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09-08 投稿


concocts 发音

英:[k?n?k?kts]  美:[k?n?kɑ?kts]

英:  美:

concocts 中文意思翻译



concocts 词性/词形变化,concocts变形

动词过去式: concocted |名词: concocter |动词第三人称单数: concocts |动词现在分词: concocting |动词过去分词: concocted |

concocts 短语词组

1、concocts meaning ─── 捏造意义

2、concocts synonym ─── 捏造同义词

3、concocts definition ─── 炮制定义

concocts 相似词语短语

1、concoctor ─── 炮制者

2、concents ─── n.(音乐、嗓音)和谐

3、concocter ─── n.调制者

4、concocted ─── vt.捏造;混合而制;调合;图谋

5、concerts ─── n.音乐会;演唱会;(音)协奏曲(concert的复数);合奏(曲)

6、concepts ─── n.概念,观念;思想(concept复数形式)

7、conceits ─── n.自负;狂妄;幻想;vt.幻想

8、concoct ─── vt.捏造;混合而制;调合;图谋

9、concords ─── n.和谐;和睦;一致;协调

concocts 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Proper people discover for this excitement not already, query the voice that the photograph concocts but get stripe continuously. ─── 正当人们为这个发现兴奋不已时,质疑照片造假的声音却不断升级。

2、he concocts novel cookie recipes with chocolate, coconut, butterscotch and pecans. ─── 他用巧克力、椰蓉、奶糖和核桃仁配制出一款独特的甜点。

3、Anton the chef concocts a sensual coupling of lobster and asparagus . ─── 厨师安东用龙虾和芦笋搭配,制作出了一道口感很好的菜肴。

4、Some crude drags concoct or concoct improper, if law tuber of pinellia after concocting there is no toxicity , but it is poisonous to grow the tuber of pinellia; ─── 有些药材未经炮制或炮制不当,如经过炮制后的法半夏没有什么毒性,但生半夏却是有毒的;

5、China's Tongren Temple has this kind of ancient precept: Concocts although numerous, must not dare to omit artificial; ─── 中国的同仁堂有这样一条古训:炮制虽繁,必不敢省人工;

6、"she beheld the old physician, with a basket on one arm, and a staff in the other hand, stooping along the ground, in quest of roots and herbs to concoct his medicines withal." ─── 刚好看见那老医生,一手挽着篮子,另一只手往着拐杖,正弯着腰在地上一路搜寻可以配药的树根和药草。

7、Baldy Li concocts a number of dishonest, unethical moneymaking schemes to turn him into the richest man in town. ─── 李光头使出浑身解数,运用各种骗人、缺德的赚钱伎俩,从而成为全镇最富有的人。

8、China's Tongren Temple has this kind of ancient precept: Concocts although numerous, must not dare to omit artificial; Savors although is expensive, must not dare to omit physical resource. ─── 中国的同仁堂有这样一条古训:炮制虽繁,必不敢省人工;品味虽贵,必不敢省物力。

9、to deal with card to collect fees according to chaos of concoct various pretexts for the enterprise etc. ─── 个别窗口部门为企业办理证照巧立名目乱收费等等。

10、concoct or cook up lies ─── 瞎诌

11、concoct a reactionary programme ─── 炮制反动纲领

12、Virtually every major discovery has put deep cracks in the conventional wisdom and forced scientists to concoct new theories, amid furious debate. ─── 事实上,每一个重大的发现都在传统观念上划开了深深的裂缝,并迫使科学家们在激烈的争论中创造出新的理论。

13、* How did the inventive chef ever concoct such strange dish? ─── *怎么发明的厨师都编造这种奇怪的菜?

14、and, after the fact, we concoct an explanation that makes it appear less random, and more predictable, than it was. ─── 几乎一切重要的事情都逃不过黑天鹅的影响,而现代世界正是被黑天鹅所左右。

15、concoct an excuse [alibi] ─── 编造藉口 [不在场证明]

16、The best optimum technology parameters were found.The concoct carrots chips had little oil,easy to control nutrition and organoleptic properties,suit for old person and teenagers to eat. ─── 研究结果显示:所制胡萝卜复合脆片含油少,薄而脆,营养易于调控强化,口味、形状良好,色泽诱人,具有良好的食用价值和市场推广前景。

17、concoct a drink out of sherry and lemon juice ─── 用雪利酒和柠檬汁配制成的饮料.

