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09-08 投稿


clergymen 发音

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clergymen 中文意思翻译




clergymen 短语词组

1、clergymen def ─── 神职人员定义

2、clergymen letter to mlk pdf ─── 牧师致mlk的信pdf

3、clergymen define ─── 牧师定义

4、clergymen letter ─── 牧师信

5、clergymen syn ─── 神职人员

6、clergymen meaning ─── 牧师的意思

7、clergymen john newton ─── 牧师约翰·牛顿

clergymen 同义词

ecclesiastic |priest | reverend | shepherd | cleric | clergywoman | minister | man of the cloth | clerk

clergymen 词性/词形变化,clergymen变形


clergymen 反义词


clergymen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a stiff broad-rimmed hat with the brim turned up at the sides and projecting in front; worn by some clergymen in England. ─── 边很宽的一种帽子,帽边儿从边上卷起,前面突起;英国的一些牧师戴这种帽子。

2、The clergymen of the Christian Church were often rabbled in the civil war. ─── 内战期间基督教教士常常受到袭击。

3、Studies into the Clergymen in the Folk Religion of the Tus ─── 土族民间信仰中的神职人员探析

4、The crowds included American tourists, clergymen and Palestinian scouts. ─── 这其中,有美国的旅行者,神职人员和巴勒斯坦的侦察员。

5、The corralling of monks was a serious blow.They carry high moral authority in this predominantly Buddhist nation of 54 million people and the protests had mushroomed when the clergymen joined in. ─── 对僧侣的控制是一个沉重的打击,在这个拥有五千四百万人口,以佛教为主要宗教信仰的国家,僧侣的参与给运动带来了崇高的道德威望,参加人数急剧上升。

6、The Boston Globe in Massachusetts won the public-service award for its reports about sexual abuse by local Roman Catholic clergymen. ─── 马萨诸塞州的《波士顿环球报》因揭露地方天主教神职人员奸污和猥亵儿童的丑行而获得公共服务贡献奖。

7、black academic gown widely used by Protestant clergymen. ─── 被新教牧师广泛穿着的一种黑色学袍。

8、A Developmental History of the System of Clergymen With the US Ground Force ─── 美国陆军随军牧师制度发展简史

9、Every pharaoh raced to show his respect to the supreme gods and also earn the appreciation of the clergymen. ─── 进入大门后是一个大院,旁边是两座小神庙 (Temple of Seti II, Temple of Ramesses III),还有两排废置的狮身公羊头石像。

10、Practical Atheists.Plenty of clergymen, nonetheless, have qualms about the quality and character of contemporary belief. ─── 尽管如此,还是有很多神职人员对现代的信仰的实质和特点表示怀疑。

11、The Society of Combatant Clergymen in Tehran ─── 德黑兰战斗的宗教人士协会

12、In the seventeenth century England had known fifty years of doctrinal quarrels and civil war,clergymen had been turned from their cures,and churches irreverently used. ─── 在十七世纪,英国人知道了五十年来的学说争论和内战,牧师偏离了他们的职责,对教堂胡乱使用。

13、Syn, however, did not forget his roots, naming his flagship after a word used by the Sacred Way's clergymen when addressing laypeople. ─── 但西恩并没有忘记自己最初的信仰,他根据神圣之道的神职人员称呼普通信徒的词语命名自己的旗舰。

14、It w now a twelvemonth since the funeral procession of the venerable clergymen, its last inhabitant, had turned from that gateway towards the village burying-ground. ─── 旧宅的故主是位德高望重的牧师,现已不在人世,一年前,他的灵柩从园门里迁出,移向村中的公墓,也有不少人执绋随行。

15、During the May 4th Movement, patriotic clergymen, believers and students of missionary schools in Tianjin, Shanghai and other cities called for changes to the colonial structure of the Chinese Catholic Church. ─── 在五四运动中,津、沪等地的爱国神父、教徒和教会学校学生提出了改变中国天主教会殖民地体制的要求。

16、The staff was to include sociologists , lawyers, police officers, clergymen and probation officers. ─── 他们的人员将包括社会学家、律师、警察、牧师和实习人员。

17、The convocation of clergymen passed a resolution condemning war. ─── 教士们的集会中,通过了一项受人谴责的战争决议。

18、The staff was to include sociologists, lawyers, police officers, clergymen and probation officers. ─── 他们的人员将包括社会学家、律师、警察、牧师和实习人员。

