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09-08 投稿


vivacious 发音

英:[v?'ve???s; va?-]  美:[v?'ve??s]

英:  美:

vivacious 中文意思翻译



vivacious 网络释义

adj. 活泼的;快活的;有生气的

vivacious 短语词组

1、vivacious lady 1938 ─── 活泼女士1938

2、vivacious definition ─── 活泼的定义

3、vivacious quality ─── 活泼的品质

4、vivacious quality crossword ─── 生动的质量纵横字谜

5、vivacious lovable ─── 活泼可爱

6、vivacious motor type ─── [医] 活泼好动型

7、vivacious synonym ─── 活泼同义词

8、vivacious pronunciation english ─── 活泼的发音英语

9、vivacious type ─── [医] 活泼型

10、vivacious meaning ─── 活泼的意义

11、vivacious personality ─── 活泼的个性

12、bouncing and vivacious ─── 蹦 ─── 蹦跳跳

13、vivacious lady ─── [电影]活泼的小姐

14、vivacious mood ─── 活泼的心情

15、vivacious tv show ─── 活泼的电视节目

vivacious 词性/词形变化,vivacious变形

名词: vivaciousness |副词: vivaciously |

vivacious 相似词语短语

1、curvacious ─── 曲线的

2、veracious ─── adj.诚实的;真实的

3、minacious ─── adj.威吓的

4、bibacious ─── adj.嗜酒的

5、vicious ─── adj.恶毒的;恶意的;堕落的;有错误的;品性不端的;剧烈的;n.(Vicious)人名;(英)维舍斯

6、dicacious ─── 反复无常的

7、vivaciously ─── adv.愉快地;活泼地;快活地

8、voracious ─── adj.贪婪的;贪吃的;狼吞虎咽的

9、vicarious ─── adj.替代的;代理的;发同感的

vivacious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Also can plant the vivacious wood of some of short sex this flowerer, for example azalea, arrive florescence can blossom, the effect is very good also. ─── 也可以种些矮性的多年生木本开花植物,例如杜鹃,一到开花期便会开花,效果也很好。

2、Her figure was slender and her manner vivacious. ─── "身量苗条,体格风骚"

3、Slender, pretty and vivacious, she was the apple of her parents' eyes. ─── 她苗条美丽,活泼大方,是父母的掌上明珠。

4、He had three pretty, vivacious daughters. ─── 他有三个活泼漂亮的女儿。

5、Where on earth can I find a rainbow in the firmament of sky; without vivacious streaks of vivid color, ─── 我在地球上哪里可以找到苍穹中的一弯彩虹;没有幻化出活泼靓丽的彩色,

6、Her dazzling and vivacious eyes ─── 她那活泼动人的眼睛

7、His action was alternately vivacious and sullen ─── 他的举动时而轻松活泼,时而郁闷不乐。

8、Now those developers to do by the "elite schools", the book was bright, vivacious vigor scene. ─── 如今这些由发展商来办的“名校”,书声朗朗,一派生机盎然。

9、I firmly believe without any doubt that the vivacious eaglet will soar in the immense blue sky she dreams of. ─── 我有理由相信有一天这只活泼的小鹰终将展翅翱翔于深邃辽阔的蓝天。

10、Unctuous but vivacious in the mouth. ─── 口感醇浓而又不乏轻快。

11、The Pomeranian is an extrovert, exhibiting great intelligence and a vivacious spirit, making him a great companion dog as well as a competitive show dog. ─── 博美是一种性格外向,非常聪明而且活泼的狗,使其成为非常优秀的伴侣犬,同时也是很有竞争力的比赛犬。

12、a vivacious elderly man. ─── 一个具有孩子气的老人。

13、The main style, which I am building here, is containing the feeling of the passion for life, a kind of vivacious creativity and a stong thirst for knowledge. ─── 我正在这里建立的主要风格包含了对生命的热情、一种活泼的创造力和一股对知识有强烈的求知欲的感觉。

14、a touch of the bird about her, of the jay, blue-green, light, vivacious, though she was over fifty, and grown very white since her illness. ─── 一种小鸟,鹣鸟,蓝绿色,闪招亮,灵秀,虽然她已经年过五十,生病以来变得很苍白。

15、I am a vivacious and perceptual lady.I hope I may look for the guy with heartfelt love me . ─── 一个活泼开朗,但却感性的性格,希望可以找到珍惜和真心爱我的人...

