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09-08 投稿



ubiquity 发音

英:[ju??b?kw?ti]  美:[ju??b?kw?ti]

英:  美:

ubiquity 中文意思翻译



ubiquity 短语词组

1、ubiquity of the king ─── [法] 君主正式在庭, 法官本身

ubiquity 相似词语短语

1、ubiquitin ─── n.泛激素,泛素

2、ambiguity ─── n.含糊;不明确;暧昧;模棱两可的话

3、ubiquitously ─── adv.无所不在地

4、ubiquitary ─── 泛素

5、dubiosity ─── 可疑性;可疑的东西;怀疑

6、antiquity ─── n.高龄;古物;古代的遗物

7、iniquity ─── n.邪恶;不公正

8、ubiquitous ─── adj.普遍存在的;无所不在的

9、obliquity ─── n.倾斜;倾斜度;不正直

ubiquity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Their marketing power is diminished by ubiquity. ─── 营销力会被普遍性削弱。

2、If experiments show the road is short and easy then it would be a strong argument for the ubiquity of life in space. ─── 如果实验表明这是很容易简便的,它将成为“宇宙中生命是普遍存在的”最有力的证据。

3、Our target is to build a secure computing distributed environment that has the feature of secrecy, integrity, availability, verifiability, controllability and ubiquity. ─── 本文所探讨的目标是具有保密性、完整性、可用性、真实性、可控性和普适性的分布式安全环境。

4、Conclusion The pollution of VOCs and aldehyde ketones in indoor air is ubiquity in newly-built. ─── 空气中甲醛随使用时间的延长呈现伴夏季升高的螺旋样下降趋势;

5、Look at the growing ubiquity of WiFi to illustrate this. ─── 用增长中的到处存在的无线局域网来举例说明一下。

6、In recent years the mushrooming power, functionality and ubiquity of computers and the Internet have outstripped early forecasts about technology’s rate of advancement and usefulness in everyday life. ─── 最近几年,计算机和互联网迅速增长的功率、性能和普及率超越了早期对科技进步和它在日常生活中应用的预料。

7、the ubiquity of the mass media ─── 大众传媒的无所不在

8、The Internet, with ubiquity and high efficiency, has become a candidate channel for democratic elections. ─── 摘要由于具有不受地理限制与高传递效率的优点,网际网路成为资讯社会中民主投票的候选管道。

9、ubiquity of the king ─── [法] 君主正式在庭, 法官本身

10、"the repetitiveness, the selfsameness, and the ubiquity of modern mass culture" (Theodor Adorno) ─── “现代大众文化的重复性、同一性和普遍存在”(西奥多·阿多诺)

11、The ubiquity and constancy of the CMB is a sign that it comes from a simpler past, long before structures such as planets, stars and galaxies formed. ─── 这种无所不在与恒常不变的特性,显示CMB在过去乃源自于一个单纯的环境,一个远在行星、恒星和星系形成之前的时期。

12、However, the ubiquity of the Backspace key shows that incremental Undo is a learned behavior that users find to be helpful. ─── 然而退格键无处不在的现实显示,渐增撤销是一个习惯行为,用户发现后会有帮助。

13、ubiquity of the quality culture should extend to the customer. ─── 质量文化氛围的普遍性应该扩展至客户。

14、principle of ubiquity of diachronism ─── 穿时普遍性原理

15、Its ubiquity and hazard has attracted wide attention of the society. ─── 数字化符号拜物教的普遍性和危害性已经引起了社会的广泛关注。

16、I think we're seeing information technology reach the point that all transformational technologies reach when they are no longer controlled by just a mall group of skilled professionals,and they cross over to mass acceptance and ubiquity. ─── 我认为,我们正在目睹信息技术进人所有使事物发生变化的技术都会经历的一个重要阶段;它们不再只为少数专业人员所掌握,而转变到为大众所接受,并且无处不在。

17、While the text is translated, the application of cohesion and the ubiquity of it are all essential. ─── 在整个语篇翻译进程中,衔接手段的运用和其在英语中普遍存在的分析都是必不可少的。

18、The ubiquity of scrollbars has unfortunately resulted in some unfortunate misuse . Most significant here is their shortcomings in navigating time. ─── 无处不在的滚动条很不幸地被滥用了,最显著的缺点在于它无法用于在时间轴上导航。

