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09-09 投稿



glassiness 发音

英:[[ɡ'lɑ:si:n?s]]  美:[[ɡ'lɑ:si:n?s]]

英:  美:

glassiness 中文意思翻译



glassiness 相似词语短语

1、flossiness ─── 絮状

2、gassiness ─── n.充满气体状态;无实质内容

3、flashiness ─── n.灿烂;瞬间

4、brassiness ─── n.贱而华丽;黄铜;似黄铜

5、classiness ─── 上等;优等;有品位

6、grassiness ─── n.草深;像草般;绿色

7、glariness ─── 透明

8、glairiness ─── 光泽

9、glossiness ─── n.[光]光泽度;有光泽

glassiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords polymaleic anhydride, hydrolyzed ratio, solubility parameter, compatibility, Infrared spectrometry, glassiness, CPP-g-MAH, delamination rate; ─── 聚马来酸酐;水解率;溶解度参数;相容性;红外光谱法;光泽度;氯化聚丙烯接枝马来酸酐;分层速率;

2、Crocidura glassi ─── n. 格拉斯麝鼩

3、The result shows that the mineralogy of the sinter in Jigang is magnetite,hematite,ferrite,silicate and a small quantity of glassiness. ─── 烧结矿的机械强度和还原性与其内部最终形成的矿物组成、性质和矿物之间的结构特征有着密切联系。

4、Keywords B rich;activity;B 2O 3 MgO SiO 2 sytem;melt glassiness; ─── 富硼渣;活性;三元系;熔体固化;玻璃体;

5、As we face each other in omnibuses and underground railways we are looking into the mirror that accounts for the vagueness, the gleam of glassiness, in our eyes. ─── 当我们面对面坐在公共汽车和地下铁道里的时候,我们就是在照镜子;这就说明为什么我们的眼神都那么呆滞而朦胧。

6、The porcelain offers great qualities similar to the bone china much such as considerable strength, glassiness, whiteness and translucence but can be made at a lower cost to the bone china. ─── 这种瓷器在玻璃质,白度和半透明性质与骨瓷器相当差不多,但成本比骨瓷器低。

7、The new type tunnel kiln and roller kiln by adopting cleaned cold gas as fuel can greatly reduce firing energy-consumption and improve glaze glassiness and regularity of products. ─── 采用净化冷煤气作为燃料开发成功新型明焰裸烧的隧道窑和辊道窑,运行使用结果表明,该窑可以大幅度降低烧成能耗,提高产品釉面光泽度和规整度。

8、For sinter with 25% and 50% MAC fines the iron oxides mainly consisted of hematite and magnetite, the bonding phase were mainly dicalcium silicate, glassiness, and a few amount of calcium ferrite. ─── 配比为25%和50%的两种烧结矿中铁氧化物均以赤铁矿、磁铁矿为主,粘结相主要以铁酸钙、硅酸二钙和玻璃质为主,但铁酸钙数量不多。

9、The prontpage interface of Web courseware includes glassiness buttons of course learning, course project, Web test and review, duologue between teacher and student, and user registration etc. ─── 其首页界面包括:课程学习、课程大纲、网上测评、师生交流、用户注册等玻璃质感按钮。

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