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09-08 投稿



housekeeping 发音

英:['ha?ski?p??]  美:['ha?skip??]

英:  美:

housekeeping 中文意思翻译



housekeeping 短语词组

housekeeping money

1. 家用钱

She spent all the housekeeping money on a new coat.


1、light housekeeping ─── 简单的家务劳动, 轻家务活儿

2、housekeeping routine ─── [计] 内务处理程序

3、housekeeping bit ─── [计] 内务位

4、housekeeping service ─── 家政服务

5、sun housekeeping ─── 阳光客房部

6、housekeeping run ─── [电] 内务运转

7、Good Housekeeping ─── 好管家;家政(美国一份内容保守的妇女杂志)

8、housekeeping module ─── [计] 内务操作模块

9、mechanized housekeeping ─── [计] 机械化事务处理

10、housekeeping digit ─── [计] 内务数字

11、housekeeping package ─── 整理组装,成家组装

12、daily housekeeping ─── 日常内务管理

13、housekeeping software ─── [计] 内务管理软件

14、housekeeping money ─── 家用

15、housekeeping operation ─── [计] 内务操作

16、housekeeping program ─── [计] 内务处理程序

17、housekeeping instruction ─── [计] 内务指令

18、housekeeping gene ─── 持家基因

19、housekeeping department ─── 客房部

housekeeping 词性/词形变化,housekeeping变形

动词: housekeep |

housekeeping 相似词语短语

1、housekeeper ─── n.女管家;主妇

2、housebreaking ─── n.盗取;侵入家宅;拆屋;v.管教;破门而入;拆房(housebreak的ing形式)

3、housekeep ─── v.做家务;持家

4、beekeeping ─── n.养蜂;养蜂业

5、housekeeping cart ─── 客房推车

6、housecleaning ─── n.清扫房屋;肃清

7、housekeepers ─── n.女管家;主妇

8、housekeeps ─── v.做家务;持家

9、outkeeping ─── 超出

housekeeping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's sweets of housekeeping in a country village! ─── 在乡下经营家务真有趣!

2、If Housekeeping has the item the Lost &Found should be picked up by a Bellman and brought to the GSO together with a Lost &Found Claim Record Slip. ─── 如果客房部发现物件,应该由服务员保留并随同遗失/发现物件声明单交由领班。

3、Good knowledge of Housekeeping Guest floors daily operation. ─── 具有良好的管家部楼层日常操作方面的知识。

4、It was the first time since they had set up housekeeping that she had dared to criticise one of the master's acts. ─── 自从他们开始组织家庭以来,敢向家长采取批评行动她这还是第一次。

5、Schedules routine inspections by supervisors, of all housekeeping areas including occupied and non-occupied rooms. ─── 主管对日常事物的检查,包括空房和住人房的所有客房区域。

6、Borrowing Equipment from Housekeeping Do you have a converter I could use? ─── 你们有我可以使用的变频器吗?

7、She makes a toy of housekeeping. ─── 她把料理家务当作消遣。

8、She says, computer use is big, housekeeping does poineering work find sth useful, it is her the most satisfactory dotal. ─── 她说,电脑用处大,持家创业都用得着,是她最满足的嫁妆。

9、The Front Desk Agent will unassign the room number and calls Housekeeping to double check the room to ensure cleanliness. ─── 前台将重新分配房间号码并通知客房部反复检查房间以确保干净。

10、The only benefit gained from deleting an obsolete UM dial plan is to reuse the name or perform general Active Directory housekeeping. ─── 删除过时UM拨号计划的唯一好处是可以再次使用该名称或执行常规的ActiveDirectory维护管理。

11、Housekeeping Oxygen Please contact the Housekeeping Dept at ext.8520 for oxygen servie. ─── 客房中心阁下需要任何客房服务,请您与客房中心联系,电话8520。

12、The reason is this: By and large, Chinese housekeeping and building maintenance are far from the world best. ─── 原因在于:一般说来,中国人的家务料理以及对楼房的维护离世界最高水平还相差很远。

13、Her physical and mental health, vitality, Gary Coull, housekeeping, like the acceptance of a new thing. ─── 她身心健康,充满活力,顾家、持家、喜欢接受新鲜事物。

14、Pleas contact Housekeeping if there is any problem with the hair dryer in your washroom. ─── 客房的浴室备有吹风筒,如有问题请与客房中心联系。

15、Okay, I'll make a few calls and run our order by housekeeping first to make sure. Is there anything else we need to order while I'm at it? ─── 好的,我去打几个电话,先让总务部门核实一下,再续订单。还有什么东西需要我们一起下订单的?