18、"sometimes through that alchemy of quiet malice, by which women can concoct a subtile poison from ordinary trifles;" ─── 有时她们不动声色地对她施展阴谋,因为女人们最善于利用日常琐事调制微妙的毒剂

19、When Deej was poisoned by the deadly fungus of a Rokna tree, his three sons split up to gather the necessary ingredients to concoct an antidote. ─── 有一次,迪奇因接触了一种致命的真菌而中毒。这种真菌生长在洛克纳树上。为了调制解药,迪奇的三个儿子不得不分头行动,采集必需的原料,其中包括弗罗施蛋。

20、concoct a scheme ─── 策划诡计

21、He'll surround himself with the finest lawyers money can buy - and they'll concoct a doozy of an insanity plea. ─── 他会为自己请来能用金钱收买到的最好的律师,这些人会罗列出一大堆证明他疯了的理由。

22、I gave her a tip on how to concoct a new kind of soup. ─── 我教她配制一种新汤的诀窍。

23、Concoct a mystery story. ─── 编造一个神话故事

24、Methods HPLC method was applied to determination of total flavone in Zhiqiao before and after concoct. ─── 方法采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定炮制前后枳壳总黄酮。

25、Christmas awaited us in the county town of Jianhe,swhereswe had asked friends to send a few special items to help us concoct some sort of celebration. ─── 圣诞节在贵州省剑河县等待着我们,我们已经让朋友们把几样圣诞节物品寄到了那里,那些物品能帮我们安排一些庆祝仪式。

26、Then he hired five-star hotel chefs to concoct fancy drinks and desserts that sell for about half the price of Starbucks'. ─── 然后在雇佣五星级饭店的厨师来调制新奇的饮品,制作精美的甜点,而零售价却只有星巴克的一半。

27、I give her a tip on how to concoct a new kind of soup ─── 我教她配制一种新汤的诀窍

28、He concoct an excuse for be late . ─── 他为迟到编造理由。

29、to concoct an excuse ─── 编造一个借口

30、Archer says her family has given her fantastic feedback, as well as physical help as she concocts her beauty creams. ─── 阿彻说当她调制她的美容霜时,她的家庭给予她难以置信的反馈和体力上的帮助。

31、She concocts wonderful soup. ─── 她调制美味的汤。

32、In February, the corporation concocted what it concocts best: an algorithm. ─── 今年2月,这家公司拿出了一个他们所能搞出的最佳计划:一个新的算法。

33、It is colorless or straw yellow clear liquid,soluble in water, alcohol and most organic solvents.It is kind of good flame retardant with low viscidity and is easy to concoct. ─── 本品为无色或淡黄色透明液体,溶于水、醇等大部分有机溶剂,粘度低,易调和,为一种优良的阻燃剂。

34、Concoct potency One wonders also why Nature, with some snakes, concocted poison of such extreme potency. ─── 人们还弄不清大自然为什么在某些蛇身上调制出如此高效的毒液来。

35、You may invent concoct a few stories against your opponents ─── 你可编造一些攻击你对手们的说法。

36、We may embellish a story, forget a word of the song, adapt an old technology or concoct a new theory out of old ideas. ─── 我们也许会给听来的故事添枝加叶、忘记一首歌里的一个字、改造旧技术、以老点子发明新理论。

37、Cultivation and concoct of high quality burley ─── 优质白肋烟栽培调制技术

38、I began to concoct explanations of my own. ─── 我开始思考自己的解释。

39、Keywords pressure vessel;magnitude of misaligned concoct edge;finite element method;advice; ─── 压力容器;错边量;有限元分析;建议;

40、Scientists Concoct Chocolate That Won't Melt ─── 科学家调制出不会融化的巧克力

41、Even the Wall Street firms that concoct these securities have taken a whipping. ─── 即使连创造出这些商品的华尔街经纪行也吃了大亏。

42、Dalian individual player's ability is not bad, 55 minutes, young Martin passes a ball in the left wing, wants to concoct the second ball the goal route. ─── 在0比2落后时,大连证明自己可以踢出高质量的足球,而在前21分钟,这支大连队只能用一盘散沙来形容。

