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09-08 投稿



recapitulation 发音

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recapitulation 中文意思翻译



recapitulation 短语词组

1、payroll recapitulation ─── [经] 工资汇总表

2、Doctrine of Recapitulation ─── 恢复理论

3、law of recapitulation ─── [医] 重演定律

4、recapitulation statement ─── [经] 摘要表

5、recapitulation sheet ─── [经] 摘要表

6、recapitulation theory ─── [医] 重演学说

recapitulation 词性/词形变化,recapitulation变形

形容词: recapitulative |动词第三人称单数: recapitulates |动词过去分词: recapitulated |动词过去式: recapitulated |动词现在分词: recapitulating |

recapitulation 相似词语短语

1、recapitulative ─── adj.概括性的;着重阐述要点的

2、recalculation ─── n.重新计算

3、capitulation ─── n.(有条件的)投降;投降协定;(文件、声明等的)要点;条约

4、decapitation ─── n.斩首;解雇;撤职

5、recapitulating ─── vi.概括;重述要点;摘要;vt.概括;重述要点;摘要

6、capitulations ─── n.(有条件的)投降;投降协定;(文件、声明等的)要点;条约

7、recapitulations ─── n.概括,重述要点;(生育、生长中对进化等过程的)重演;(尤指奏鸣曲形式中的)再现部

8、decapsulation ─── n.[泌尿]被膜剥除术

9、recapitalization ─── n.资本结构之改变;资本额的调整

recapitulation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Complete for posting to General Ledger the Night Auditor Report, the Daily Restaurant Cashier Recapitulation and the General Cashier Report. ─── 核对夜审报告,餐厅收款员日报表和总出纳报表。

2、corrective recapitulation ─── 矫正性重演

3、Here is the recapitulation of the primary content and the conclusion of this thesis, and pointing out the limitation of the research of this thesis. ─── 概括了本文研究的主要内容及结论,并指出本文研究的局限性。

4、A recapitulation,as of a news report. ─── 扼要重述新闻报道中的扼要重述

5、Chapter nine provides a valuable recapitulation of the material already presented. ─── 章对已经陈述过的材料进行了有价值的概括。

6、recapitulation theory ─── 重演论

7、Mainly including the home scholars" recapitulation to Rousseau"s moral education and our moral situation, it mainly sets an academic foundation for the following text. ─── 主要包括国内学者对卢梭道德教育思想以及对国内道德现状的综述,为下文的展开做好了理论上的铺垫。

8、The statistical recapitulation of the Long March is impressive. ─── 长征的统计数字是触目惊心的。

9、It"s highly selective for different language styles and has many functions, such as the lead tofollowing text function, recapitulation and title function. 4. ─── 它具有引出下文的作用、归总的作用,也具有很强的标题功能。

10、Complete for posting to General Ledger the Night Auditor Report, the Daily Restaurant Cashier Recapitulation and the General Cashier Report. ─── 核对夜审报告,餐厅收款员日报表和总出纳报表。

11、a musical form having 3 sections -- exposition and development and recapitulation; characteristic of 1st movement of a sonata or symphony ─── 分三个部分呈示,展开和再现的乐曲形式;奏鸣曲或交响乐的第一乐章的特点

12、recapitulation of semi-finished products issued ─── 半成品发出汇总表

13、It relates closely to the need for focusing attention, and the degree to which recapitulation of past experience is imposed." One might add, to ensure survival. ─── 含有神经系统对过去记忆的加固处理过程,与集中注意力有很大关系,为了生存,需要加强对以前的经历记忆。

14、The final realization of cognition is finished by the holographic recapitulation . ─── 认识的最终实现是通过全息重演进化来完成的。

15、The development and formation of cognition is an evolutional process of holographic recapitulation . ─── 认识的发生和形成是一个全息重演的演化过程。

16、This paper discusses the development of CAI courseware of physics in middle school,including describes it's unique teaching effect,and give a brief recapitulation about developing direction,and example of CAI courseware. ─── 论述了中学物理cai课件的发展 ,包括它在教学上所拥有的独特教学效果和未来发展方向 ,并举了实例

17、Recent history of sedimentation is seen to be a recapitulation of the past ─── 近代沉积史看来就是过去沉积史的重演。

18、Of course such a thing as a false recapitulation must be brief in order to be effective. ─── 当然,像假再现部这样的桥段要发挥应有的作用就必须简明扼要。

19、Expanding the Genetic Code--A Recapitulation of Evolution or a Forecast for the Future? ─── - 扩充遗传密码进化的重演还是未来的预演?