16、The Housekeeping Department is one of the busiest sections in the hotel in terms of the variety of functions performed and the number of working staff. ─── 在功能多样性及工作人员的人数上,客房部是旅馆最忙的部门之一。

17、When applying for a job, they refuse to be interviewees to non-leading enterprises and prefer to housekeep otherwise. ─── 他们不切实际,找工作时,不是龙头企业则免谈,否则就自立门户。

18、Wait a second time for a response. If you still do not receive an answer open the door slightly and repeat 'Housekeeping'. ─── 再次等待答复。如果仍旧没有回答,轻轻的开门并通报‘客房服务’。

19、There is nothing extravagant in their housekeeping, I dare say. ─── 他们的日常生活决不会有什么浪费。”

20、Since that day, she only saw him formally, once a month, when Uncle Peter drove her to his office to get the housekeeping money. ─── 从那以后,她只在正式场合同他见面,那就是每月一次让彼得大叔驾车送她到亨利的办公室去领取家用开支。

21、So far as I know, she has a faculty of housekeeping. ─── 她很善于理家。

22、Mrs. Baker is lucky. Someone found it in the corridor this morning . it could be the locket that Mrs. Baker lost. It has been sent to the housekeeping Office. ─── Baker太太真是太幸运了,有人今早在楼道里拾到了一个项链盒,很可能是Baker太太丢的那个,已送到了客房部。

23、The hotel is highly praised for the circumspect and quick housekeeping service by most guests. ─── 一向以细心快捷为特色的客房服务赢得了广大宾客的赞扬。

24、But she's still going to arrange social events, while he takes over the housekeeping and raising their two kids. ─── 不过她会负责安排社交方面的事宜,而他则接手料理家务和照顾两个小孩。

25、Outside the parking lot, still have the of all kinds small shop of the housekeep with dispersive circuit, comprised a huge commercial city... ─── 停车场外,还有一圈分散的自立门户的各类小商店,组成了一个庞大的商业城。

26、In the event that there are problems with your room, you should call the front desk or housekeeping. ─── 在房间有问题的情形时,你应该打电话给柜台或清扫部门。

27、Obama's housekeeping skills is the "say so antagonistic to both sides consider to be his support. ─── 奥巴马的看家本领就是“说一句话让对立的双方都认为得到他支持”。

28、Good Housekeeping proposes the latest housekeeping concepts in all aspects. ─── 《好管家》提供各个方面的最新的家务管理理念。

29、But our housekeeping Department has a very good baby-sitting service. ─── 但是我们的客户部有一项很好的照看婴儿服务。

30、Keep the machines and environment in clean, tidy and safety condition (Housekeeping). ─── 保持机器及其环境的干净、整洁和安全(环境卫生)。

31、She offered to help him in the housekeeping when I am not here. ─── 她提出,我不在家时她可以帮助他料理家务。

32、COX-1 is expressed constitutively in most tissues and is thought to perform primarily “housekeeping” functions. ─── COX-1在许多组织中组成性表达,被认为行使最基本的“看家”功能。

33、They came to start housekeeping and married life in the rather forlorn home of the Chatterleys on a rather inadequate income. ─── 他们来到这有点零丁的查太莱老家里,开始共同的生活,收入是不太充裕的。

34、Lost and Found : Please contact the Housekeeping . ─── 失物招领:请与客房部联系。

35、Some tenants come short of a desirable standard in housekeeping and tidiness. ─── 一些租户在内务和整洁方面缺乏可取的标准。

36、A lecture on housekeeping with emphasison neatness; paused for emphasis, then announced the winner's name. ─── 一个强调整洁的客房管理演说;停顿一下以示强调,接着宣布胜利者的姓名。

37、Nov28.2005~July9.2006:Work as a minibar attendant in housekeeping at sheraton sanya resort(belong to room serive ago). ─── 在三亚喜来登度假酒店客房部当酒水员(以前属于送餐部).

