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09-09 投稿



pantograph 发音

英:[?p?nt?ɡrɑ?f]  美:[?p?nt?ɡr?f]

英:  美:

pantograph 中文意思翻译



pantograph 短语词组

1、Pantograph Optical Projection System ─── 受电弓光学投影系统

2、pantograph collector ─── 集电弓式 ─── 集电器

3、pantograph shoe ─── 受电弓鞋

4、electronic pantograph ─── 电子比例画图仪器

5、Pantograph Optical Projection Syste ─── 受电弓光学投影系统

6、Pantograph (rail) ─── 受电弓(钢轨)

pantograph 词性/词形变化,pantograph变形

形容词: pantographic |

pantograph 相似词语短语

1、autograph ─── n.(名人的)亲笔签名;(作家或音乐家的)亲笔,手稿;笔迹,字迹;v.(名人)亲笔签名于……;adj.亲笔的;(画等)真迹的

2、pentagraph ─── 缩放仪;比例绘图器

3、pantography ─── n.(雷达)缩放仪

4、pantographs ─── n.放大尺;缩放仪;缩图仪;比例画图仪器

5、pantagraph ─── n.比例绘图仪(等于pantograph)

6、pantographer ─── n.放大尺;缩放仪;缩图仪;比例画图仪器(pantograph的变形)

7、cartograph ─── n.制图仪;地图

8、pantographic ─── 泛影

9、pantagraphs ─── n.比例绘图仪(等于pantograph)

pantograph 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、pantograph current collector ─── 受流器

2、pantograph engraving machine ─── 平面刻模铣床

3、pantograph model ─── 可缩放模型

4、"The train is to be fully examined as well as having repairs done to its pantograph and any fire damage that has resulted, " she said. ─── “我们会对受电弓和着火部分进行维修,当然整个车体都会受到检修。”她说。

5、Copper-graphite Pantograph Slide Plate with Superexcellent Performance ─── 性能卓越的铜石墨受电弓滑板

6、Thread Cut parameter that sets the amount of pantograph movement after a thread trim. ─── 切线参数,设定了线切断后缩放仪移动的总路程。

7、arc between pantograph and caternary ─── 弓网电弧

8、The contact pressure check method for a new type of pantograph ─── 一种新型弓网接触压力梅测方案

9、Construction technology and construction art of OCS is among many factors that have influence on the interaction between OCS and pantograph. ─── 影响弓网关系的因素很多,接触网施工技术和施工工艺就是其中的一个重要因素。

10、surface pantograph engraving machine ─── 平面缩图刻模铣床

11、pantograph carbon slides ─── 受电弓滑板

12、Refers to front to back movement of the pantograph on the machine. ─── 指在机器的缩放仪上做前后运动。

13、Calculation and study on strip cubage temperature of pantograph pan in sliding electric contact abrasion ─── 受电弓滑板受流摩擦中体温升的模拟计算分析

14、wooden pantograph ─── 木缩放仪

15、Pantograph carbon strips featured with self-checking ─── 带自检功能的受电弓碳滑板

16、skew pantograph ─── 斜伸缩仪斜角缩放仪

17、suspension pantograph ─── 悬式缩放仪

18、1.Main responsible projects are the wind power related projects and industrial current transmission related projects (railway related products, like pantograph & earth contact); ─── 主要负责风能与有关工业电流传输的项目(有关铁路产品,像受电弓和接地装置);

19、The finite element model of the free vibration for the rigid suspension catenary and pantograph is set up. ─── 建立刚性悬挂接触网的自由振动有限元模型,计算其固有频率和振型。

20、Keywords Pantograph Slider;C/C Composite;Metal Infiltration;Friction; ─── 受电弓滑板;碳/碳复合材料;金属浸渗;摩擦;

21、On the basis of establishing the differential equations of motion of the pantograph and catenary system, the TSG3 pantograph has been simulated. ─── 在建立弓网系统运动微分方程的基础上,本文对TSG3受电弓几个主要参数进行了模拟计算。

22、OCS and pantograph ─── 接触网受电弓

23、Study of The influence of Current-receiving Quality Between Pantograph and OCS from Tensile Force Acting on Catenary Wire ─── 承力索张力对弓网受流质量影响研究

24、It has been one of the research topics to improve the properties of the pantograph slider and to prolong the longevity for using in high-speed locomotive. ─── 改善受电弓滑板的性能,延长其适用高速运行的使用寿命成为科研人员研究的主题之一。

25、noise insulating panel for pantograph ─── 受电弓隔声板

26、To sum up, the material of pantograph slide mainly experienced the process of metal carbon powder metallurgy metal-dipped composite.Now , the material of the wire are Copper or cupreous alloy. ─── 从其发展历史来看,在受电弓滑板的研究和应用方面,其材料主要经历了金属滑板、纯碳滑板、粉末冶金滑板、浸金属碳滑板、复合材料滑板的发展过程。

