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09-08 投稿


canted 发音

英:[?k?nt?d]  美:[?k?nt?d]

英:  美:

canted 中文意思翻译



canted 短语词组

1、canted definition ─── 倾斜定义

2、canted folding ─── 倾斜褶皱

3、canted hook ─── 平头搬钩;活动铁钩;钩杆

4、canted nozzle ─── 斜置喷管

5、canted angle photography ─── 斜角摄影

6、canted rail mount ─── 斜轨安装

7、canted angle ─── 倾斜角

8、canted sights ─── 斜视

9、canted sights eft ─── 斜视eft

10、canted fins ─── 倾斜至

11、canted iron sight ─── 斜铁瞄准器

canted 词性/词形变化,canted变形


canted 相似词语短语

1、scanted ─── adj.不足的;缺乏的;勉强够的;vt.减少;节省;限制

2、chanted ─── 吟唱(chant的过去式和过去分词)

3、ganted ─── 甘特图

4、canter ─── n.慢跑;流浪汉;vi.慢跑;vt.使慢跑;n.(Canter)人名;(英)坎特;(西、意、瑞典)坎特尔

5、ranted ─── v.咆哮,叫嚷;大声抱怨;夸夸其谈;n.咆哮;激昂的长篇演说;豪言壮语;n.(Rant)(美)兰特(人名)

6、panted ─── v.气喘,喘息;气喘吁吁地跑;气喘吁吁地说;渴望;(诗/文)心剧跳;n.气喘,喘息;(诗/文)心跳;喷气声;n.(Pant)(印、美、英)潘特(人名)

7、cantred ─── 歌曲

8、danted ─── 但丁

9、wanted ─── adj.受通缉的;受到关爱的;v.想要,希望;需要;需要……在场;应该;对……有性欲;缺少;想请教;要求……到来(want的过去式及过去分词)

canted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Baby cant you see that I need you ? ─── 宝贝,难道你看不出我需要你吗?

2、Oh, you know where, now I cant see, I just stare... ─── 哦,你知道,我现在看到斜面,我只是呆呆地::

3、Even our merciful God cant stand him striking in all the time. . ─── 他不断地插嘴,简直令我们仁慈的上帝也难以容忍.

4、Because i know i cant control everything. ─── 因为我知道我不能控制任何事。

5、Dat One nigga u cant get enough of aka (Mr. ─── Wright) 向 my pics 相册中添加了一张新照片。

6、What if you cant find your classroom? ─── 如果你找不到教室,那可怎么办呢?

7、Four nozzles, canted outboard, split the exhaust of the solid rocket motor into four equal tails. ─── 四个向外倾斜的喷管把固体火箭发动机的排气流分成四个相等的尾巴。

8、They canted the boat to repair it. ─── 他们把船翻过来以便进行修理。

9、A: female artist?> ohhh, the I cant think of one now. ─── 亚纶:女艺人吗?《表说杨丞琳,这个已经知道了。。。》哦,那。。。现在还没想到。

10、Cant you see the hurt in me? ─── 你能看到我心中的伤痕吗?

11、The leg of the chair broke and the chair canted over. ─── 一只凳脚折断,椅子翻倒了。

12、Sorry, but I cant make it any cheaper. ─── 对不起,不能再便宜了。

13、combination of these materials heightens the all-around volumetric qualities framed by canted surfaces. ─── 这些材料的组合加剧了周围的斜曲面体积素质的框架。

14、Youre hungrier than ever and you cant seem to resist food. ─── 你比任何时候都感到饥饿,似乎抵挡不了食物的诱惑。

15、The aircraft's canted vertical tails improve aerodynamic efficiency, provide lift, and reduce airframe weight. ─── 飞机的尾部倾斜垂直改善空气动力效率,提供升力,并减少机身重量。

16、He was perched uncomfortably on the canted edge of a rocker and his eyes couldn’t seem to find my face. ─── 他站在一根摇杆的边缘,显得极为不自在,眼睛也不敢直视我的脸。

17、I'm sorry I cant help you. You'd better ask somebody else. ─── 对不起,我帮不了你,你最好问别人。

18、Its not that I dont want to,but that I cant. ─── 不是我不想,而是我不能。

19、Lost in a hall, she cant hear me. ─── 失去了大厅,她听到我斜面.

