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09-08 投稿



exposal 发音

英:[[?ks'p??z?l]]  美:[[?k'spo?z?l]]

英:  美:

exposal 中文意思翻译



exposal 短语词组

1、esoteric exposal ─── 深奥的揭露

exposal 相似词语短语

1、exposable ─── 暴露的

2、expos ─── n.(丑闻的)曝光(尤指报纸的报道);博览会,展览会(expo的复数)

3、exposit ─── v.详解,详述;阐述,解释,说明;解释(文学作品等)的意思(同expound)

4、expose ─── vt.揭露,揭发;使曝光;显示

5、exposer ─── n.曝光器

6、exposed ─── adj.暴露的,无掩蔽的;v.暴露,揭露(expose的过去分词)

7、exposals ─── n.曝光;显露

8、deposal ─── n.免职;罢黜

9、exposes ─── 暴露;揭露

exposal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、During the 184 days of Expo'99,kaleidoscopic activities will be held. ─── 在中国’99昆明世博会184天的会期中,将举行一系列丰富多彩的活动。

2、The exposal source of LIGA technology is expensive synchrotron radiation X-ray, so that constrains it's wide application. ─── 但LIGA技术需要昂贵的同步辐射X射线源,因此限制了其广泛的应用。

3、PTC Shanghai 2007 was just held on October 10 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre. ─── 10月10日上午,一年一度为期四天的PTC展览会在上海新国际会展中心隆重开幕。

4、After the grand opening of the Expo Site on the morning of May 1st, the Expo Garden will be open to the general public. ─── 在5月1日上午举行隆重的开园仪式后, 世博园正式向公众开放。

5、Shanghai Expo manifests our future will be better, more progress.Unite, friendship, prosperity and happiness! ─── 上海世博会显示我们的明天将更美好,更进步。团结、友谊、繁荣、幸福!

6、Short-arc mercury xenon lamp, single lamp, double-side exposal. ─── 短弧汞氙灯,单灯,双面曝光。

7、The ITC organised the'Innovation Expo',a large-scale biennial technology event,in November. ─── 创新科技署于二零零一年十一月举办创新博览会。博览会是每两年举办一次的大型科技活动。

8、Objective: To analyze the relationship between CR film quality and different exposal doses. ─── 目的:分析不同的曝光条件对于CR影像质量的影响。

9、Jewelry shows and expos are great places to find jewelry wholesale. ─── 光,喜欢奋斗,蕊同我一样,货架销售让我找到了属于自己的感觉,超越困难后的成就感。

10、"Expo concept" would bring apprehensively Shanghai soaring prices? ─── “世博概念”带来悬念上海房价是否会飞涨?

11、China-ASEAN Expo Facilitates Free Trade. ─── 中国-东盟博览会,自由便利创商机!

12、China Pavilion of 2010 Expo near completion. ─── 2010年上海世博会中国馆完工。

13、Sixthly, the capacity of tourist reception for the Expo 99 is further improving. ─── 六是世博会游客接待能力进一步提高。

14、The EXPO has never held in Asia though has a history. ─── 世博会有很久的历史,但从未在亚洲举办过

15、Create a better social environment for EXPOs from trifles and from ourselves. ─── 从我做起,从小事做起,为举办世博会创造良好的社会环境。

16、Word had it that she came to the Expo every year just for our food! ─── 听说她每年都是为了我们的食物才来此展览会。

17、PMMI has introduced My Pack Expo, a free online service that’s personalized for each attendee. ─── PMMI推出了我国包装机械博览会,一个免费的在线服务,个性化的每个与会者。

18、Evoking a scene from the movie "Jurassic Park," the Expo site will ring with screams from the dinosaurs. ─── 受到电影《侏罗纪公园》的启发,世博会举办地点将响起恐龙的吼叫声。

19、Is it convenient to go to the Expo Site in Pudong? ─── 到浦东的世博会场方便吗?

20、II. Activities held during Expo '99 have been arranged. ─── 二、世博会期间的活动安排已基本就绪

21、Meet with manager of Borussia Dortmund, Germany soccer club, at Shanghai International Football Expo. ─── 与德国多特蒙德足球俱乐部经理在上海国际足球博览会上进行会晤和交流。

22、Is the Expo Center still far off? ─── 世博中心还很远么?

23、The Shanghai Expo was reportedly mentioned in the first draft, but deleted at the last minute. ─── 上海世博会据报道在草案初稿中被提及,但是在最后一分钟删除.

24、Sixthly,the capacity of tourist reception for the Expo'99 is further improving. ─── 六是99年世博会游客接待能力进一步提高。

25、Waht do you think of the EXPO? ─── 你如何看世园会?

