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09-08 投稿


exfoliative 发音

英:[['eksf??l??t?v]]  美:[['eksfo?l?rt?v]]

英:  美:

exfoliative 中文意思翻译



exfoliative 短语词组

1、exfoliative gastritis ─── [医] 剥脱性胃炎

2、exfoliative keratolysis fungus ─── 剥脱性角膜松解真菌

3、exfoliative cheilitis ─── 表皮脱落性唇炎,剥脱性唇炎

4、desquamative exfoliative erythema ─── [医] 剥脱脱屑性红斑, 猩红热样红斑

5、exfoliative erythroderma ─── [医] 剥脱性红皮病

6、exfoliative eczema ─── 剥脱性湿疹

7、exfoliative osteitis ─── [医] 剥脱性骨炎

8、exfoliative cystitis ─── [医] 剥脱性膀胱炎

9、exfoliative toxin ─── 剥脱性毒素

10、erythroderma exfoliative dermatitis ─── 红皮剥脱性皮炎

11、exfoliative keratolysis ─── 剥脱性角质松解症, ─── 剥脱性角质层分离

12、exfoliative dermatitis ─── [皮肤]剥脱性皮炎

13、exfoliative glaucoma ─── 剥脱性青光眼

14、exfoliative def ─── 去角质def

15、exfoliative endometritis ─── [医] 剥脱性子宫内膜炎

16、exfoliative cytology ─── [医] 脱落细胞学, 剥脱细胞诊断学

17、exfoliative rejection ─── 剥脱性排斥反应

18、exfoliative face ─── 去角质脸

exfoliative 相似词语短语

1、exfoliated ─── 剥脱的

2、exfoliating ─── 片状剥落

3、exfoliation ─── n.剥落;剥落物;表皮脱落

4、exfoliates ─── vi.片状剥落;鳞片样脱皮;vt.使片状脱落;使呈鳞片状脱落

5、exfoliator ─── n.去角质

6、exfoliators ─── 去角质剂

7、exfoliate ─── vi.片状剥落;鳞片样脱皮;vt.使片状脱落;使呈鳞片状脱落

8、affiliative ─── 有亲和力的

9、expatiative ─── 详尽的

exfoliative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、exfoliative cystitis ─── [医] 剥脱性膀胱炎

2、Comparison of survival of exfoliative glaucoma patients and primary open-angle glaucoma patients:Impact of acetazolamide use ─── 剥脱性青光眼和原发性开角型青光眼生存率的比较:乙酰唑胺应用的影响

3、exfoliative glaucoma ─── 剥脱综合征性青光眼

4、Results The mean onset age of exfoliative dermatitis was older than that of toxic epidermal necrolysis and Steven-Johnson syndrome. ─── 结果剥脱性皮炎组的患病年龄超过中毒性表皮坏死松解组及重症多型红斑组。

5、exfoliative gastritis ─── [医] 剥脱性胃炎

6、Study of micronuclei in oral exfoliative cells of normal mucosa ─── 正常人口腔粘膜脱落细胞微核计数的研究

7、Keywords flow cytometry;carcinoembryonie antigen;exfoliative eytology examination;malignant pleural effusion; ─── 流式细胞术;癌胚抗原;脱落细胞学;恶性胸腔积液;

8、glossodynia exfoliative ─── 剥脱性舌痛


10、keratolysis exfoliative ─── 剥脱性角质松解症

11、Exfoliative cytological diagnosis in cervical immature squamous metaplasia ─── 子宫颈不成熟鳞状上皮化生的脱落细胞学诊断价值

12、exfoliative fur ─── 剥苔

13、exfoliative toxin ─── 剥脱性毒素

14、Objective To observe the effect of heparin sodium cream(HEPUDIOD) combined with corticosteroid cream in treating exfoliative cheilitis. ─── 目的观察肝素钠乳膏(海普林)联合皮质类固醇软膏治疗剥脱性唇炎的效果。

15、Primary study on forensic application of oral mucosa exfoliative cells DNA polymorphism ─── 口腔粘膜脱落细胞DNA多态性分型检测在法医学应用的初步研究

16、A Case Report of Large Area Exfoliative Dermatitis Treated with MEBO ─── 湿润烧伤膏治愈大面积皮肤剥脱性皮炎一例报告

