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09-08 投稿



disassociate 发音

[d?s?'s????e?t; -s?-]

英:  美:

disassociate 中文意思翻译



disassociate 网络释义

vt. 使分离(过去式disassociated,过去分词disassociated,现在分词disassociating,第三人称单数disassociates,名词disassociation)

disassociate 词性/词形变化,disassociate变形

动词现在分词: disassociating |名词: disassociation |动词过去分词: disassociated |动词第三人称单数: disassociates |动词过去式: disassociated |

disassociate 短语词组

1、dissociate vs disassociate ─── 取消关联vs ─── 取消关联

2、disassociate define ─── 解除关联定义

3、disassociate iphone ─── 解除iphone关联

4、disassociate meme ─── 解离模因

disassociate 相似词语短语

1、dissociate ─── vt.游离;使分离;分裂;vi.游离;分离;分裂

2、to disassociate ─── 解除联系

3、dissociated ─── adj.离解的;分裂的;v.分离(dissociate的过去分词)

4、associate ─── v.联想,联系;(使)关联;与(不被认同的人)交往;将……和……联系起来;表示同意;n.(生意或工作上的)伙伴;准会员;联想;准零售工;adj.(与某组织或企业)联合的;副的

5、disassociates ─── v.使分离,把……分开;与……撇清关系,表明无关

6、disassociating ─── v.使分离,把……分开;与……撇清关系,表明无关

7、disassimilate ─── vt.使异化;使分解代谢

8、disassociation ─── n.分裂;分解;离解作用

9、disassociated ─── v.使分离,把……分开;与……撇清关系,表明无关

disassociate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gharibi:“In view of the above we truly disassociate ourselves from this entire hypocritical political exercise... ─── 鋻于以上所述观点,我们对于这个完全伪善的政治举动不予联署。”

2、43 Do you to know the easiest way to fall in love? Just associate with all your pleasant experience with someone, and disassociate from all the unpleasant ones. ─── 你知道坠入爱河最容易的方法吗?只要你同一个人分享你所有的快乐,而避开所有的不悦。

3、To disassociate identity from professional status, therapists recommend taking pride in characteristics that can't be stripped away -- virtue, integrity, honesty, generosity. ─── 像药物一样,职业成功可以导致情绪高涨,而这种情绪很快会让人感到不可或缺。

4、After his puppet regime was first set up in Nanking[Nanjing] on March 29,1940,he did not entirely disassociate himself from Chiang. ─── 他的傀儡政权于1940年3月29日成立之后,他也没有令自己与蒋完全分开。”

5、We will deal with individuals and not the congregation. The individuals should disassociate themselves from the mother church upon the acceptance of the truth. ─── 我们将会与每个人接触,而不是全体会众。个人接受真理后必须与母会(教团)分离。

6、I intend to disassociate from all related disease machinery. ─── 我意愿离开一切相关的疾病机械装置。”

7、They began to disassociate from their body. ─── 所以,他们做了不得不做的:开始和身体脱离关系。

8、Disassociate the resource specified from the transaction associated with the target Transaction object. ─── 解除与目标Transaction对象关联的事务指定的资源关联。

9、Success may depend on whether proponents can 'disassociate themselves with the crisis in the U. ─── 他要求不透露其姓名,称此事在执政党内属敏感话题。

10、Accountants should also disassociate themselves from any attempts to disclose misleading information. ─── 会计人员还应避免披露误导性信息。

11、"We cannot disassociate current developments from the overall strategic balance of power, " in the region, says Professor Han. ─── “我们不能把目前的发展与这一地区的整体力量均衡分裂开来”,韩教授表示。

12、Announce that person's presence to the other players in the BDW with you and disassociate yourself from them entirely. ─── 宣布该人留在BDW的其他球员与你和他们完全脱离自己。

13、She tried to console herself with the thought that a score of other persons, men and women, were equally tremulous concerning the outcome of their efforts, but she could not disassociate the general danger from her own individual liability. ─── 她竭力安慰自己说,还有二十来个别的人,有男有女,也在为演出的结果紧张得发抖。 可是这没有用。 她想到总体失败的可能性就不能不想到她个人失败的可能性。

14、It will be difficult to disassociate the scale of the backlash from the reduction in purchasing power within those export markets - the recession in credit and materalism is deepening. ─── 贷款及消费日渐萎缩,这股反弹力的规模无法与出口市场的购买力脱离挂钩。

15、What if disassociate ourselves from our current users? ─── 如果我们把焦点集中在以前的使用者会有什么样的结果?

