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09-08 投稿


morgue 发音

英:[m??rɡ]  美:[m??ɡ]

英:  美:

morgue 中文意思翻译



morgue 网络释义

n. 陈尸所;资料室,资料档案

morgue 短语词组

1、morgue freakshow ─── 太平间表演

2、morgue photos ─── 停尸房照片

3、morgue people ─── 停尸房的人

4、temporary morgue ─── 临时停尸房

5、morgue definition ─── 停尸房定义

6、morgue story ─── 停尸房故事

7、kailee morgue ─── 凯利停尸房

8、morgue square ─── 停尸房广场

9、city morgue ─── 城市停尸房

10、morgue jobs ─── 停尸房工作

11、morgue youtube YouTube ─── 停尸房

12、morgue bodies ─── 停尸房尸体

13、morgue dnd ─── 明天dnd

morgue 词性/词形变化,morgue变形


morgue 相似词语短语

1、morsure ─── 咬伤

2、morae ─── 短音;短音节(mora的复数)

3、argue ─── vi.争论,辩论;提出理由;vt.辩论,争论;证明;说服;n.(Argue)人名;(英、法)阿格

4、morale ─── n.士气,斗志;n.(Morale)人名;(意、西)莫拉莱

5、morgues ─── n.陈尸所;资料室,资料档案

6、merguez ─── 梅尔盖兹

7、morbus ─── 疾病;病

8、Dergue ─── n.德格

9、orgue ─── n.管风琴;千斤闸

morgue 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、hospital morgue ─── 医院停尸间

2、I can't remove my eyes from you, you look so morgue. ─── 无法将视线移开逞强的你。

3、woman was helped by relatives as she grieved after identifying a body at a temporary morgue in a sports center in Hanwang. ─── 一位妇女在亲属的帮助下,忍着悲伤辨认停放在临时太平间的亲人遗体。

4、It may readily be supposed that the part played by my friend, in the drama at the Rue Morgue, had not failed of its impression upon the fancies of the Parisian police. ─── 不难想象,我朋友当初在毛格街惨剧里扮演的角色,给巴黎警察厅的印象并未磨灭。

5、The mattress is saturated with embalming fluid.It's a morgue for lice, bedbugs, cockroaches, tapeworms. ─── 床垫已被散发出香气的液体浸透,已成了虱子,臭虫、蟑螂和绦虫的陈尸所。

6、In a city 32)morgue, one worker calls another worker over to marvel at the blue skin of the newest arrival. ─── 在市陈尸所里,一个工人把另一个工人叫过来看看刚被抬进来的尸体,他们对这尸体的蓝色皮肤惊叹不已。

7、A man cried beside his mother's coffin outside a hospital morgue in Baquba, Iraq. ─── 伊拉克,巴古拜:医院的太平间外,一名男子在他母亲的棺材旁痛哭流涕.

8、Kellerman: morgue photos from that boy back in Toledo, Will Clayton. ─── 那个死于托莱多男孩。

9、These are the basic circumstances seen by my wife and I at the morgue. ─── 这是我夫妻俩在殡仪馆看到的基本情况。

10、And now, my dear gentlemen, one of my men will accompany you to the morgue and when you have identified the body, your time is at your own disposal ─── 现在,亲爱的先生们,我派一个人陪你们去陈尸所,你们认领了尸体之后,尸体就由你们随意安置。

11、2000 people to Liberty State Park. The morgue is operating. ─── 2000人送到州立自由公园。殓房也一直在运作。

12、In passing the two big shut doors adjacent to the last ramp I had another weird feeling of certainty and realization: this was a hospital (we already know that.) This basement used to be the morgue. ─── 我屏住呼吸向下走去,当走过与这个斜坡紧挨著的那两扇门时,我又有了诡异的感觉:这儿原来是家医院(这我们已经知道了),这地下室以前是个停尸房。

13、in his other hand, the director holds a photo from the morgue - both arms resting by Clarks sides. ─── 同时,苏联的飞船也受到攻击,苏联同样认为是美国人搞鬼。

14、This EPA guy you checked out of the morgue in Maryland without any jurisdiction. ─── 你没有任何权限就去检查那个在马里兰州停尸房里的环保局的家伙。

15、For example, the scum on the river Ankh, that great wide slow waterway that served the double city as reservoir, sewer and frequent morgue, had turned a particularly iridescent green. ─── 例如,安科河,那宽阔缓慢的运河,被用作双城的蓄水库、污水管、经常还要客串一下陈尸所,它的泡沫变成发出特别虹彩的绿色。

