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09-08 投稿


horsehair 发音

英:['h??she?]  美:['h?rsh?r]

英:  美:

horsehair 中文意思翻译



horsehair 短语词组

1、horsehair jewelry ─── 马毛首饰

2、horsehair wig ─── [网络] 马毛假发

3、horsehair mattress ─── 马毛床垫

4、Horsehair crab ─── 马毛蟹

5、horsehair lichen ─── [网络] 马毛地衣

6、hairworms and horsehair nematomorpha ─── 毛 ─── 毛虫和马 ─── 毛线虫

7、horsehair worm ─── 线形动物

8、horsehair string ─── 马鬃线

9、horsehair brush ─── 马毛刷

10、horsehair fabric ─── 马毛织物

11、horsehair crest ─── 马毛冠

12、horsehair trim ─── 马毛饰边

horsehair 相似词语短语

1、horsecars ─── n.运马货车;轨道马车

2、horsecar ─── n.运马货车;轨道马车

3、horsetail ─── n.马尾;[植]问荆;马尾旗;[植]木贼

4、horse tail ─── 马尾

5、horsetails ─── n.木贼类,楔叶类

6、horseshoer ─── n.马蹄铁工

7、horseback ─── n.马背;峻峭的山脊;adv.在马背上;adj.性急的;草率的;未经充分考虑的

8、horsebrier ─── n.猫藤,金刚刺属植物

9、horn chair ─── 喇叭椅

horsehair 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The handles were carved out of cattle bones and the bristles were made from wild boar or horsehair. ─── 把手由牛骨刻成,刷子毛由野猪或马毛制成。

2、Gimped yarn, and strip and the like of heading No. 54.04 or 54.05, gimped (other than those of heading No. 56.05 and gimped horsehair yarn); ─── 其它纺织材料制螺旋花纱及第5404或5405节之扁条及类似物缠绕于纱芯之上者(不包括第5605节之货品及马毛螺旋花纱);

3、Out came Meg, with gray horsehair hanging about her face, a red and black robe, a staff, and cabalistic signs upon her cloak. ─── 梅格出来,脸上挂着灰色马鬃,身穿黑红二色长袍,手持拐杖,大衣上画着神秘符号。

4、In Europe, it was found that wild boar hair was too stiff and made the gums bleed, so horsehair, which was softer, was used instead. ─── 在欧洲,人们发现野猪毛太硬,会使牙龈流血,所以就改用了更为柔软的马毛。

5、3.a stroke with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instruments. ─── 一种用一个装有拉紧的马毛绳子的弯曲木头来用做演奏有弦乐器的拉。

6、a horsehair sofa; horsehair upholstery. ─── 用马鬃做的沙发;马鬃做的垫衬料

7、Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair (including gimped horsehair yarn), whether or not put up for retail sale. ─── 动物粗毛或马毛的纱线(包括马毛粗松螺旋花线),不论是否供零售用。

8、Around 1840 the floor length skirt returned, but this time stiffened around the circumference by horsehair. ─── 在叼840年前后,极地长裙再次流行,只不过这次是采用马尾水支撑形状。

9、He was mounted on an armored destrier and had donned his plate and mail, and a grey steel great helm with a horsehair crest. ─── 他已经骑上装备完毕的战马,身着甲衣,巨大的灰色金属头盔上坠着一绺马鬃的流苏。

10、As time went by, the skirts of the coat and vest were stiffened with whalebone and horsehair so that they stood away from the hips. ─── 随着时间的推移,大衣和马甲的腰线以下部分开始采用鲸骨和马尾衬支撑,使大衣和马甲的下摆与臀部之间形成空间。

11、A wiry fabric woven especially from horsehair or camel's hair, used for upholstering and for stiffening garments. ─── 毛布一种织物,尤其是由马毛或骆驼毛织成的,用于做家具垫布和外衣硬衬

12、cloth woven from horsehair or camelhair; used for upholstery or stiffening in garments. ─── 由马毛或骆驼毛制成的衣服纤维;用于室内装潢或衣服变硬。

13、Picture yourself in the 17th century, looking sharp with a bundle of horsehair on your head. ─── 想像自己身处17世纪,头上戴著马毛假发,一副精神抖擞的模样。

14、horsehair brush ─── 马拉犁

15、vegetable horsehair ─── 苇棕

16、A coarse, stiff fabric of cotton or horsehair used especially to line and stiffen hats and garments. ─── 硬衬布一种用棉布或马毛做成的粗糙坚硬的织物,专门用于勾勒和加固帽子或衣服的轮廓

