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09-08 投稿



diphthongization 发音

英:[[?d?fθ??a?'ze??n]]  美:[[?d?fθ??a?'ze??n]]

英:  美:

diphthongization 中文意思翻译



diphthongization 短语词组

1、diphthongization meaning ─── 双音化意义

diphthongization 相似词语短语

1、monophthongization ─── 一元化

2、diphthongize ─── v.使双元音化;使复元音化

3、diphthongizing ─── v.使双元音化;使复元音化

4、diphthongized ─── v.使双元音化,二合元音化;使复元音化(diphthongize的过去式和过去分词)

5、cinchonization ─── 金鸡病

6、demythologization ─── 非神话化

7、diphthongia ─── n.复音,双音

8、diphthongisation ─── 双音化

9、diphthongising ─── 双元音

diphthongization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Diphthong: A combination of two vowel characters into a single graphic and a single sound ,as in the AE, ae OE and oe in words of Greek origin. ─── 双母音:把两个主音字符联合,成单音字。例如,ae,?,OE和oe。用来表达源出于希腊的英文字。

2、closing diphthong ─── 封闭二合元音

3、Also, all vowel and diphthong sounds in English are voiced. ─── 同样地,所有英语元音和双元音都是发声的。

4、To pronounce as or become a diphthong. ─── 使双元音化如发双元音那样发音

5、The sound quality of a letter or diphthong. ─── 音值一个字母或复合元音的音值

6、5.change from a simple vowel to a diphthong. ─── 把一个简单的元音转变为双元音。

7、 双语使用场景

8、Meanwhile the formant pattern of [?] is very similar to that of [ ] in ASH speakers. (4)vowel [?] in most speakers has a tendency of diphthongization, especially in ASH speakers. ─── 可以说 ,我们对于普通话的元音系统已经有了一个较全面的认识。

9、The change of a simple vowel to a diphthong, often caused by the influence of neighboring consonants. ─── 元音割裂一个单元音向一个双元音的转变,常由临近辅音影响所致

11、centring diphthong ─── 中向双元音

12、ascending diphthong ─── 上升的双元音

13、The change of a simple vowel to a diphthong,often caused by the influence of neighboring consonants. ─── 元音,割裂一个单元音向一个双元音的转变,常由临近辅音影响所致。

14、Features of the Diphthong in Amdo Tibetan Dialect ─── 安多藏语复元音韵母的特点

15、6.the contraction of two vowels into a diphthong. ─── 把两个连续的元音或音节收缩或紧缩成一个双元音。

16、the syllabic 'l' in 'riddle' or the syllabic 'n' in 'botany' when pronounced 'bot-n-y'; (of a vowel sound) dominating the other vowel sounds in a syllable as being the first vowel in a falling diphthong; the syllabic 'o' in 'oi'. ─── 在单词'riddle'中的音节'l',或当我们发'bot-n-y'时,单词'botany'中的音节'n';(元音)在音节中作为第一个元音支配其他元音的读下降二合元音;在'oi'中的音节'o'。

17、wide diphthong ─── 宽二合元音, 宽双元音

18、descending diphthong ─── 下降二合元音

19、The Conditions of Diphthongization in Nantan Zhuang Patois ─── 南丹话单元音复化的条件

20、4. Either of two marks used in Greek to indicate aspiration of an initial vowel or diphthong (') or the absence of such aspiration (’). ─── 送气符号,送气音:希腊语中两种符号之一,表示首元音或双元音的送气发音的符号(')或不发这种送气音的符号(’)

21、One day in the class I could not pronounce a diphthong - not opening my mouth wide enough - since I was from the Northeast, no matter how many times Teacher Zhang corrected me. ─── 有一次,张老师纠正我的发音,说我这个东北人,双元音口形总是张不开,一再娇正也发不好。

22、narrow diphthong ─── 窄二合元音

23、rising diphthong ─── 上升二合元音

24、Either of two marks used in Greek to indicate aspiration of an initial vowel or diphthong (') or the absence of such aspiration (?). ─── 希腊语中两种符号之一,表示首元音或双元音的送气发音的符号(')或不发这种送气音的符号(?)。

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