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ichthyosis 发音

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ichthyosis 中文意思翻译



ichthyosis 网络释义

n. [皮肤] 鱼鳞癣

ichthyosis 短语词组

1、ichthyosis spinosa ─── [医] 棘状鳞癣

2、ichthyosis sebacea clornea ─── [医] 毛囊角化病

3、ichthyosis vulgaris ─── [医] 寻常鳞癣, 普通鳞癣

4、ichthyosis hystrix ─── [医] 高起鳞癣

5、ichthyosis palmaris ─── [医] 掌跖角化病

6、ichthyosis simplex ─── [医] 单纯鳞癣, 寻常鳞癣

7、ichthyosis uteri ─── [医] 子宫鳞癣(子宫内膜上皮变为复层上皮)

8、ichthyosis thysanotrichica ─── [医] 发根黑点病, 毛囊多毳角栓病

9、ichthyosis intra-uterina ─── [医] 先天鳞癣

10、ichthyosis linguae ─── [医] 舌白斑病, 粘膜白斑病

11、ichthyosis universalis ─── [医] 全身鳞癣

12、ichthyosis sauroderma ─── [医] 鳄皮状鳞癣, 重鳞癣

13、linear ichthyosis ─── [医] 条状鳞癣

14、ichthyosis scutulata ─── [医] 黄癣痂状鳞癣

15、ichthyosis cornea ─── [医] 角样鳞癣, 毛发角化病

16、ichthyosis follicularis ─── [医] 毛囊鳞癣, 毛囊角化病

17、ichthyosis congenita ─── [医] 先天鳞癣, 先天角化过度症

18、ichthyosis serpentina ─── [医] 蛇皮状鳞癣

19、ichthyosis sebacea neonatorum ─── [医] 新生儿鳞屑皮脂溢

ichthyosis 词性/词形变化,ichthyosis变形

名词复数: ichthyosaurs |异体字: ichthyosaurus |

ichthyosis 相似词语短语

1、ichthyolites ─── 鱼化石

2、ichthyopsid ─── 鱼类

3、ichthyses ─── 鱼类

4、ichthyornis ─── n.鱼鸟属

5、ichthyoid ─── n.鱼状的动物;adj.成鱼形的

6、ichthyotic ─── 鱼腥草

7、ichthyoids ─── n.鱼状的动物;adj.成鱼形的

8、ichthyosaurs ─── n.鱼龙

9、ichthyolite ─── 鱼化石

ichthyosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords ichthyosis vulgaris;micro-satellite markers;linkage analysis;mutation detection; ─── 寻常型鱼鳞病;微卫星标记;连锁分析;突变分析;

2、ichthyosis follicularis ─── [医] 毛囊鳞癣, 毛囊角化病

3、harlequin ichthyosis ─── 丑角样鱼鳞病, 丑胎

4、Keratitis, ichthyosis, and deafness syndrome (KID syndrome) is a rare congenital disorder disease. ─── 目的观察角膜炎、鱼鳞病、耳聋综合征的临床表现。

5、ichthyosis vulgaris ─── 寻常性鱼鳞癣

6、lamellar ichthyosis ─── 片层状鱼鳞癣

7、ichthyosis serpentina ─── [医] 蛇皮状鳞癣

8、Double blind randomized controlled clinical trial of lactic acid compound ointment in the treatment of ichthyosis vulgaris ─── 复方乳酸软膏治疗寻常型鱼鳞病随机双盲基质对照多中心临床研究

9、recessive X-linked ichthyosis ─── X连锁隐性遗传鱼鳞病

10、Acquired ichthyosis ─── 后天性鱼鳞癣

11、ichthyosis linguae ─── [医] 舌白斑病, 粘膜白斑病

12、ichthyosis nitida ─── 光泽鱼鳞病

13、Ultrastructural alterations of the stratum corneum lipids in patients with lamellar ichthyosis ─── 板层状鱼鳞癣病人角质层脂质超微结构的观察

14、ichthyosis cornea ─── [医] 角样鳞癣, 毛发角化病

15、This disease is characterized by limb length discrepancies, growth retardation, ichthyosis, cataracts, and punctate calcification. ─── 这种疾病的特点是下肢长度差异,生长迟缓,鱼鳞病,白内障,和点状钙化。