16、This event occurred about two years after the atrocity in the Rue Morgue ─── 这件事大约发生在毛格街惨案两年以后。

17、The other place in that hospital where I saw something was in the basement area, which is around the corner from the morgue. ─── 在其他地方的医院,我看到的东西是在地下室面积,这是在拐角处的太平间。

18、Second Doctor: She's dead, sir. They took her to the morgue. ─── 医生:她死了,先生。他们把她送进太平间了。

19、Police were stationed outside the gray concrete city morgue as grieving relatives went inside. Two of 14 bodies brought ashore had been identified. ─── 警察部署在该市混凝土构建的灰色停尸房外,不断有家属走进去。已有14具打捞上岸的遗体被辨认出来。

20、In painting his father in the morgue, Ming establishes a connection between him and other individuals that he has depicted in a similar position. ─── 在创作他父亲在太平间的肖像时,严培明建立了一种他和他以往塑造的相同情景下其他人的联系。

21、a newspaper morgue ─── 一个新闻资料库

22、I am not trying to control you. I just don't wanna end up in the morgue! ─── 我不是想要支配你。我只是不想最后被推进停尸间。

23、morgue | mortuary ─── 太平间

24、At the morgue on Wednesday, parents walked through rooms lined with bodies on the floor, lifting sheets in the unwanted search to identify a lost child. ─── 周三在停尸点,家长们在地上的尸体间穿梭,揭开单子无助地搜寻辨认遗失的孩子。

25、The Murders in The Rue Morgue ─── 红磨坊谋杀案

26、But the awful scene at this local morgue is a sad reminder that too many of the dead are children in a country where most families are allowed to have only one. ─── 当地这个停尸点可怕的场面分明悲伤地提示人们在这个大多数家庭只允许要一个孩子的国家死去的孩子太多了。

27、Hello there, the angel from my nightmare, the shadow in background of the morgue. ─── 嘿,恶梦中的天使,太平间里的鬼魂。

28、The man, a hospital morgue worker, is to be prosecuted for fraud and concealing a death on Saturday after police found the corpse in a two-room apartment in the city centre in piles of rubbish. ─── 9月17日,法国司法部门有关人士表示,该国马赛市一位现年60多岁的男子已与其母亲的尸体共同生活了5年,他的目的是继续领取本属于其母的每月700欧元的养老金。

29、A woman was helped by relatives as she grieved after identifying a body at a temporary morgue in a sports center in Hanwang. ─── 在设置于汉旺体育中心的临时停尸间内,一位妇女辨认出了一具尸体之后,在亲属的搀扶下悲痛欲绝。

30、[America] morgue | data room ─── 资料室

31、This pub's a bit of a morgue; let's liven it up with some dancing. ─── 这酒馆死气沉沉了点,我们跳点舞让它有点生气。

32、He does catch up to him in the morgue, talking to a dead body. ─── 医生在他太平间再次遇到了正在和一具尸体说话的他。

33、Hayya said the PLO was dead, sent to the morgue by those who founded it. ─── 哈亚说,巴解组织已经名存实亡,是那些创立它的人埋葬了它。

34、She then resurrects him, leaving him alive in the hospital morgue, He wakes up confused over what happed, only to encounter the womman again as she eliminates some wolf creatures. ─── 然而,喝下不可思议的血而复活的日郎,往后却必须以血战士的身分迎战;

35、Ernest Menville: The morgue? She'll be FURIOUS! ─── 欧内斯特:太平间?她会非常生气的!

36、Inside the morgue on Wednesday afternoon, parents walked through rooms lined with bodies on the floor, lifting sheets in the unwanted search to identify a lost child. ─── 周三下午,在太平间外,家长们徘徊与排成一排的尸体中,一次次的掀起蒙在失身上的简易布单,寻找自己失散的孩子。

37、Phantom of the Rue Morgue ─── 人猿魅影

38、"In the morgue, most of the killed appeared to be children. ─── “在停尸点,大部分死亡者几乎都是孩子。

39、After the body was taken to the morgue, medical staff saw he was still moving. ─── 在他被移到停尸间时,医务人员发现他还能动弹。

40、The 'book of the dead' is the morgue log, the ledger in which all cases are entered by hand. ─── 美国为什么会迅速地成为独一无二的超级大国而登上世界霸主的位子?

41、What do you mean, from the morgue? ─── 你什么意思,从太平间出来?

