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09-08 投稿



hitching 发音

英:[?h?t???]  美:[?h?t???]

英:  美:

hitching 中文意思翻译



hitching 词性/词形变化,hitching变形

原型:hitch 现在分词:hitching 名词复数形式:hitchings

hitching 短语词组

1、vertical hitching ─── 悬挂装置的垂直调整

2、hitching post ─── 系留柱

3、hitching bar ─── [网络] 连锁酒吧

hitching 相似词语短语

1、itching ─── n.痒(同itch);v.(使)发痒;渴望(itch的现在分词形式)

2、mitching ─── v.(非正式)逃学;(非正式)逃课;n.(Mitch)(美、加、澳)米奇(人名)

3、hutching ─── n.笼;小屋;贮藏箱;矿车;vt.把…装箱

4、hatching ─── n.[禽]孵化;剖面线;画影线;v.[禽]孵化;给…加影线;策划(hatch的ing形式);adj.孵化的

5、bitching ─── 埋怨(bitch的现在分词);欺骗;弄糟,弄坏;对...不满

6、pitching ─── n.俯仰;铺地石;投手投球;adj.倾斜的;陡的;v.使倾斜(pitch的ing形式);投掷;用沥青涂;为…定调

7、hotching ─── n.跳汰机产物;跳汰机选矿;跳汰选;v.不停地换脚;坐立难安(hotch的现在分词)

8、hilching ─── v.跛行,蹒跚;n.跛行,蹒跚

9、ditching ─── n.挖沟;[航]水上迫降;甩开;v.挖沟;[航]水上迫降(ditch的ing形式)

hitching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Jig design to fast clip, upper clip, lower hitch preventing from oil can slip. ─── 夹具设计采快速夹取,上夹、勾、止油桶滑落。

2、The experiment fizzled out because of an unexpected hitch. ─── 实验由于意外的故障而失败了。

3、In English, the combination of the Munter Hitch and the Mule Knot is Munter Mule . ─── 在英文中,我们把意大利半扣和固定结的组合叫做意大利固定结。

4、They are further secured with a hitch pin for extra safety. ─── 他们更进一步被为额外的安全以一个猛拉大头针保护。

5、The conference came off without a hitch. ─── 会议毫无障碍地结束了。

6、They are exploited by intermediaries , hitch hiker sand other parasites . ─── 他们利用中间人顺山砂等寄生虫.

7、Rural Ireland was recommended as a friendly place for hitching, as was Quebec, Canada—"if you don't mind being criticized for not speaking French". ─── 爱尔兰乡村被推荐为搭便车的好地方,还有加拿大的魁北克——“如果你不介意因为不会说法语而被批评的话”。

8、"Hitch into town, turn myself in," he said. ─── “搭便车进城去自首,”他说。

9、A knot in a rope made by a half hitch with the end of the rope fastened back by seizing. ─── 反抓拉紧,活结圈套绳子一端通过拽拉系住的活结索套

10、He gave his sock a hitch when he fell it slipping down. ─── 他感觉袜子向下滑时,猛拉了一下。

11、She blended in her opinions without a hitch. ─── 她很顺利就把自己的观点融合在一起。

12、It's dangerous to hitch a ride in the United States. ─── 在美国搭便车是非常危险的。

13、Ok, I need to tie a Munter Hitch ,I mean the same thing I tied here. ─── 好,我得在这里打一个意大利半扣,就像我在这里打的一样(连接抓结与主绳时候用的)。

14、If the decryption proceeds without a hitch, the service ends up with a username and a network address. ─── 如果解密没有问题,服务将会得到一个用户名和网络地址。

15、Harvey: There's a slight hitch. ─── 哈维:出现了一点小故障。

16、Pheromones, like other scents, hitch a ride through the air on other particles, such as water droplets. ─── 像其它气味一样,信息素也能通过空气附到其它颗粒上,例如水珠。

17、Unfortunately, language doesn't always emerge without a hitch. ─── 不幸的是,语言并不总是顺利出现。

18、With a dream in the deep heart's core, a man is ontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star. ─── 在内心深处有了个梦想,一个人很自然地被驱使怀抱远大的理想。

19、Madam,I'm a cat in trouble.I'm hitching a ride in your muumuu. ─── 女士,我是只有麻烦的猫,我需要借你的长裙一用。

20、Also hitching a ride to the space station is Buzz Lightyear. ─── 一起到空间站的还有一个“巴斯光年”。

21、To do our part to lift up our fellow Americans.To realize our own true potential by hitching our wagon to something bigger than ourselves. ─── 尽自己职责带动我们的同胞,通过立志做一些大于我们本身的事情去实现我们真正的潜力。

22、You're gonna hitch to New York? ─── 你准备搭车去纽约吗?