16、2. We will deal with individuals and not the congregation. The individuals should disassociate themselves from the mother church upon the acceptance of the truth. ─── 我们将会与每个人接触,而不是全体会众。个人接受真理后必须与母会(教团)分离。收藏指正

17、Even though most of us recognize the 1)fallacy of placing too great a value on appearance, our desire for physical beauty is so 2)ingrained in us that we cannot disassociate ourselves from it. ─── 尽管我们大多数人都认同把外表看得过重是种谬误,然而,对美的渴求根植于人心,我们难于摆脱。

18、Tune out: To disassociate oneself from one's environment ─── 隔绝:与自己周围的环境隔

19、Purposefully taking advantage of cheaters is a punishable offense, though as long as you purposefully disassociate yourself from the cheater (and preferably report them as well), you should be fine. ─── 有目的地利用作弊的优点是受惩罚的进攻,但只要你故意脱离自己的骗子(最好的报告,以及他们的),你应该罚款。

20、Do you to know the easiest way to fall in love? Just associate with all your pleasant experience with someone, and disassociate from all the unpleasant ones. ─── 你知道坠入爱河最容易的方法吗?只要你同一个人分享你所有的快乐,而避开所有的不悦。

21、Meanwhile, supervisors in the factory launched a systematic intimidation campaign against rank-and-file members to force them to disassociate themselves from the new union. ─── 同时,监督员在工厂发起了一个系统的斗争恐吓普通的成员,迫使他们不得参与新的工会。

22、“the United States will be obliged to disassociate itself on a national basis from such position." ─── 是中国所希望的吗?(中国希望透过美国抑制台独的走向,美国只要摆出前述立场就够中国受了。)

23、The component to disassociate the smart tags from. ─── 要与智能标记断开关联的组件。

24、During this time the true practitioner of the Way must disassociate himself from undesirable elements as a means of elevating his spiritual character. ─── 在这个过程中,真正向道的修行人,一定不会同流合污,修为自必更上层楼。

25、We vow to disassociate ourselves from one another from now on. Starting today, I don't know these two any more. ─── 我们决定从此以后互不认识。从今天起我不认识他们俩。

26、” Spurgeon was magnanimous enough to see that even though he had to disassociate himself from his own denomination, he would do it if the truth so demanded. ─── 司布真伟大之处在于他看到,即使他自己要与他自己的宗派脱离关系,只要真理这样要求,他就会这样做。

27、Grief works because you associate with the bad experience of losing a person,and disassociate from the good memories. ─── (悲伤是因为你结合进了你失去他/她的经历,而且抽离了你和他/她在一起的美好时光。)

28、My wife turned to me at 3 a. m. and said, "You need to emotionally disassociate yourself from football. " ─── 我老婆凌晨3点转过来对我说,“你应该在情感上和橄榄球断绝联系”。

29、To make matters worse, her new stepparents turn out to be her classmate You's (Ken Chu) parents!Totally embarrassed over the situation, she tries to disassociate herself from You. ─── 光希暗恋的同班同学银太(高浩钧饰演)曾经拒绝光希的表白。

30、If there is any evidence of such behaviour by Chelsea fans then we would totally disassociate ourselves from them and we would welcome any such evidence to be passed to us so we can investigate and take the appropriate action. ─── 如果存在任何证据证明那是切尔西球迷所为,我们和他们并非一伙,我们将欢迎所有人提供给我们证据,让我们进行调查并采取相应的措施。

31、Allow you to remove selected items from source control and permanently disassociate the items from their present folders . ─── 允许您从源代码管理中移除选定的项并且永久取消这些项与他们当前文件夹的关联。

32、Announce that person's presence to the other players in the BDW with you and disassociate yourself from them entirely. ─── 宣布该人留在BDW的其他球员与你和他们完全脱离自己。

33、Just associate with all your pleasant experiences with someone, and disassociate from all the unpleasant ones. ─── 只要你结合进与某人在一起的所有美好经历,并且从所有不愉快经历中抽离出来就行了。

34、We vow to disassociate ourselves from one another from now on. Starting today, I don't know these two any more. ─── 我们决定从此以后互不认识。从今天起我不认识他们俩。

35、I intend to disassociate from all related disease machinery. ─── 我意愿离开一切相关的疾病机械装置。

36、This belief acts as an internal force causing you to disassociate the “now” moment in the market from any previous moment filed away in your mental environment. ─── 这个信念就是内部的力量,让你把市场的“现在”和思想环境的过去分开。

37、The individuals should disassociate themselves from the mother church upon the acceptance of the truth. ─── 个人接受真理后必须与母会(教团)分离。

38、Cyanoacrylate introduced into the eyes will attach it self to the eye protein and well disassociate form it over intermittent periods, generally covering several hours. ─── 氰基丙烯酸酯粘合剂如误入眼部,将粘附于眼部蛋白质之上,而后通常在数小时之内陆续脱落。

39、Wilbur: The word" formalism," in the dictionary, is a near neighbor of" formaldehyde," and it is not strange that many poets now making fresh use of old means should wish to disassociate themselves from any phalanx of" New Formalists. ─── 格律主义”这个字在字典里面与“甲醛”是近邻,无怪乎现在很多旧法新用的诗人希望与“新格律主义者”这一群体脱离干系。

40、People often try to disassociate from their feelings by saying:” It does not feel that bad. ─── 人们总是尽量通过这样的话语来逃离他们的真实情感:“感觉并不是那么坏呢”。

41、I wish to disassociate myself from this very sad decision. ─── 我希望能撇清和这个令人遗憾的决定的联系。

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