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09-08 投稿



exocarp 发音

英:[?ekso??kɑ?rp]  美:[?eks??kɑ?p]

英:  美:

exocarp 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 外果皮


exocarp 短语词组

1、exocarp of fruit ─── 果外 ─── 果皮

2、exocarp endocarp ─── 外果皮内果皮

3、exocarp definition biology ─── 外果皮生物学

4、exocarp endocarp mesocarp ─── 外果皮内果皮中果皮

5、exocarp mesocarp ─── 外果皮中果皮

6、exocarp definition ─── 外果皮定义

7、exocarp botany ─── 外果皮植物学

exocarp 相似词语短语

1、cremocarp ─── n.双悬果

2、epicarp ─── n.[植]外果皮

3、escarp ─── n.内壕(等于escarpment);vt.使成斜面

4、mesocarp ─── n.[植]中果皮

5、endocarps ─── n.[园艺]内果皮

6、endocarp ─── n.[园艺]内果皮

7、exocarps ─── n.[植]外果皮

8、apocarp ─── n.离心皮的果实

9、procarp ─── n.[植]果胞系

exocarp 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fruits small, baccate, globose, indehiscent, exocarp fleshy, endocarp papery to thinly woody, 3- or 4-locular. ─── 果小,浆果状,球状,不裂,外果皮肉质,内果皮纸质到薄木质,3或4室。

2、Berry smooth or sulcate [or verrucose or rarely secondarily dehiscent], with leathery to thin exocarp and 1-5 or sometimes more seeds embedded in endocarpic pulp. ─── 浆果平滑的或具槽[或瘤状的或很少二级开裂],具革质到薄的外果皮和1-5或有时更多数种子在内果皮果肉内。

3、outer part of pericarp (exocarp and mesocarp) extended beyond endocarp on each side of suture in dehisced fruit, smooth. ─── 外部果皮(外果皮和中果皮)在开裂果缝的两边伸长超出内果皮,平滑。

4、persimmon exocarp ─── 柿皮

5、Fruit a capsule, dehiscing apically between persistent styles [or shedding exocarp and dehiscing longitudinally]. ─── 果为蒴果,在宿存花柱顶部之间开裂[或外果皮脱落,纵向开裂]。

6、Component Analysis on Folysaccharides in Exocarp of Ginkgo biloba ─── 银杏外种皮多糖的成分分析

7、Determination of molecular weight and content of Ginkgo biloba exocarp polysaccharides by HPLC ─── HPLC测定银杏外种皮多糖的分子质量及含量

8、exocarp usually smooth, sometimes tuberculate. ─── 外果皮通常清除,有时具瘤。

9、Fruit a small nut, with persistent perianth at apex, exocarp dry, membranous [rarely fleshy], endocarp bony or slightly rigid, usually ridged; ─── 果一小的坚果,具宿存花被在先端,外果皮干燥,膜质[很少肉质],内果皮骨质或者有点硬,通常成脊状;

10、;exocarp smooth, not grooved, 3- or 4(-8)-seeded. ─── 平滑的外果皮,不在上开槽,3-或者4(-8)结子。

11、Definition: Pummelo Peel is the dried exocarp of unripe of almost ripe Citrus grandis “Tomentosa” or Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck (Fam.Rutaceae). ─── 本品为芸香科植物化州柚 Citrus grandis‘Tomentosa’或柚 Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck 的未成熟或近成熟的干燥外层果皮。

12、tangerine exocarp ─── 橘红

13、Berry is globose, the diameter makes an appointment with 1.5 centimeters, yellow is shown when maturity to red, exocarp small change is simple, mesocarp endoplasm; ─── 浆果球形,直径约1.5厘米,成熟时呈黄色至红色,外果皮薄革质,中果皮内质;

14、exocarp papery, distinct from endocarp. ─── 外果皮纸质,与内果皮分离。

15、Clinical study on treatment of patients with upper digestive tract malignant tumors of middle and late stage with Ginkgo biloba exocarp polysaccharides capsule preparation ─── 银杏外种皮多糖胶囊制剂治疗中晚期上消化道恶性肿瘤的临床研究

16、complete exocarp was good for long-term keeping fresh. ─── 核桃果实外皮若完好无损,则有利于长期保存保鲜。

17、Berry up to 5 cm in diam., exocarp ligneous when dry, minutely verruciform or smooth, usually 12-seeded. ─── 直径的浆果可达5厘米,木质的外果皮干燥时,细疣状或者平滑,通常12种子。

18、;exocarp thinly leathery when dry, brownish yellow, smooth; ─── 外果皮干燥时薄革质,带褐黄色,平滑;