27、This paper analyzes the motion space of pantograph leg mechanism in order todesign and manufacture a quadruped walking robot. We get the space motion of legwith three rectilineal motion in Cartesian coordinates. ─── 为了研制实用的缩放式四足步行机器,本文对在三维直角坐标系中用三个直线运动来实现足端空间运动的缩放式腿机构的运动空间进行了分析。

28、Keywords pantograph slider;powder metallurgy;copper-coated graphite;tensile strength;impact toughness; ─── 受电弓滑板;粉末冶金;镀铜石墨;抗拉强度;冲击韧性;

29、catenary - pantograph relation ─── 弓网关系

30、The method for installing carbon-based contact strips on pantograph heads is very important from the operational points of view. ─── 从运用的观点来看,受电弓弓头碳基滑板的安装方法是非常重要的。

31、Thread Cut parameter that sets the amount of pantograph movement after a thread trim. ─── 切线参数,设定了线切断后缩放仪移动的总路程。

32、The main converter commutation process due to regenerative braking is also analyzed, and reasons of regenerative overturn caused by pantograph jumping and arcing are explained. ─── 文章还分析了再生制动时主变流器的换相过程,并对跳弓拉弧时引起再生颠覆的原因也作了说明。

33、That using the graphite-based C/C complex material as the new material for high-speed rail vehicle pantograph slide bar is pointed out.What's more, the advantage and developing prospect is foreseen. ─── 指出石墨基炭-炭复合材料,作为高速列车受电弓滑板的新材料,结合高速列车弓网关系,具有较好的优势和发展前景。

34、Unfortunately, the MSTS models are unable (and will never be able) to detect this to set the pantograph height accordingly. ─── 不幸的是,MSTS模型不能够(永远也不能够)检测线路电线的高度来相应地设置导电弓架的高度。

35、pantograph cutter ─── 伸缩式比例气切机

36、Research on New and High Performance Electric Locomotive Pantograph Slide Plate ─── 新型高性能电力机车受电弓滑板的研究

37、Ensure the axis points for your pantograph objects are at the pivot points you want. Same as for wheels and bogies etc. ─── 确保电弓的轴点位置在你期望的中心点位置,车轮和轮架等类同。

38、In this article reproduce by pantograph mainly includes the graph the enlargement, reduces with the fractionated gain and the entire screen demonstration. ─── 本文中的缩放主要包括图形的放大、缩小和局部放大与全屏显示。

39、16 The Single-Arm Pantograph SBF 920 serves the current collection needs of electrically operated vehicles, i.e Light Rail and other Transit Vehicles. ─── 对火箭的研究证实了一个已经被怀疑的奇怪事实--在大气层中存在着一个中心大约在距地面30英里的“高温带”

40、Pantograph and catenary ─── 弓网

41、faults of pantograph and OCS ─── 弓网故障

42、Development of wearless carbon fibre composite pantograph slide bar ─── 减磨型碳纤维复合材料受电弓滑板的研制

43、optical pantograph ─── 光学缩放仪

44、Pantograph slide is the pivotal parts of electric locomotive, which get electric power from power supply web. ─── 受电弓滑板是电力机车从供电接触网获取电能的关键部件。

45、Keywords composite;pantograph;electric locomotive;contact strips; ─── 复合材料;受电弓;电力机车;滑板;

46、pantograph and catenary system ─── 弓网系统

47、Bifurcation and Chaos of A Pantograph System under Parametric Excitation ─── 参数激励下受电弓系统的分岔与混沌

48、Keywords Pantograph sliding plate;powder metallurgy;orthogonality experiment method;wear; ─── 受电弓滑板;粉末冶金;正交实验法;磨损;

49、shape of pantograph ─── 受电弓形状

50、The "Gale" Pantograph with Low Noise on Northeast Shinkansen ─── 东北新干线"疾风"号低噪声受电弓

51、The dynamic effect of the locomotive-track system on the pantograph-catenary system is investigated in the paper.A new interactive model of the pantograph and the catenary is developed. ─── 本文通过建立受电弓-接触网动态相互作用模型,并运用机车-轨道耦合动力学理论分析方法,研究了机车-轨道系统对受电弓-接触网系统的振动影响问题。

52、optical projection pantograph ─── 光学投影缩放仪

53、Recent Developments in the Installation of Carbon Contact Strips On Pantograph Heads ─── 新开发的受电弓弓头碳滑板安装法

54、Keywords pantograph slider;powder metallurgy;copper-coated graphite;resistivity;abrasion performance; ─── 受电弓滑板;粉末冶金;镀铜石墨;电阻率;磨损性能;

55、Embroidery machine keyboard keys used for positioning of the pantograph or frame. ─── 绣花机键盘按键,用来定位绣框或者缩放仪。

56、The main factors affecting the wear failure of the railway overhead line-pantograph system are temperature, electric current, and humidity. ─── 影响弓网系统摩擦磨损性能的主要因素有:温度、电流、环境。

57、Development of Novel Electric Locomotive Pantograph Slide Plate ─── 新型电力机车受电弓滑板的研制