16、Harlequin ichthyosis (HI)is a severe subtype of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyoses (ARCI). ─── 丑角样鱼鳞病是常染色体隐性遗传性鱼鳞病的一种严重亚型。

17、nacreous ichthyosis ─── [医] 珠光状鳞癣, 珠母状鳞癣

18、sex linked ichthyosis vulgaris ─── 性连锁遗传寻常鱼鳞病

19、ichthyosis ( HI ) is a severe subtype of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyoses ( ARCI ) . ─── 样鱼鳞病是常染色体隐性遗传性鱼鳞病的一种严重亚型。

20、x-linked ichthyosis ─── 性联鱼鳞癣

21、ichthyosis universalis ─── [医] 全身鳞癣

22、Investigation of steroid sulfatase gene in two pedigrees with X-linked ichthyosis ─── 两X-性连遗传鱼鳞病家系类固醇硫酸酯酶基因研究

23、These vary in size, some being fine, delicate, and branny, as in eczema and ichthyosis, while still others are stratified, as in psoriasis. ─── 鳞屑大小不一,有的细小如糠状,如湿疹和鱼鳞病的鳞屑;还有的成层状,如银屑病的鳞屑。

24、Mapping of Pathogenic Genes in a Pedigree with Autosomal Dominant Ichthyosis Vulgaris ─── 一常染色体显性遗传寻常型鱼鳞病家系致病基因的定位

25、In patch and plaque stage, MF may resemble eczema, psoriasis, pityriasis rubra pilaris, ichthyosis and etc. ─── 但肿瘤前期MF临床表现无特异性,可类似湿疹、银屑病、毛发红糠疹、鱼鳞病等,而红皮病型MF也易与上述疾病引起的红皮病相混淆,所以对疑似病例有必要行皮肤活检等相关检查。

26、We herein report a case of harlequin ichthyosis, which we believe is the first such case in Taiwan. ─── 本文报告台湾第一宗丑角性鱼鳞癣之病例,并回顾文献其临床特征,处理与预后做进一步探讨。

27、ABSTRACT: Objective To elucidate the pathogenic genes in a pedigree with autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris (IV). ─── 摘要:目的研究一常染色体显性遗传寻常型鱼鳞病家系的致病基因。

28、Treatment areas of the four cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements in the treatment of this intractable disease ichthyosis major breakthrough effect. ─── 治疗领域的四大前沿科技成果在治疗鱼鳞病这一顽固疾病疗效取得重大突破。

29、dominant ichthyosis vulgaris ─── 显性遗传寻常鱼鳞病

30、Congenital ichthyosis of skin ─── 先天性皮肤鱼鳞病

31、Mild and moderately seere forms of ichthyosis are relatiely common disorders, but the harlequin fetus represents a rare, seere, and dramatic form of this disorder. ─── 丑角样鱼鳞病的特点是胎儿皮肤角质层过度生长,轻或中度的鱼鳞癣形成是相对常见的畸形,但是这种畸形常比较少见、严重且戏剧化。

32、A 9 years old boy with X-linked ichthyosis is reported. ─── 报告1例伴房间隔缺损的X-连锁鱼鳞病。

33、I'mwriting this report on Ichthyosis because I have personally sufferedfrom the disease since birth and I would like to be more informed of itfor future encounters. ─── 我写这篇关于鱼鳞病的报告,是因为我本人天生就患有此病。

34、The Combined Treatment of Ordinary Ichthyosis with Tris-pistil Capsule and Vitamin A Acid Cream ─── 三蕊胶囊与迪维霜联合治疗寻常性鱼鳞病疗效观察

35、Investigation of STS Gene in a Pedigree with X-Linked Ichthyosis ─── X性联锁遗传鱼鳞病一家系的STS基因研究

36、Keywords STS Gene;Deletion;X-linked ichthyosis; ─── 关键词STS基因;缺失;X性联锁遗传鱼鳞病;

37、Keywords ichthyosis vulgaris;lactic acid compound ointment; ─── 寻常型鱼鳞病;复方乳酸软膏;

38、congenital erythroderma ichthyosis ─── 先天性红皮鳞病, 先天性红皮鳞癣

39、Keywords Compound Iactic acid ointment;Ichthyosis;Rhagadia manus et pedis; ─── 复方乳酸软膏;鱼鳞病;手足皲裂;

