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09-08 投稿



uncharitable 发音

英:[?n?t??r?t?b(?)l]  美:[?n?t??r?t?b(?)l]

英:  美:

uncharitable 中文意思翻译



uncharitable 网络释义

adj. 严厉的;无情的;不宽恕的;无慈悲心的

uncharitable 词性/词形变化,uncharitable变形

副词: un-charitably |名词: uncharitableness |

uncharitable 反义词


uncharitable 同义词

spiteful | cruel |cynical | unmerciful | hurtful | mean | heartless | mean-spirited | unkind | harsh

uncharitable 相似词语短语

1、unchainable ─── 无法控制的

2、charitable ─── adj.慈善事业的;慷慨的,仁慈的;宽恕的

3、unchastisable ─── 不变的

4、charitably ─── adv.慈善地;慷慨地;宽恕地

5、uninhabitable ─── adj.不适宜居住的

6、unhabitable ─── 不可恨的

7、uncharitably ─── 无慈悲心地;严厉地;不宽恕地

8、chartable ─── 图表

9、incharitable ─── 不可计算的

uncharitable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、unjust and uncharitable criticism. ─── 不公平、严苛的批评。

2、Nor does it come from a gloomy and uncharitable spirit. ─── 也不是一个郁闷和无情的人的宣泄。

3、"But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to ourselves??(Thomas Browne. ─── “但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可能善待他人?”(托马斯布朗)

4、"But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to ourselves??Thomas Browne). ─── “但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可能善待他人?”

5、I don't want to be uncharitable, but he isn't very intelligent, is he? ─── 我不想刻薄,但他脑子有点迟钝吧?

6、I confess that I have jumped to some rather uncharitable conclusion about Mr.Stroller. ─── 我承认我对于Stroller先生的一些结论有些不尽人情。

7、There's money to be made from poverty.That may sound uncharitable, especially at this time of year. ─── 贫穷给有些行业带来了赚钱的机会,这听起来是无情的,特别是在今年这个时候。

8、When our paths crossed during the campaign, I often had to suppress the rather uncharitable urge to either taunt him or wring his neck. ─── 当我们在竞选期间狭路相逢的时候,我经常得压制有点无情的冲动,克制自己不去嘲弄他或是扭他的脖子。

9、Had she been an uncharitable woman she could have ruled the county with an iron rod of caricature ─── 倘若她是个厉害苛刻的女人,她便早已用她那长于漫画的铁笔,把全郡都治得服服贴贴了。

10、uncharitable remarks. ─── 无情的评论

11、I hope I'm not being uncharitable but he really is a bore; unjust and uncharitable criticism. ─── 我希望我不要太苛刻,但他的确是个令人讨厌的人;不公平、严苛的批评。

12、" O Christian, are you living in a world that is uncharitable and selfish, or full of bitterness and hatred? ─── (约壹四:16)亲爱的弟兄姐妹们,你住在一个自私自利、充满罪恶仇恨的世界吗?

13、This was an uncharitable assessment of the reasons for the failure. ─── 这是对失败原因的苛刻的评估。

14、But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to ourselves? ?Thomas Browne). ─── “但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可能善待他人?”(托马斯·布朗)

15、When you come home you sit down in a sober, contemplative, not uncharitable frame of mind, and apply yourself to your books or your business. ─── 等你回到家里坐下来读书做事的时候,玩味着刚才所见的一切,就会冷静下来,对于别人的短处也不太苛责了。

16、But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to ourselves? ─── 但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可能善待他人?

17、" But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to ourselves??(Thomas Browne. ─── “但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可能善待他人?”(托马斯 布朗)

18、I hope I'm not being uncharitable but he really is a bore; ─── 我希望我不要太苛刻,但他的确是个令人讨厌的人;

19、"But how shall we expect charity towards others,when we are uncharitable to ourselves??(Thomas Browne. ─── “但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可能善待他人?”(托马斯·布朗)

20、I hope I'm not being uncharitable but he really is a bore; unjust and uncharitable criticism. ─── 我希望我不要太苛刻,但他的确是个令人讨厌的人;不公平、严苛的批评。

21、He believed in the religion which he taught, harsh, unpalatable, uncharitable as that religion was ─── 他相信自己宣讲的那种宗教信仰,虽然那种信仰严厉讨厌,苛刻无情。

22、The recourse to the law court is an unbecoming and uncharitable conduct. ─── 诉诸法律是不体面、缺乏仁慈的举动,因此必须避免。

23、People suffering from this particular affliction are both uncharitable and mean. ─── 受这种思想影响的人缺乏容忍而且卑劣。

24、But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to ourselves ─── 但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可能善待他人

25、I don't want to be uncharitable, but she's not a terribly good cook . ─── 我并不想苛求别人,但她烹调的手艺也实在不敢恭维.

26、Leading : (Accept our repentance )For all false judgments, for uncharitable thoughts toward our neighbors, and for our prejudice and contempt toward those who differ from us, ─── 带领者:(接受我们的悔改)因著我们论断,我们不宽恕我们的邻居,我们对与我们不同的人的偏见和轻视

27、But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitaBle to ourselves. ─── 但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可能善待他人。

28、uncharitable thoughts/remarks ─── 刻薄的想法/言辞

29、That was Edward Leamer's uncharitable description of his profession in 1983. ─── 1983年,爱德华利默对自己所在行业进行严厉批评时如是说道。

30、There's money to be made from poverty. That may sound uncharitable , especially at this time of year. ─── 贫穷给有些行业带来了赚钱的机会,这听起来是无情的,特别是在今年这个时候。

31、"But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to ourselves?" (Thomas Browne). ─── “但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可能善待他人?” (托马斯·布朗)

32、Her racial attitudes were uncharitable at best, and they showed up in her work. ─── 她所持的种族态度即便是最容忍之时,也是苛刻的,这在其作品中可见一斑。

33、The recourse to the law court is an unbecoming and uncharitable conduct. It must be avoided. ─── 诉诸法律是不体面、缺乏仁慈的举动,因此必须避免。

34、When our paths crossed during the campaign, I often had to suppress the rather uncharitable urge to either taunt him or wring his neck. ─── 当我们在竞选期间狭路相逢的时候,我经常不得不压制有点无情的冲动,克制自己,不去嘲弄他或是扭他的脖子。

35、I don't want to be uncharitable, but she's not a terribly good cook . ─── 我并不想苛求别人,但她烹调的手艺也实在不敢恭维。

36、” That was Edward Leamer's uncharitable description of his profession in 1983. ─── 1983年,爱德华利默对自己所在行业进行严厉批评时如是说道。

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