19、With the invention of modern laptops, ubiquity of broadband Internet access, and advances in communication software, there is no longer a need to be in the office. ─── 随着现代笔记本电脑的发明,宽带网络接入和先进的通讯软件的普及使用,工作不再一定要在办公室里才能完成。

20、The shift toward online and digital forms of information access, rather than print, is evident in the ubiquity of handheld devices and laptops around us. ─── 无所不在的手持式电子设备和笔记本提醒我们,信息接入正在从印刷转向在线和数字格式,以印刷为核心的出版模式正在走向式微。

21、Since I wrote Permission Marketing in 1999, marketing has changed more than any of us could imagine. One of the biggest changes is the ubiquity of search. ─── 在我1999年写了特许经营以后,营销的转变超出了我们任何一个人的想象。其中最大的变化就是‘搜索’无处不在。

22、6.The diversity of contract language results in the ubiquity of contract interpretation. ─── 摘要合同语言的歧异性之普遍存在决定了合同解释的普遍性。

23、the repetitiveness, the selfsameness, and the ubiquity of modern mass culture(bTheodor Adorno) ─── 现代大众文化的重复性、同一性和普遍存在(b西奥多 阿多诺)

24、The abnormal pressure reservoir is ubiquity and the genetic of it is diverse. ─── 异常压力油气藏分布普遍,其成因多样。

25、To annotate a selection with persistent highlighting, drag the cursor over the selection and type highlight into Ubiquity. ─── 这个功能很神奇,但是现在翻译的质量确实不尽如人意。

26、There is nothing like the power of public persuasion, and the ubiquity of a technology solution, to drive things forward. ─── 什么都比不上公众的说服力,以及无处不在的技术解决方案,推动着前进的步伐。

27、Along with the development of the network, with efficient and convenient life except the rapid development of economy, and the ubiquity of network security. ─── 随着网络的发展,伴随而来的除了生活的高效便捷、经济的飞速发展,还有无处不在的网络安全问题。

28、Due to their workaholic habits, the exigencies of the 24-hour news cycle and the ubiquity of the mobile and the email, a crisis is always only a phone call away. ─── 由于他们玩命的工作习惯、24小时的新闻周期,再加上无所不在的手机和电子邮件,一场危机离他们往往仅是一通电话的距离。

29、Today, numbers are on the wane thanks to the ease with which mobiles can store and retrieve names and the ubiquity of e-mail addresses and other internet-based identity tags, such as Skype names. ─── 现在,由于移动设备存取名字十分方便、加上无处不在的电子邮件地址及其它源自互联网的身份标识,数字在生活中正变得越来越少见。

30、' The ubiquity really made it seem like to put a brooch on a sweater was to feel like a fashion victim. ─── 这种普遍的存在真的使它看起来就像把一枚胸针别在一件羊毛衫上就像是一个时尚受害者一样。”

31、It has provided one kind of ubiquity computing and interactive mode. ─── 它提供了一种无处不在的计算和交互方式。

32、This ubiquity of the big bang holds no matter how big the universe is or even whether it is finite or infinite in size. ─── 不管宇宙有多大,也不管宇宙的大小是有限还是无限,大霹雳的遍存性都不受影响。

33、Due to the ubiquity of the major family names such as Tran and Nguyen, a person is often referred to by their middle name along with their given name in Vietnamese media and youth culture. ─── 因为像陈、阮等姓氏相当普遍,因此越南的传播媒体与年轻族群都常省略姓而只称呼[中间姓名与个人名字]。

34、He was a sort of almost irritating ubiquity; no halt was possible with him. ─── 他几乎是一种激奋的化身,有了他,便不可能有停顿。

35、Along with the ubiquity of mobile appliances, users increasely utilize small screen devices to read text information. ─── 摘要:随著可携式行动设备的普及,使用者透过小萤幕设备阅读资讯的活动日益频繁。

36、The very ubiquity of the Windows operating system makes it a favorite with hackers. ─── 由于Windows操作系统的普及使得它成为黑客们的最爱。

37、This ubiquity explains why morphine and its cousins can generate a broad set of undesirable side effects, including severe constipation and respiratory shutdown. ─── 这种到处都在的特性,也就解释了吗啡及同类化合物所引起的广泛副作用,例如严重便秘及呼吸中止等。