17、He was hospitalised 5 days later and examination showed facial oedema, erythroderma with exfoliative dermatitis and diffuse lymph node enlargement. ─── 住院5天后,体格检查发现面部水肿,呈剥脱性红皮病,全身淋巴结肿大。

18、Keywords Pemphigus;Exfoliative toxins;Keratinocytes;Interleukines;Peptide peptidohydro-lases; ─── 天疱疮;脱叶素类;角蛋白细胞;白细胞介素类;肽肽水解酶类;

19、Method: A case of exfoliative dermatitis with an area of 96% TBSA was treated with MEBO, 4 to 6 times a day. ─── 为寻找一种理想的治疗方法,采用烧伤湿性医疗技术治疗。

20、Keywords sulfasalazine;metronidazole;dermatitis;exfoliative;drug eruptions;adverse drug reaction;galculus bovis and metronidazole capsules; ─── 柳氮磺吡啶;甲硝唑;皮炎;剥脱性;药疹;药物不良反应;人工牛黄甲硝唑胶囊;


22、exfoliative keratitis ─── 剥脱性角膜炎

23、general exfoliative dermatitis ─── 全身性剥脱性皮炎

24、desquamative exfoliative erythema ─── 剥脱脱屑性红斑

25、By TEM and SEM, the columnar ciliary epithelium cells, basal cells and clara exfoliative cells and necrosis were also discovered. ─── 柱状纤毛上皮细胞、基底细胞和Clara细胞脱落、坏死。

26、Keywords endoscopic ultrasonography;myogenic tumor;needle biopsies;exfoliative cytology; ─── 关键词胃镜超声检查;肌源性肿瘤;细针穿刺;脱落细胞;

27、Clinical Implications of Microsatellite Instability in Urinary Exfoliative Cell of the Patients with Bladder Carcinoma ─── 检测尿脱落细胞中微卫星不稳定性的临床意义

28、exfoliative deermatitis ─── 剥脱性皮炎

29、Exfoliative gingivitis is a syndrome, this disease often accompanied by oral lichen or pemphigus. ─── 剥脱性龈炎是一种综合症,这种疾病通常由口腔扁平苔藓或天疱疮陪同。

30、From electricity mirror scan result ,it can be find that the shape of the corrosion products have flap and granular,furthermore it is observed that the corrosion products has exfoliative phenomena. ─── 从电镜扫描结果可以看出,挂片的腐蚀产物有片状和颗粒状的,而且可以看出腐蚀产物有剥落的现象。

31、exfoliative cheilitis ─── 剥脱性唇炎

32、Exfoliative cytology for detecting oral premalignant and oral early cancer ─── 口腔癌前病变早期癌变的脱落细胞学检测

33、exfoliative erythroderma ─── [医] 剥脱性红皮病

34、Object: To provide guidance for safe clinical use of medicines by evaluation of the literatures on drug induced exfoliative dermatitis. ─── 目的:通过对药物致剥脱性皮炎不良反应的文献分析,为临床安全用药提供依据。

35、The symptom accords with the diagnosis of the Exfoliative Cheilitis, which is called "lip wind" or "tight lip" in Chinese Medicine. ─── 其症状符合剥脱性唇炎的诊断,中医之病名为“唇风”或“紧唇”。

36、exfoliative esophagitis ─── 剥脱性食管炎

37、Chronic generalized exfoliative dermatitis ─── 慢性泛发性表皮脱落性皮炎

38、Keywords Immunoglobulin;Severe drug eruption;Erythema multiforme;Toxic epidermal necrolysis;Exfoliative dermatitis; ─── 免疫球蛋白;重症药疹;多形红斑;中毒性表皮坏死松解;剥脱性皮炎;

39、And there was no difference about cyclic morphology of exfoliative cells in vaginal smear between model rats and normal rats. ─── 另外模型组大鼠阴道脱落上皮细胞的形态学周期性变化和正常成熟大鼠的相似。

40、Detection of P53 protein, K-ras and APC gene mutation in sporadic colorectal cancer tissue and exfoliative epithelial cells in stool ─── 散发性大肠癌组织及粪便P53蛋白、K-ras及APC基因的检测