16、All this, he told us, not only with the utmost brilliancy and enjoyment, but with a certain vivacious candor. ─── 他对我们说的这些话,不仅说的非常精采和引人入胜,而且在一定程度上也说得很愉快,很坦白。

17、Part of this is because of his excellent English, but a lot is down to his vivacious personality. ─── 一部分原因是因为他的英语很好,但大多数原因来自于他活泼的个性。

18、He had three pretty, vivacious daughters. ─── 他有三个活泼漂亮的女儿。

19、Bub like stay in their room hum Sing Sing, bouncing and vivacious, yet! ─── 小家伙喜欢呆在自己的房间里哼哼唱唱,蹦蹦跳跳,不亦乐乎!

20、She made reasonable progress, entertained for me a vivacious though perhaps not very profound affection. ─── 她有了适当的进步,对我怀着一种虽不很深却还热烈的爱。

21、an artless, vivacious girl ─── 天真活泼的女孩子

22、a vibrant group that challenged the system; a charming and vivacious hostess; a vivacious folk dance. ─── 挑战该系统生气蓬勃的团体;迷人的活泼的女主人;活泼的民间舞蹈。

23、Richard Hoover is a vivacious, cheerful man of 59, with horn-rimmed glasses, a thick beard and graying hair worn in a ponytail. ─── RichardHoover是一位开朗充满活力的59岁男子,戴着副板材眼镜,留着浓密的胡子,灰白的头发扎在脑后。

24、My mother is a mild , virtuous people, no fat no high no short block of wood is thin, long a pair of big eyes fresh and vivacious. ─── 我的妈妈是一个温柔、贤惠的人,不高不矮不胖不瘦,长着一双水灵灵的大眼睛。

25、a vivacious manner ─── 妩媚动人的举止

26、She's beautiful, vivacious, and charming. ─── 她美丽、活泼、迷人。

27、Nor was this all: the possession of a vivacious young concubine was a drain on his energy. ─── 并且身边有了那样一位一泡水似的年青姨太太,冯云卿的精神也大不如前;

28、Fong was a lively and vivacious gird, and was positive towards life and work. ─── 方是一个很健谈很有朝气的女孩,对待工作和生活,她无比热情和投入。

29、Nick and Sue engaged in a vivacious, witty conversation. ─── 尼克和苏沉醉在活泼而幽默的交谈中。

30、The memoirs are said to contain remarkable day-to-day detail written in a vivacious style as well as numerous corrections and spelling mistakes. ─── 据说,回忆录中包括一些值得注意的日常细节,写法生动活泼,还有不少修改痕迹和拼写错误。

31、He wears a small pair of glasses on ordinary days, which gives us an impression that he is vivacious, sanguine and clever. ─── 平日里戴着一副小眼镜的他留给人的总是一个活泼开朗、灵气十足的形象。

32、The response to terrene ecosystem is the important part of the current research on global change. Moreover, studying the relationship between vegetation cover and environment evolvement is the most complex and vivacious field. ─── 全球变化与陆地生态系统响应(GCTE)是当前全球变化研究的重要内容,而有关地表植被覆盖与环境演变关系的研究是其中最复杂和最具活力的研究方向。

33、The captured sulfur result may increase through decreasing high valence aluminum element and transition metals element content and increasing the low valence vivacious metal element content. ─── 得出了降低煤灰中高价的铝元素及高价过渡金属元素含量和提高低价活泼金属元素的含量都可以提高煤炭燃烧固硫效果。