43、Said (the father): "My (dear) little son! relate not thy vision to thy brothers, lest they concoct a plot against thee: for Satan is to man an avowed enemy! ─── 他说:“我的孩子啊!你不要把你的梦告诉你的哥哥们,以免他们谋害你;恶魔确是人类公开的仇敌。”

44、The fundamental principle of the technology and the development of concoct food are introduced. ─── 介绍了栅栏技术的基本原理和调理食品的发展。

45、Results The contents of total flavone in Zhiqiao and concoct were 8.615% and 7.542%,respectively. ─── 结果枳壳中总黄酮含量为8.615%,麸炒枳壳总黄酮含量为7.542%。

46、The life stories are more vivid than any theory one could concoct to explain them. ─── 生命的故事比人们臆想出来的解释理论鲜活多了。

47、1.to compile; to put together (statistical report, budget, etc.); 2.to fabricate; to make up; to concoct ─── 编造

48、Patients had to smuggle supplies from abroad, concoct illegal home brews or simply do without. ─── 病患或者必须从外国偷渡药品、或者配制违法私药、或者只好认命作罢。

49、Beijing Wuzhou Brand Palit Concoct Co., Ltd. ─── 北京五洲服饰商标织造有限公司。

50、The Chinese native medicine concocts ─── 中药炮制

51、Each bartender in Puerto Rico concocts his or her own favorite rum drink, but other island cocktails are made with fresh fruit juices. ─── 波多黎各的每一个酒保,都有他或她自己最钟爱的朗姆酒,而其他品种的鸡尾酒则是用新鲜果汁调制的。

52、three, concoct the crime with reasonable kinds and degree of penalty; ─── 三是合理配置刑种刑度;

53、Why would Daimler and Toyota concoct such an alliance? ─── 为什么会戴姆勒和丰田捏造这样的一个联盟?

54、From the quality, the material contents of collections have to be true credibility, can not collect make out of nothing, deceitful and dishonest perhaps make to falsely concoct of material. ─── 从质量上,收集的材料内容必须真实可靠,不得收集无中生有、虚假不实或者弄虚造假的材料。

55、Some places and repeated orders of sectional buy center are disregarded, concoct various pretexts collects fees to farmer chaos, collect money in disorder, some places of random apportion; ─── 有的地方和部门置中心的三令五申不顾,巧立名目向农民乱收费、乱集资、乱摊派;有的地方超额提取村提留、强迫农民收费代劳;

56、concoct various pretexts; invent all sorts of names ─── 巧立名目

57、This paper research the vibration motivation and vibration signal effect with different inspirit factor,and analyze concoct effect because of concussion which is caused by fault of bearing and gear. ─── 本文首先对齿轮和轴承的振动机理以及各种激励因素对振动信号的影响进行了详细研究,并分析了由于齿轮、轴承故障的存在所引起的冲击对振动信号产生的调制作用。

58、People have and share such experiences and impart larger significance to them because we have a cortex big enough to conceive of such transcendent notions and an imagination creative enough to concoct fantastic narratives. ─── 人们可以拥有、享这样的经历,并以此传递更大的意义,这是因为我们的皮质层大到足以让我们去设想这些超验的观念,以及有足够创意的想像力来捏造奇幻的故事。

59、Watch but say, the false medicine saved the life of An, should appreciate home town to concoct deep feeling thick Yi of ! ─── 看守却说,假药救了俺的命,应该感谢家乡造假者的深情厚谊啊!

60、Keywords Concocts the supplementary material;Liquor facture; ─── 炮制辅料;酒制法;

61、The Application and Research of Hurdle Technology in Concoct Food ─── 栅栏技术在调理食品中的应用研究

62、Keywords fruit &vegetable papers;nutrition;quality valuation;concoct; ─── 果蔬纸;营养;质量评价;调制;

63、Proper people discover for this excitement not already, query the voice that the photograph concocts but get stripe continuously. ─── 正当人们为这个发现兴奋不已时,质疑照片造假的声音却不断升级。

64、In this age of excuses, why shouldn't Madoff try and get off He'll surround himself with the finest lawyers money can buy - and they'll concoct a doozy of an insanity plea. ─── 在这个充斥着借口的年代,为什么马多夫就不能找个借口逃脱呢?他会为自己请来能用金钱收买到的最好的律师,这些人会罗列出一大堆证明他疯了的理由。