41、Keywords malignant thoracio-abdominal water;chromosome;exfoliative cytology; ─── 恶性胸腹水;染色体;脱落细胞学;

42、Effect of Different Pleural Cavity Irrigation Fluid on the Exfoliative Cells of Lung Carcinoma ─── 不同胸腔灌洗液对肺癌脱落细胞的影响及意义

43、sputum exfoliative cytological examinarion ─── 痰液脱落细胞检查

44、Doctor Li Qiangou's Experience on Treatment of Exfoliative Cheilitis ─── 李乾构治疗唇风经验

45、epidemic exfoliative dermatitis ─── 流行性剥脱性皮炎

46、Objective To introduce clinic features and therapeutic methods of streptomycin-induced exfoliative dermatitis eruption. ─── 目的介绍链霉素引起罕见的剥脱性皮炎型药疹的临床特征及治疗方法,供临床用药参考。

47、AIMS the characteristics of etiology and pathology of rectal diseases were revealed by study on the ultrastructure of rectal exfoliative cells. ─── 目的通过直肠病变脱落细胞超微结构的研究,揭示直肠疾病的病因病理特征。

48、Methods The pathological examination of urine exfoliative cell was done in male workers exposed to benzidine for more than one year. ─── 方法对染化行业在职和退休职工,有联苯胺接触史1年以上的男性,进行尿脱落细胞病理学检查。

49、MEBO is very effective in treating large area exfoliative dermatitis. ─── 湿润烧伤膏治疗大面积剥脱性皮炎疗效显著。

50、Before and after injection, the vaginal exfoliative cytology of each rat was examined for determination whether the acupuncture-like effect appeared. ─── 注射前后分别作阴道涂片,进行脱落细胞学检查,以确定是否出现针刺样效应;

51、In 35 cases malignant tumor group, the detection rate by FCM was 71.4%(25/35) and 57.1%(20/35) by exfoliative cytology. ─── 恶性肿瘤组25例检出异倍体,阳性检出率为71.4%; 常规细胞学法20例检出癌细胞,阳性检出率为57.1%;

52、Conclusion The effect is satisfying with heparin sodium cream combined with corticosteroid cream in treating exfoliative cheilitis. ─── 结论肝素钠乳膏联合皮质类固醇软膏治疗剥脱性唇炎疗效满意。

53、Subacute generalized exfoliative dermatitis ─── 亚急性泛发性表皮脱落性皮炎

54、Nursing care of a newborn with exfoliative dermatitis ─── 例新生儿剥脱性皮炎的护理

55、Quantitative chromatic study on exfoliative cells of lung cancer in sputum smears stained by Pap test ─── 痰涂片肺癌脱落细胞巴氏染色色度学定量研究

56、Object: To provide guidance for safe clinical use of medicines by evaluation of the literatures on drug induced exfoliative dermatitis. ─── 目的:通过对药物致剥脱性皮炎不良反应的文献分析,为临床安全用药提供依据。

57、exfoliative keratolysis ─── 剥脱性角质层分离

58、OBJECTIVE To provide reliable data for safe use of drugs by evaluating the cases of exfoliative dermatitis induced by anti-infective drugs. ─── 目的通过对抗感染药物致剥脱性皮炎不良反应的病例分析,为临床安全用药提供依据。

59、exfoliative osteitis ─── [医] 剥脱性骨炎

60、Analysis of 15 ADR case reports of streptomycin-induced exfoliative dermatitis eruption ─── 15例链霉素致剥脱性皮炎型药疹不良反应分析

61、exfoliative dermatitis eruption ─── 剥脱性皮炎型药疹

62、Method: MEBO was applied to a patient of contact and exfoliative dermatitis with 94% TBSA caused by trichioroethylene. ─── 方法:对1例因三氯乙烯接触性剥脱皮炎(病损面积94%TBSA)患者,全部创面给予外涂湿润烧伤膏治疗。

63、exfoliative endometritis ─── [医] 剥脱性子宫内膜炎

64、Generalized exfoliative dermatitis ─── 泛发性表皮脱落性皮炎

65、exfoliative cell examination of urine ─── 尿液脱落细胞检查

66、Exfoliative dermatitis, agranulocytosis and severe arrhythmia were aho seen. ─── 剥脱性皮炎、粒细胞缺乏症和严重的心律紊乱也可见到。