26、The Expo will last six months. ─── 世博会将持续半年。

27、Harmonious wind from Guangdong, Greening the EXPO. ─── 和谐岭南风,吹绿世博会。

28、July 5 will mark the 300-day countdown to the 2010 Shanhai World Expo. ─── 7月5日,2010年中国上海世博会就将迎来开幕倒计时300天。

29、Exhibitor list and its brief introduction on the Expo booklet. ─── 会刊刊登参展商名录及简介。

30、The investigation and the identification of the plant viruses in expo'99. ─── ’99世博会植物病毒种类的调查与鉴定初报

31、The World Expo is a large-scale, global, non-commercial Expo. ─── 世界博览会是全球大规模的非商业性展览会。

32、Presented at the 92nd AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo. ─── 中华民国食品科技学会第29届会员大会。

33、The Analysis on the Demand Managing Mode of Shanghai World Expo. ─── 上海世博会需求管理模式浅析。

34、What will the weather be like during the Expo? ─── 世博会举办期间天气会怎么样?

35、How did the Horticulture Expo in Kunming strike you? ─── 你觉得昆明的世博会 搞得怎样(你的印象 如何)?

36、World Money Hall in EXPO garden, can you see the dragonfly? ─── 世界钱币馆,更喜欢蓝天、白云、蜻蜓?

37、IDG World Expo (Asia) Ltd. has brought the most successful IDG CEO/CIO Conference,ASPWorld,and BioIT. ─── IDG世展博览(亚洲)有限公司将IDG最成功的展会系列引入亚洲,其中包括CEO/CIO ,ASPWorld 以及BioIT研讨会等;

38、Several technologies shown at Pack Expo 2008 come close to telepresence. ─── 几项技术显示在包装机械博览会2008年接近临场感。

39、We’ll get some new ideas at the IAAPA expo,' Donhauser said. ─── 今年36岁的王女士是东莞某机关的一名公务员,是土生土长的东莞人。

40、The reception center of the Expo Village has a service center and 400 standard hotel rooms. ─── 后勤接待中心、世博村、世博服务中心等设有标准客房400多间。

41、CAAPA provides you with the hottest businesses through its expos. ─── 中游协通过其举办的贸易展,提供行业最劲爆的业务商机。

42、There will be three seasons during the Expo. ─── 世博会举办期间有三个季节。

43、They were late for the expo, but it didn't seem to matter. ─── 他们去展会迟到了,但好像也无大碍。

44、The ITC organised the 'Innovation Expo', a large-scale biennial technology event, in November. ─── 创新科技署于二零零一年十一月举办创新博览会。 博览会是每两年举办一次的大型科技活动。

45、Host: What is World Expo on earth? Could you describe it in a word? ─── 主持人:那么世博会究竟是什么会呢,你能用一句话来形容吗?

46、Shanghai "Expo" plate will become Beijing "Olympic" plate reprints? ─── 上海“世博”板块是否会成为北京“申奥”板块的再版?

47、Are you still hiring bilingual tour guides fro the Expo? ─── 你们是不是仍然为博览会请双语导游呢?

48、Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the International Horticultural Expo? ─── 劳驾,请问去世园会怎么走?

49、Expo, which takes place from 14-16 October at Earls Court 2, London. ─── 博览会,其中14日至16日举行10月伯爵法院2 ,伦敦。

50、Do you think the Shanghai Expo will be any part of the talks of CPPCC? ─── 你认为在政协会议上会讨论上海世博会这个话题嘛?

51、Shanghaimart Expo -- One of the Five Major Exhibition Centers in Shanghai. ─── 其中世贸展览馆为上海五大展馆之一。

52、The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands. ─── 世博会会徽看起来像三个人手拉手。

53、The Expo will begin on May 1. ─── 世博会五月一日开始。

54、The Expo will end on October 31. ─── 世博会十月三十一日结束。

55、Products can be displayed and sold in trade shows and expos . ─── 产品可以显示和销售在贸易展览和博览会。

56、As photoresist has the exposal characteristics, two-spectrum method is fit for measuring the thickness of photoresist. ─── 针对光刻胶有曝光的特性,双光谱法更适合于胶厚检测。

57、Expo (TPE) show takes over where Digital Print World left off. ─── 博览会(热塑性弹性体)显示接管数字打印在世界离开了。

58、exposal control information which can correct an exposal position deflection of the exposal module on the imaging plane is produced; ─── 生成能够校正所述曝光模块在所述成像面上的曝光位置偏差的曝光控制信息;

59、Meanwhile, the Cartoon and Animation Expo also received430,000 visitors during the7- day holiday. ─── 同时,7天的假期中,参观动漫展的人数也达到了43万人次。