23、Also hitching a ride to the space station is Buzz Lightyear, who has long been yearning to soar "to infinity and beyond. ─── 到太空站还有一直向往着“宇宙无限,浩瀚无垠“”的巴斯光年。

24、Call for a mount, if you need one,"the gray-beard said from his seahorse,"or hitch onto the dorsal. ─── 如果你需要,找人要只坐骑,"灰胡子坐在他的海马上说,"或者抓住它们的背。

25、He is a boy from a poor family who has hitch his wagon to a star and is determined to get a good education for himself. ─── 他是个有雄心壮志的贫家子弟,打定主意要受好的教育。

26、The most incapable bankrupt in the world is someone always hitch his' waggon to a star. ─── 世界上最不行的破产者莫过于言语消耗过大而思想无无力支付的人。

27、The ceremony went off without a hitch . ─── 典礼进行得很顺利.

28、For the sake of removing hitch by scaling and corrosion,must makes to cleaning. ─── 为了消除结垢与腐蚀造成的故障必须进行清洗。

29、His optimistic face always hitch a confidence smile. ─── 他乐观的脸上总是挂着自信的笑容。

30、After a cup of tea and a chat he went on his way while I wandered across the forecourt scanning for a possible spot to start hitching. ─── 在喝茶聊天后他继续赶他的路了,而我在前院来回逛寻找搭车的地方。

31、A skilled hacker could take over the computer to mine personal data or hitch it to other infected machines in a malevolent network, he added. ─── 他还说,老道的黑客可以利用装有绿坝的电脑挖掘其私人数据,或者将其与其他被侵入的电脑组成一个可怕的网络。

32、It was an overcast afternoon and I was hitching just outside Gloucester. ─── 那是一个下午,天阴沉沉的,我在格洛斯特外正要搭车。

33、I was spending the summer working in a village in mid-Wales and, without my own car, hitching was the only option. ─── 我那个夏天正在威尔士中部的一个村子工作,没有自己的车,所以搭车是我唯一的选择。

34、Hitch a ride to London on a lorry. ─── 免费搭乘卡车去伦敦。

35、The ceremony went off without a hitch. ─── 典礼进行得很顺利。

36、hitching up his trousers, carefully, as if afraid of destroying a knife-edged crease. ─── 他坐到一条凳子上,小心地拉起裤子,好象怕把笔挺的裤缝弄坏似地。

37、They did not so much as greet the leader, but joined the one, sniffling and hitching and scraping their feet. ─── 他们并没有招呼这位领袖,而是站到先来的那个人身边,抽着鼻子,步履蹒跚,两脚擦着地。

38、The clove hitch is an extremity restraint. ─── 丁香结是一种四肢约束法。

39、Alex Hitch Hitchens: Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. ─── --------------从不撒谎、偷窃、欺骗、酗酒。

40、It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch. ─── 40年来,他俩并肩耕耘,共用生产机械,需要时互换劳力和物品。相处的日子过得和和顺顺。这是他们之间第一次出现裂痕。

41、He sat down on a bench, hitching up his trousers, carefully, as if afraid of destroying a knife-edged crease. ─── 他坐到一条凳子上,小心地拉起裤子,好象怕把笔挺的裤缝弄坏似地。

42、Bank of America isnt the first marketer to hitch its wagon to athletes from low-profile sports. ─── 在追捧小项目运动明星方面美国银行并非首开先河者。

43、But if Carrie was going to think of running around in the beginning there would be a hitch somewhere. ─── 可是如果嘉莉一开始就想着到处去玩,事情就有点不妙了。

44、But the only hitch is how to chill the beers, juices, ice-teas or colas. ─── 唯一头疼的是怎么在热天里保持饮料冰爽。

45、There's only on hitch: I am not right. ─── 只是有一个小问题:我其实不对。

46、Even if Aristide was returned without a hitch, he might not succeed. ─── 即便是阿里斯蒂德可以顺利返回,他仍然有可能无法登上总统之位。

47、After a cup of tea and a chat he went on his way while I wandered across the forecourt scanning for a possible spot to start hitching. ─── 在喝茶聊天后他继续赶他的路了,而我在前院来回逛寻找搭车的地方。

48、Hitch the implement to a suitable tractor (a tractor of at least 150 HP is recommended for deep embedding). ─── 将工具装在一个合适的拖拉机上(对于深埋滴灌,建议拖拉机至少应150马力。)

49、He hitch a lift with a ling- distance truck. ─── 他搭上了一辆长途卡车。

50、In fact the first voyage went without a hitch. ─── 事实上,第一次航行十分顺利。

51、With a dream in the deep heart's core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star. ─── 在心田深处有了个幻想,一个人很自然地被驱使怀抱远大的空想。

52、His three-year hitch is not yet completed. ─── 他的三年兵役还没有满。

53、Let's hitch up and get out of here. ─── 咱们套车离开这儿。

54、He picked up a hitch hiker . ─── 他中途让个搭便车的人上了车.