19、Under these circumstances Chinese clergymen and the vast majority of their followers had no rights ─── 中国籍神职、教牧人员和广大教徒处于无权地位。

20、In Seventeen-Seventy-Six, two Spanish clergymen were seeking a way to travel from Santa Fe, in what is now New Mexico, to Monterey, California on the west coast of North America. ─── 1767年,两位西班牙牧师,试图在北美西海岸现在被叫作新墨西哥,Monterey 和加利福尼亚的地方,找到一条经由Santa Fe旅行的通道。

21、They are supported by a further six states, two power companies, a ski resort, and assorted clergymen, Indian tribes and others. ─── 他们背后还有六个州、两个能源公司、一个滑雪度假胜地以及各类神职人员、印地安部落以及其他机构支持。

22、More liberal Protestant and Jewish clergymen joined non-believers in maintaining that abortion is a basic right for women. ─── 自由清教徒和犹太教牧师加入到信仰者之列,坚持认为流产是妇女的一项基本权利。

23、4.Thousands of Christian pilgrims from around the world gathered in Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas.The crowds included American tourists, clergymen and Palestinian scouts. ─── 来自世界各地的数千名基督朝圣者齐聚在伯利恒庆祝圣诞节,其中包括美国游客、圣职人员和巴勒斯坦的侦察兵。

24、Maria and Elizabeth, the two oldest girls, were sent to the Cowan Bridge school for the daughters of poor clergymen. ─── 玛丽亚和伊丽莎白这两个最大的女孩儿被送到柯文布瑞芝这所专为贫穷牧师的女儿们开立的学校。

25、Missions: Missions are a way of spreading your country's religion to the people of the region you are colonizing. They act like Clergymen, reducing native agitation to your presence. ─── 传教团:他们将你的国家的宗教传播到这块殖民地区。他们像教士一样降低当地土著对你的存在的反感。

26、Besides, he shifted the trial of clergymen charged with criminal offenses from the Bishop's court to the King's court. ─── 他坚持被控犯有刑事罪的神职人员应由国王法庭审判,而不由主教法庭审判。

27、clergymen had been turned from their cures, and churches irreverently used. ─── 牧师偏离了他们的职责,对教堂胡乱使用。

28、POPs come in ten flavors: Officers, Aristocrats, Capitalists, Clergymen, Clerks, Craftsmen, Farmers, Laborers, Soldiers, and Slaves. ─── 人群分为十种类型:军官、贵族、资本家、传教士、职员、工人、农民、壮工、士兵和奴隶。

29、Holding professional qualifications, including academics, lawyers, engineers, doctors, and clergymen regardless of their leisure or wealth. ─── 控股的专业资格,其中包括学者,律师,工程师,医生,以及神职人员,不论其休闲或财富。

30、But Lee Eok-Joo of the Korean Association of Church Communication told the paper that churches bring much benefit to society and many of the clergymen earn too little to pay taxes. ─── 但南韩宗教传拨协会的李应成(音译)却表示,南韩教会对社会福利贡献良多,而且很多神职人员的收入极少,无法负担赋税。

31、It is, on the contrary, evident that the greater number of missionaries or clergymen a nation maintains, the less it has to expend on other things; ─── 显而易见,一个国家供养的传教士或牧师愈多,它能花在其他方面的钱就愈少;

32、The amount of spending also determines how many research points you earn.Spending minimally on education yields few points, regardless of the number of Clerks or Clergymen you have. ─── 不管你有多少职员和传教士,在教育领域实行最低限度的投入几乎不会产生研发点数。

33、Africa's Anglican clergymen get little education in sexuality. ─── 非洲的神职人员没有接受什么性教育。

34、Until now, if a person asked family elders, clergymen or the Ministry of Community Development to help get financial support from his children, the most they could do was to mediate. ─── 到目前为止,如果有人向家里的长辈、牧师或社区发展部请求帮助,让他从孩子那里获得经济支持,他们最多只能进行调解。

35、2.From every pulpit, clergymen fulminate against sin. ─── 牧师们在各教学严辞谴责罪行。

36、5. in the seventeenth century England had known fifty years of doctrinal quarrels and civil war; clergymen had been turned from their cures, and churches irreverently used. ─── 在十七世纪,英国人知道了五十年来的学说争论和内战;牧师偏离了他们的职责,对教堂胡乱使用。收藏指正

