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09-08 投稿



gorgonize 发音

英:[['g?:g?na?z]]  美:[['g?:g?n?a?z]]

英:  美:

gorgonize 中文意思翻译



gorgonize 词性/词形变化,gorgonize变形

动词过去式: gorgonized |动词过去分词: gorgonized |动词现在分词: gorgonizing |动词第三人称单数: gorgonizes |

gorgonize 相似词语短语

1、gorgonised ─── 蛇纹石

2、organize ─── vt.组织;使有系统化;给予生机;组织成立工会等;vi.组织起来;成立组织

3、to gorgonize ─── 弄脏

4、gorgonises ─── 大猩猩

5、gorgonian ─── n.柳珊瑚;adj.蛇发女怪的;柳珊瑚的;柳珊瑚目的

6、gorgonise ─── 血淋淋的

7、gorgonizes ─── vt.使吓呆;使变成石头

8、gorgonized ─── vt.使吓呆;使变成石头

9、jargonize ─── vt.使成行话或术语;vi.讲难懂的话

gorgonize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He who destroys this lighthouse shall fall victim to the three Gorgon sisters? ─── 他摧毁了灯塔,让蛇发女怪三姐妹轮为牺牲品。”

2、With all the pieces of the plaque in place, I was able to read the names of the Gorgon sisters! ─── 所有的牌匾碎片放好后,我能读出蛇发女怪姐妹的名字了!

3、Executives at CNOOC and Chevron said the discussions over Gorgon, a vast field off the coast of West Australia coast, had stalled over pricing but had not been abandoned. ─── 中海油和雪佛龙的管理人员表示,围绕高更项目的谈判因价格原因而停滞不前,但双方并未放弃。高更是澳大利亚西部沿海一个大型天然气田。

4、I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa, the Gorgon. ─── 我问他那是什么,他告诉我那是蛇发女怪美杜莎。

5、Greek mythology) son of Zeus and Dana who slew the Gorgon Medusa (with the help of Athena and Hermes) and rescued Andromeda from a sea monster. ─── 希腊神话)宙斯和达那厄的儿子,在雅典娜和赫尔墨斯的帮助下,杀了美杜沙,从海怪处救出安德罗米达。

6、The female Boundby, instead of being the Gorgon he had expected, was young and remarkably pretty. ─── 那位叫庞得贝的女子,并非他所想象的那样,是个丑八怪,而是个年轻漂亮的女人。

7、I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Meduse,the Gorgon. ─── 我问他那是什么?他告诉我那是蛇发女怪美杜莎.

8、On Tuesday PetroChina signed a preliminary agreement with Shell to buy gas from its Gorgon development, also off the Western Australian coast. ─── 中石油周二与壳牌(Shell)签署了一项初步协议,从其高更(gorgon)项目购买天然气,该项目也位于西澳洲海岸线以外。

9、9. Aphrodite: Freeze and destroy them all with Medusas Gaze and the power of the gorgon will be yours. ─── 阿芙罗狄蒂:“用美杜莎的凝视将那些敌人统统石化,打碎它们!那么戈耳工女王的魔力就将归你所有。”收藏指正

10、Greek mythology) a woman transformed into a Gorgon by Athena;she was slain by Perseus. ─── 希腊神话)让雅典娜变为蛇发女怪的女子,后为珀尔修斯所杀。

11、CNOOC was envisaged as a cornerstone customer of Gorgon and agreed in 2003 to take a 12.5 per cent stake of the Gorgon project as part of a 25-year supply deal. ─── 中海油曾被设想为高更项目的关键客户。该公司于2003年同意获取高更项目12.5%的股权,这是一项25年期供应交易的一部分。

12、And I can tell you that the Gorgon is a real prince! And he screwed us all royally. I could never even have imagined it! Never! ─── "戈耳贡"才是个真正的大赢家!他微笑着把我们都给玩了。我真是从来没想到!

13、We believe God and so the curse of the Gorgon has no power with us. ─── 我们相信上帝,因此蛇妖的诅咒对我们无能为力。

14、"What if the names of the three Gorgon sisters is on the missing part of the plaque ? ─── 蛇发女怪三姐妹的名字也许在不见了的牌匾碎片上?

15、And a renowned Gorgon at that! ─── 一个有名的蛇发女怪在那!

