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09-08 投稿


township 发音

英:[?ta?n??p]  美:[?ta?n??p]

英:  美:

township 中文意思翻译



township 常用词组

township enterprises ─── 乡镇企业

township and village enterprises ─── 乡镇企业

township 短语词组

1、township wiki fandom ─── 镇维基粉丝

2、township hospital ─── 乡镇卫生院

3、township talk ─── 乡间谈话

4、tainter township ─── 污点镇

5、township games download ─── 乡镇游戏下载

6、lyons township ─── 里昂镇

7、proviso township schools ─── 附带条件的乡镇学校

8、township update 2020 2020 ─── 年城镇更新

9、bowne township mi ─── 密歇根州博恩镇

10、gentle township ─── 温和的小镇

11、township definition ─── 城镇定义

12、dorr township ─── 多尔镇

13、township government ─── [法] 乡政府

14、township hack ─── 乡镇黑客

15、the old township ─── 老乡

16、tainter township wisconsin ─── 威斯康星州泰特镇

17、vermilion township ohio ─── 俄亥 ─── 俄州朱砂镇

18、township mobile facebook ─── 乡镇移动facebook

19、desolated township ─── 荒凉的小镇

township 词性/词形变化,township变形


township 相似词语短语

1、sonship ─── n.儿子身份;为人之子

2、donship ─── 捐助

3、to unship ─── to unship

4、townships ─── 镇区;小镇;六英里见方的地区(township的名词复数)

5、to ship ─── 运送;乘船;以船运送;当船员

6、to inship ─── to inship

7、moonship ─── n.探月太空船

8、townskips ─── 汤斯基普斯

9、townskip ─── 汤斯基普

township 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Every village and township has been equipped with at least one means of direct contact with the rescue and relief headquarters. ─── 所有村镇与抗震救援指挥部之间都至少拥有一种直接通信手段。

2、The prosperity of township enterprises is the inevitable outcome of the economic reform in the rural area. ─── 乡镇企业的繁荣是我国农村改革的必然产物。

3、Can the Township Reform Jump Out of the Streamlining-expanding Weird Cycle? ─── 乡镇机构改革:可否跳出精简-膨胀的怪圈?

4、East Zhu Linsi from Zhongdian county about 105 kilometers from the township resident benzilan 23 km. ─── 东竹林寺距中甸县城约105公里,距乡驻地奔子栏23公里。

5、East loessial Township is a rural culture. ─── 东垆乡是一个文化乡。

6、Township enterprises in commerce and trade, coal mining, coking, catering services. ─── 乡镇企业以商贸、采煤、炼焦、饮食服务业为主。

7、Township enterprises have iron, foundry, cement, chemicals, paint and other plants. ─── 乡镇企业有冶铁、铸造、水泥、化工、涂料等厂。

8、Township enterprises maintained a good momentum of rapid growth. ─── 乡镇企业保持了较快增长的态势。

9、The township of Rio Rancho has hitherto not had its own emergency facilities. ─── “里奥兰翘镇”迄今还没有自己的应急设施。

10、County township speed up the pace of economic development. ─── 全县乡镇经济发展步伐加快。

11、Township iscan yuan gully region of Loess Plateau. ─── 全乡属黄土高原残垣沟壑区。

12、Growth recovery of economic returns for township enterprises. ─── 乡镇企业效益有所回升。

13、Yiwu City Township Sun clocks Limited Network, welcomed the presence! ─── 义乌市恭孙钟表有限公司网开通了,欢迎大家光临!

14、daily at the land offices as township after township was opened for settlement. ─── 居住区被开放为定居地,人们每天在国有土地管理局前排队。

15、The township, 8950 acres of the existing arable land, grassland area of 13 mu. ─── 全乡现有耕地面积8950亩,草原面积13万亩。

16、A representative from the township spoke at the meeting. ─── 一个村代表在会上讲了话。

17、Although he is only a head of township, he is a local bully. ─── 例:别看它只是个乡长,在当地,他可是个地头蛇。

18、Lutheran establishment in 1943, freedom, Euler Township 3. ─── 1943年设立信义、自由、欧拉3个乡。

19、Once again there's been ferocious bloodletting in the township. ─── 再次发生了血腥杀戮事件。

20、In 1960, there was a large demonstration against the apartheid policy in the African township of Sharpeville. ─── 1960年,南非沙佩维尔小镇出现大规模的游行,反对种族隔离政策。

21、Aloysius Technical School, Xinpu Township, Hsinchu County 305, Taiwan (R.O.C.). ─── 内思高工生命教育中心 About class from Life Education Center of St.

