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09-08 投稿



effaced 发音

英:[??fe?st]  美:[??fe?st]

英:  美:

effaced 中文意思翻译



effaced 词性/词形变化,effaced变形

动词现在分词: effacing |动词过去分词: effaced |名词: effacement |动词第三人称单数: effaces |动词过去式: effaced |形容词: effaceable |

effaced 短语词组

1、be effaced from ─── 从…消失

effaced 相似词语短语

1、enfaced ─── vt.写在…的上面;印或盖在面上

2、effacer ─── 抹去

3、efforced ─── 有效的

4、uneffaced ─── 未说明

5、defaced ─── v.损伤……的外貌(deface的过去式和过去分词);adj.已损坏表面的

6、efface ─── vt.抹去,抹掉;使自己不受人注意

7、effaces ─── vt.抹去,抹掉;使自己不受人注意

8、effected ─── v.产生;造成;招致(effect的过去分词);adj.实现了的;受影响的

9、-faced ─── adj.有某种面孔或表情的;有…表面的;v.面对(face的过去分词)

effaced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Time and weather have long ago effaced the inscription on the monument ─── 岁月和风雨早已磨掉纪念碑上的铭文

2、However, meanwhile I also believe women have love and maternity as their deepest instinct, which can not be effaced but oppressed by the society. ─── 不过,同时我又相信爱和母性是女人最深邃的本能,环境只能压抑它,却不能把它磨灭。

3、The beauty effaced all girls I have seen. ─── 这个美人使我见过的所有姑娘都相形见绌。

4、An individual's sorrows might possibly be effaced, to simply become part of a pattern. ─── 一个人的悲痛很可能被抹掉,只是成为模式的以部分。

5、37. The inscriptions on the ancient monuments have been effaced by time. ─── 这个古建筑上的碑铭随着时间的推移被抹去。

6、Her marriage effaced the memory of her earlier misfortunes. ─── 她的婚姻抹去了她早年种种不幸的记忆。

7、Why can be time effaced once does firm have confidence technetium 爱 ? ─── 为什么时间会磨灭曾经狠有信心锝爱?

8、What the bloom is to the fruit,the charm of novelty is to love. It imparts a luster which is easily effaced and which never returns. ─── 新鲜感的魅力之于爱情,犹如花朵之于果实。它给爱情加上一层易于抹去、永不重现的光彩。

9、effaced herself ─── v. 不露面(隐藏起来, 埋没自己)

10、And the optical illusion of consternation, all that might have corrected and restrained this impression was effaced, ─── 本来还可以限制和改正他的印象的一切都消失了

11、DARBY: having effaced涂抹 the handwriting in ordinances which [stood out] against us, which was contrary to us, he has taken it also out of the way, having nailed it to the cross; ─── 西2:14又涂抹了在律例上所写攻击我们,有碍于我们的字据,把他撤去,钉在十字架上。

12、This encounter occupied his mind for three days and then was effaced. ─── 这次邂逅使他回想了好几天,印象才淡薄下去。

13、"I feel disgusted very much date this kind ' love of buying and selling ' practice, I yearn for encounter, the romance that I feel only encounter ability is effaced hard to me experiences " . ─── “我很反感相亲这种‘买卖爱情’的做法,我渴望邂逅,我觉得只有邂逅才能给我难以磨灭的浪漫体验”。

14、Time and weather had long ago effaced the inscription on the monument. ─── 岁月和风雨早已磨掉纪念碑上的铭文。

15、Gothic Paris, beneath which Roman Paris was effaced, was effaced in its turn; ─── 罗曼式样的巴黎在峨特式样的巴黎的淹没下消失了,到头来峨特式样的巴黎自己也消失了。

16、2.Amniotomy is an effective method of labor induction when performed in women with partially dilated and effaced cervices. ─── 羊膜穿刺术当宫颈部分扩张和消退时,羊膜穿刺术是引产的有效方法。

17、And the optical illusion of consternation, all that might have corrected and restrained this impression was effaced. ─── 本来还可以限制和改正他的印象的一切都消失了。

18、8 the serial number has been altered, effaced and / or removed. ─── 机身编号曾被涂改、损毁或撕除。

19、What the bloom is to the fruit,the charm of novelty is to love.It imparts a luster which is easily effaced and which never returns. ─── 新鲜感的魅力之于爱情,犹如花朵之于果实。它给爱情加上一层易于抹去,永不重视的光彩。

