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09-08 投稿



denigration 发音

英:[?den??ɡre??n]  美:[?den??ɡre??n]

英:  美:

denigration 中文意思翻译



denigration 反义词

allow | admit | confirm | concede | acknowledge |affirm

denigration 词性/词形变化,denigration变形

动词第三人称单数: denigrates |名词: denigration |动词现在分词: denigrating |动词过去式: denigrated |动词过去分词: denigrated |

denigration 同义词

refute | disavow | oppose | withhold |contradict | disown | traverse | repel | impugn | prohibit | block | rebuff | disclaim | renounce | disagree | dispute | spurn | forgo | controvert | abnegate | forbid | prevent | refuse | repudiate | except | forswear | negative | abjure | gainsay | disallow | reject | decline | veto

denigration 短语词组

1、self-denigration ─── 自贬

2、denigration meaning ─── 诋毁意义

denigration 相似词语短语

1、deliration ─── n.精神错乱;神经病

2、denigrator ─── 诋毁者

3、denigrating ─── vt.诋毁;使变黑;玷污

4、denisation ─── 丹尼斯

5、demigrations ─── 除雾

6、demigration ─── 反偏移

7、denegation ─── n.否认;否定

8、denitration ─── n.[化学]脱硝;脱硝酸盐作用

9、denigrative ─── 诋毁

denigration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So that's why the 1848 text with its fear of and denigration of women, in contrast to the 1820 text, is inferior. ─── 这就是为什么1848年版本这样害怕,并诋毁女性,与1820年版本相比,略逊一筹。

2、I think to consider supporters of Wa FM as mere fans is rather patronising and a denigration. ─── FM”的支持者看成仅仅是“粉丝”,是一种优越屈尊的态度,也是一种诋毁。

3、This industrial park is mainly used for development and production of oil smoke purifiers, oil stain separators and desulphurization and denigration high-tech products. ─── 整个建筑大气明快、浑然天成。秉承了温州人敢为天下先的前卫理念,园区主要用于环境工程控制系统的开发研制,是一个集科工贸为一体的现代化工业园区。

4、This can include the infliction of pain, but more typically involves verbal denigration, role playing, and physical immobilization (“tying up”). ─── 这可能包括施加痛苦,但更典型的往往牵涉到口头责骂,角色扮演和身体固定(“捆绑”)。

5、In the Empire of the Gaze: Foucault and the Denigration of Vision in 20th Century French Thought ─── 在凝视的帝国:福柯与20世纪法国思想对视觉的贬损

6、Having reiterated that the 21-year-old winger will remain at Old Trafford next season, Ferguson insists Ronaldo will thrive on denigration from the stands - just as he did at this summer's World Cup. ─── 这个葡萄牙的边路球员被污蔑说他是英格兰世界杯淘汰的原因,现在举国都对他有粗鲁的意见。

7、Yet, this did not mean denigration or reduction of the importance of civil society participation and viewpoints, it added. ─── 它还说,这并不是要贬低或者缩小民间社会的参与和观点的重要性。

8、In such "scenes", sadists dominate submissive masochists by verbal denigration, humiliation, corporal punishment, tying up, and, possibly, physical pain. ─── 在这样的“小品”里,施虐者通过口头责难、羞辱、肉体惩罚、捆绑以及其它可能造成身体痛苦的手段来役使臣服的受虐癖者。

9、None of you should take it as a failure as a denigration of your intellect. ─── 不要觉得失败而诋毁了自己的才华。

10、To confront our inequality, therefore, we must confront both society's denigration of us in these terms and our own self-denigration as people. ─── 因此,为了摆脱我们的不平等地位,我们不仅必须抗衡社会对我们的如此诋毁,而且还必须抗衡我们对自己的人格诋毁。

11、That is an obvious illustration of Self-denigration in Chinese politeness. ─── 明显的表现了中国人在礼貌方面的卑己尊人的特点。

12、Yet, this did not mean denigration or reduction of the importance of civil society participation and viewpoints, it added. ─── 它还说,这并不是要贬低或者缩小民间社会的参与和观点的重要性。

13、Your writing is lovely, funny, but I don't think the denigration of a serious scientist like Collins does a lot of good. ─── 你写得很可爱,也有趣,但我并不认为诋毁像柯林斯这样一位认真的科学家有多好。

14、He thought the Iranians were right to see 300's depiction of the Persians as "an example of cultural denigration" . ─── 他觉得伊朗人肯定把《300勇士》一片中对波斯人的描绘看作“文化毁谤的典型”。

15、The essence of the denigration of women is our definition as sex object. ─── 诋毁妇女的实质就是视我们为性目标。

16、The essence of the denigration of women is our definition as sex object. ─── 诋毁妇女的实质就是视我们为性目标。

17、Company should be fully authorized to run member hotels which are required to be responsible for company's reputation, any denigration not allowed. ─── 公司管理酒店期间,在该酒店经营管理上全权负责。酒店将对管理公司负责,不能有损该公司注册品牌的知名度。

18、Language has been enriched with such terms as "highbrow", "egghead", "blue-stocking", "wiseacre", "know-all", "boffin" and, for many, "intellectual" is a term of denigration. ─── 因为这些词语,比如,“卖弄知识的人”、“书呆子”、“女才子”、“自认聪明的人”、“自以为无所不知的人”,以及“研究员”,语言都变得丰富了起来,而且对大多数人来说,“知识分子”是一个诋毁的词语。

19、That is a denigration of their lifestyle. ─── 这是对他们生活方式的一种诋毁。

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