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drossy 发音

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英:  美:

drossy 中文意思翻译



drossy 短语词组

1、drossy definition ─── 浮渣定义

drossy 相似词语短语

1、prossy ─── 拜托。

2、dross ─── n.渣滓;浮渣;碎屑;n.(Dross)人名;(德)德罗斯

3、bossy ─── adj.专横的;浮雕装饰的;爱指挥他人的;n.母牛;牛犊;n.(Bossy)人名;(法、罗)博西

4、droshky ─── n.俄式敞篷四轮马车

5、dropsy ─── n.[病理]水肿,浮肿;贿余

6、drostdy ─── 浮渣

7、drosky ─── 卓斯基

8、undrossy ─── 不交叉

9、drowsy ─── adj.昏昏欲睡的;沉寂的;催眠的

drossy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They are but the dross of silver. ─── 他们都是炉中的铜,锡,铁,铅,都是银渣滓。

2、I separate, therefore, the gold from the dross;restore to Him the former, and leave the latter to the stupidity of some, and roguery of others of His disciples. ─── 因此我要把金子和渣滓分开,把耶稣复原为前者,而把后者归于他的使徒们的愚蠢和欺诈。

3、discard the dross and select the essence ─── 去其糟粕, 取其精华

4、After continuity and accumulation of more than two thousand years ,Traditional Filial piety becomes a complex theoretical system, with advantages and disadvantages, essence and dross. ─── 传统孝文化是一个复杂的理论体系,经过二千多年的延续和积淀,优劣并存,良莠杂糅,既有精华也有糟粕。

5、23 Burning lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with silver dross. ─── 23火热的嘴,奸恶的心,好像银渣包的瓦器。

6、Making High Manganese Steel by Submerged Arc Smelting of Dross from Electric Arc Furnace in Small- and Midium-Sized Foundry ─── 中小型铸造厂电弧炉泡沫渣埋弧熔炼高锰钢

7、Therefore, the Lord appointed Jeremiah to be an assayer to examine their worth, but sadly, they were found impure, like the dross after the silver has been purified. ─── 所以上帝差派耶利米作检验者测试他们,可是不幸地发现他们的不纯净,像银子经炼过,却含有渣滓一样。

8、All the wicked of the earth you discard like dross; therefore I love your statutes. ─── 凡地上的恶人,你除掉他,好像除掉渣滓;因此我爱你的法度。

9、Fake gold is common enough, but real gold can only be found by removing impurities and extracting it from the dross that contains it. ─── 如同金子一样难求,伪金随处可见,而真金惟有淘尽黄沙,剔除杂质之后才能得到。

10、How to make good use of the two kinds of industrial dross is one of the emphasisof research for ecologist. ─── 如何利用该两种工业废渣是当前生态工作者研究的重点之一。

11、We should discard the dross and select the essential, so as to serve the contemporary studies of Chinese etymology better. ─── 我们应去其芜秽,集其菁英,使之更好地服务于当今的汉语语源研究。

12、"He was wide-awake and his mind worked clearly, purged of all dross." ─── "他毫无睡意,脑子思维清楚,没有任何杂念."

13、Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because ye are all become dross, behold, therefore I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem. ─── 所以主耶和华如此说,因你们都成为渣滓,我必聚集你们在耶路撒冷中。

14、Comprehensive properties experimental design and application about dross concrete partition board ─── 内隔墙条板灰渣混凝土综合性能试验设计与应用

15、so, it is necessary to intoxicated out of it is because there are traditional dross, there are things behind, and even cannibalism. ─── 所以,要走出陶醉传统,那是因为传统中有糟粕,有落后的东西,甚至有吃人的东西。

16、The cell that if have, retreats a sex to change is drossy , make grain canal; ─── 若有退行性变的细胞碎屑,则成为颗粒管型;

17、The production and filterability of the dross in the floatations asWell as the treatments for the dross are studied in experiments. ─── 并探讨生产过程中浮渣的处理方法;

18、Spreading, inheriting the cream of Chinese Wushu and criticizing its decayed feudal dross ─── 传承武术文化精华与批判封建糟粕

19、They tried to purge metal of dross ─── 他们试图清除金属熔化时浮升表面的渣滓。

20、"He was wide-awake and his mind worked clearly, purged of all dross" (Vladimir Nabokov) ─── “他毫无睡意,脑子思维清楚,没有任何杂念”(弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫)