20、'The contamination is a shame for us all that cannot be effaced,' said Yang Wenjun, president of Mengniu, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. ─── 据新华社报导,蒙牛集团总裁杨文俊说,此次事件将在蒙牛人的心头刻上一块永不磨灭的耻辱碑。

21、It seemed that the very memory of her was effaced from his mind. ─── 对于她的记忆似乎已在他的心中冲淡了。

22、Nor could it be effaced by the tears of time or deadened by sorrow; ─── 一种不能为严冬的悲愁所扼杀的东西;

23、As a politician, he has completely effaced himself. ─── 作为一名政客,他已完全消声匿迹了。

24、The intellectual part of his nature was already effaced; he had power only to feel, and feeling was torment. ─── 他的心智已经被擦除得一干二净,残存下来的只有感觉的能力,然而感觉却让他饱受煎熬。

25、even to his name, was effaced; ─── 连他的名字也消灭了。

26、The water from the glass effaced some lines from the letter ─── 杯子里洒出的水把信里的字抹掉了几行。

27、However, meanwhile I also believe women have love and maternity as their deepest instinct, which can not be effaced but oppressed by the society. ─── 不过,同时我又相信爱和母性是女人最深邃的本能,环境只能压抑它,却不能把它磨灭。

28、The shy boy effaced himself by staying in the background ─── 那害羞的孩子躲在後面不让人注意

29、My grandfather made a small amount of wine in the countryside near Rome. &sem I still remember the wine aroma in the cellar&sem It is a piece of memory that cannot be effaced. ─── 在文艺复兴时期,即公元1400年,意大利人为红酒灌输了新的精神和品味,各大产区的产量大幅上升,直到今天取得了举世瞩目的成就。

30、TYPICAL USE:The inscriptions on the ancient monurments have been effaced by time. ─── 古代石碑上的文字,已经因时间长久而被磨蚀去。

31、The phoenix makes a coffin and fills it with fine smelling spices, then dies where the stink of corruption is (effaced) by (agreeable) smells. ─── 凤凰制造了一个棺材并且将它装满香味香料,然后死亡,在那里靠着(使人愉快的)气味(抹去)腐臭恶味。

32、The inscription has been effaced by time. ─── 碑文因年久剥蚀殆尽

33、What the bloom is to the fruit, the charm of novelty is to love. It imparts a lustre which is easily effaced and which never returns. ─── 新奇的魅力对于爱情来说,就有如花对于果。这种魅力会给爱加上一层易于抹去的、永不复返的光彩。

34、And be brought up slowly when us, what lost childhood gradually is innocent, effaced gradually when when dreaming, perhaps, what does need have to make us OK recall, that paragraph of pure years. ─── 而当我们慢慢长大,渐渐地失去了童年的天真,渐渐地磨灭了儿时梦想的时候,也许,需要有什么让我们可以记起,那段纯真的岁月。

35、Time effaced the memory. ─── 时间抹掉了记忆。

36、Anything happened won't be effaced by separationFairy tales ever made sometimes maybe considerationsIt is tears that you shedas response to my sincere understandingWe'll live in a bright spring day tomorrow ─── 离别不代表磨灭一切谎言有些时候也许是体贴你用泪光回应我的真诚谅解明天我们都有艳阳天

37、TYPICAL USE: The inscriptions on the ancient monuments have been effaced by time. ─── 古代石碑上的文字,已经因时间长久而被磨蚀去。

38、Dr. Macphail quickly effaced from his lips the smile which had come upon them. ─── 麦克费尔医生赶快收回了嘴角上露出的微笑。

39、Someone has effaced part of the address on his letter ─── 有人把他信上的一部分地址擦掉了。

40、Busy life is the cure of heart wounded. That abrupt news which was supposed to make him irresolute, exciting and nervous is effaced by the busy work. ─── 繁忙的生活是感情的最佳疗剂,那些突然的消息...本来应有的踌躇不安和激动紧张都在忙碌中忘却。

41、It was forty-eight hours since he had seen Cosette;he was about to behold her once more;every other thought was effaced, and he felt only a profound and unheard-of joy. ─── 他已有四十八小时不曾和珂赛特见面,他即将看见她,任何其他的想法全消失了,他目前只有这一件空前深刻的称心事。