40、Every kinds of obstinate dermatosis such as psoriasis, vitligo, ichthyosis, allergic purpura, acne etc. chronic inflammation of dermatology, dermatosis caused by virus, bacteria, fungus and insect; ─── 牛皮癣、白癜风、鱼鳞病、过敏性紫癜、红斑狼疮、痤疮等各种顽固性皮肤病;皮肤科的慢性炎症;病毒、细菌、霉菌、昆虫引起的皮肤病;

41、congenital ichthyosis ─── 先天性鳞癣

42、Keywords ichthyosis vulgaris;urea &lactic acid compound ointment; ─── 寻常型鱼鳞病;尿素乳酸软膏;

43、The effect and adverse drug reaction s(ADRs )of etretinate in 91patients with keratinization,including psoriasis,pityriasis rubra pilaris,ichthyosis were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 本文回顾性分析了阿维A酯治疗91例角化性皮肤病(银屑病、毛发红糠疹、掌跖角化病等)的疗效和不良反应。

44、to remove the source of the disease and improve the skin Microcirculation body metabolism, decomposition Keratocyst layer, attending a variety of ichthyosis. ─── 清除病源,改善皮肤肌体微循环代谢功能,分解角化层,主治各种鱼鳞病。

45、lamella ichthyosis ─── 板层状鱼鳞病

46、The skin biopsy specimen from patient with lamellar ichthyosis was assessed by electron microscopy,using ruthenium tetroxide post-fixation to visualize the intercellular lipid membrane domains. ─── 本文采用四氧化钌固定法电镜下观察板层状鱼鳞癣病人角质层细胞间脂质的结构。

47、ichthyosis palmaris ─── [医] 掌跖角化病

48、A randomized, double-blind, compared clinical trial of the compound lactic acid ointment in the treatment of ichthyosis vulgaris and rhagadia manus and pedalis ─── 复方乳酸软膏治疗寻常型鱼鳞病和手足皲裂症的临床疗效观察

49、Ichthyosis syndrome is a series of genodermatoses clinically manifested by ichthyosiform lesions. ─── 鱼鳞病综合征是一组皮肤症状表现为鱼鳞病样损害的遗传性疾病。

50、ichthyosis congenita ─── 先天鳞癣

51、Because the case was not associated with ichthyosis or epidermal nevus, we think it best fits into the category of nevoid hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola. ─── 因为此病例没有鱼鳞癣及表皮母斑的病史,因此我们认为本病例为母斑型的乳头及乳晕过角化症。

52、sex linked recessive ichthyosis vulgaris ─── 性联隐性遗传性寻常型鱼鳞病

53、She had congenital ichthyosis, brittle hair, intellectual impairment, possibly decreased fertility, short stature and the typical facial features of micrognathia and prominent ears. ─── 她有先天性鱼鳞癣,脆弱毛发,智能障碍,可能降低的生育能力,矮小体格和典型的脸部特徵一下颚过小和突出的耳朵。

54、ichthyosis thysanotrichica ─── [医] 发根黑点病, 毛囊多毳角栓病

55、Excessive or abnormal dryness of the skin, as in ichthyosis. ─── 干皮病皮肤异常或不正常的干燥,如鱼鳞癣

56、follicular ichthyosis ─── 毛囊性鱼鳞病

57、ichthyosis intra-uterina ─── [医] 先天鳞癣

58、Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness (KID) syndrome is a rare congenital disorder that exhibits marked hyperkeratosis of the skin. ─── 角膜炎,鱼鳞病,耳聋(童装)综合征是一种罕见的先天性障碍,展示标志着角化皮肤。

59、Sjogren-Larsson syndrome (or Rud's syndrome) is a form of ichthyosis associated with a deficiency of the enzyme "fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase". ─── 什么是'干燥,拉尔森综合征-罕见的遗传疾病与皮肤增厚'?