42、An ambulance paramedic stands next to the body of a Greek national in a morgue at a Karachi hospital in Pakistan. ─── 巴基斯坦,一所卡拉奇医院上的陈尸间内一名紧急救护人员站在一具希腊籍尸体旁。

43、The bodies had remained inside the gated grounds of Xinjian Primary School for two days until officials began transporting them to the morgue on Wednesday. ─── 在过去两天里,孩子们的遗体和他们的遗物都被放在新建小学里面,直到周三官方才开始把他们运往太平间。

44、He said his daughter's body was still warm when he found her at the morgue on Wednesday.He wondered how long she lived beneath the rubble. ─── 他还说,当他周三在停尸房找到她的时候,女儿的尸体仍然是温热的。

45、Dr Linacre says that he, like Dr Pornthip, found that evidence from the morgue did not always fit the official version of events. ─── 林纳克里说,他和彭蒂一样,经常发现来自停尸房的证据与官方的说法不相符。

46、Two guys who work at a morgue enlist the services of a reanimated corpse to better their chances at a streetball tournament. ─── 影片的主人公是两个在热爱篮球的家伙,他们通过在太平间里打工而为在街头篮球比赛做准备。

47、In his recently republished memoirs Liverpool's spiritual father remarks that the directors' room where he had to fight for funds was so dark and gloomy that he called it "the morgue". ─── 在他最近重新编排的回忆录里,利物浦的精神教父评论道,在那个他得争取资金的董事办公室是如此的昏暗而颓靡以至于被他称为“停尸间”。

48、Friday evening, about 30 corpses, wrapped in bright yellow body bags, lay on the ground at a nearby playing field that has been turned into a makeshift morgue. ─── 上周五晚间,在东汽中学倒塌建筑附近一个被临时辟作停尸地的操场上,有约30具尸体被装在淡黄色的裹尸袋内。

49、We begin at school where Lizette is high on a beer buzz, go with her to the morgue for that I. D. , and end up back in school for lunch. ─── 故事开始在里扎特所在的学校,她在那里喝得迷醉,紧接着和他一起到了陈尸房来进行辨认,结尾时是在学校吃午餐。

50、I'm standing here in the morgue. ─── 我站在这里,太平间里。

51、The morgue is an hour outside Dujiangyan on an isolated rural road, yet the parking lot was filled at 1:50 a.m. on Thursday. ─── 这个停尸房位于都江堰市一小时车程外的乡间小路上,可这里的停车场在周二凌晨1点50分就满了。

52、There was a body in the morgue that resembled his wife, whose 39th birthday had been the day before. ─── 停尸所里有一具遗体很像他的妻子久美,此前一天正是久美的39岁生日。

53、could you please go with the bodies to the morgue? ─── 你能不能跟尸体一起去停尸房?

54、He said his daughter's body was still warm when he found her at the morgue on Wednesday. ─── 他说周三他在停尸点发现她女儿时她的身体还有体温。

55、Police came and took her gently aside and told her they would try to find the name of the morgue. ─── 警察温和地把她拉到了一边,告诉她他们会尽力寻找存放孩子遗体的太平间的名字。

56、Venezuelan man who had been declared dead woke up in the morgue in excruciating pain after medical examiners began their autopsy. ─── 一名被宣判死亡的委内瑞拉男子,在法医展开验尸工作后,因剧痛而在停尸间里醒来。

57、They had gathered in the sand outside this morgue at Camp Ramadi, an Army base in Anbar Province, now the most lethal of Iraqi places. ─── 他们集中拉马迪营房的停尸房外,这个营房位于安巴尔省的陆军基地,目前在伊拉克是最危险的一个地方。

58、Oshio the same day with a room at a hotel bed girl nude morgue. ─── 当天与押尾同处一室的一名酒店女郎裸体陈尸床上。

59、Murders in the Rue Morgue ─── 莫格街之谋杀案

60、Deceased patients are taken straight from the medical wing to the morgue. ─── 已死的病人,会直接被运到太平间。

61、The Lady in the Morgue ─── 停尸房中的女人

62、Please get my nightgown and then burn it up, in the morgue. ─── 请拿到我的睡衣,然后在太平间烧掉。

63、This is the body you have at the morgue? ─── 这就是太平间里的那具尸体?