22、Township enterprises have created a new outline for surplus labour on the land. ─── 乡镇企业已经为农村剩余劳动力创出也了一条新出路

23、Liu township coal mine enterprises. ─── 乡镇企业有刘沟煤矿。

24、Township Office winery production "backing card" by the High Country Gold ginseng wine. ─── 乡办酒厂生产的“靠山牌”高级人参葡萄酒获国家金奖。

25、The township, clean air, beautiful environment. ─── 全乡空气清新,环境优美。

26、The added value of township enterprises reached 1,800 billion yuan (US$216.87 billion). ─── 乡镇企业增加值达到18,000亿元(2,168.7亿美元)。

27、The income of urban and township residents grows fast. ─── 三、城镇居民收入增长较快。

28、In 2001, the township zoning adjust ji shan County (missing information). ─── 2001年,稷山县乡镇区划调整(缺资料)。

29、The township, forest resources, wildlife resources, water resources are also very rich. ─── 全乡森林资源、野生动物资源、水利资源亦十分丰富。

30、Refuses the township dwellers to purchase the homestead, the farmer housing and the small property right room. ─── 严禁城镇居民购买宅基地、农民住房和小产权房。

31、The township, based on food, cash crop cultivation and animal husbandry in agriculture-based economy. ─── 全乡是以粮食、经济作物种植和畜牧养殖为主的农业经济。

32、The project site is in Beiyang Village of Ganting Township, Hongtong County, occupying an area of 120 mu. ─── 1、项目背景:该项目地址位于洪洞县甘亭镇北羊村,占地120亩。

33、Two years later, Amy's parents returned to the township where she was killed and met with some of the killer's families to console them. ─── 两年以后,艾美的父母来到了她遇害的小镇,看望并慰问了凶手的亲属们。

34、The Farmers, the County and Township Leaders in Four Provinces: How Do They Understand the New Countryside? ─── 不同角色对新农村建设的需求差异?

35、Women play a game of soccer in the Nkowankowa Township July 6, 2008 in Limpopo, South Africa. ─── 7月6日,在南非林波波省的一个小镇,当地妇女在进行足球比赛。

36、The township people's governments and urban neighborhood offices shall give guidance and supervision. ─── 乡镇人民政府、城市街道办事处应当予以指导和监督。

37、Is It Reasonable the Assigned Accountant Be Enacted for a Township Enterprise? ─── 乡镇企业实施会计委派制质疑?

38、Among those to have survived to tell the tale is a 28-year-old from Tembisa, a township near Johannesburg, who does not wish to be named. ─── 一名来自Johannesbur附近的一个乡镇Tembisa,28岁幸存下来的、不希望被记名的女子,讲述了这个故事。

39、The rapid development of township enterprises has changed the pattern of the rural economy under the traditional economic structure. ─── 乡镇企业的迅猛崛起,改变了传统体制下农村经济的格局。

40、Township enterprises in iron, coal-based. ─── 乡镇企业以炼铁、煤炭为主。

41、Township enterprises mainly in smelting industry. ─── 乡镇企业以冶炼业为主。

42、Township head: what? Vernon will go? ─── 乡长:什么?仲天骐要走啊?

43、Township enterprises and lime factory farm machinery market. ─── 乡镇企业有农机修配厂和石灰场。

44、Corporation formed in 1980 to repeal the Government Township changed yet. ─── 1980年撤销公社建制改为尚庄乡政府。

45、Township enterprises Products of coal, pig iron, castings, thiocyanate, perchlorate, mainly refractory. ─── 乡镇企业产品以煤炭、生铁、铸件、硫氰、酸铵、耐火材料为主。

46、All of these character and strengths, both as a printed raq'a ebastine township enterprises conditions of life is to be able to reconbined. ─── 上述这些品格和优势,既是乡镇印企赖依生存的条件,也是他们能够迅速崛起的重要原因。

47、The township, flat, adequate water, agricultural, animal husbandry developed. ─── 全乡地势平坦,水源充足,农、牧业发达。

48、A warehouse in Tounan Township of Yunlin is packed with smuggled peanuts. ─── 云林斗南镇一座农家仓库中,堆叠著满山满谷的走私花生。

49、The ownership of township collective land directly derives from the ownership of the people's communes. ─── 乡镇集体土地所有权直接源于过去的人民公社所有权。

50、The land-use right to the land used by a township (town) or village enterprise may not be mortgaged separately. ─── 乡(镇)、村企业的土地使用权不得单独抵押。

51、TIMA doctors make house calls to elderly patients in Shuangxi Township of Taipei County. ─── 人医会大医王来到台北县双溪乡,到年老病患的家中访视。

52、Company is located in "China township" XinYi NaZhaoXian. ─── 公司位于“中国辛夷之乡”的南召县。

53、Reform of Township Governmental Organizations: Challenges and Countermeasures II. ─── 乡镇机构改革挑战与对策2。

54、Township enterprises have insulation materials, sauces, wine, factory system. ─── 乡镇企业有保温材料、酱料、酿酒、制砖厂。

55、Township enterprises have flour, paper, machinery and other plant. ─── 乡镇企业有面粉、造纸、机械等厂。

56、The added value of township enterprises reached 1,800 billion yuan. ─── 乡镇企业增加值达到18000亿元。

57、Population and area after the reform are the second largest township Yuci. ─── 人口和面积都是改革后榆次的第二大乡镇。