16、The Gorgon, Miss Springer , the games mistress came back to gave me a raspberry. ─── 那个女妖魔,即体育教师斯普林杰小姐又回来把我教训一通。

17、Meat is a pot bag, northeast dishes salted meat sliced pig tenderloin wrapped slurry flavor, fry until golden drain pot and stir tick off gorgon euryale, then begin. ─── 锅包肉是一道东北风味菜,即将猪里脊肉切片腌入味,裹上炸浆下锅炸至金黄色捞起,再下锅拌炒勾芡即成。

18、I asked him what is was and he told me that it was medusa the gorgon. ─── 、他告诉我那是蛇发女怪美杜莎。

19、Baiyangdian waters crops and resources, the growth of the lotus root, caltrop, Gorgon Fruit, arrowhead and other 30 kinds of rare wild aquatic plants. ─── 白洋淀内水生作物资源充足,生长着莲藕、菱角、芡实、慈姑等30多种珍贵野生水生作物。

20、gorgon fruit ─── 鸡头米

21、Aphrodite: Freeze and destroy them all with Medusas Gaze and the power of the gorgon will be yours. ─── 阿芙罗狄蒂:“用美杜莎的凝视将那些敌人统统石化,打碎它们!那么戈耳工女王的魔力就将归你所有。”

22、Perseus , favored by Minerva and Mercury, set out against the Gorgon. ─── 珀尔修斯在密涅瓦和墨丘利的庇护下出发去征服这蛇发女妖。

23、According to ancient Greek star lore, Ophiuchus is Asclepius, the physician who concocted a healing potion from the Serpent's venom, mixing it with the Gorgon's blood and an unknown herb. ─── 根据古希腊星学,蛇夫座是阿斯克勒庇俄斯(医药神),从大蛇的毒液里调制有治疗功用的饮料,把其跟希神的血液以及不知名草药混合的医生。

24、Introduction and High Yield Culture for Gorgon Fruit ─── 芡实引种试验及高产栽培技术

25、Gorgon is one of the most ambitious of about 10 LNG projects being developed in Australia. ─── 高更是澳大利亚10来个正在开发的液化天然气项目中,最雄心勃勃的项目之一。

26、She was the only Gorgon who was mortal.The hero Perseus, looking only at her reflection in a shield given to him by Athena, killed her by cutting off her head. ─── 她是唯一不能长生不死的戈尔贡,英雄伯修斯用雅典娜给他的盾牌映出了她的影子,砍下她的头而死。

27、What makes tick off Gorgon euryale? ─── 什麽叫勾芡?

28、With abundant resources and nice environment, there are 2100 ha. of cultivated land at the township, of which 1/3 are for water vegetables like lotus, celery, wild stem and gorgon fruit. ─── 资源丰裕,环境优美,镇内可耕地面积2100公顷,独有的传统水生物占三分之一。

29、She would like to use Gorgon fruit as she makes soups. ─── 她很喜欢用芡实做汤。

30、The soup becomes thick and sticky when mixed with powder of Gorgon Euryale seeds. ─── 做汤时放些芡粉会使汤变得粘稠。

31、 双语使用场景

32、The son of Dana and Zeus and husband of Andromeda who killed the Gorgon Medusa. ─── 珀尔修斯达那厄和宙斯的儿子和安德洛墨达的丈夫,他杀死了蛇发女戈耳戈 梅杜莎

33、"My eyes are my strongest feature." --by Visara the Dreadful, Gorgon Legend. ─── 会不会是打鼾的那个怕晚上被偷袭所以不敢睡啊??

34、Yet the Gorgon consortium has scored green points with its plan to rebury the carbon dioxide it pumps up along with the field's gas. ─── 然而戈尔工财团已经为重新处理气田中泵送的天然气和二氧化碳的计划得到了绿点。

35、As well as the agreement with ExxonMobil, which owns 25 per cent of Gorgon, PetroChina has a long standing agreement with Royal Dutch Shell, which also owns 25 per cent, to source gas from the field. ─── 在与埃克森美孚公司签订协议,在高更计划中有用25%股份的同时,中石油也与皇家荷兰壳牌石油公司签订长期协议购买天然气,并且也拥有该公司25%股份。

36、1. her step-mother, who hated her, was an absolute gorgon . ─── 她的继母是个专横跋扈的女人,很恨她.

37、The gorgon had hidden herself there, ─── 那个恶婆子早就躲在那儿,

38、The Gorgon who was killed by Perseus. ─── 美杜莎被柏修斯所杀的蛇发女怪

39、They would not be devoured by this gorgon of the East. ─── 他们不愿被这个东部的妖怪吃掉。

40、Raw material: Filtration egg-yolk 1/2, bouillon 3 big spoons, starch (or gorgon fruit powder) little.... ─── 原料:过滤蛋黄1/2个、肉汤3大匙、淀粉(或芡粉)少许。...