17、A wiry fabric woven especially from horsehair or camel's hair, used for upholstering and for stiffening garments. ─── 毛布一种织物,尤其是由马毛或骆驼毛织成的,用于做家具垫布和外衣硬衬。

18、made from horsehair fibers; used for upholstery. ─── 用马毛光纤制成;用于室内装潢。

19、Characteristics of horsehair fabric for lining cloth: Non-shrinking, good at flexibility, softness and stiffness.Ideal good quality lining cloth for making top grade clothing. ─── 服装用马尾衬布,主要用于高档服装的衬里,该产品以天然黑、花、白色马尾及棉或涤棉作为原料,采用平织结构,经纬纺织而成。

20、The rope is made from horsehair , and was traditionally claimed to be able to block a sword. ─── 绳子是用马毛做成的,传说可以用它抵挡刀剑。

21、So the first horse-head fiddle was assembled, with horse bones as its neck, horsehair strings, horse skin covering its wooden sound-box, and its scroll carved into the shape of a horse head. ─── 但白马却难以驯服最终被乱箭射死。巴特尔用其后腿骨制成琴身,雕刻出白马的头部放在顶部,马尾制成弓和弦,马头琴诞生了。

22、The English judiciary wear their traditional horsehair wigs. ─── 那位英国法官戴着他们的传统马鬃假发。

23、Horsehair eel ─── 网戈氏蛇鳗

24、horsehair blight ─── 马毛疫病

25、Picture yourself in the 17th century, looking sharp with a bundle of horsehair on your head. ─── 想象自己身处17世纪,头上戴着马毛假发,一副精神抖擞的模样。

26、"crinoline:a coarse, stiff fabric of cotton or horsehair used especially to line and stiffen hats and garments." ─── "硬衬布:一种用棉布或马毛做成的粗糙坚硬的织物,专门用于勾勒和加固帽子或衣服的轮廓."

27、horsehair gloves for massage ─── 按摩用马鬃手套

28、artificial horsehair ─── 人造马鬃

29、made from horsehair fibers; ─── 用马毛光纤制成;

30、9.The Buddhas were only roughly carved in the rock, which was then covered in a mud plaster mixed with straw and horsehair molded to depict the folds of their robes and then painted in bright colors. ─── 佛像只粗略雕刻在岩壁上,再包覆一层灰泥,掺杂稻草和马毛,用来形塑佛像法袍绉摺,再涂上鲜明的颜料。

31、The rope is made from horsehair, and was traditionally claimed to be able to block a sword. ─── 绳子是用马毛做成的,传说可以用它抵挡刀剑。

32、3.It was a large, dark room, furnished in a funereal manner with black horsehair, and loaded with heavy dark tables. ─── 那是一间阴暗的大屋,像丧礼一样摆着黑色马毛呢面的家具和沉重的黑色桌子。

33、Customers who order this cleaner also will receive a 10 per cent discount on the purchase of any stainless, brass, nylon or horsehair brushes. ─── 客户为了谁这一清洁也将获得百分之十的折扣购买任何不锈钢,铜,尼龙或马鬃刷子。

34、a stroke with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instruments ─── 一种用一个装有拉紧的马毛绳子的弯曲木头来用做演奏有弦乐器的拉

35、horsehair worm ─── 铁线虫

36、Absolutely required when delivering classic lines like "I'll have my man clean your kit".Braided leather shaft with horsehair "tail". 22" overall length. ─── 贴一段广告词:I searched a long time to find a fly whisk that was suitable for the properly attired Pukka-Sahib Englishman.

37、related:horsehair hat bands,leather hat band,cowboy hat in rhinestone,band ... ─── 花式三片扣设置封闭有自己喜爱的旧帽子,可以使用 ...

38、rayon horsehair ─── 人造鬃毛

39、9.a slightly curved piece of resilient wood with taut horsehair strands, used in playing certain stringed instrument. ─── 有硬马鬃弦的轻质的弯曲的弹性木头,用于弹奏某种弦乐器。

40、Toudai includes six parts: the hair hoop, the back shield, the earmuffs, the pendant, the horsehair and the eardrops. ─── 头戴包括发箍、后屏、护耳、垂饰、马鬃、耳坠六件。

41、Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair. ─── 动物粗毛或马毛的机织物。

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