21、He was wide - awake and his mind worked clearly, purged of all dross(Vladimir Nabokov) ─── 他毫无睡意,脑子思维清楚,没有任何杂念(弗拉基米尔 纳博科夫)

22、If submit pulverous form, usable cotton dips in water will be drossy touch, or it is the grain of rice that drop a point after adhering its, sweep case, reoccupy cleaner is sucked clean. ─── 如呈粉末状,则可用棉花蘸水将碎屑沾起来,或是撒点米粒将其粘住后扫起,再用吸尘器吸净。

23、Divide in make water outside having gas, sometimes eduction dung broken bits, food material of appearance of drossy, tumour piece, cheese. ─── 尿中除有气体外,有时排出粪渣、食物碎屑、瘤块、干酪样物质等。

24、(4) is drossy 3 grams (with useless nylon socks abluent cut broken) . ─── (4)尼龙碎屑3克(用废尼龙袜洗净剪碎)。

25、I will turn my hand against you; I will thoroughly purge away your dross and remove all your impurities. ─── 我必反手加在你身上,炼尽你的渣滓,除净你的杂质。

26、We need to discard the dross and keep the essential parts of a book, and to draw inferences by analogy when we are reading it. ─── 我们阅读文章要去芜存菁,举一反三。

27、Traditional female ethics and ceremony and propriety contents numerous and jumble.The dross and the essence are in it both. ─── 中国传统女性伦理与礼仪内容庞杂,糟粕精华并存。

28、absorb the essence and reject the dross ─── 吸取精华,剔除糟粕

29、Keywords Galvanizing;Zinc-bath;Zinc dross;Temperature field;Concentration field; ─── 关键词热镀锌;锌锅;锌渣;温度场;浓度场;

30、You have removed all the wicked of the earth like dross; Therefore I love Your testimonies. ─── 凡地上的恶人,你除掉他,好像除掉渣滓。因此我爱你的法度。

31、The civi1 law of Nanjing KMT Government remained some feudal dross. ─── 与此同时,南京国民政府民法也继承了一些封建糟粕。

32、For removing dross through converting dross back to solder from solder pot or wave soldering machine, and greatly lower down the solder oxidization. ─── 可用于锡炉和波峰焊中锡渣的还原,大幅降低锡的损耗。

33、Tradition, as it were, is not necessarily "classic" and does not merely mean confucianism, and both essence and dross are contained in it. ─── 但传统有精华有糟粕,传统不等于“古典”,也不等于“儒家”。

34、Keywords solid waste;comprehensive utilization;oily dross;physico-chemical treatment; ─── 固体废物;综合利用;含油浮渣;物理化学处理;

35、For foreign cultures, we should discard their dross and select their essence. ─── 对于外来文化,我们要取其精华,去其糟粕。

36、" His own verses are often rude and defective.The gold does not yet run pure, is drossy and crude.The thyme and marjoram are not yet honey. ─── 他写的诗通常是粗糙和有瑕疵的,黄金还没有提纯,有杂质和原生物,仿佛是百里香和马郁兰还没有酿制成蜜。

37、We should absorb their quintessence and discard their dross, and deal with the relationship between human and nature to serve the foundation of the harmonious society. ─── 我们应该吸取两者之精华而摒弃其糟粕,处理好人与自然的关系,为我们创建和谐社会服务。

38、Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says:' Because you have all become dross, I will gather you into Jerusalem. ─── 所以主耶和华如此说,因你们都成为渣滓,我必聚集你们在耶路撒冷中。

39、I believe that the rendering of useful service is the common duty of mankind and that only in the purifying fire of sacrifice is the dross of selfishness consumed and the greatness of the human soul set free. ─── 我相信,人类共同的职责是有用地服务社会,只有在自我牺牲的炼火中,自私的沉渣才会被焚为灰烬,人类灵魂中的伟大情操才会显现。

40、he thought they should be combined, absorbing the essence and rejecting the dross. ─── 应该各显其能,各尽其美。

41、To have a careful and whole analysis and summary of their views on war and peace-take the essence and discard the dross, will not only have more practical significance, but stronger academic importance. ─── 总结儒、、三家的战争和平观,取其精华,去其糟粕,不但具有现实借鉴意义,而且也具有学术理论意义。

42、7.Feeding system is designed with acentric milling design ,which makes the feeding of solder dross continuing,quick and even; ─── 7.进料系统采用离心搅拌设计,使锡渣的输入具有连续性既快捷又均匀;