41、The US oil group and Shell each own 25 per cent of Gorgon. ─── 埃克森美孚和壳牌分别持有高更项目25%的股权。

42、The gossip who did this thing was a gorgon named Madame Victurnien, the guardian and door-keeper of every one's virtue ─── 做这件事的长舌妇是个叫维克杜尼昂夫人的母夜叉,她是所有一切人的贞操的守卫和司阍。

43、Tokyo Gas, Japan's largest natural-gas distributor, and Osaka Gas will buy 1 percent and 1.25 percent respectively from Chevron in the Gorgon project. ─── 东京燃气公司是日本最大的天然气国内经销商,东京燃气和大阪燃气两家公司将分别向雪佛龙购买其在高庚油气田项目里的1%和1.25%的权益份额。

44、MENOTTI, G.C.: Unicorn, the Gorgon and the Manticore (The), "The Three Sundays of a Poet" (Schippers) (1957 ─── 梅诺蒂,G.C.:独角兽,蛇发女怪、人头狮身龙尾兽,"一位诗人的三个礼拜日"(施佩尔斯)(1957

45、(Greek mythology) a woman transformed into a Gorgon by Athena; she was slain by Perseus. ─── (希腊神话)让雅典娜变为蛇发女怪的女子,后为珀尔修斯所杀。

46、Shell in 2007 signed a “sales and purchase” agreement with PetroChina for Gorgon LNG, while Chevron has agreements with three Japanese utilities. ─── 2007年,壳牌与中石油就高更项目液化天然气签署了“销售和采购”协议,同时雪佛龙与3家日本公用事业企业签署了协议。

47、(200g of 1) Gorgon fruit, old duck 1, green, ginger, salt, makingsWine, gourmet powder each are right amount. ─── (1)芡实200g,老鸭1只,葱、姜、食盐、料酒、味精各适量。

48、A Gorgon; sister of Medusa and Stheno. ─── 欧律阿勒蛇发女怪之一,墨杜萨和斯忒诺的姐妹

49、Suddenly a big and fleshy Gorgon with such an ugly face bursts out from the wall. ─── 就在此时,肥硕而丑陋的蛇妖破墙而出,她正是尤瑞艾莉!

50、the son of Dana and Zeus and husband of Andromeda who killed the Gorgon Medusa ─── 珀尔修斯达那厄和宙斯的儿子和安德洛墨达的丈夫,他杀死了蛇发女戈耳戈·梅杜莎

51、3.Shaguo Gorgon Fruit soup of fresh Shaguo 50 grams, 30 grams Gorgon Fruit. ─── 3.沙果芡实汤 新鲜沙果50克,芡实30克。

52、Her step-mother, who hated her, was an absolute gorgon ─── 她的继母是个专横跋扈的女人, 很恨她.

53、Her step-mother, who hated her, was an absolute gorgon. ─── 她的继母是个专横跋扈的女人,很恨她。

54、(Greek mythology) son of Zeus and Dana who slew the Gorgon Medusa (with the help of Athena and Hermes) and rescued Andromeda from a sea monster. ─── (希腊神话)宙斯和达那厄的儿子,在雅典娜和赫尔墨斯的帮助下,杀了美杜沙,从海怪处救出安德罗米达。

55、I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa,the Gorgon. ─── 我问他那是什么,他告诉我那是蛇发女怪美杜莎。

56、"Let the true power of the Gorgon be unleashed on Aurax." ─── 让蛇发女怪真正的魔法释放到你的身上吧。

57、a woman transformed into a Gorgon by Athena;she was slain by Perseus. ─── 让雅典娜变为蛇发女怪的女子,后为珀尔修斯所杀。

58、The Naga princess was named after the legendary gorgon who turned her foes into stone. ─── 这位娜迦族公主的名字,和传说中能石化敌人的蛇发女妖一样。

59、The Gorgon project, in the northwestern sea area of Australia, is one of the world's largest proposed gas project. ─── 高庚液化天然气项目气田位于澳大利亚西北海域,被认为是世界上储量最大的气田之一。

60、the expected bill for Gorgon, a joint venture between Chevron, Exxon Mobil and Shell, is roughly four times that. ─── 而由雪佛龙、埃克森美孚和壳牌联合的商业冒险“戈尔工”计划预计的投资,是它的四倍。

62、CHAPTER IX The Gorgon's Head ─── 第九章 果刚的脑袋

63、The Gorgon had surveyed the building again in the night, and had added the one stone face wanting; ─── 果刚在夜里又看了这座建筑物一眼,为它增加了这张石雕人面;

64、Medusa, the queen of the Gorgons.Bring me her head Kratos, and I will give you the ability to wield it's power!Freeze and destroy them all with Medusa's Gaze and the power of the gorgon will be yours. ─── 你要做的是用刚刚获得的石化魔法将所有大牛都石化,然后你就能最终掌握这项魔法了。

65、We instinctively look away from the Gorgon and toward the Scriptures for our understanding. ─── 我们本能地将目光从蛇妖身上转移出去,投向圣经以求甚解。

66、Still have tick off Gorgon euryale to reach to having sweet-and-sour kind thing, you are preparing a bowl of boiled water aside, filter oil first, or it is preparative napkin, suck oil. ─── 还有对于有勾芡及糖醋类的东西,你可以在一旁预备一碗开水,把油先过滤,或是预备餐巾纸,把油吸掉。

67、Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate. It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. the Gorgon. ─── 现在他在大门上挂了一个丑陋的石雕人头像。我从未见过这么丑的人头像。

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