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09-08 投稿



disqualifying 发音

英:[d?s?kw?l?fa???]  美:[d?s?kwɑ?l?fa???]

英:  美:

disqualifying 中文意思翻译



disqualifying 反义词


disqualifying 词性/词形变化,disqualifying变形

动词过去分词: disqualified |动词第三人称单数: disqualifies |动词过去式: disqualified |动词现在分词: disqualifying |

disqualifying 短语词组

1、disqualifying factors military ─── 不合格因素

2、disqualifying prosecutor conflict of interest ─── 取消检察官资格利益冲突

3、disqualifying crime ─── 取消资格罪

4、disqualifying factors ─── 不合格因素

5、disqualifying criminal history ─── 取消犯罪记录

6、disqualifying separation ─── 不合格离职

7、disqualifying separation unemployment ─── 取消离职失业资格

disqualifying 同义词

unfit | debar | bar | exclude | indispose | except | rule out | prohibit |ban | eliminate

disqualifying 相似词语短语

1、requalifying ─── 重新鉴定

2、prequalifying ─── vt.预先具有资格

3、disqualified ─── adj.不合格的;被取消资格的;v.使不合格;取消…的资格(disqualify的过去分词)

4、unqualifying ─── 不合格

5、disqualifies ─── vt.取消…的资格

6、disquantitying ─── 磁盘驱动器

7、disqualifier ─── 取消资格

8、qualifying ─── adj.预赛的;(声明等)包含细条说明的;n.语法关系;通过考试,达到要求;v.使具有资格(qualify的现在分词)

9、disqualify ─── vt.取消…的资格

disqualifying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、, has recently prohibited the use of technological aids such as springs and wheels, disqualifying Mr.Pistorius from events that it sanctions.A final ruling is expected in August. ─── ,最近禁止使用科技辅助器材,像是弹簧和轮子,使皮斯托留斯失去参加该机构所认可比赛的资格,此事可望于8月做成最后裁决。

2、Knuckling over is a disqualifying fault. ─── 关节超出属于失格。

3、Some I.A.A.F. officials caution against disqualifying Mr.Pistorius too quickly. ─── 一些国际田径总会人员提出忠告,表示最好不要太快就决定取消皮斯托留斯的参赛资格。

4、In my opinion, these mistakes were not at all disqualifying . ─── 我认为这些错误不能使他完全丧失资格。

5、In event of any breach of intellectual property right, the organizer will not assume any legal liabilities and will reserve the right of disqualifying the participants involved. ─── 如有触犯版权问题,本赛会恕不负任何责任,并保留取消参赛者资格的权利。

6、"[O]f course, an impartial decision maker is essential" to an adjudication that comports with due process. Goldberg v. Kelly, supra. There are several kinds of disqualifying bias. ─── 对于与正当程序保持一致的审判,"显然一位公正无私的决策人是必不可少的"[见"戈德伯格诉凯利"案(出处同前)],有若干种不符合条件的倾向。

7、O] f course, an impartial decision maker is essential" to an adjudication that comports with due process. Goldberg v. Kelly, supra. There are several kinds of disqualifying bias. ─── 对于与正当程序保持一致的审判,"显然一位公正无私的决策人是必不可少的"["戈德伯格诉凯利"案(处同前),有若干种不符合条件的倾向。

8、The China Banking Regulatory Commission is considering new rules that could crimp the loan expansion by disqualifying subordinated debt from being counted as bank capital. ─── 中国银监会正在考虑制定新的政策,审核不合格的次级债券将不能成为银行资产,这一举措将会紧缩贷款规模的扩大。

9、The act of disqualifying or the condition of having been disqualified. ─── 无资格,资格不符取消资格的行为或已被取消资格的状态

10、(7) The acts of the tax organs for disqualifying the general VAT payers. ─── (七)税务机关作出的取消增值税一般纳税人资格的行为。

11、Since 1994 the blue and fawn colors have been banned from breeding by the Dobermann Verein in Germany and under FCI regulations Blue and Fawn are considered disqualifying faults in the international showring. ─── 自从1994年起,蓝色与淡黄褐色的犬只已经被德国的杜宾犬协会禁止登录,而且也已经在国际赛会的规定上将此二毛色列为不合格的缺陷。

12、The disqualifying factor is that its investors may profit handsomely from its success. ─── 专家们认为它不能过关,因为它的投资者可以从它的商业成功中获得丰厚的利润。

13、"In my opinion, these mistakes were not at all disqualifying. ─── 我认为这些错误不能使他完全丧失资格。”

14、The acts of the tax organs for disqualifying the general VAT payers. ─── 税务机关作出的取消增值税一般纳税人资格的行为。

15、Disqualifying Fault: Dogs not of an allowed color. ─── 失格:犬只所拥有颜色不是所承认颜色。

16、the introduction of a court-based process for disqualifying an individual from operating an entity regulated by APRA; ─── 取消个人操作整体资格的以法庭基准处理的指引由APRA管理;

17、Fall, however, Suharto did, in 1998, disqualifying Indonesia's recent history as a serviceable model for Than Shwe. ─── 然而,苏哈托在1998年确实跨了,使得印尼的近代历史无以成为丹瑞有用的模范。