67、Keywords Anti-infective drugs;exfoliative dermatitis;ADR; ─── 抗感染药物;剥脱性皮炎;药物不良反应;

68、exfoliative dermatitis of newborn ─── 新生儿剥脱性皮炎

69、Two Cases of Exfoliative Dermatitis Due to APC AllergyCured by MEBO ─── MEBO治愈APC过敏性剥脱性皮炎(附2例报告)

70、Therefore, a strategy has been proposed for discrimination of exfoliative cells in sputum smears based on chromatic features. ─── 基于所建立的判别函数,提出了痰涂片肺癌脱落细胞色度学定量判别分析路径。

71、Study on Cell Cycle of Exfoliative Cells of the Tongue Fur in the Chronic Superficial Gastritis with Spleen-stomach Damp-heat Syndrome ─── 慢性浅表性胃炎脾胃湿热证患者舌苔脱落细胞活动周期的研究

72、Objective To introduce clinic features and therapeutic methods of streptomycin-induced exfoliative dermatitis eruption. ─── 目的介绍链霉素引起罕见的剥脱性皮炎型药疹的临床特征及治疗方法,供临床用药参考。

73、exfoliative vaginitis ─── 剥脱性阴道炎

74、Results Severe drug eruption by allopurinol had four types:erythema multiforme gravis or Steven-Johnson syndrome,epidermal necrolysis and exfoliative dermatitis. ─── 潜伏期长、病情急重、肝肾受累常见、糖皮质激素治疗有效,但病程长、死亡率高。

75、was no hepatosplenomegaly or regional lymphadenopathy, but severe exfoliative dermatitis was observed. ─── 不肿大,淋巴结未触及,但发现严重的剥脱性皮炎。

76、Exfoliative dermatitis due to allopurinol: 2 case reports ─── 别嘌醇致剥脱性皮炎2例

77、exfoliative psoriasis ─── 剥脱性牛皮癣, 红皮性牛皮癣

78、fatigue- exfoliative wear ─── 疲劳-剥落磨损

79、Exfoliative erythroderma is a skin disorder with complicated etiopathogenesis as well as unknown pathogenesis. ─── 红皮病是病因复杂的一种综合病症,其发病机制尚不清楚。

80、Exfoliative toxins(ETs) of Staphylococcus aureus are directly responsible for the skin exfoliation of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS). ─── 由金黄色葡萄球菌分泌的表皮剥脱毒素是引起葡萄球菌性烫伤样皮肤综合征患者皮肤剥脱的直接原因。

81、Objective: To explore the curative effects of MEBO in treating contact and exfoliative dermatitis caused by trichioroethylene. ─── 摘要目的:探讨湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)治疗三氯乙烯接触性剥脱皮炎的治疗效果。

82、l Other reported reactions: Headache, injection site reactions, hypersensitivity reactions (angioedema, skin rashes, exfoliative dermatitis), fever, liver damage, megaloblastic anemia following. ─── 其他反应:头痛、注射部位反应、超敏反应(血管性水肿、皮疹、剥脱性皮炎)、发热、肝损伤、巨幼细胞贫血。

83、Keywords Carbamazepine;exfoliative dermatitis;drug allergy; ─── 卡马西平;剥脱性皮炎;药物过敏;

84、The symptom accords with the diagnosis of the Exfoliative Cheilitis, which is called "lip wind" or "tight lip" in Chinese Medicine. ─── 其症状符合剥脱性唇炎的诊断,中医之病名为“唇风”或“紧唇”。

85、Nursing of Exfoliative Dermatitis of Neonate ─── 新生儿剥脱性皮炎的护理

86、Application of Telomerase Determination of Body Fluid Exfoliative Cells in the Diagnosis of Malignant Tumor ─── 体液脱落细胞端粒酶检测在恶性肿瘤诊断中的应用

87、exfoliative inflammation of lip ─── 唇风

88、sputum exfoliative cytological examination ─── 痰液脱菌细胞检查

89、Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic significance of micronucleus assay by using exfoliative cytological examination. ─── 白斑和红斑是世界公认的癌前病变。扁平苔藓被称为癌前状态。

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