38、Most large companies now use computers for accounting and housekeeping operations. ─── 多数大公司现在用计算机进行会计运算和内务操作。

39、We don't provide iced water in Housekeeping. ─── 客房管理部不供应冰水。

40、Presumably, the ABL protein, like the product of many other so-called housekeeping genes, is not essential in normal signaling pathways. ─── 人们推测ABL蛋白和其他许多看家基因的产物一样,对于正常的信号转导途径并不是必须的。

41、If you need ice cube ,please contact Housekeeping. ─── 如您需要冰块,请与客房中心联系。

42、The Housekeeping provide iron and iron board ,if any need please contact Housekeeping. ─── 客房中心备有电慰斗和慰衣板,如有需要可与客房中心联系。

43、Using callbacks exhibits good housekeeping and proactive thinking on the part of the developer. ─── 使用回调标志着开发人员具有良好的内务处理和主动思维的习惯。

44、But while garbage collection generally allows you to ignore resource management, sometimes you have to do some housekeeping on your own. ─── 可尽管垃圾收集一般来说可以让您无需进行资源管理,有时候您还是必须自己进行一些内务处理。

45、Perform and comply with all housekeeping duties, and other HSE related rules and policies within warehouse operation. ─── 在仓库的操作中,遵照和完成所有仓储职责,及其它HSE有关规定。

46、"I didn't have to be bright; I wasn't expected to," Channing told Good Housekeeping in 1955. "All I had to do was be blonde. ─── 1955年她对《好管家》杂志说:“我用不着聪明,我不想那样,我只要做个金发女郎就行了。”

47、We don't sell drinks in Housekeeping. ─── 客房管理部不卖饮料。

48、So far, we ve set up the housekeeping. ─── 到目前为止,我们已经设置了内务处理。

49、Please contact the Housekeeping Dept. At ext.8520for any additional room services. ─── 如需提供氧气,请与客房中心联系,电话8520。

50、As the working classes prospered and the servant shortage set in, housekeeping became a matter of interest to the educated classes. ─── 随着工人阶级的繁荣和佣人短缺的出现,料理家务成为了受教育阶层关心的问题。

51、She does not enjoy the details of housekeeping. ─── 她不喜欢琐碎的家务。

52、One of the major themes of safety and health promotion in 1999 was 'Good Housekeeping in the Workplace'. ─── 一九九九年安全及健康推广活动的一个重要主题是"良好工作场所整理"。

53、Good afternoon, housekeeping department. ─── 下午好,客服务部。

54、to get a new guest from the lobby to his cleaned room involves the front office , the uniformed services , and the housekeeping department. ─── 让一位新客人从大堂到整洁的房间涉及到前厅、行李房和管家部的工作。

55、Lisa enjoys housekeeping and her husband also helps around the house. ─── 喜欢做家务,她先生也常常帮忙收拾房间。

56、Train people to follow good housekeeping independently. ─── 养成良好的习惯,并遵守规定。

57、It is a tedious but necessary housekeeping chore if your goal is to write professional code. ─── 如果您的目标是编写专业的代码,这就是一项乏味却又必要的苦差事。

58、Good Housekeeping is published by Trends magazines and licensed by Heart Magazines International. ─── 《好管家》是《时尚》杂志社与美国 Hearst 集团版权合作,

59、A lecture on housekeeping with emphasis on neatness; paused for emphasis,then announced the winner's name. ─── 一个强调整洁的客房管理演说;停顿一下以示强调,接着宣布胜利者的姓名

60、When her English butler, Robert, asks for an increase in the housekeeping, she refuses. However, this British underdog is not one to take defeat lying down. ─── 她的英国管家罗伯特要求增加家用金,她没同意。然而,这个碰了钉子的英国佬是不会甘心的。

61、The front desk must prepare for a surge of arriving guests, and the housekeeping department must make sure the rooms are ready when needed. ─── 前台必须要为到达的客人忙活一阵子,客房部必须保证所需的客房都准备好了。

62、She spent all the housekeeping money on a new coat. ─── 她把家用钱全用来买新衣了。

63、When Emma isn't caring for Bowie, she works for four housekeeping clients, including one who requires that she should iron for eight hours. ─── 当艾玛不在照顾鲍伊时,她为四个家政客户服务,其中一个客户要求她熨8个小时的衣服。

64、Housekeeping &keep work place clean and neat. ─── 保持工作环境清洁和整齐。

65、Prior to 2006, he has been raising German shepherd at home and in the factory, housekeeping, nursing homes, playmates. ─── 2006年之前,他一直养德国牧羊犬,厂里养,家里也养,看家、护院、当玩伴。