37、His father was a Presbyterian minister who had descended from a long line of clergymen, educators, and medical practitioners. ─── 他的父亲是一位长老会牧师,他曾经是牧师,教育家和医疗从业者。

38、TAPESTRIES_DESC;Tapestries became an important vehicle to keep the warmth within stone buildings.Mostly these were used by nobles and clergymen as simple people couldn't afford them. ─── 壁毯成为石质建筑里保暖的重要手段,当然主要是贵族和神职人员才用,因为普通人根本买不起。

39、They were architects,artists,workers,farmers,aristocrats, clergymen and common people. ─── 在从前,人们把作品奉献给神,自己却默默无闻。

40、He was surrounded by a fairly well educated extended family, including quite a few clergymen and some eccentrics as well. ─── 他出生在一个相当广泛教育过的家族,这个家族里包含教士以及一些古怪的人。

41、That means using the bully clergymen to show how a more volatile climate affects everything from agriculture to transportation to 21st-century warfare. ─── 这就意味着要利用那些恃强凌弱的牧师们来展示更不稳定的气候是如何影响从农业到交通,再到21世纪战争的方方面面。

42、a stiff broad-rimmed hat with the brim turned up at the sides and projecting in front; worn by some clergymen in England ─── 边很宽的一种帽子,帽边儿从边上卷起,前面突起;英国的一些牧师戴这种帽子

43、There were no clergymen at the funeral. ─── 葬礼上没有牧师。

44、23.At the head of the social system, as the clergymen of that day stood, he was only the more trammelled by its regulations, its principles, and even its prejudices. ─── 当年,牧师们是身居社会首位的,因此他只能更受戒律、原则甚至偏见的束缚。

45、He was surrounded by a fairly well educated extended family, including quite a few clergymen and some eccentrics as well. ─── 他出生在一个相当广泛教育过的家族,这个家族里包含教士以及一些古怪的人。

46、For reasons which a recent biography of him does not clarify, he had a particular hatred for clergymen of all denominations, and frequently exaggerated or invented discreditable news items about them. ─── 不知何故(最近有关普氏的传记并未澄清)他尤其痛恨各个教派的教士们,经常将一些诋毁他们的新闻段子加以渲染,或是编造出一些这样的段子。

47、The declaration was welcomed by the leading Catholic clergymen and other converts in all parts of China. ─── 这一宣言得到全国天主教神长教友的响应。

48、Islamic bodies in prefectures and prefectural-level cities have opened Islamic classes to train clergymen in accordance with actual needs. ─── 各地、州、市伊斯兰教团体根据实际需要,开设了伊斯兰教经文班,培养宗教教职人员。

49、clergymen collectively (as distinguished from the laity). ─── 全体神职人员(区别于俗人)。

50、Clergymen also add to your research points until the discovery of Darwinism makes the obsolete. ─── 传教士也可与对你的研发点数做出贡献直到达尔文进化论的发表使他们显得陈腐。

51、Clergymen paused in the streets, to address words of exhortation, that brought a crowd, with its mingled grin and frown, around the poor, sinful woman. ─── 牧师会在街心停住脚步,对她规劝一番,还会招来一群人围住这可怜的有罪的女人,对她又是嘻笑,又是皱额。

52、Clergymen: These are the religious figures in your country. ─── 传教士:它们是你的国家的宗教人员。

53、Clergymen enter the Saviour Cathedral at the start of the Russian Orthodox Church National Council in Moscow. ─── 俄罗斯,莫斯科:俄罗斯东正教教会全国理事会开始后,神职人员依次进入救世主大教堂.

54、Yet more liberal Protestant and Jewish clergymen joined non-believers in maintaining that abortion is a basic right in a pluralistic, or religiously varied, society. ─── 自由清教徒和犹太教牧师加入到信仰者之列,坚持认为流产是妇女的一项基本权利。

55、Yeah. And do you get the correspondence like that from kids and teachers and clergymen and stuff? -Going on to the next question. ─── 是。你收到孩子们、教师和牧师等等的类似来信吗?-下一个问题。

56、Clergymen usually served as Presidents and the curriculum blended Biblical and classical studies, with a heavy emphasis upon moral teaching. ─── 神职人员经常出任校长,学校课程融合了圣经和传统学科(如拉丁文、希腊文等),特别强调道德的教导。