58、The Great Wall is a commune in 1959, 1961, Analysis Corporation Shuiquan home, built in 1984 Township. ─── 1959年属长城公社,1961年析置水泉公社,1984年建乡。

59、Rural women in China are an important driving force for the development of township enterprises. ─── 中国农村妇女是乡镇企业发展的重要推动者。

60、Products of township enterprises has lime, cement, brick, stone,bai hui powder. ─── 乡镇企业产品有石灰、水泥、砖瓦、石料、白灰粉。

61、Township enterprises of coal products, ceramics products. ─── 乡镇企业产品有煤炭、陶瓷制品。

62、Pollution prevention and control in township enterprises have been strengthened. ─── 乡镇企业污染防治有所加强。

63、In Shoufeng township in Hualien County, north of the South Carp Lake, in Hualien County is the largest inland lake. ─── 位花莲县寿丰乡南村北侧的鲤鱼潭,是花莲县境内最大的内陆湖泊。

64、Township Enterprises Coke products, mainly of iron castings. ─── 乡镇企业产品以焦炭、铁铸件为主。

65、Township government clearance in tamarind. ─── 乡政府驻望子关。

66、Township enterprises and other cast iron products. ─── 乡镇企业产品有生铁等。

67、The annual budget compiled by each responsible authority or each township office. ─── 一、由各该管主管机关或乡(镇、市)公所编列年度预算。

68、Unique customs, simple and honest folkway, idyllic scenery have made it a typical watery township in the south of China. ─── 其悠远的传统、淳朴的民风、古老的建筑和清澄的河水,充满着诗情画意,形成一派古朴、恬静的水乡风貌,是江南典型的“小桥、流水、人家”。

69、The township and village enterprises play an important role in the rural economy and need to be expanded and improved. ─── 乡镇企业很重要,要发展,要提高。

70、Shangdong village, Liucheng Township of Dongyuan County is relatively far from major transportation roads. ─── 东源县柳城镇上洞村距离主要的交通公路较远。

71、He is a well-known township entrepreneur in and around the town. ─── 他是四乡八村有名的乡镇企业家。

72、Investigation and analysis on lead pollution caused by a township lead smeltery. ─── 中国工业。某乡镇铅冶炼厂铅污染调查分析。

73、Ex.:Although he is only a head of township, he is a local bully. ─── 例:别看它只是个乡长,在当地,他可是个地头蛇。

74、A farmer in Chengguan Township of Shaanxi's Zhenping in northwest China claimed that he took a digital picture of the tiger. ─── 一个农民在乡澄观镇澄陕西镇平,在我国西北地区,声称他接受了数码相片中的老虎。

75、The armed forces and district and township governments should all guard against waste. ─── 军队和区乡政府都要防止浪费。

76、Around 15:30, starting from Chengdu, rushed to the Dujiangyan City, 20 kilometers from the township to Mindanao. ─── 下午3点半左右,他们从成都出发,赶赴离都江堰市20公里的向峨乡。

77、Township enterprises in oil, chemical industry, mainly. ─── 乡镇企业以制油、化工业为主。

78、Hopewell Township in 1996 and in the town, the rich West Village and Township north into the rich West Village. ─── 1996年合乡并镇时,把西富村乡和北营乡合并为西富村乡。

79、The Golden Seashore lies at Yongning Township, Shishi on the west bank of the Taiwan Strait. ─── 位于台湾海峡西岸的石狮永宁镇,由香港友帮国际集团独资兴建。

80、Lijiang Ancient Town, also known as Dayan Township, is one of the second batch of the approved historical and cultural famous cities. ─── 丽江古镇又称大堰乡,是第二批批准的历史文化名城之一。

81、In 1991, the per-capita floor space of city and township residents reached 13.7 square meters. ─── 1991年城镇居民人均住房面积达到13.7平方米。

82、The head of a nationality township shall be a citizen of the minority nationality that establishes the nationality township. ─── 民族乡的乡长由建立民族乡的少数民族公民担任。

83、The main township to agriculture, crop varieties are mainly maize, millet, millet, potatoes, cereals and oil. ─── 全乡主要以农业为主,农作物品种主要有玉米、谷子、黍子、土豆、油料及杂粮。

84、Township road shall be built, maintained and managed by township( town) people's governments. ─── 乡道由乡()民政府负责修建、护和管理。

85、Township enterprises in transport, mainly coking. ─── 乡镇企业以运输、炼焦为主。

86、Township enterprises mainly in coal mining. ─── 乡镇企业以开采煤炭为主。

87、Township enterprises have stone products, construction materials, starch. ─── 乡镇企业产品有石料、建筑材料、淀粉。

88、Aksu County in Baidoa in the Kizil township, 60 km west Baicheng county, southeast 67 km from the Kuqa County. ─── 位于阿克苏拜城县克孜尔乡境内,西距拜城县城60公里,东南距库车县城67公里。

89、Township enterprises should pay attention to quality, too. ─── 乡镇企业也要抓质量。

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