65、The eldest daughter, a writer with a great imagination, concocts a story that ultimately draws their wealthy grandmother to their New Hampshire home. ─── 大女儿是个极富想象力的作家,她编写了一个故事描述富有的祖母和在新罕布什尔州的家。

66、And the untruth had taken me so long to concoct. ─── 我花了好长时间编造这些谎言。

67、Concoct word ─── 生造非词

68、Special in nowdays, Chinese medicine made rapidly progress, so the morden study of Chinese Medical concoct is especially necessary. ─── 中药炮制现代化的研究就显得尤为重要。

69、To help his teammate, Krillin concocts an outlandish plan that you'll have to see to believe! ─── 为了帮助他的战友,小林想出了一个绝妙的怪招。这可真是你必须亲眼见到才能相信的一招!

70、fabricate; make up; concoct ─── 杜撰

71、To concoct in order to deceive ─── 编造:以欺骗为目的进行捏造

72、In 1996, his portrayal of a car dealer who concocts a highly-flawed plan to have his wife kidnapped in order to get money from his father-in-law, in Fargo, won him an Oscar nomination for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. ─── 1996年,他在《冰血暴》中饰演了一位为从岳父那里捞钱而策划了漏洞百出的计划来使其妻遭到绑架的汽车代理商,该角色使他获得了奥斯卡最佳男配角的提名。

73、Since there aren't any big festivals in November, why not concoct your own? You can create a decorative theme, contests or prizes, and then open the gates for visitors. ─── 既然11月份都没有什么大节日了,那你为什么不自己制造一个捏?你可以做一个布置主题,比赛或者抽奖的什么,然后开门邀请访客来吧

74、In 1536 the direct attack on the monasteries began.A Commission had been sent out to gather or concoct enough scandal to justify confiscation on moral grounds. ─── 棉线和棉纱的大量产出迫切需要效率更高的织布机,因为老式织布机历经几个世纪,几乎没有改进。

75、Moreover, in giving the device the name "Put-Outer," JKR did not concoct a clever name. ─── 此外,鉴于这个装置的名字“熄灯器”,JKR确实是没有编一个好名字。

76、Keywords hurdle technology;concoct food;sterilization;flavor quality; ─── 栅栏技术;调理食品;杀菌;风味品质;

77、In essence speaking, with its traditional sales methods are not fundamentally different, but in such a way as to concoct a great sensation, attracting eye more effective. ─── 在本质上来讲,它跟传统的销售方式没有什么根本区别,只是这种方式来炮制轰动效应,吸引眼球更加有效。

78、Thought the liquor Pakistan facture the history is glorious, is one of important methods which the Chinese native medicine concocts. ─── 认为酒制法的历史悠久,是中药炮制的重要方法之一。

79、The application of the technology in fruits and vegetables meat food and food packaging.The prospects of application of hurdle technology in concoct food are forecasted. ─── 简要概述了栅栏技术在果蔬、肉制品及食品包装中的应用,展望了调理食品中栅栏技术的应用前景。

80、685. concoct : prepare by combining; ─── 685 。炮制:编制相结合;

81、Instead, they make a point of writing about the dark side of life, they spread pessimism and sometimes even concoct stories to distort the revolutionary past and present. ─── 相反,他们却热心于写阴暗的、灰色的、以至胡编乱造、歪曲革命的历史和现实的东西。

82、An hear that those reporters usually took money to concoct news to scare the Ans common people, An's being not silly didn't let them scare, the An see all don't watch their lousy programs, Hey Hey. ─── 俺听说那些记者经常拿了钱造假新闻吓唬俺们老百姓,俺不傻不让他们吓唬,俺看都不看他们的烂节目,嘿嘿。

83、Concocts the supplementary material ─── 炮制辅料

84、concoct a string of untruths on ─── 编造了一系列有关 ... 的谎言

85、sometimes through that alchemy of quiet malice, by which women can concoct a subtile poison from ordinary trifles; ─── 有时她们不动声色地对她施展阴谋,因为女人们最善于利用日常琐事调制微妙的毒剂;

86、The key should be as random a string as you can concoct, with numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters. ─── 你可以设置一个编造的随机字符串作为你的钥匙,最好包括数字、大写字母、小写字母。

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