19、endocarp thin, leathery, usually detached from exocarp when dry. ─── 内果皮薄,似皮革,通常干燥时从外果皮分开。

20、The exocarp is consisted of lays of cells. ─── 不同品种及果实不同部位间果点亦有差异。

21、Fruit enclosed in enlarged persistent calyx, endocarp bony, exocarp thin.Seeds oblong. ─── 在扩大的宿萼,内果皮骨质里的果内藏,外果皮薄。

22、Exocarp of Ginkgo biloba L ─── 银杏外种皮

23、exocarp ca. 1 mm thick; ─── 外果皮约1毫米厚;

24、Definition: Chinese Waxgourd Peel is the dried exocarp of Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. (Fam.Cucurbitaceae). ─── 本品为葫芦科植物冬瓜 Benincasa hispida (THunb.) Cogn. 的干燥外层果皮。

25、Ginkgo biloba exocarp polysaccharides ─── 银杏外种皮多糖

26、The exocarp contains only one layer of epidermal cells. ─── 外果皮由一层表皮细胞构成。

27、Keywords gingko exocarp polysaccharide;galacturonic acid;heedth food; ─── 银杏外种皮多糖;半乳糖醛酸;保健食品;

28、exocarp fragile, crustaceous. ─── 外果皮脆,壳质。


30、exocarp blue-black, thin; ─── 外果皮蓝色黑色,薄;

31、Objective:To study the effect of Ginkgo biloba exocarp polysaccharides(GBEP) on HL-60 cells in vitro. ─── 目的:研究银杏外种皮多糖对体外HL-60细胞的作用。

32、Study on Purification of Polysaccharides from Exocarp of Ginkgo biloba L. By Macroporous Adsorption Resin ─── 大孔吸附树脂纯化银杏外种皮多糖的研究

33、hairy chestnut exocarp ─── 栗壳

34、capsules oblate-spherical, ca. 2 cm in diam., exocarp brown, glabrous, crustaceous, endocarp yellow-white. ─── 蒴果扁球状球形,直径约2厘米,外果皮褐色,无毛,壳质,内果皮黄白色。

35、lost of water in fresh walnut with exocarp was slower than that in wet walnut, and exocarp could effectively keep fresh; ─── 带皮青核桃比湿核桃失水缓慢,外果皮能起到很好的保鲜作用;

36、The results had showed that surface features including the cell shape of exocarp and ornamentation of fruit epidermis may provide new proof for classification between species and subspecies. ─── 研究表明,飘拂草属植物在纹饰类型,超微结构等方面存在着明显的种间差异,具有分类学意义。

37、Definition: Pummelo peel is the dried exocarp of immature or almost muture Citrus grandis ‘Tomentosa’ or Citrus gramdis (L.) Osbeck (Fam.Rutaceae). ─── 本品为芸香科柑橘属植物化州柚Citrus grandis ‘Tomentosa’或柚Citrus gramdis (L.) Osbeck的未成熟或近成熟的外层果皮。

38、exocarp thinly crustaceous; ─── 外果皮薄壳质;

39、Berry up to 5 cm in diam. , exocarp ligneous when dry, minutely verruciform or smooth, usually 12-seeded. ─── 直径的浆果可达5厘米,木质的外果皮干燥时,细疣状或者平滑,通常12种子。

40、Fruit sometimes angled or winged, with fleshy-fibrous exocarp and woody-fibrous endocarp. ─── 果有时角或翅,纤维状的肉质的具和木质纤维状。

41、The pesticidal and bactericidal effects of ginkgolic acid extracted from Ginkgo exocarp was studied. ─── 从银杏外种皮中提取的银杏酚酸和白果酚有杀虫、杀菌作用。

42、The change of fruit anatomical structure shows cell of exocarp, sarcocarp and endocarp division and enlargement. ─── 果实生长发育在解剖结构上表现为果实外果皮、中果皮及内果皮三部分细胞的分裂与膨大。

43、sugared tangerine exocarp ─── 糖橘红

44、levant cotton exocarp ─── 棉花壳

45、exocarp green, reticulate, and fleshy, usually separating from pale, papery, smooth or rugose endocarp; ─── 外果皮绿色,网状,肉质,通常与浅的,纸质的,光滑或者具皱纹的内果皮分离;

46、exocarp extract ─── 外果皮提取液

47、pericarp thick and hard, or thin and brittle, exocarp fibrous or not, mesocarp light yellow, usually very hard, endocarp soft. ─── 果皮厚和硬,或者瘦和脆,纤维制的外果皮与否,中果皮浅黄,通常非常硬,柔软的内果皮的。

48、Fruit a globose or subovoid drupe, with somewhat fleshy exocarp and crusty or leathery endocarp, 1-seeded. ─── 果一近卵形核果的球状或,具稍肉质外果皮和脾气暴躁或革质内果皮,1种子。