38、As with all Ubiquity commands, bring up the console by hitting Ctrl-Space. ─── 和其他命令一样,需要通过快捷键调用出控制台。

39、What is evident is that governments and central banks have had no previous experience of coping with shocks and stresses of the intensity and ubiquity we have seen during the past year. ─── 可以明确的是,要应付过去一年那种强度和广度的冲击与压力,任何政府和央行都没有经验。

40、In recent years, they have attracted increasing attention owing to their extensive use, ubiquity in the environment and endocrine-disrupting activity. ─── 近年来,由于在全球范围内的广泛使用,在环境中的普遍存在,以及其内分泌干扰毒性,邻苯二甲酸酯受到了人们越来越多的关注。

41、Finally, the ubiquity of sub-pixel addressable displays suggested that the extension incorporate operations that could take full advantage of them. ─── 最后,子像素可寻址显示技术的广泛使用表明扩展加上操作可以充分的利用这一技术。

42、Ubiquity and mobility imply that devices will expect always to be connected to the infrastructure. ─── 普遍存在性和可移动性意味着设备期望能一直连接到基础设施。

43、Ubiquity of his forceful pen-DENG Tuo and "Press run by Scholars" ─── "健笔终存天地间":论邓拓与书生办报

44、Although there may be many problems during the development period, mobile e-commerce, for the ubiquity of modern mobile communication, is a great impulse of the advancement of self-help travel. ─── 但我国自助游还处在起步阶段,发展过程中还是存在很多问题,移动电子商务随着现代移动通讯技术的进步为自助游的发展起到强劲的推动作用。

45、Only in the last few years has the ubiquity of information led to a situation where not only do all people want to know all things all the time, but it is possible to do just that. ─── 但仅仅只是在几年前,遍布网络的信息没有发布让全天下人都知道的那些流言蜚语,不过,能做的也就这样了。

46、WSNs bring new challenges, including its heterogeneity, mobility, ubiquity, etc. ─── 传统理论与模型难以描述无线传感网络的传感、构、线、动、在和互连、及单个传感器的能量、储和计算能力有限的基本特性。

47、Given the ubiquity of disks in the universe, understanding how they work is an important problem in astrophysics. ─── 在宇宙中到处可见圆盘的踪影,因此了解它们如何运作便成为天文物理学的重要问题。

48、Yet despite their ubiquity remarkably few non? engineers have heard the word“ embedded” used in this context. ─── 放眼望去,可以肯定,你会很快在你的家中发现几十个嵌入式系统,在你身上至少也能发现几个。

49、One, of course, is the ubiquity of computers, cell phones, text messaging, instant messaging, social networking, and whatever the next technological fad might be. ─── 孩子从小就开始接触计算机,迷恋电脑游戏,在家中和学校孩子们花在计算机上的时间和成人相比在日渐增长;

50、All of the thin-film technologies also offer the potential for ubiquity. ─── 所有的薄膜技术也提供了潜在的普及。

51、Ubiquity might not be toxic to authenticity, but it certainly dilutes it. ─── 普遍性或许不至于毒害原真性,但确实会削弱它。

52、ubiquity of the law ─── 法律的普通性, 法律之到处存在

53、In social and economic life, we now see the ubiquity of self-reinforcing processes which display multiple equilibria, path dependence (sensitivity to initial conditions), and lock-in effects. ─── 在社会和经济生活中,我们看到自我加固的过程普遍存在,它表现出多种均衡、路径依赖(对初始条件的敏感性)和占据影响。

54、Its ubiquity is such that it is often simply referred to as the "LBD. " ─── 它的无所不在是这样它经常简单地指“lbd。”

55、Evolution of the Photosystem-- Optical Ubiquity ─── 光系统的演变--无处不在的光

56、Increased generalization of resources in memory and ubiquity of resource access - resource views enable interpretation of resources in memory as different types or representations. ─── 增加内存资源的通用性,资源使用统一格式(资源视图)来读取在内存中不同类型和格式的资源。

57、But the paucity of European institutions and the ubiquity of American ones at the top of international league tables are a constant reminder of the gap between glorious past and mediocre present. ─── 然而在国际比赛名次表上,欧洲学院的缺乏以及美国学院的普遍提醒了其辉煌过去和平庸现在的差异。

58、the repetitiveness, the selfsameness, and the ubiquity of modern mass culture(Theodor Adorno) ─── 现代大众文化的重复性、同一性和普遍存在(西奥多 阿多诺)