18、An act, circumstance or condition potentially disqualifying a claimant from receipt of unemployment insurance benefits under state/federal law. ─── 一项法案、一种环境或情况,根据州/联邦法律,它们可能会使申领人失去领取失业保险金的资格。

19、(4) The decisions made by CBRC and its agencies on sanctions on the senior administrative personnel or the documents of CBRC and its agencies on disqualifying the senior administrative personnel; ─── (四) 银监会及其分支机构对高级管理人员作出的处分决定或取消任职资格的文件;

20、Regardless of the origin of a white MS born today, whether it be of certified European lineage or pet store stock, it is a disqualifying fault. ─── 不管今天出生的白色迷你雪纳瑞来源于那里,他是否是被证实的欧派的血统或者只是宠物店的一个商品。他都是一个严重的失格。

21、The Canadian and Ameri** Standards both say that white is a disqualifying fault. ─── 这就是说,在整个北美洲,白色迷你雪纳瑞自动得失去了成为赛级犬的可能。

22、Black--A truly pure black.A small white spot on the breast is permitted;any other markings are disqualifying faults. ─── 黑色:真正的纯黑色,胸部有很小的白色斑纹是允许的,其他的斑纹都属于失格。

23、Dark eyes are preferred. Blue Eyes are a Disqualifying Fault. The ears are of medium size, but small in proportion to the head. ─── 黑暗的眼睛是首选。蓝色的眼睛是一个淘汰的过错。耳朵是中等大小,但小比例的头部。

24、" Markings are disqualifying faults. ─── 有斑纹属于失格。

25、She's covering something up, and it's that freakish, disqualifying digit. ─── 她在掩饰什么;就是那个怪异的、无用的脚趾。

26、Dark eyes are preferred. Blue Eyes are a Disqualifying Fault. The ears are of medium size, but small in proportion to the head. ─── 黑暗的眼睛是首选。蓝色的眼睛是一个淘汰的过错。耳朵是中等大小,但小比例的头部。

27、Eyes : Obliquely placed in the skull. Eyes are brown, almond shaped and of medium size. Blue eyes are a disqualifying fault. ─── 眼睛:斜放在头骨。眼睛是褐色,杏仁状,中等大小。蓝眼睛是一个淘汰的过错。

28、disqualifying score ─── 取消得分

29、If it is consistent it will judge poll-fraud allegations by the same yardstick, disqualifying elected members only if their rule-breaking may have altered the results. ─── 如果它是始终如一的话,那么它会以同样的标准来判断选举德欺诈行为,只有当这些当选议员们破坏规则的行为改变了结果的时候,才能取消他们的资格。

30、Eyes : Obliquely placed in the skull. Eyes are brown, almond shaped and of medium size. Blue eyes are a disqualifying fault. ─── 眼睛:斜放在头骨。眼睛是褐色,杏仁状,中等大小。蓝眼睛是一个淘汰的过错。

31、disqualifying foul ─── 导致取消比赛资格的犯规

32、however, Suharto did, in 1998, disqualifying Indonesia's recent history as a serviceable model for Than Shwe. ─── 然而,苏哈托在1998年确实跨了,使得印尼的近代历史无以成为丹瑞有用的模范。

33、However, they are different in forms of marriage, legal age for marriage, disqualifying diseases for marriage and definition of consanguineous marriage, void marriage and voidable marriage. ─── 相异之处主要为结婚形式、结婚年龄、近亲禁婚之范围、医学上不当结婚之疾病、无效婚姻、可撤销婚姻等均有不同之规范、不同之效果。

34、1. After the Wuhan club announced its withdrawal, the CFA fought back by disqualifying its team from all national games. ─── 武汉俱乐部宣布退出后,中国足协做出反应,取消该队参加一切全国比赛。

35、NO Considered Disqualifying ─── 不认为无资格

36、Fall, however, Suharto did, in 1998, disqualifying Indonesia's recent history as a serviceable model for Than Shwe. ─── 然而,苏哈托在1998年确实跨了,使得印尼的近代历史无以成为丹瑞有用的模范。

37、1. The China Banking Regulatory Commission is considering new rules that could crimp the loan expansion by disqualifying subordinated debt from being counted as bank capital. ─── 中国银监会正在考虑制定一些新的规章制度,通过部分作为银行资本的次等债券的方式来控制贷款的增长。

38、In some situations, disqualifying bias can be shown by circumstantial evidence rather than by an overt statement by the official. ─── 在有些情况下,取消资格的偏见可通过环境证据而非根据官员的公开陈述得到证明。

39、It's old news that divorce is no longer disqualifying for a candidate, hasn't been since 1980, when the country elected Ronald Reagan, the divorced and remarried candidate. ─── 至少从1980年,美国选出雷根这位离婚又再婚的候选人后,离婚不再使候选人丧失资格早已不是新闻。

40、Regardless of the origin of a white MS born today whether it be of certified European lineage or pet store stock it is a disqualifying fault. ─── 不管今天出生的白色迷你雪纳瑞来源于那里,他是否是被证实的欧派的血统或者只是宠物店的一个商品。

41、A disqualifying foul is any flagrantly unsportsmanlike action of a player, substitute, excluded player, coach, assistant coach or team follower. ─── 队员、替补队员、逐出队员、教练员、助理教练员或随队人员的任何恶劣的违反体育道德的行为是取消比赛资格的犯规。

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