43、Therefore it is necessary to take a deep research on Tibetan traditional culture, absorbing the essence and rejecting the dross, and serve for Natu... ─── 应当对藏民族的传统文化加以研究、挖掘,取其精华,去取糟粕,为自然保护事业服务。

44、Your silver has become dross, your choice wine is diluted with water. ─── 你的银子,变为渣滓,你的酒,用水搀对。

45、The paper expounds that our mediums should improve the fashional programs. discard the dross and select the essential, advance in both internal and external, and establish the women temperament. ─── 同时,提出了媒体应该改进时尚类节目,取其精华、去其糟粕,应该内外兼修,构建女性气质。

46、The laborer, looking into it at evening, purifies his thoughts of the dross and earthiness which they have accumulated during the day. ─── 劳动者,在晚上凝望着火,常把白天积聚起来的杂乱而又粗俗的思想,都放到火里去洗炼。

47、Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross: therefore I love thy testimonies. ─── 119凡地上的恶人,你除掉他,好像除掉渣滓。因此我爱你的法度。

48、Total aluminum, measured by bath assays, also includes un-dissolved aluminum and aluminum tied up in dross particles. ─── 当前通常采用的取锌液样进行化学分析的检验方法是包括未溶解铝份和可能结合到底渣或浮渣的总铝量。

49、We should inherit traditional Chinese filial piety moral critically, reject the dross and assimilate the essence of it, so that the filial piety education to college students can be reinforced. ─── 我们应批判继承中华传统孝德,剔除其糟粕,大力发掘、炼其精华,赋予时代的新内容,以加强对大学生的孝德教育。

50、The Primary Extraction and Purification of Myoglobin from Drossy Meat of Tuna ─── 金枪鱼碎鱼肉中肌红蛋白的初步提取和纯化

51、If it isn't subscription based I'm seriously wondering whether it'll be worth playing, purely because of all the social inadequates &imbecilic pre-pubescent dross who'll clutter up the servers. ─── 如果战网免费,我甚至怀疑这款游戏值不值得我去玩,纯粹是因为所有的社会渣滓、还没进入青春期的脑残将会把我们的环境搞的一团糟。

52、Their investments in stocks and real estate, which still looked golden in the spring, had turned to dross by autumn. ─── 他们在股票和房地产的投资,春天的时候还价值万金,到了秋天已经变成一堆毫无价值的废物。

53、"dross:a waste product or an impurity, especially an oxide, formed on the surface of molten metal." ─── "废料或混杂物,尤指在融化金属表面形成的氧化物."

54、Keywords rotary kiln;copper dross;heat efficiency;sealing; ─── 回转短窑;铜浮渣;热效率;密封;

55、Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Because you are all turned into dross, therefore behold I will gather you together in the midst of Jerusalem. ─── 因此吾主上主这样说:因为你们都成了渣滓,为此,看,我必将你们聚集在耶路撒冷,

56、Eating potato together with the son on sofa piece hind, do not clean potato piece drossy ; ─── 在沙发上与儿子一起吃着薯片后,不打扫薯片的碎屑;

57、For nonferrous metals, this drop aggravates the dross and entraps air in the metal. ─── 当其不断上升的时候会冷却,导致冒口过冷,浇口过热。


59、Enlightened by his pure celestial ray, we are no more darkness but light in the Lord.As fire, he both purges us from dross, and sets our consecrated nature on a blaze. ─── 圣灵的充满,像祭坛的火焰,可将我们的全人,当作活祭献上,一生为主所用。

60、Keywords Buiding materal product Cheeking and Testing of dross Ignition Loss method Loose desity method Software; ─── 建材制品;废渣检测;烧失法;松散密度法;软件;

61、And I will turn My hand against you. I will thoroughly purge away your dross as with lye, And I will remove all your alloy. ─── 25我必反手加在你身上。我必炼尽你的渣滓,如同用碱炼过,也必除净你的杂质。

62、Eating potato together with the son on sofa piece hind, do not clean potato piece drossy; ─── 在沙发上与儿子一起吃着薯片后,不打扫薯片的碎屑;

63、As the goal of communication is to improve, essence absorption and dross discarding are necessary for the development of family education. ─── 交流的目的也就是为了进步。家庭教育若想进步也就得取其精华去其糟粕。