57、Officers, Clergymen, and Clerks are considered “Middle Class”; ─── 军官、传教士和职员属于中产阶级;

58、Chief, when we deal with clergymen, we're not dealing with the normal run of men. ─── 局长,我们在和神父打交道时,我们不是和正常人打交道。

59、1.There are marching bands, children dressed as Santa Claus and clergymen in magenta skullcaps gathered in the center of Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas Eve. ─── 游行队伍中,孩子们装扮成圣诞老人的样子与头戴紫红色无边便帽的牧师齐聚在伯利恒中心来庆祝圣诞前夜。

60、The policy was condemned (ie by clergymen) from the pulpit. ─── 该项政策受到神职人员的谴责。

61、The fathers were scientists, college professors, artists, clergymen, business executives, psychologists, psychiatrists. ─── 这些父亲中有科学家,大学教授,画家,牧师,生意场上的主管,心理学家,精神病学家。

62、Most active clergymen have their hobby. ─── 大多数活跃的教士都有自己的嗜好。

63、Although clergymen agree that the postwar religious revival is over, a big majority of believers continue to display their faith by joining churches. ─── 虽然神职人员同意战后的宗教复苏已经结束,但是还有大量的信徒继续加入教会,以示他们的信仰。

64、There were Earls in stars and garters, clergymen in cassocks and bands, pert Templars, sheepish lads from the Universities, translators and index makers in ragged coats of frieze. ─── 有一派推崇贝洛特和近代作家,另一派服膺波瓦罗和古代经典。

65、Both served as clergymen, Crode in the French novelist Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris and Dimmesdale in the American writer Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter ,are mainly different even through they have something in common. ─── 法国作家雨果的《巴黎圣母院》中的克洛德和美国作家霍桑的《红字》中的丁梅斯代尔同为神职人员,两人的形象有相似之处,但他们毕竟是两个不同的人。

66、Whether the witch had read the minister's thoughts or no, she came to a full stop, looked shrewdly into his face, smiled craftily, and -- though little given to converse with clergymen -- began a conversation. ─── 不管那妖婆是否看出了牧师的想法,反正她一下子停住了脚步,机灵地盯着他的面孔,狡诘地微笑着,并且开始同她从不打交道的牧师攀谈了起来。

67、"Clergymen paused in the street to address words of exhortation, that brought a crowd, with its mingled grin and frown, around the poor, sinful woman." ─── 牧师会在街心停住脚步,对她规劝一番,还会招来一群人围任这可怜的有罪的女人,对她又是嘻笑,又是蹙额。

68、in the seventeenth century England had known fifty years of doctrinal quarrels and civil war; clergymen had been turned from their cures, and churches irreverently used. ─── 在十七世纪,英国人知道了五十年来的学说争论和内战;牧师偏离了他们的职责,对教堂胡乱使用。

69、High Council of Religious Scholars and Clergymen ─── 宗教学者和教士高级理事会

70、CLERICAL_ CELIBACY_ DESC; Clerical celibacy was introduced to check the growing habit of bishops and clergymen allowing their church land to be inherited by their children. ─── 教士独身制度的引入阻止了主教和神职人员把教会土地继承给自己的孩子这一习俗的蔓延。

71、Under these circumstances Chinese clergymen and the vast majority of their followers had no rights. ─── 在这种背景下,中国籍神职、教牧人员和广大教徒处于无权地位。

72、Clergymen often took the Christian message of God's love and the hope of eternal life to the Negroes. ─── 神职人员经常将神的爱和永生盼望的基督教信息传讲给黑奴。

73、And when he was carried to his grave two years later, his casket was accompanied by all the clergymen of the city, every one of them, of every faith. ─── 两年后,他入土为安。城市里所有的牧师,所有的,所有的不同信仰的神职人员都加入了送葬的队伍。

74、On top of the obvious benefits of allowing more people to attend mass, a Church will attract enough prospective clergymen to be able to afford to spare one as a missionary. ─── 礼拜堂除为更多城邑居民提供弥撒场所外,更吸引诸多牧师前来共同播洒天主荣光。

75、The crowds included American tourists,clergymen and Palestinian scouts. ─── 其中包括美国游客,牧师以及巴勒斯坦的侦察人员。

76、A Brief Developmental History of the System of Clergymen with the US Land Force (Continuation) ─── 美国陆军随军牧师制度发展简史(续一)

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