58、Causes and Preventions of Faults of Pantograph and OCS at Cross Over of OCS ─── 接触网线岔弓网故障的原因及预防措施

59、4. For power-distributed tilting EMU,in order to make the normal contact between pantograph and cate-nary,it is necessary for pantograph to tilt while EMU tilts. ─── 对于动力分散的摆式电动车组,带受电弓的车体倾摆时,受电弓也要作相应的倾摆,才能保证受电弓与接触网的正常接触。收藏指正

60、interaction between overhead contact line and pantograph ─── 弓网相互作用

61、Unfortunately, the MSTS models are unable to detect this to set the pantograph height accordingly. ─── 不幸的是,MSTS模型不能够检测线路电线的高度来相应地设置导电弓架的高度。

62、For power-distributed tilting EMU,in order to make the normal contact between pantograph and cate-nary,it is necessary for pantograph to tilt while EMU tilts. ─── 对于动力分散的摆式电动车组,带受电弓的车体倾摆时,受电弓也要作相应的倾摆,才能保证受电弓与接触网的正常接触。

63、The study of this thesis is on the pantograph slider of locomotive, which is a typical example of the sliding electric contact theory. ─── 本论文中所研究的电力机车受电弓滑板的工作是滑动电接触的典型例子。

64、pantograph mechanical models ─── 受电弓力学模型

65、pantograph parameters ─── 受电弓参数

66、pantograph type current collector ─── 受电弓

67、(4) on car and pantograph in be defeated active bedspring suspension and vibration absorber, place type bodywork in order to get used to development of the operation control with new development of; ─── (4)在车辆和受电弓上采用主动式弹簧悬挂和减振装置,以适应高速客运;

68、Study on the Manufacture of a New Pantograph Slide and Its Property ─── 一种新型滑动集电材料的研制及性能研究

69、flat table pantograph engraving machine ─── 平台缩小雕刻机

70、Asymptotic Stability Properties of Radau IIA Methods for the Pantograph Delay Equation ─── Radau IIA方法对比例延迟微分方程的渐近稳定性

71、Double Pantograph ─── 双弓

72、of practical significance in design of pantograph tilting mechanism. ─── 弓倾摆机构的设计开发提供了依据。

73、Refers to front to back movement of the pantograph on the machine. ─── 指在机器的缩放仪上做前后运动。

74、Optimization of Pantograph Mechanism Based on Genetic Algorithms and It's Virtual Prototyping Validation ─── 基于遗传算法的受电弓优化设计及其虚拟样机验证

75、New Dynamic Detective Technique of Pantograph and Overhead Contact Line ─── 新型弓网动态检测技术

76、Study on Pantograph Active Control Based on State Space Method ─── 基于状态空间法的受电弓主动控制的研究

77、mechanical pantograph ─── 机械缩放仪

78、To register directly, deal with catenary system trouble, renew the local of trouble, ensure the security of operating locomotive, the image collection system for pantograph and catenary is designed. ─── 为了更加直接的记录,处理弓网故障,再现故障发生现场,保障机车的运行安全,设计了弓网图像采集系统。

79、It could have been a sagging wire, but we also understand the pantograph on the train was broken. ─── 电线本身可能已经下垂,但是我们也了解到车身上的受电弓也坏了。

80、The results in this research are to increase the application of pantograph, to obtain the experience for mechanical design and manufacture, and to establish the concept of the mechatronics. ─── 本研究结果除可增加缩放机构之应用外,亦可让学生获得机械设计与制造之经验,以建立机电整合之设计概念。

81、Chong DS was established in 1996 and 2003 in Germany SHUNK Group, a wholly owned subsidiary, Main: brushless motor, the seal ring, the MTR by pantograph, grounding devices. ─── 崇徳公司成立于1996年,2003年成为德国SHUNK集团的全资子公司,主营:马达碳刷、密封环、地铁受电弓、接地装置等。

82、The proposed detection system of geometric parameters works both with raised pantograph and with unraised pantograph, that is, to obtain the dynamic parameters and the static parameters. ─── 本文设计的接触网几何参数测试系统具有两种工作模式:其一是升弓模式,进行动态参数检测:其二是降弓模式,进行静态参数检测。

83、Kinematics analysis of pantograph tilting mechanism for tilting train ─── 摆式列车受电弓倾摆机构运动学分析

84、materials for pantograph slide plate ─── 受电弓滑板材料

85、mandibular pantograph ─── 下颌全景描绘仪

86、Detection of the Dynamic Envelope Line of the Pantograph ─── 受电弓动态包络线检测

87、Study of measuring the contact force between pantograph and catenary ─── 受电弓与接触网间的接触压力检测研究

88、Design of the guide way of pantograph base frame for tilting train and analysis on its motion ─── 摆式列车受电弓基座导轨设计及运动分析

89、Keywords imitative prismatic stand;contour curve;pantograph function; ─── 拟棱台;轮廓曲线;缩放功能;

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