34、When Laura is sober, she is a vivacious, outgoing, fun-loving person. ─── 当她清醒的时候,她是个非常活泼、外向、爱开玩笑的人。

35、It is provided with romantic charm beauty, actual beauty, imaginative beauty, vivacious beauty and emotional beauty. ─── 在文学作品中,这种新颖奇特的句法组合和丰富多彩的语义关系,具有特殊的审美效应和惊人的语用修辞效果。

36、Bursting with the subtlety of everyday life, miners frequent a small tailor's shop in the town of Fenyang for repairs, alterations, and vivacious chats. ─── 她把她的服装埋在土中,让自然与时间一起完成最后的效果。她喜欢手工制造所传递的情感,厌倦流水式生产,是一个不喜欢时装的时装设计师。

37、Vivacious and unclouded character, having the compassion and responsibility, be favor with the juvenile children, profound painting base; ─── 性格活泼开朗,有爱心和责任心,喜爱少年儿童,有较深厚的绘画功底;

38、9. All this, he told us, not only with the utmost brilliancy and enjoyment, but with a certain vivacious candour. ─── 他对我们说的这些话,不仅说的非常精采和引人入胜,而且在一定程度上也说得很愉快,很坦白。

39、Olga Dymov - The flighty, snobbish yet endearingly vivacious protagonist of The Grasshopper. ─── 奥尔加Dymov -的轻浮,势利尚未endearingly活泼主角的蝗虫。

40、Its vivacious coloured line drawings were created by eight draftsmen over a period of 100 years. ─── 它色彩鲜活的线条是由八位绘图师在100的时间里创作的。

41、Configuration feature : Vivacious or annual, lever of castor-oil plant bine is brawny, branches and leaves is exuberant, can amount to 5 meters of above high. ─── 形态特征 :多年生或一年生,蓖麻茎杆粗壮,枝叶繁茂,高可达5米以上。

42、The long, dry, black hair was stuck over the temples and partly veiled the green hollows of the cheeks, and yet in this face I recognized the pink and white, vivacious face which I had seen so often. ─── 不过,我还是能从这一张脸庞上认出我以前经常见到的那张白里透红、喜气洋洋的脸蛋。

43、He lapsed into a reverie, then again burst out: "Even a vivacious girl like Chin has problems. That's something I would never have believed." ─── 他还沉溺在幻想中。 过后他又忽然说:“像琴那样活泼的女子,也有她的痛苦,真想不到。”

44、All this, he told us, not only with the utmost brilliancy and enjoyment, but with a certain vivacious candor. ─── 他对我们说的这些话,不仅说的非常精采和引人入胜,而且在一定程度上也说得很愉快,很坦白。

45、Even at the age of 75, Thelma was very vivacious and full of life. ─── 即使在75的时候,西尔玛仍然过著快乐充实的生活。

46、We celebrated this occasion by a vivacious luncheon and then returned to whitehall ─── 我们以一顿愉快的午餐来庆祝这件事,然后就回白厅去了。

47、Once described in his country that Hollande may sometimes seem dull and selfimportant, especially when compared with the vivacious Royal. ─── 不过,他是应该得到一些同情的,他一直要忍受着与野心勃勃的罗雅尔之间的吃力关系。

48、When Laura is sober, she is a vivacious , outgoing, fun-loving person. ─── 当她清醒的时候,她是一个活泼可爱与人和善的人。

49、Huei-fang jerked round in surprise to find her vivacious cousin Chang Su-su standing by the side of the bed. ─── 四小姐全身一跳,猛转过脸来,看见站在床前的却是那位元气旺盛的表姊张素素!