20、What happens when a phase slips and the next phase cant start on time? ─── 如果某个阶段赶不上进度,导致下一个阶段不能按时启动,会发生什么情况?

21、The rideress was canted into the river by the horse. ─── 女骑手被马掀入河中。

22、If you cant find the dodge tool, heres an image to help you out. ─── 如果你找不到减淡工具,这张图将帮你找到它。

23、A. No she cant use normal attack. ─── 不她不能使用普通攻击。

24、Just cant stand up for fallin apart. ─── 刚站起来斜面大起大落遥远.

25、You cant leave with that bag ! ─── 你不可以带走那个袋子!

26、I cant wait to see the closing ceremony. China, South Africa salutes you! Next. ─── 南非:等不及要看闭幕式了,中国,南非向你问好!

27、AR-We cant go up and we cant go down, you want us to park here? ─── AR-我们不能前进不能后退,你想让我们停在这里吗?

28、I am sorry, I cant go shopping with you. ─── 对不起,我不能和你一起去买东西了。

29、Diegomalaka: no diego cant dance tango. ─── 不,迭戈不会跳探戈。

30、You wont catch me crying cos I just cant win. ─── 你吃我哭泣产地来源证我只惯于斜面赢.

31、In fact, although we cant own it, we still have memories. ─── 其实,我们虽然不能拥有,可是我们还有的是回忆。

32、I cant pull this bush up, its firmly rooted in the ground. ─── 中文:这棵矮树我拔不起来。它的根在地里生得很牢。

33、I really cant see what relevance is has, Im afraid. ─── 中文:恐怕我确实看不出那有什么关系。

34、All the money in the world cant buy me. ─── 在世界上所有的金钱买我斜面.

35、And if I cant get either, I really try. ─── 如果我得到斜面要么,我真的尝试.

36、Crudeoil stock running low regret cant guarantee delivery thisyear. ─── 原油库存减少无法保证年内交货甚歉。

37、The airline will pay you compensation if we cant find it. ─── 如果我们没能找到,航空公司会赔偿的。

38、You cant regard him as a friend but a business associate. ─── 你不能把他看作朋友,只是个生意合伙人。

39、Canted yoke design provides high start torque. ─── 倾斜枷锁开始设计提供高扭矩。

40、He was perched uncomfortably on the canted edge of a rocker and his eyes couldn't seem to find my face. ─── 他不安地坐在摇椅的一个角上,而且他的眼睛似乎看不到我的脸。

41、Many western towns are, in my opinion, canted a little off-center: a tad too hot in summer, or possessing just a bit too much winter. ─── 许多西部的城镇在我看来有点偏离中心:夏天有点热,或冬天有一点点长。

42、You can finish the work before supper, cant you? ─── 你能在晚饭前完成这件工作,是不是?

43、Businesses and families cant get credit. ─── 企业和家庭无法获得信贷;

44、He pretends he cares about unemployment, but that's just politician's cant. ─── 他假装对失业的关心,但那只是政客的行话。

45、he canted his head to look at the screen. ─── 他翘着头看着屏幕。

46、If you cant pick it up, paint it. ─── 如果你又拿不动它,那赶快把它涂涂漆。

47、If you cant sign your name, make a cross instead. ─── 中文:你如果不会签名,画一个十字也可以。

48、I cant understand that mans psychology. ─── 中文:我无法理解那个人的心理。

49、Because except me you cant find another perfect match. ─── 因为除了我再也找不到另一个与你相配的男人。

50、So far, we cant still rule out the possibility of the earthquake. ─── 到目前为止,还不能排除地震的可能性。

51、He canted over from his chair onto the floor. ─── 他从椅子上跌倒在地板上。

52、On the other hand, the contribution of day schools cant be ignored. ─── 另一方面,日制学校的贡献是不能忽视的。