49、Capsule pours egg form, most tumour state is had outside raised, 3 Pan are cracked, exocarp woodiness, thick, endocarp and diaphragmatic film are qualitative; ─── 蒴果倒卵形,外面具多数瘤状凸起,三爿裂,外果皮木质,厚,内果皮和隔膜膜质;

50、Berry ovoid or ellipsoid, apex different in texture from base, exocarp smooth, explosively dehiscent at maturity. ─── 浆果卵球形的或椭圆形,先端质地不同于基部的,外果皮平滑的,爆炸开裂在成熟时。

51、pummelo exocarp ─── 化橘红

52、lychee exocarp ─── 荔枝壳

53、The drug is collected in summer and autumn when the fruit turns greenish-yellow, boiled in water until the exocarp becomes grayish-white in colour, halved longitudinally, and dried in the sunn. ─── 夏、秋二季果实绿黄时采收,置沸水中烫至外皮灰白色,对半纵剖,晒干。

54、cathay hickory exocarp or seed ─── 山核桃

55、exocarp distinct from endocarp; ─── 外果皮与内果皮不同;

56、exocarp crustaceous. ─── 外果皮壳质。

57、Radioprotective effects of extract from Carya cathayensis nut exocarp on mice ─── 山核桃外果皮提取液对小鼠的辐射防护作用

58、outer part of pericarp (exocarp and mesocarp) ca. 1 mm thick. ─── 外部果皮(外果皮和中果皮)约1毫米厚;

59、Fruit a drupe;exocarp slightly fleshy, 2- or 3-locular. ─── 果为核果外果皮有点肉质,2-或者3室。

60、English walnut exocarp ─── 胡桃青皮

61、Berry globose, ovoid, or ellipsoid, exocarp smooth or verrucose, indehiscent, usually dispersed by birds. ─── 浆果球状,卵球形,或椭圆形,外果皮平滑的或瘤状的,通常通过鸟播散。

62、Keywords Macroporous adsorption resin;Exocarp of Ginkgo biloba L.;Polysaccharides;Purification; ─── 大孔吸附树脂;银杏外种皮;多糖;纯化;

63、Chinese waxgourd exocarp ─── 冬瓜皮

64、;exocarp thin and puberulent. ─── 外果皮薄和被微柔毛。

65、exocarp thin, fleshy; ─── 外果皮薄,肉;

66、Drupe subglobose, 1.5-2 cm in diam., dark purple;exocarp shallowly wrinkled. ─── 核果近球形,直径1.5-2厘米,深紫色外果皮浅皱纹。

67、C.cathayensis exocarp ─── 山核桃外果皮

68、exocarp thin, parenchymatous; ─── 外果皮为薄壁组织,薄;

69、Berry turbinate, clavate, or pyriform, base narrow or often attenuate into stipe, exocarp leathery, pubescent or glabrous. ─── 浆果陀螺状,棍棒状,梨形的或,基部狭窄或通常渐狭窄成为,革质的外果皮,被短柔毛或无毛。

70、exocarp thin, yellow, dehiscent or indehiscent at maturity; ─── 外果皮薄,变黄,成熟时开裂或者不裂;

71、Definition: Red Tangerine Peel is the dried exocarp of Citrus reticulata Blanco and its cultivars (Fam.Rutaceae). ─── 本品为芸香科植物橘 Citrus reticulata Blanco 及其栽培变种的干燥外层果皮。

72、Ginkgolic Acids from Ginkgo Exocarp and Their Toxicity to the Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella ─── 银杏外种皮中银杏酚酸对小菜蛾幼虫的拒食及毒杀作用

73、Fruit enclosed in enlarged persistent calyx, endocarp bony, exocarp thin. Seeds oblong. ─── 在扩大的宿萼,内果皮骨质里的果内藏,外果皮薄。

74、exocarp dry, crustaceous, dehiscing by a longitudinal fissure or separating into 2 fragments along back and front; ─── 外果皮干燥,壳质,通过一条长度裂缝或者沿着背面和正面分成2个碎片开裂;

75、exocarp leathery when dry; ─── 干燥时外果皮革质;

76、Fruit a small globose drupe, endocarp bony, mesocarp fleshy, exocarp thin. ─── 果一小球状核果,内果皮骨质,肉质的中果皮,瘦的外果皮。

77、Fruit sometimes angled or winged, with fleshy-fibrous exocarp and woody-fibrous endocarp. ─── 果有时角或翅,纤维状的肉质的具和木质纤维状。

78、exocarp and mesocarp united; ─── 外果皮和中果皮结合;


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