50、She used to be as vivacious, active, and joyful as the other happy and healthy children, but her life has been ruined by a “killer” called leukemia - also known as blood cancer. ─── 她曾和其他快乐的孩子一样健康活泼,但是一场病夺去了一切。那病是白血病,也称血癌。

51、There is a moral grandeur;we hold to that.Thoughtless and vivacious spirits say:-- "What is the good of those motionless figures on the side of mystery? ─── 心浮气躁的人说:“那些一动不动待在死亡边缘上的偶像要他们干什么?

52、Her days in school were happy, for the pupils loved her and her vivacious, inspired lessons. ─── 她在学校里的日子是快活的,因为学生们爱她,喜欢她上的生动活泼、鼓舞人心的课。

53、I am a motivated, vivacious, friendly, easy-going, polite, enterprising, studious, confident and ambitious person. ─── 一个有行动力,活泼,友好,随和,有礼貌,富有进取心,勤奋,有信心和有雄心的新兵。

54、To Hester's eye, the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale exhibited no symptom of positive and vivacious suffering, except that, as little Pearl had remarked, he kept his hand over his heart. ─── 在海丝特的眼中,丁梅斯代尔牧师先生除去像小珠儿曾经说过的那样,总用手捂着心口之外,没有表现出显而易见的受折磨的征候。

55、Does missionary work in happily, lets the student chat, vivacious, under active atmosphere interest abundant study English. ─── 施教于乐,让学生在说说笑笑,蹦蹦跳跳,活跃的气氛下兴趣盎然的学习英语。

56、She gave a vivacious laugh. ─── 她爽朗地笑了起来.

57、Slender, pretty and vivacious, she was the apple of her parents' eye. ─── 她苗条美丽、泼大方,是父母的掌上明珠。

58、It has given me great consolation and delight to see such a vivacious younger generation. ─── 看到这样朝气的青年一代,我都感到很安慰很高兴。

59、Vivacious and unclouded character, fly right, Dedication spirits and being honestly, having the compassion and responsibility, having a rough time; ─── 性格活泼开朗,为人正直,敬业务实,有爱心和责任心,吃苦耐劳;

60、At the center of each plot stands a vivacious, passionate woman who unleashes a cascade of unhappy events. ─── 在中心的每一个情节矗立活泼,热情的女人谁引发一连串不愉快的事件。

61、For vivacious Chang Lupan aid herb. ─── 为多年生常绿攀援草本植物。

62、His action was alternatively vivacious and sullen. ─── 他的举动时而轻松愉快,时而阴沉古怪。

63、I like bright and vivacious strains. ─── 我喜爱活泼欢快的曲调。

64、Her disposition was vivacious, and she liked this self-reliant, self-sufficient, straight spoken boy. ─── 她的性格很活泼,她喜欢这个独立自主、自命不凡、说话直爽的男孩子。

65、Vivacious perennial root is herbaceous. ─── 多年生宿根草本。

66、She is an artless, vivacious girl. ─── 她是一个天真活泼的女孩。

67、She uses light, vivacious, colorful strokes and simple graphic images, and through different layers to collect and record fragments of memories in life, and to reconstruct a disappearing, finished past. ─── 她以轻松、活泼、娇俏的色彩加上简单的线条图象,透过不同的层次,以绘画的形式去收录生活回忆的片段,并重新建立一个已消失、已结束的过去。

68、A soap-free cleansing gel that lathers up in the bath or shower to leave your skin feeling clean and subtly scented with the vivacious and feminine fruity-floral Cassis Rose fragrance. ─── 不含碱性,适用于浸浴或淋浴。能产生丰富泡沫,有效洁净肌肤,并散发黑莓玫瑰的花果香味,充满女性味道;

69、She is a vivacious girl. ─── 她是个活泼的姑娘。

70、So the Happy Villiage was a big family isolated from the word, they were self supported and were able to maintain the vivacious culture from tribal era. ─── 所以快乐村是一个与外界隔绝的大家庭,自耕自织,保存着部落时代的活泼文化。