59、Upon careful consideration, one cannot but be amazed at the ubiquity of ambiguity in language. ─── 仔细思考一下,我们不能不惊奇的发现普遍存在的。

60、The vaunted new wireless technology promises to combine the speed of broadband internet access with the ubiquity of mobile phones. ─── 这项受人吹捧的新型无线技术可望将宽带网速与普及的移动电话相结合。

61、A team of researchers at UNH is inestigating whether the increasing ubiquity of chemical flame retardants found in foam furniture, carpeting, microwaes and computers might be related to the climbing rate of obesity in the United States. ─── 一组UNH的研究者正在调查逐渐增加的化学性着火延迟剂的普遍应用是否与美国迅速爬升的肥胖率有关,而这些化学物质可以在泡沫家具,地毯,微波收音机和电脑中被发现。

62、The salient features of this pervasive infrastructure include scale, mobility, and ubiquity. ─── 这种普及基础设施的特征包括规模、移动性和普遍存在性。

63、The problem is the ubiquity of the music video, which has turned the show-stopper into a regular part of everyday life. ─── 铁路和火车在片中多次出现,除了关键的火车上舞蹈一场外,都是举重若轻地交代出来。

64、the repetitiveness,the selfsameness,and the ubiquity of modern mass culture(Theodor Adorno) ─── 现代大众文化的重复性、同一性和普遍存在(西奥多·阿多诺)

65、The growing ubiquity of intelligent networks ─── 这将会是那正在发展成无所不在的智能网络

66、Last, but definitely not least, is Ubiquity. ─── 最后,但Ubiquity绝对不是最后的。

67、Chapter Two discusses binary opposition rooted in Western metaphysical tradition, and the ubiquity of binary opposites as revealed in Cat’s Eye. ─── 第二章对西方形而上学传统中的二元对立观展开讨论,并列举二元对立在小说中的具体表现。

68、There is nothing like the power of public persuasion, and the ubiquity of a technology solution, to drive things forward. ─── 什么都比不上公众的说服力,以及无处不在的技术解决方案,推动着前进的步伐。

69、A law-order ruling environment is therefore needed so urgently because of the near ubiquity of law-order ruling actions along with the rapid process of marketization which is an integral part of the revitalization. ─── 就东北某市的调查可以认为,在取得明显进步的同时,尚存在不容忽视的问题,如行政行为的随意化、利益化,行政监督的弱化;审判质量和效率不高,司法监督不力等。

70、" Neither Lynn Margulis nor any other postdarwinian denies the true ubiquity of natural selection in evolution. ─── 无论是LynnMargulis,还是任何一位后达尔文主义者,他们都并不否认自然选择在进化过程中的普遍存在的真实性。

71、But Android ubiquity could cause headaches for Microsoft (MSFT), which would rather see its own software on a wider range of electronic devices. ─── 但是这对微软来说可是件头疼的事情,它更愿意自己的软件大行其道。

72、The simple JMS client approach has many advantages, the most obvious being its simplicity and ubiquity. ─── 简单JMS客户机方法有许多优点,最明显的优点就是它的简单性和普遍性。

73、I think we're seeing information technology reach the point that all transformational technologies reach when they are no longer controlled by just a mall group of skilled professionals, and they cross over to mass acceptance and ubiquity. ─── 我认为我们正在目睹信息技术进人所有使事物发生变化的技术都会经历的一个重要阶段; 它们不再只为少数专业人员所掌握,而转变到为大众所接受,并且无处不在。

74、The ubiquity of cloud-supported, multi-platform applications is not the only advantage to digital note taking. ─── 无处不在的云支持,多媒体平台的应用不是数字笔记的唯一优势。

75、45. Expanding dialog boxes were big around 1990 but have declined in popularity since then, largely due to the ubiquity of toolbars and tabbed dialogs. ─── 扩展对话框大约在1990年左右非常流行,自那以后主要是因为工具栏和标签对话框的无所不在而走向衰落。

76、Eventually, the ubiquity of the microwave spawned a steady stream of ready-to-cook TV dinners and, more recently, microwaveable health food. ─── 最终,微波炉的普遍使用催生出了一股在电视剧前吃即使午餐的持久潮流,而到了最近,则是可微波的健康食品。

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