42、3.Thus the historical significance of its architecture is being effaced every day.Monuments are becoming rarer and rarer,and one seems to see them gradually engulfed, by the flood of houses. ─── 于是,巴黎最富有历史意义的建筑艺术便天天在消失,历史古迹日益减少,仿佛眼睁睁看这些古迹淹在房舍的海洋中,渐渐被吞没了。

43、The shy boy effaced himself by staying in the background. ─── 那害羞的孩子躲在後面不让人注意。

44、never be obliterated [effaced] ─── 不可磨灭

45、He can either follow the trodden way of the past masters to be effaced in the darkness or go downstairs to be a lonely sage or enlightener. ─── 有些诗人并没有参与到各种几乎是鸡毛蒜皮的争论之中,而是独立独行的观察、写作。说实在的,在没有足够积累形成一个大气候之前,很多争论只能是皮毛。

46、But soon, under a new sheet, every imprint would be effaced ─── 但是过不一会儿,那些足迹就被一层新下的白雪盖上了。

47、Those marks of their constant tread have not been effaced though their kinship has been long forgotten. ─── 他们持续不变的足迹并未被近抹掉,尽管他们的血缘关系早已被忘却。

48、My grandfather made a small amount of wine in the countryside near Rome.I still remember the wine aroma in the cellar;It is a piece of memory that cannot be effaced. ─── 我的祖父在靠近罗马的乡村也曾酿造少量的葡萄酒,酒窖里葡萄酒的芳香至今仍保存在我的记忆中,是生命中的一段不可磨灭的记忆。

49、The man, the artist, the individual, is effaced in these great masses, which lack the name of their author; human intelligence is there summed up and totalized. ─── 人类,艺术家,个人,在这一座座没有作者姓名的庞然大物上都消失了,唯有人类的智慧却概括在其中,总结在其中。

50、It imparts a luster which is easily effaced and which never returns. ─── 它给爱情加上一层易于抹去,永不重视的光彩。

51、Shuitou is definitely a point that is impossible to be effaced and ignored on the stone map of the world. ─── 世界石材这个版图上,水头无疑是一个不能抹去、不容忽视的点。

52、Those marks of their constant tread have not been effaced though their kinship has been long forgotten. ─── 他们的亲属关系早被忘却,他们不变的足印的符号并没有消灭。

53、However, overlying epithelial cell foot processes are effaced (giving the appearance of fusion) and run together. ─── 然而,脏层上皮细胞(足细胞)表面的足突消失或融合。

54、Amniotomy is an effective method of labor induction when performed in women with partially dilated and effaced cervices . ─── 羊膜穿刺术当宫颈部分扩张和消退时,羊膜穿刺术是引产的有效方法。

55、Financial crisis effaced the confidence of a lot of people, they do not know where the bottom is, although have actual strength, also not dare rushed in short-term inside have large investment. ─── 金融危机磨灭了很多人的信心,他们不知道底在哪里,即使有实力,也不敢贸然在短期内进行大投入。

56、An individual's sorrows might possibly be effaced , to simply become part of a pattern. ─── 一个人的悲痛很可能被抹掉,只是成为模式的以部分。

57、As a politician, Mr Tyler has completely effaced himself. ─── 作为一个政客,泰勒先生已完全销声匿迹了。

58、Here the pre-arranged plot and climax are nullified, and the boundaries of signs are effaced. ─── 当安排好的情节与高潮被消解之后,禁锢的符号被释放了;无尽的公路不再是逃亡的公路;

59、The evil communist party needs to be destroyed and effaced off this planet before it is too late.The inhumane communist regime is the source of the world's evil!And it must be effaced!!! ─── 中华民国才是真正的中国,那些自诩中国人的共匪政府终会有一天被世界揭晓他们的罪行与邪恶!

60、"When the two women went out together, Anna deliberately effaced herself and played to the dramatic Molly"(Doris Lessing) ─── “当那两个女人一起出去,安娜特意不突出自己而去迎合举止显眼的莫莉”(多丽丝·莱辛)语源

61、"When the two women went out together, Anna deliberately effaced herself and played to the dramatic Molly" (Doris Lessing) ─── “当那两个女人一起出去,安娜特意不突出自己而去迎合举止显眼的莫莉”(多丽丝·莱辛)

62、The intellectual part of his nature was already effaced; ─── 他的理智本性早已不复存在,他只剩下感觉的能力,且仅有疼痛感。

63、Her marriage effaced the memory of her earlier misfortunes. ─── 她的婚姻抹去了她早年种种不幸的记忆。

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