71、Then that monkey outdoors with respect to spirit rise, swarm of ground of healthy-looking and vivacious picks peach and other wild fruit to eat. ─── 于是那只猴子在野外就精神了起来,欢蹦乱跳地爬树摘桃子和其它野果吃。

72、Their manners were still more vivacious than before. ─── 他们的举止也比以前更生动。

73、A person should be vivacious but disciplined, innocent but not childish, courageous but not rash, unyielding but principled, enthusiastic but not impulsive, optimistic but not blind. ─── 一个人应该:活泼而守纪律,天真而不幼稚,勇敢而不鲁莽,倔强而有原则,热情而不冲动,乐观而不盲目。

74、When a teacher can change a boring textbook to a vivacious classroom activity, s/he is humorous. ─── 当一个位老师能将乏闷的教科书变成活泼的教学行为,则他或她是幽默的。

75、If he is neither vivacious aloft, nor serious below, I then consider him as hopeless.(No.117 ─── 如果他在天上不快活,也地下也不严肃,我认为这样的人很没希望。

76、I cannot give at second hand any impression of his vivacious delivery. ─── 他的叙述绘声绘色,他的原话经我一转述就要大为减色。

77、It never has a vivacious aspect except when a northwestern breeze is vexing its surface on a sunshiny day. ─── 只有在阳光明媚的日子,加上吹西北风,河面才会鳞鳞地显出一点生气。

78、I am a vivacious girl with positive attitude of life.I like outdoors activities, traveling and sports.I am honest, kindness, have many interests, humor, gentilesse, virtuous, well understanding. ─── 我是一个活泼开朗的女孩,勤奋积极上进,喜欢户外活动,旅游和运动等,对朋友真诚豁达,乐于助人,有生活情趣,幽默风趣,温柔贤淑,善解人意。

79、a bright vivacious strain ─── 明快活泼的曲调

80、I remember how impressed I was with her vivacious and captivating warmth. ─── 她活泼动人的热情深深感染了我。

81、In a legendary, there is an egret island where live a group of beautiful egrets and the vitality changes a lonely island into a vivacious paradise. ─── 传说在鹭江有座鹭岛,一群美丽的白鹭在此建筑家园,使荒岛变成了百花争艳,飞香走红的乐园。

82、She was young and vivacious. ─── 她年轻又活泼。

83、a vivacious elderly man ─── 一个具有孩子气的老人

84、For the secretive or creepy type, Vice City is full of surprises, a place where you'll constantly be surprised by the vivacious, fun-loving types who live there and the things you can discover. ─── 对于遮遮掩掩,内向的人,罪恶都市是充满了惊喜的,在这里您将不断地受到居住在这里的人和你可以探索的事物的活泼乐趣爱意形式的惊奇。

85、In the midst of vivacious discourse, her eyes still wandered to Caroline; there spoke in its light a deep solicitude, some trouble and some amaze. ─── 在兴高采烈的谈话中,她的眼睛仍然瞟着卡罗琳,在那目光里,透露出一种深切的关怀,有点忧虑,又有点惊愕。

86、A person should be vivacious but disciplined,innocent but not childlish,courageous but not rash ,unyielding but principled ,enthusiastic but not impulsive ,optimistic but not blind. ─── 一个人应该:活泼而有纪律,天真而不幼稚,勇敢而不鲁莽,倔强而有原则,热情而不冲动,乐观而不盲目。

87、Upon my entrance, Usher rose from a sofa on which he had been lying at full length, and greeted me with a vivacious warmth. ─── 厄谢尔直挺挺地躺在沙发上,我一进去,他就站起来,热情地向我打招呼。

88、Her eyes had remain young and vivacious . ─── 她的眼睛非常年轻,炯炯有神。

89、Holding her hand was Bhanu, with a 5 vivacious smile and loads of baby fat. ─── 挽着她的手的是脸上带着活泼微笑且有婴儿肥的布哈努。

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