55、Other features include triple drum brakes, hitch bracket, easy-to-read fuel gauge and a 12-volt accessory connector. ─── 其他功能还包括三重鼓式制动器,顺利支架,易于阅读的燃料衡量和12伏配件连接器。


57、The meeting went off without a hitch. ─── 会议进行得很顺利。

58、We spent the summer hitching around Europe. ─── 我们借搭便车在欧洲各地旅行了一个夏天。

59、The only hitch to this is when one may be in a fantasy reality, ungrounded and disconnected from one's soul. ─── 唯一的障碍,可能在于你身处一个虚幻实相而没有根植且与你的灵魂并未连接之时。

60、"Hitch up my chariot," Joram ordered. ─── 21约兰吩咐说,套车。

61、Do not hitch input wires, output wires or temperature inducted port wires. ─── 不要猛拉输入、输出连接线以及温度探头部位连接线。

62、"This ethanol binge is insane," says Hitch, who's president-elect of the National Cattlemen's Beef Assn. (NCBA). ─── 但是他担心他们将面临产业中日增的压力,尤其是因为玉米暴增的价格,那可是这项生意依靠用来饲养家畜的。

63、It went off without a hitch. ─── 事情顺利进展。

64、You fix the broken wheel that caused it to be left behind,hitch a draft to it and ride off. ─── 你把那破车轮装上,这就是它被扔掉的原因了,然后你拉住驮马,骑上它扬长而去。

65、But there's a big hitch in Obama's reasoning. ─── 但是在奥巴马的解释中有一项硬伤。

66、If unsuccessful, we recommend open surgical repair with common sheath reimplantation and a psoas hitch is otherwise recommended. ─── 如经治疗失败,与一般输尿管阴道?管不同,我们建议采用共同鞘输尿管再植入手术合并腰肌栓住手术。

67、He sat down on a chair, hitching up his trousers carefully, as if afraid of destroying the knife - edged crease. ─── 他在一把椅子上坐了下来,小心翼翼地把裤管稍稍拉起,似乎怕弄皱那刀刃般的折缝。

68、For each client, the on-site testing period went off without a hitch. ─── 对每个客户,现场测试阶段都畅通无阻地通过了。

69、So far there was not a hitch. ─── 到目前为止,一切进展顺利。

70、I'm having trouble with my rotation, you know, my left foot keeps hitching when I do my inverse swing-over.It's like... ─── |我的旋转有问题 呃 我在做反向摇摆的时候总绊到左脚 就像是...

71、Hitch (Will Smith) was born, his love your tactical advisers, for you to mold the perfect date. ─── 全民情敌(威尔史密斯)于是诞生,他当你的爱情战术顾问,替你量身打造约会时的完美。

72、Two celebrity weddings went off without a hitch. ─── 两位名人婚礼还算是一帆风顺的。

73、Ex: Amy hitch a ride to office today. ─── 咪今天搭便车去办公室。

74、Girth hitch -A simple knot made with a runner or sling by wrapping it around a fixed object and looping it through itself. ─── 双环结。一种简单的绳结,使用扁带或绳套缠绕在固定物体上,扁带或绳套再自己以圈连接。

75、It has become a kind of pure male dance, with a hitching post and horse bells as stage props. ─── "跳马夫"从求神祭祀而转化为男子舞蹈的形式,"马扦"与"马铃"也就成为该舞的道具。

76、Once you have determined the Prusik Hitch that works best on your host rope, you want the same performance every time you replace it. ─── 一旦确定你在Prusik索结最合适你的许多工作,你想要相同性能任何时间你可替换它。

77、With a girl , a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star. ─── 一个男人有了女朋友,很自然地就会被促使着怀抱远大理想。

78、Everything went off without a hitch. ─── 一切顺利。

79、The farmer yoke the oxen before hitch them to the wagon. ─── 农夫在将牛套上大车之前先给它们套上轭。

80、It was done without a hitch. ─── 事情办得相当顺手。

81、He stopped the car to pick up a young girl who was hitch - hiking across Europe . ─── 他停下车来搭载一个乘便车旅行欧洲的年轻女郎。

82、It turned out to be a wise decision you made, years ago, to hitch your career to Sam's. ─── 事实证明,多年以前你把自己的事业同萨姆拴在一起的决定是明智的。

83、She was a famous author on the rise. Greenspan was a master of hitching his wagon to any horse on the move. ─── 安·兰德是处于上升期的著名作家,而格林斯潘是搭顺风车的大师。

84、They snaked logs down the hill with a chain hitch. ─── 他们用链条将木材拖下山。

85、Jeeps to hitch and tow AT guns! ─── 好象只能拉!

86、Their father Lin Hitching Priest who was born in the poor Wu Li Sha country were sending his two children to study in the free church in Xiamen. ─── 他们的父亲林至诚牧师出生在贫穷的五里沙村,目下正送自己的两个孩子前往厦门的免费教会学校就读。

87、Each of these points needs to be considered when hitching an open source project to a corporate bandwagon. ─── 在承担公司的开放源码项目时,需要考虑上述要点。

88、A few years ago, I asked the same question about hitching in a column of a newspaper. ─── 前,我在报纸的一个专栏中问了同样的关于搭便车的问题。

89、He sat down on a bench , hitching up his trousers , carefully , as if afraid of destroying a knife - edged crease . ─── 他坐到一条凳子上,小心地拉起裤子,好像怕把笔直的裤线弄坏似的。

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