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09-08 投稿


womanish 发音

英:['w?m?n??]  美:['w?m?n??]

英:  美:

womanish 中文意思翻译



womanish 短语词组

1、womanish man ─── 女人男人

2、womanish ways ─── 女人的方式

3、womanish boy ─── 女孩儿

4、womanish meaning ─── 女性意义

5、womanish exibit ─── 女性主义者

6、womanish exhibit ─── 女性展览

7、womanish museum ─── 妇女博物馆

8、old-womanish a. ─── 老太婆似的, 谨小慎微的, 婆婆妈妈的

womanish 词性/词形变化,womanish变形

名词: womanishness |副词: womanishly |

womanish 相似词语短语

1、womanise ─── v.追求女色;与女人私通;使女性化(等于womanize)

2、womanised ─── v.追求女色;与女人私通;使女性化(等于womanize)

3、womanises ─── v.追求女色;与女人私通;使女性化(等于womanize)

4、womanishly ─── 女人味的

5、womanism ─── 妇女主义

6、Romanis ─── n.(Romanis)人名;(英)罗马尼斯

7、womanists ─── 黑人女权主义者

8、womanist ─── 黑人女权主义者

9、womaniser ─── n.玩女人的男人(等于womanizer)

womanish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、48.Malloy always talked hard, but he had a soft , womanish face. ─── 马洛伊说话很严厉,但有一张温厚的女人似的脸。

2、Male hairdressers are likely to gradually become effeminate in both their mindset and behaviorial mode.And they finally may become too womanish. ─── 男性美容师由于长期适应工作环境+方式,难免习惯性会变的偏女性化。

3、He told me that I was a womanish sentimentalist, and would never do for business life ─── 他说我象娘儿们一样感情用事,说我绝对不适于经营事业。

4、Tim. 4:7 But the profane and old-womanish myths refuse, and exercise yourself unto godliness. ─── 提前四7只是要弃绝那世俗的言语,和老妇的虚构无稽之事,并要操练自己以至于敬虔。

5、effeminate; womanish; womanly ─── 女人气

6、a womanish talk ─── 婆婆妈妈的话

7、"I suppose I should leave off my womanish weeping, and be grateful I have what many kings have not: a strong son to hold my kingdom together after I am gone. ─── “我必须不再象女人那样哭泣,要感谢我有许多别的国王所没有的,因为我死了以后,还有一个富有魄力的儿子来守护我的国土。”

8、It has a glorious an and a contemptible science, a magnificent common sense and an infantile logic, a fine womanish chatter about life and no scholastic philosophy. ─── 它有光荣灿烂的艺术,和卑不足道的科学,有伟大的常识和幼稚的逻辑,有精致的,女性的,关于人生的闲谈,而没有学者风味的哲学。

9、One day,a peddlar appeared in the palace,bringing with him a wide variety of womanish small things. ─── 有一天,一位小贩来到宫中,出售各种妇人用的小玩意儿。

10、Malloy always talked hard, but he had a soft , womanish face. ─── 马洛伊说话很严厉,但有一张温厚的女人似的脸。

11、One day, a peddler appeared in the palace, bringing with him a wide variety of womanish small things. ─── 有一天,一位小贩来到宫中,出售各种妇人用的小玩意儿。

12、He told me that I was a womanish sentimentalist, and would never do for business life. ─── 他说我象娘儿们一样感情用事,说我绝对不适于经营事业。

13、He has a rather womanish manner ─── 他太女气了.

14、Have you seen that womanish man?He's a queen. ─── 你看到那个女人气质的男人了吗?他是个男性同性恋者。

15、2.A black character, a womanish character, a stubborn character, bestial, childish, animal, stupid, counterfeit, scurrilous, fraudulent, tyrannical. ─── 忧郁的、柔弱的、固执的、兽性的、不成熟的、动物式的、愚蠢的、伪装的、粗鄙的、欺诈的、残暴的,形形色色的人。

16、For some words can be seen as infantile, some as womanish, some as virile; ─── 一些很幼稚,一些很女人气,一些阳刚气;

17、4. what, it is womanish?! ─── 什么,这种式样那么女人气?!

18、Womanish applies to qualities associated with women and traditionally considered undesirable in men: ─── Womanish指女人具有的特性,通常也指男人身上不受欢迎的特点:

19、I think that Shanghai husband is my first choice because of their thoughtful consideration, enough tenderness although it is said Shanghai men are womanish. ─── 本人一直觉得如果要嫁人的话,上海男人还是首选,最重要的一点是够体贴,够温柔,而外界的说法是上海男人还有点娘娘腔。

20、Men can argue in a very womanish way, too, when they are anima-possessed and have thus been transformed into the animus of their own anima. ─── 男人也能以一种非常女人气的方式来争论,当他被阿尼玛占据的时候,并转变成他们自己阿尼玛的阿尼姆斯时。

21、To be late walking with a womanish gait ─── 姗姗来迟

22、He has a womanish manner. ─── 他举手投足像个女人。

23、Men can argue in a very womanish way, too, when they are anima-possessed and have thus been transformed into the animus of their own anima. ─── 男人也能以一种非常女人气的方式来争论,当他被阿尼玛占据的时候,并转变成他们自己阿尼玛的阿尼姆斯时。

24、He has a rather womanish manner. ─── 他太女气了。

25、womanish tears. ─── 女人气的眼泪。

26、Your tears are womanish. ─── 你流泪未免太软弱了。

27、He considered it womanish and impractical. ─── 他认为这是自作多情,不足为训。

28、He told me that I was a womanish sentimentalist, and would never do for business life. ─── 他说我象娘儿们一样感情用事,说我绝对不适于经营事业。

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