漆面上有污迹,也应及时擦拭干净,顽固的污迹可用柔软的织物蘸稍许牙膏擦拭。

31、His 8-year-old granddaughter has passed dulcimer grade 7 and is learning Yangqin and Latin dance. ─── 外孙女8岁,扬琴演奏已达七级,还学习拉丁舞。

32、The artistic expression the bamboo hammers play in the music of dulcimer ─── 谈琴竹在扬琴音乐中的艺术表现作用

33、The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early keyboard instruments of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries--the spinet, the dulcimer, and the virginal. ─── 钢琴的家系可以追溯至15至16世纪早期的键盘乐器,包括小型拨弦琴、扬琴和维金娜琴。

34、A purview and a preview of the dulcimer music in China ─── 中国扬琴音乐现状及未来发展空间的思考

35、hammer dulcimer ─── 洋琴, 扬琴

36、Some Notes on the Performing Sequences of Bamboo Playing on the Dulcimer ─── 扬琴竹序浅论

37、Dulcimer usually appears in a happy music. ─── 扬琴一般用来弹奏轻快的曲子。

38、Dulcimer used in a long time or by climatic effects will inevitably be some problems and damage, which would be promptly repaired. ─── 扬琴使用年久或受到气候的影响,难免会发生一些毛病和损坏,这就要及时进行修复。

39、dulcimer performance ─── 扬琴演奏

40、The typical accompanying instruments in American tradition are from the plucked-string family--the guitar, five-string banjo, and dulcimer-- but sometimes the fiddle is also employed. ─── 用于伴奏的较典型的是弹拨乐器,如吉他、五弦班卓琴和洋琴,可有时候也用小提琴

41、A damsel with a dulcimer In a vision once I saw : ... ─── 在空中建造那安乐宫廷, 那阳光照临的宫廷,那雪窟冰窖!

42、Played on a dulcimer / yang qin by me.(Sorry no vid again... ─── (扬琴是我弹的.

43、A damsel with a dulcimerIn a vision once I saw:It was an Abyssinian maid,And on her dulcimer she played,Singing of Mount Abora. ─── 有一回我在幻象中见到一个手拿德西马琴的姑娘:那是个阿比西尼亚少女,在她的琴上她奏出乐曲,歌唱着阿伯若山。

44、In 2000, she held a teacher-student dulcimer concert and got the Excellent Theaching Award in the same year Also her students performed well in various competitions at different levels. ─── 2000年举办师生扬琴音乐会,同年获南京师范大学”优秀教学成果奖”,所教学生在全国各地多种级别的比赛中有上佳表现。

45、of action memory of music. 3.Graphic music image describes methods on the application of the dulcimer performance in terms of four different music themes respectively. 4. ─── 3、音乐形象的图像化:从扬琴乐曲四类不同题材,分述演奏中内心视觉的应用方法。

46、A discussion on the bamboo techniques for modern compositions of dulcimer ─── 现代扬琴音乐作品竹法探讨

47、Examination of and Reflections on the Tone Color of the Dulcimer ─── 对扬琴演奏音色的审视与思考

48、After this change, the safe negotiable securities designation company guarantees recommends represents the artificial dulcimer and the Li red star. ─── 本次变更后,平安证券指派公司的保荐代表人为杨琴和李红星。

49、River Zi dulcimer the words are fewer, just a little bit teeny point chin, above all to turn circular to in walk. ─── 江梓笙话更少,只是微微点了点下巴,率先转身向里走去。

50、Description: The story of Su Wu of Han Dynasty.Played on a dulcimer / yang qin by me.(Sorry no vid again... ─── )满怀大志而力尽苍伤的躯壳在流放的荒野上无声地叫喊还可盼望展翅成器的一天吗可以&...

51、Paul Mercer (violin), Regeana Morris (voice, hammered dulcimer), Nick Pagan (keyboards), Chandler Rentz (percussion, bass guitar) and Damon Young (guitar, tanpura). ─── 来自美国亚特兰大1995年成立5人乐队的The Changelings(矮人)是一支别致的组合.

52、Captivating flute,colorful piano,guitar and rhythmic hand percussion accented by the dulcimer with soothing electronic and orchestral arrangemnts. ─── 迷人的长笛、华美的钢琴、吉他与节拍手敲打击版,由德西马琴、令人宽慰的电子&管弦乐编曲加强效果。

53、The dulcimer to me is in the life an essential part. ─── 扬琴对我来说是生命中不可缺少的一部分。

54、Presented by three excellent students of Chinese Music Department of Taipei National University of the Arts, Mai Ya-Lin (dulcimer), Yang Chieh-Ju (liugin) and Lin Hsin-Yu (Chinese zither). ─── 本次音乐会是由国立台湾艺术大学中国音乐学系的三位音乐好手担任演出,分别是麦雅琳(扬琴)、杨杰儒(柳琴)、林心瑜(古筝)。

55、A Disussion of the Sequence of Bamboo-hammer Strikings on the Dulcimer and its Classification, Designing and Performance ─── 论扬琴竹序及分类设计运用

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