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09-08 投稿



extravasated 发音


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extravasated 词性/词形变化,extravasated变形

名词: extravasation |动词过去式: extravasated |动词现在分词: extravasating |动词第三人称单数: extravasates |动词过去分词: extravasated |

extravasated 短语词组

1、extravasated blood ─── 淤血恶血

extravasated 相似词语短语

1、extravasate ─── n.渗出液;vi.溢出;vt.使从脉管中溢出

2、extrapolated ─── adj.推测的;v.推测(extrapolate的过去分词)

3、extravagates ─── vi.越轨;漂泊

4、extravasation ─── n.溢出;溢出物;[地质]熔岩外喷

5、extravagate ─── vi.越轨;漂泊

6、extravagated ─── vi.越轨;漂泊

7、extraverted ─── adj.外向的(等于extroverted);v.使思想外倾(extravert的过去式)

8、extravasates ─── n.渗出液;vi.溢出;vt.使从脉管中溢出

9、extravasating ─── n.渗出液;vi.溢出;vt.使从脉管中溢出

extravasated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Why does my privacy place often shed extravasated blood, tell me please, menstrual early past! ─── 我的隐私部位为什么老流淤血呢,请告诉我,月经早过去了!

2、The damaged wings in broilers processing showed as wing broken, extravasated blood, wing worn, wing dislocated. ─── 肉鸡加工中残翅表现为断翅、淤血、磨烂、脱臼。

3、Does lung have extravasated blood? The likelihood is heart function not complete be caused by. ─── 心脏搭桥手术后半年后肺部有淤血事什么原因?

4、Magma extravasated as pressure built under ground. ─── 底下的压力生成时,岩浆喷发。

5、Extravasated blood about the half month just eliminate, that time, I always felling the back of the hand be very cool, total elephant someone grasp. ─── 淤青差不多半个月才消,那段时间,我老是感觉手背凉凉的,总象有人抓着。

6、VTs were often associated with extravasated erythrocytes, hemosiderin, and a surrounding minor LT component. ─── VT通常伴随着红细胞外渗、含铁血黄素和周围小灶LT成分。

7、The method of removing extravasated blood ─── 从瘀论治

8、Keywords faeces trogopterori;flavonoids;rutin;loxinton;actuate blood circulatin and remove extravasated blood; ─── 五灵脂;黄酮;芦丁;络欣通;活血化瘀;

9、According to the anatomy results of the dead sturgeon No. 1, there were bruises in the fish head and extravasated blood inside, which might point to the park's salinating aquarium water for its death. ─── 中华鲟是中国特产的珍稀鱼类,属国家一级保护动物,是研究鱼类和脊椎动物进化的活化石,具有重要的学术研究价值。

10、extravasated blood ─── 恶血

11、There was no serious complication. 1 case occurred periorbital extravasated blood (2.2%). ─── 无严重并发症发生,出现下睑肿胀、轻微眶周淤血1例(2.2%)。

12、A biopsy of the lesions will show extravasated erythrocytes within dermal papillae and dyskeratotic cells within the dermis. ─── 损害皮肤的组织学切片检查显示,在真皮乳头状突起内益处的红细胞和真皮内的dyskeratotic细胞。

13、Old people casts rim of the eye, is there still extravasated blood now a little swollen still how to do? ─── 老年人摔伤眼眶,现在还有淤血还有些肿怎么办?

14、There was no serious complication. 1 case occurred periorbital extravasated blood (2. 2%). ─── 无严重并发症发生,出现下睑肿胀、轻微眶周淤血1例(2.2%)。

15、Once they break out in a certain part of the human body, tumor will take shape from the holdup and swelling of extravasated blood.Tumors are classified into malignant and innocent tumors. ─── 人体内的癌细胞值有十五年至三十年的潜伏期,一但在人体的不同部位发作,人体将形成恶血留滞,瘀血肿胀,形成肿瘤。

16、Why had hand phalange lost occurrence extravasated blood of paragraph of the meeting in time fingernail? ─── 为什么手指骨折了过段时间指甲里会出现淤血?

17、My fingernail was squeezed by door, the surface is violet, there still is a lot of extravasated blood in fingernail, have the idea with good what, can quickly? ─── 我手指甲被车门挤了,表面都紫了,指甲里还有好多淤血,有什么好的办法,能快点好吗?

18、eliminating extravasated blood by catharsis ─── 攻下逐瘀

19、Old people casts rim of the eye, is there still extravasated blood now a little swollen still how to do? ─── 老年人摔伤眼眶,现在还有淤血还有些肿怎么办?

20、MethodsThrombosis in vivo was established by using electrical damaged carotid artery,platelet aggregation was induced by ADP,and Evans blue was extravasated. ─── 方法采用电刺激大鼠颈动脉血栓形成法、ADP诱导血小板聚集法、伊文思蓝浸出法观察脉络灵片的药效作用。结果脉络灵片具有显著的抗大鼠体内血栓形成作用;

21、May remove extravasated blood, the disintoxicating. ─── 可化淤、解毒。

22、Why does my privacy place often shed extravasated blood, tell me please, menstrual early past! ─── 我的隐私部位为什么老流淤血呢,请告诉我,月经早过去了!

23、Is in vivo has the extravasated blood performance. ─── 都是体内有淤血的表现。

24、Exercise of Chinese Shadow-boxing and Improvement of Extravasated Blood ─── 太极拳练习与淤血改善

25、It can promote the dissipation of extravasated blood and improve the recovery function of tissue. ─── 它能促进瘀血消散,增强组织修复功能。

26、Skin allergy, how is the scar that there is extravasated blood eliminated? ─── 皮肤过敏,有淤血的疤痕怎么消除?

27、Result Extravasated blood in the patient/s uterus is found out in time and the patient gets out of danger and leaves hospital after giving an effective rescue operation. ─── 结果:该患者宫内积血被及时发现,给予有效抢救治疗,患者脱离生命危险,康复出院。

28、The promotion ocular region flesh blood circulation, the dissipation stagnates the extravasated blood, blocks causes the chronic dark pouches symptom the biggest reason; ─── 促进眼部肌肤血液循环,消散停滞的淤血,阻断导致慢性黑眼圈症状的最大原因;

29、Deflates too slowly causes forearm extravasated blood, creates the diastolic pressure reading to advance. ─── 放气太慢则使前臂淤血,造成舒张压读数增高。

30、CT scanning is a good modality for detecting gallbladder rupture and for demonstrating the routes of extravasated fluid from a gallbladder rupture. ─── 因此电脑断层摄影是一项术前诊断胆囊破裂及评估破裂走向的利器。

31、extravasated diarrhea ─── 积瘀泄

32、This want very careful, not be everybody has extravasated blood, change Yu exaggerate, can injure the body, create period for instance the quantity is overmuch. ─── 这一点要很小心,不是每个人都有淤血,化瘀过甚,就会损伤身体,比如造成月经量过多。

33、Magma extravasated as pressure built under ground. ─── 当地底下的压力生成时,岩浆喷发。

34、Coronary disease, cerebral hemorrhage and so on, all concern with the extravasated blood. ─── 冠心病、脑出血等,皆与淤血有关。

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