53、She cant just be written off as an eccentric recluse. ─── 中文:不能仅仅把她当成一个古怪的隐居者。

54、Oh now I know I just cant get what I really want also. ─── 噢,现在我知道我同样得不到自己真正想要的。

55、A nark cant keep something in dark. ─── 一个告密者是不会守秘密的。

56、You cant buy a penthouse with a gold star. ─── 因为你无法用小五角星去买豪宅。

57、Let's strip away the cant and get down to bedrock. ─── 咱们少说漂亮话,多谈实质问题吧。

58、You can lose a boy,but you cant's miss ZR . ─── 十七岁,伱可以错过和一个男生旳约会,但伱不能错过左耳。

59、Chris: Where are you going! Help! You cant leave me here! ─── 克里斯:你要去哪儿?救命!你不能把我留在这儿!

60、You're no use in the choir you cant sing a note! ─── 你对合唱团毫无益处--你简直唱不成调!

61、Sheep was a cant word of the time for a spy, under the gaolers. ─── “绵羊”是那时牢房里的黑话,意思是由典狱长控制的密探。

62、I CANT ARRIVE IN TIME BECAUSE OF THE delay of the liner. ─── 因为班机延误,我们恐怕不能准时赶到了。

63、Ugh cant believe Im rooting for the broncos right now. ─── Feel dirty as hell 心情: 乏味 8 小时前发布。

64、They always cant about world peace. ─── 他们一贯侈谈世界和平。

65、I wont tell you the secret if you cant keep it. ─── 如果你不能保守秘密,我就不把这秘密告诉你。

66、Because I cant give up the ideas of loving you. ─── 因为我不能放弃爱你的念头。

67、Cant you stop the child getting into mischief? ─── 你不能制止那个孩子的恶作剧吗?

68、Sorry, darling ! I cant lie myself anymore! ─── 亲爱的!我无法在欺骗自己了!

69、He canted the ball with all his stength. ─── 他用全力将球抛出。

70、He cant misunderstand the sense at all. ─── 他不至于连这一点道理也不明白。

71、You cant insure it for more than the declared value. ─── 你不能投保超出申报价值的险。

72、Paladins still cant chase fleeing enemies. ─── 圣骑士仍然不能追击逃跑的敌人。

73、Cant wait for dhe next episode! ─── 不能再等了,好想快点 看到下一集........ 唉!

74、Why cant I access all my memory? ─── 为什么我不能访问全部内存?

75、I am hearin what you say but I just cant make a sound. ─── “当作听演奏的门票好了,不过如果你唱的不好,还是要给钱的。”

76、The spacecraft's ion drive thrusters are canted away from the surface. ─── 太空飞船的离子推进器倾斜而脱离表面。

77、But the facts are that we cant save ourselves. ─── 但事实是,我们无法自救。

78、His father canted him every time he did something wrong. ─── 他父亲每次在他做错事时就碎碎念。

79、He canted over from his chair onto the floor. ─── 他从椅子上跌倒在地板上。

80、He canted the ball with all his stength. ─── 他用全力将球抛出。

81、TO Rise:cant tell u now...sry.. ─── TO陈钧佑:等等...妳好像搞错了...

82、Stone the crows! Cant' you do better than that? ─── 哎呀!难道你不能做得更好点吗?

83、If the object is canted at a greater Angle, there is no reflection of the ultrasonic pulses. ─── 如果该对象是在一个更大的角度斜,没有任何的超声波脉冲反射。

84、Local hardware stores cant compete with discount outlets. ─── 地方五金商店不能与那些削价商行相竞争。

85、Why cant I use the boot-time scan? ─── 为什么我不能使用开机扫描?

86、If you cant see the movie, Please download the Flash Plugin or Enter directly. ─── 如果你看不到动画,请点击下载动画插件或直接进入。

87、She says shes coming, but I cant nail her down to a specific time. ─── 她说她要来,但我无法让她说出确切的时间。

88、Cant you come down just a bit more? ─── 你不能再便宜一点吗?

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