64、At this time I wrote down the details from the morgue. ─── 我于是写下了在殡仪馆看到的情况。

65、By midafternoon, the morgue was already running out of body bags. ─── 到下午三点多,太平间的尸袋已经用光了。

66、Bodies were two to a morgue drawer, and the wounded were being treated in hallways because beds were full. ─── 尸体被放在两个停尸房里,伤着正在走廊接受治疗因为床位已满。

67、Bosnian-Muslim woman embraces a truck loaded with coffins, including one of her relatives, before a convoy with 534 bodies leaves the morgue in the central Bosnian town of Visoko. ─── 在护送着534具尸体离开太平间的车队离开之前,一名波斯尼亚穆斯林妇女伏身在一辆装载着棺材的卡车上,其中一具装着她的亲人,维索科镇,波斯尼亚中部。

68、The morgue is the place in the hospital where dead bodies are kept until they are buried. ─── 太平间是医院陈尸的地方。

69、Rescuers in blue uniforms carried more bodies out of a makeshift morgue at the sports arena. ─── 体育场上,蓝色制服的营救人员将更多尸体从临时停尸间内运出。

70、I am depressed operating from the hospital, because there are provisions in the body can't put too long, patient hospital immediately sent to death, once the morgue. ─── 我垂头丧气地从手术室中走了出来,因为医院有规定,尸体不可以在医院放太久,病人一旦死亡,就要立刻送到太平间。

71、Maggie: Oh Jason, it's like a morgue down at the station. They hired a media consulted to change our whole image, and today he was deciding who to can. ─── 麦琪:哦,杰森,你不知道他有多骄傲,请来的那个顾问,打算改变整个计划,今天他在考虑撤谁。

72、Twice a week, Humphrey is called to a hospital or morgue to provide counseling to a distraught family that has lost a son to violence. ─── 汉弗莱牧师每周有两次需去医院或陈尸房,安慰在暴力事件中失去儿子的痛苦家庭,为他们祈祷。

73、A quick visit to Baghdad's main morgue confirms just how bad things have got. ─── 浏览一下巴格达主要的太平间就可以证实情况已经有多么糟糕。

74、Three months later, your family received the news of your death from the police station.After reaching the morgue, they found your body's chest was empty. ─── 三个月后,你的家人得知你死在监狱的消息,等你家人赶到火葬场的时候,发现你的胸腔是空的。

75、I found him in the morgue. ─── 我在停尸间找到了他。

76、The dead would be sent to the morgue area and those facing imminent death segregated. ─── 停放死者的停尸处要和临终病人有所隔离。

77、Check your own publication's electronic morgue to determine what aspects of this research have already appeared. ─── 查阅你自己的电子文献库发现他们的研究的哪些方面已经发表过。

78、Enter the morgue with a hunger for meat ─── 进入太平间因为那饥饿的欲望

79、I also DO remember finding out that those houses were built on the old flight line during the Pearl Harbor attack.It had been set up as a temporary morgue during that period. ─── 我依然记得当时查明这些房子所处的位置在珍珠港被偷袭时曾是机场保养区,偷袭发生后建了这些房子充当临时停尸房.

80、The morgue is deemed by Sunni to be under the control of Shia militiaman who may kill or arrest Sunni looking for murdered relatives. ─── 逊尼派相信,停尸间是由什叶派的武装团体所控制,任何想来探视亲人遗体的逊尼派人士,都可能被杀害或逮捕。

81、One of the few advantages of supermarkets is that they can get food to us quickly - if we then stick it in a home morgue and wait days to eat it we lose even that benefit. ─── 超级市场几乎唯一的好处就是,他们能为我们提供新鲜的食物,但是,如果我们把食物买回家,然后扔到冰箱里面放好上几天的话,我们无法吃到新鲜的食物了。

82、This morning, management of mortuary as usual, uncle li early into the morgue for these poor creature tidy, this is his first day will do everything. ─── 这天早上,管理太平间的李大爷象往常一样早早的进入停尸间为这些可怜的人儿整理一下,这是他每天必做的第一件事情。

83、Andrew went to the morgue to view Wyrazik's body ─── 安德鲁到太平间去查看怀拉兹克的尸体。

84、Gretchen goes to a morgue claiming to be Whistler's widow. ─── 格雷琴来到太平间,自认为是威斯勒的老婆。

85、Offering help in the morgue, near the com mon burial grounds (where victims may be buried due to fear of epidemics) is a proper function for mental health workers. ─── 在太平间、靠近掩埋地(由于害怕瘟疫传播而就地掩埋的受难者)的地方提供帮助是心理健康工作者的作用之一。

86、makeshift morgue ─── 临时停尸间

87、The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. ─── 于是他们伤心欲绝地飞往旧金山,并在警方带领之下到停尸间去辨认儿子的遗体。

88、I have often seen drowned men laid out at the morgue. ─── 我经常在验尸所见到陈放着淹死者的尸体。

89、I wheeled his mother to the morgue first, and then I came back for him. ─── 我先用拖车将他母亲拉去停尸房,之后回来拉他去。

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