64、reject the dross and assimilate the essence ─── 剔除糟粕, 吸取精华

65、While violently attacking the dross of Chinese traditional culture, he carefully sorted out classical books and assailed the essence of Chinese traditional culture. ─── 他在激烈抨击中国传统文化中的糟粕的同时,认真地整理古籍并发掘和继承传统文化中的精华;

66、The properties,uses and marketable prospect of thrihydroxymethyl propane is introduced.Yield of the product is raised from 75% to 90% and dross pollution is avoided with improved present process. ─── 介绍了三羟甲基丙烷的性质,用途和市场前景。并对现有的生产工艺进行了改进,使产品收率从75%提高到90%,并且避免了工业废渣对环境的污染。

67、Is it possible to decrease dross (oxide) generation when using Sn96.5Ag3Cu0.5 Solder? ─── 在使用Sn96.5Ag3Cu0.5焊料时,是否可以降低氮(氧)的产生?

68、Caroline felt the value of the true ore, and knew the deception of the flashy dross . ─── 卡罗琳辨别出了真金的价值,知道那种炫耀的铁渣只有迷惑人的外表。

69、At his touch the drossy particles fall off: the irritable, the personal, the gross, and mingle with the dust the finer and more ethereal part mounts with the winged spirit to watch over our latest memory, and protect our bones from insult. ─── 他妙手一触,像暴躁、隐私、粗鄙这样的渣滓便脱落了,与尘埃混杂起来,比较优异精妙的部分则随着高尚的灵魂一起升空,审视着我们最新的回忆,保护着我们的尸骨免遭侮辱。

70、Study on Gold and Silver Recovery from the As - Cu - Pb Alloy Produced by Copper Dross Smelting with Soda- Lead Concentrate in a Smelter ─── 从浮渣铅精矿熔炼产的合金中回收金银的试验研究

71、And so it seems to me that science not only purifies the religious impulse of the dross of its anthropomorphism but also contributes to a religious spiritualization of our understanding of life. ─── 因此我以为 科学不仅替宗教的冲动清洗了它的拟人论的渣滓,而且也帮助我们对生活的理解能达到宗教的精神境界。

72、I am dross the street and is almost hit by a car ─── 我在横穿街道的时候几乎被一辆汽车撞到

73、By degrees, little by little, from moment to moment, a wise man removes his own impurities, as a smith removes the dross of silver. ─── 一点一滴地、一分一秒地、聪明的人好像冶金工人擦去银器上浮渣一样,渐渐除去自己的垢秽。

74、Applications laboratory analysis shows superior performance over traditional laser processing with increased cut quality and speed lower dross levels and smooth spatter free welds. ─── 应用实验分析表明,超高性能超过了传统的激光处理过程,同时提高了切割质量和切割速度,降低了容渣水平,无污染焊接。

75、Only when we evaluate the history correctly and objectively can we reject the dross and assimilate the essence, which can be helpful to the new age. ─── 只有对历史进行公正、客观的评析,才能去其糟粕,取其精华使其真正为新时代发挥有益的指导作用。

76、Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross: therefore I love thy testimonies. ─── 凡地上的恶人、你除掉他好像除掉渣滓。因此我爱你的法度。

77、In applying hot briquetting for ISP dross processing,influences of pressure, temperature, time of pressing on strength of hot briquetes have been examined. ─── 在用ISP法冶炼浮渣热压团时,研究了压团压力、温度、加压时间对铅锌密闭鼓风炉冶炼浮渣热压团块强度的影响。

78、this vale of dross and tears ─── 尘世,现世

79、A Study on Retrieving Cadmium from Cd Dross after Smelting of Zinc ─── 从锌冶炼废镉渣中回收镉的研究

80、Not only such, after was being used a few times Mr Zhao discovers cleanness implement can adsorptive hair, dirt, mix like food broken bits drossy etc sundry still keep clear of hard. ─── 不仅如此,用了几次后赵先生发现清洁器只能吸附毛发、灰尘等,像食物渣和碎屑等杂物依然难以清除。

81、Discard the dross and keep the finer part ─── 去粗取精

82、He was wide - awake and his mind worked clearly,purged of all dross(Vladimir Nabokov) ─── 他毫无睡意,脑子思维清楚,没有任何杂念(弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫)

83、Confucian kindheartedness is soul of Confucian ethic thought. We must affirm and develop the essence after discarding the Feudalism dross. ─── 儒家仁爱思想是儒家伦理思想之灵魂,我们在剔除其封建糟粕的同时,应充分肯定并弘扬其思想精华。

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