20、Recapitulation The Study of Maiji Mountain Grottoes And Several Concerning Arguments ─── 麦积山石窟研究史综述及今后注意的几个问题

21、recapitulation theory of play ─── 游戏的复演说

22、theory of recapitulation ─── 重演说重演学说

23、The Night Auditor is responsible for the accurate and timely preparation of the daily recapitulation of Rooms, F&B, and all other revenues. ─── 夜审员负责准确及时地提交每日客房,餐饮及其它所有收入的报告。

24、There is another absorbing aspect to this book: its recapitulation of the author's rise as an architecture critic. ─── 本书另一引人入胜之处是:它回顾了作者成长为一名建筑评论家的过程。

25、holographic recapitulation ─── 全息重演

26、EXAMPLE: At the start of our compamy's annual owner's meeting our chief accountant always presents a ten-minute recapitulation of the previous year's financial history. ─── 在公司年度股东会议开始时,首席会计师都要做十分钟的讲话,对上一年的财务状况做一简要总结。

27、the last stage is the new recapitulation of the beginning of 2lth century. ─── 其理论源流有五说,即要素禀赋说、机遇说、领头羊说、后发优势说和三元经济说。

28、a musical form having 3 sections -- exposition and development and recapitulation; ─── 分三个部分呈示,展开和再现的乐曲形式;

29、The text is a summary recapitulation about the recent five year advances on study of relationship between infection and spontaneous abortion and it discusses the key factor to control fection. ─── 对近五年病原体感染与自然流产关系研究作一简要回顾,并探讨控制感染的关键因素。

30、recapitulation statement ─── 摘要表汇总表

31、There is another absorbing aspect to this book : its recapitulation of the author's rise as an architecture critic . ─── 本书另一引人入胜之处是:它回顾了作者成长为一名建筑评论家的过程。

32、In this thesis, We have made a recapitulation about the studies in the history and the current state of the close binary evolution. ─── 本文对密近双星演化研究的历史和现状作了简要的回顾和概括。

33、recapitulation, as of a news report. ─── 重述新闻报道中的扼要重述。

34、law of recapitulation ─── 重演律

35、The professor always ends his classes with the recapitulation of the main points in his lecture,which many of his students think to be very helpful. ─── 那位教授总是重述他上课内容的要旨来作为课堂的结尾,很多他的学生都认为这是非常有帮助的。

36、Remember the narrative nature of the Christian faith: A sermon is a recapitulation of the experiences of Israel and the Early Church. ─── 记得基督教信仰叙述性的本质:讲章是以色列和早期教会的重演。

37、Doctrine of Recapitulation ─── 同归于一论

38、To conclude a speech with a formal recapitulation. ─── (演讲时)致结束语,总结以一个正式的概括结束演讲

39、Exploring Law of Recapitulation from a Philosophical Perspective ─── 重演律的哲学探索

40、Reconstruction may be potentiated with the aid of the pictorial imagery of the dream and the recapitulation of childhood scenes. ─── 靠着梦的写真意象及重温童年场景,在这些帮助下情境可得到潜在的重建。

41、A Preliminary Mathematical Analysis of Law of Recapitulation ─── 重演律的数理分析初探

42、biochemical recapitulation ─── 生化重演

43、Finally, a recapitulation of current prevailing techniques in vectorization applications is given and a forecast is attempted as well. ─── 文末简要叙述了实用图象矢量化系统的主要技术,并对技术前景做了预测。

44、1.to make an abstract; to outline essential points; 2.an abstract; a synopsis; recapitulation; extracts ─── 撮要

45、Haeckel's law recapitulation theory ─── 重檐论重演论

46、The Night Auditor is responsible for the accurate and timely preparation of the daily recapitulation of Rooms, F&B, and all other revenues. ─── 夜审员负责准确及时地提交每日客房,餐饮及其它所有收入的报告。

47、The work of Lambert, Schweikart and Taurinus constitutes advances in mathematies that warrant recapitulation. ─── lambert,Schweikart和Taurinus的工作在数学上所得的进展是理应扼要介绍的。