60、The Interactive Relationship between the World Expo and the Brand Strategy of Shanghai. ─── 上海世博会与品牌战略互动的战略思维。

61、Shanghai New International Expo Centre. ─── 上海新国际博览。

62、Expo 1958 Brussels was the first World Fair after the Second World War. ─── 1958年比利时布鲁塞尔世博会是第二次世界大战结束后的第一次世博会。

63、During the 184 days of Expo '99, kaleidoscopic activities will be held. ─── 在中国’99昆明世博会184天的会期中, 将举行一系列丰富多彩的活动。

64、On the morning of May 1st, the opening ceremony of the Expo Site will be held. ─── 5月1日上午举行世博园开园仪式。

65、Shanghai, the host city of Expo 2010, will offer a glimpse of a greener future. ─── 2010年世博会主办城市上海将呈现给世人一个更加绿色的未来。

66、What is the full name of Expo 2010? ─── 2010年世博会的全称是什么?

67、The voice of the Edison gramophone was first heard by visitors in World Expo. ─── 人们在世博会上第一次听到从留声机里发出的声音。

68、The Westlake Exposition in 1929 was a fair which was named "expo" only and was the most representative one. ─── 1929年的西湖博览会是近代中国仅有的冠以“博览会”之名、最具有代表性的一次会展。

69、Only the reaver's scarab can pass through the second expo's mineral wall. ─── 只有甲虫的子弹能穿透水晶墙.

70、To be held concurrently with the expo, featuring industry leaders in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. ─── 与博览会同期举行,邀请香港及内地物流专家主讲.

71、Apply unique and refreshing vegetal formula, instantly cool skin after use, repair, moisturize and soothe skin after sun exposal. ─── 独特清爽植物配方,涂搽于肌肤时会立即带来清凉冰爽的感受,对于日晒后的肌肤更有修护、保湿、安抚的效果。

72、In these exposal photos on ID card from approx. one hundred of stars, most of them are the stars' old looking pictures. ─── 在这些被曝光的近百位明星身份证照片中,大部分都是明星的“陈年旧照”,众多明星的青涩岁月让网友惊叹。

73、Special bus lines for tourists directly lead to Shenyang Expo Garden. ─── 为游客方便,我们有直达世博园的特殊公交线路。

74、To decorate the landscape of the Expo Site, many works of landscape art were arranged in the garden. ─── 为增加世博园的观赏性及园林园艺的协调性,园区内还设置了许多景观。

75、How long will the Expo last? ─── 世博会持续多久?

76、On the morning of May 1st,the opening ceremony of the Expo Site will be held. ─── 5月1日上午将举行世博园开园仪式。

77、The Education and Careers Expo '99 organised in February attracted more than 190 000 visitors. ─── 在一九九九年二月举办的教育及职业博览,参观人数超逾19万人次。

78、Marketing modes of Expo are closely related with the development of marketing theory. ─── 世博会营销模式的发展同市场营销理论的发展紧密相关 ,本文以此入手分析了世界博览会在以往各个时期的营销模式。

79、Are you all volunteers for the Expo? ─── 你们都是世博会的志愿者吗?

80、Business scope: expo pictorial, real estate scheming, CIS, 2-D design, packaging design, outdoor ad. ─── 业务范围:博览会会刊、房地产全案策划、企业识别系统、企业识别系统、平面设计、包装设计、户外广告。

81、Timely replenish water and relieve skin after sun exposal, and effectively relieve peeling caused by sunlight. ─── 在日晒后及时补充水分,舒缓肌肤,有效改善皮肤因日晒而褪皮的现象。

82、Experimental study of abdominal CT scanning exposal doses adjusted on the basis of pediatric abdominal perimeter ─── 根据腹围调整儿童腹部CT扫描剂量的研究

83、Guangzhou International Photographic Equipment and Digital Imaging Expo. ─── 国际照相器材与数码影像博览会。

84、The mascot of World Expo Shanghai is Haibao. ─── 上海世博会的吉祥物是海宝。

85、Nov. 29, 2005: The International "Gold Panda" Animation Expo concluded. ─── 2005年11月29日,“金熊猫”国际动漫数字博览会闭幕。

86、World Expos have excited and inspired more and more people in the world. ─── 世界博览会有兴奋和鼓舞更多的人在世界上。

87、Expo 2010 Shanghai China will also be a grand international gathering. ─── 2010年上海世博会也将是一个重大的国际会议。

88、Shanghai Int'l Media and Multimedia Expo. ─── 上海国际媒体及多媒体技术设备展览会。

89、The theme of Shanghai Expo 2010 is Better City, Better Life. ─── 2010年上海世博会的主题是:“城市---让生活更美好”。

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