60、D/D: contact dermatitis, intertrigo, eczema,pyogenic infection, cellulitis,psoriasis, lichen planus, ichthyosis ─── 并发症:续发细菌感染,淋巴腺(管)炎,丹毒,蜂窝组织炎

61、Abstract: Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of compound lactic acid ointment in treating ichthyosis vulgais and rhagadia manus et pedis. ─── [摘 要] 目的 观察复方乳酸软膏治疗寻常型鱼鳞病和手足皲裂的疗效和安全性。

62、Nursing care of a patient with keratitis ichthyosis deafness syndrome ─── 例角膜炎·鱼鳞病·耳聋综合征患者的护理

63、recessive sex-linked ichthyosis ─── 性连锁隐性遗传鱼鳞病

64、Study on gene mutations of congenital ichthyosis ─── 先天性鱼鳞病致病基因的研究

65、ichthyosis linearis circumflex ─── 旋绕性线状鱼鳞病

66、Keywords lamellar ichthyosis;stratum corneum;lipid membrane;ultrastructure;ruthenium tetrroxide; ─── 板层状鱼鳞癣;角质层;脂质膜;超微结构;四氧化钌;

67、Objective To investigate the gene mutation in two pedigrees with X-linked ichthyosis (XLI) and explore the relationship between the mutation and clinical manifestations. ─── 摘要目的研究X性连锁遗传鱼鳞病(XLI)家系基因突变,探讨基因突变与临床表现的关系,为进一步开展基因诊断和基因治疗奠定基础。

68、ichthyosis simplex ─── 单纯鳞癣

69、OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of urea & lactic acid compound ointment for the treatment of ichthyosis vulgaris. ─── 目的:评价尿素乳酸软膏治疗寻常型鱼鳞病的有效性和安全性。

70、linear ichthyosis ─── [医] 条状鳞癣

71、IBIDS is a syndrome characterized by ichthyosis, brittle hair, impaired intelligence, decreased fertility and short stature. ─── 摘要IBIDS是一个合并鱼鳞癣,脆弱毛发,智能不足,低生育力和矮小体格的徵候群。

72、ichthyosis intrauterina ─── [先天性]子宫内鱼鳞癣

73、keratosis ichthyosis and deafness syndrome ─── KID综合征, 角膜炎-鱼鳞病及耳聋综合征

74、X-linked recessive ichthyosis ─── X连锁隐性鳞癣

75、6.Preclinical progress has been achieved in the treatment of wounds, epidermolysis bullosa and ichthyosis. ─── 前期的临床实验在治疗创伤,大疱性表皮松解症和鱼鳞病上已经取得了进展.

76、Sex-linked ichthyosis ─── 性连锁鱼鳞病

77、Ichthyosis broke the myth can not be cured, medical history can be called one of the greatest achievements. ─── 打破了鱼鳞病不能治愈的神话,堪称医学史上最伟大的成就之一。

78、autosomal dominant ichthyosis ─── 常染色体显性的干皮病

79、ichthyosis sebacea clornea ─── [医] 毛囊角化病

80、ichthyosis sebacea neonatorum ─── 新生儿鳞屑皮脂溢

81、autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris ─── 常染色体显性遗传寻常型鱼鳞病

82、Observation of The Efficacy and Safety of Compound Lactic Acid Ointment in Treating Ichthyosis Vulgaris and Rhagadia Manus et Pedis ─── 乳酸软膏治疗寻常型鱼鳞病和手足皲裂症的疗效和安全性的观察

83、It was also found that the percentage of T8~+ cell in AD patients with respiratory allergy and ichthyosis was significantly reduced. ─── AD患者血清IgE显著高于正常人,但与T_8~+细胞低下无相关性。

84、ichthyosis uteri ─── [医] 子宫鳞癣(子宫内膜上皮变为复层上皮)

85、lamellar ichthyosis of the newborn ─── 新生儿层板状鱼鳞病

86、Ichthyosis broke the myth can not be cured, medical history can be called one of the greatest achievements. ─── 打破了鱼鳞病不能治愈的神话,堪称医学史上最伟大的成就之一。

87、ichthyosis spinosa ─── [医] 棘状鳞癣

88、ichthyosis fetus ─── 先天性鱼鳞癣胎儿

89、Keywords Compound lactic acid ointment;Ichthyosis vulgaris;Rhagadia manus and pedalis;Clinical trial; ─── 复方乳酸软膏;寻常型鱼鳞病;手足皲裂症;临床试验;

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