48、payroll recapitulation ─── [经] 工资汇总表

49、Hologram dimension is one of the basic concept in hologram theory, which is the microcosm of entirety, and which has the characteristics of embryon, development and recapitulation. ─── 全息元是全息理论中的一个基本概念,它是整体的缩影。

50、On the psychological point of view, this article put forward the definition of aggressive behaviors, and the recapitulation of its current explanations. ─── 文章从心理学的角度提出了攻击行为的意义,对目前有关它的理论解释进行了概括。

51、As a quick recapitulation, the typical steps of a DirectShow application are ─── 简言之,DirectShow应用程序的典型步骤是

52、Recapitulation Theory; ─── 复演论;

53、The statistical recapitulation of the Long March is impressive ─── 长征的统计数字是触目惊心的。

54、Haeckel used embryology extensively in his recapitulation theory, which embodied a progressive, almost linear model of evolution. ─── 海克尔在他的重演论中大量使用胚胎学知识,使一个渐进的、几乎线性的进化模型得以具体化。

55、The work of Lambert, Schweikart and Taurinus constitutes advances in mathematics that warrant recapitulation. ─── Lambert,Schweikart和Taurinus的工作在数学上所得的进展是理应扼要介绍的。

56、a musical form having 3 sections -- exposition and development and recapitulation; characteristic of 1st movement of a sonata or symphony. ─── 分三个部分呈示,展开和再现的乐曲形式;奏鸣曲或交响乐的第一乐章的特点。

57、” Xiang Gu is a legendary female pirate, entrenched themselves in Hong Kong Island after the island was known as the Xiang Gu Island, referred to as Hong Island, Hong Kong into a recapitulation. ─── 香姑是传说中的女海盗,盘踞香港岛,后该岛被称为香姑岛,简称香岛,再演变成香港。

58、The fields of fictitious economy are very general, which makes it hard to give the analytic objects a comprehensive recapitulation, and so the conviction of the conclusion is weakened to some degree. ─── 由于是对同一客观对象从不同的视角进行描述和分析,虽然作者做出了努力,但论文前后仍然有重复之嫌;

59、Recapitulation of Critical Discourse Analysis ─── 批评性话语分析概述

60、By the 1960s, it became clear that recapitulation it is based on an incorrect linear concept of evolution. ─── 在20世纪60年代,事情变得清晰,个体发生学是基于一种不正确的线性进化概念。

61、Recapitulation Dynamics: Contradiction Dynamics of the Evolution in Complex Things ─── 重演动力学:复杂事物演化的矛盾动力学

62、Haeckel rs law recapitulation theory ─── 重演论, 重檐论

63、Prepare the recapitulation of all Front Office and Outlet Transactions accurately and timely. ─── 确保及时准确地提供前厅和餐厅业务的报表。

64、Fang , J . M. 1995 On the recapitulation rule in behavioral ontogeny of animals. In : Zhang , J . ed. Studies on Mammal Biology in China. Beijing : ─── [房继明1995论动物行为个体发育中的“重演律”.见:张洁主编.中国兽类生物学研

65、is seen to be a recapitulation of the past. ─── 沉积史看来就是过去沉积史的重演。

66、Keywords Cervical vertigo;Pathogenesis;Diagnosis;Treatment with T.C. M. and western medicine;Recapitulation;Tutor s clinical experiences; ─── 关键词颈性眩晕;发病机制;诊断;中西医治疗;综述;导师经验;

67、"The sonata-allegro form was introduced by him into One or more movements of the symphony. The design has three main sections: the exposition, the development and the recapitulation." ─── 海顿首次将奏鸣曲-快板的形式引人交响乐中的一个或多个乐章,其结构包括三大部分:呈示部、展开部和再现部。

68、Fang, J. M. 1995 On the recapitulation rule in behavioral ontogeny of animals. In: Zhang, J. ed. Studies on Mammal Biology in China. Beijing: ─── 房继明1995论动物行为个体发育中的“重演律”.见:张洁主编.中国兽类生物学研

69、recapitulation sheet ─── n. 摘要表

70、A recapitulation, as of a news report. ─── 扼要重述新闻报道中的扼要重述。

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