66、Minutes later she returned, bearing four types of housekeeping mitts, three buckets, her home chemistry set and a surgical mask. ─── / 数分钟之后她归还,生家事棒球手套,三个桶子的四类型,她回家化学组和外科的假面具。

67、Preparation of housekeeping daily report and monthly reports, commenting on key performance indicators. ─── 准备客房部每日报告和每月报告,对主要绩效指标进行评价。

68、All the housekeeping went on in one room. ─── 一切生活起居都在这个单间内进行,这就是细胞。

69、Min. 2 years experience in 4 star hotel Housekeeping management position.2. Good knowledge of all Housekeep...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海君丽大酒店管理有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-3-31

70、Minimum 5 years experience in hotel housekeeping operation and management in an international 5-star hotel2.Track reco...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海天谋网络科技有限公司工作地点:湖南省长沙市发布时间:2009-7-13

71、After her eye-opening look into her son's housekeeping habits, Lee Woodruff hit the stores to shop for supplies. ─── 在目睹了儿子的居家习惯后,李冲进了商店。

72、To ensure efficient operation of the area(s) under his/her control to maintain the highest standards of housekeeping, cl...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海越洋恒捷房地产开发有限公司工作地点:上海市静安区发布时间:2009-7-8

73、Hello. Is this housekeeping? ─── 喂,是客房部吗?

74、Some relearning is usually necessary for skills such as handling money, cooking, and housekeeping. ─── 他们也想尝试新事物,但必须逐步地去做。

75、I thought that cooking and housekeeping were unimportant, easy tasks. ─── 我曾认为做饭和料理家务是琐碎简单的工作。

76、Maintains good housekeeping and line discipline. ─── 保持车间清洁有序和良好的生产纪律。

77、Setting up housekeeping with a local mamasan was the thing to do, in Viet Nam. ─── 在越南的美国驻军中,找一个当地的女人来做家务是件很平常的事。

78、However, he seemed to hesitate very own housekeeping skills, the return of the 50-meter freestyle swim and then in the back. ─── 不过,他好像很吝惜自己的看家本领,返程的50米又用自由泳游了回来。

79、Li-qing does catering and housekeep. ─── 丽卿仍在威大餐厅当招待,也为人做清洁卫生。

80、G: Hello. Is that Housekeeping? ─── 喂,是客房管理部吗?

81、Poor housekeeping and fluff accumulation on machine parts. ─── 在机器上整理不好,在机器部件上挂花。

82、His sister quarterbacked the housekeeping last year. ─── 去年他的姐姐管理家务。

83、Mr. James leaves the total tip for housekeeping in the room just before he checks out, rather than leaving it out as a daily amount. ─── 给客房服务员的小费他不是每天都给,而是在办理退房手续之前,把全部小费一起留在房间里。

84、There was ranting and accusations of shoddy housekeeping. ─── 他们两个大喊大叫,指责对方不会持家过日子。

85、The only benefit gained from deleting an obsolete UM dial plan is to reuse the name or perform general Active Directory housekeeping. ─── 删除过时UM拨号计划的唯一好处是可以再次使用该名称或执行常规的Active Directory维护管理。

86、Other centers that foster our student's learning are the block center, the drama or housekeeping center, the library corner, and our trike area. ─── 其他集中于促进我们的学生学习,这些是块中心、戏剧或家务中心、图书馆角落和我们的三轮脚踏车区域。

87、Distain each regulation of Yu Taobao later, decide housekeep then. ─── 后来鄙视于淘宝的各项规则,于是决定自立门户。”


89、But the housekeeping skipped our room the first day, because some prank-playing kid put a do-not-disturb sign on our door while we were away. ─── 但是客房服务员第一天检查时漏掉了我们的房间,因为有个调皮的孩子趁我们外出时在门上挂了一道请勿打扰的牌子。


餐饮宴会经理;Banquet Manager ;重点词汇;宴会banquet; dinner; feast; dinner party; revel;酒店各职位英文缩写;













FC---FINANCIAL CONTROLLER财务总监 ;行政总厨 A.T.K Administrative total kitchen;收益管理经理 Revenue Manager;



总经理办公室:GM 人力资源部:HR 财务部:A/C 餐饮部:F&B 客房部:HSKP 工程部:ENG保安部:SEC 康乐部:EN 销售部:S&M。

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