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09-08 投稿



glutting 发音

英:[?ɡl?t??]  美:[?ɡl?t??]

英:  美:

glutting 中文意思翻译



glutting 词性/词形变化,glutting变形

动词现在分词: glutting |动词过去分词: glutted |动词过去式: glutted |动词第三人称单数: gluts |

glutting 相似词语短语

1、-putting ─── n.投掷;(高尔夫球)打球入洞;v.轻击球,使球入洞的轻击(putt的现在分词形式);v.放置;安置,使……前往;(沿某个方向)行驶;写上,印上;说,表达;流向;使处于某状态;把……施加给;把……寄托在;把……用在;指定……价值;估计……为;投入(资金);提出(问题);解释(put的现在分词形式)

2、-lotting ─── n.堆装费;安打标签;v.抽签;抽签做决定(lot的ing形式)

3、gutting ─── n.去内脏;v.取出内脏(gut的ing形式)

4、englutting ─── vt.咽下,吞下(englut的变形)

5、-letting ─── n.(房屋等的)出租期限;(房地产的)出租;已租出或待租房产;v.让;准许;允许(去某处);(计算时说)假设;出租(房屋等)(let的现在分词)

6、Nutting ─── n.采拾坚果;上螺母;v.采坚果(nut的ing形式)

7、gluttingly ─── 贪吃的

8、-gutting ─── n.去内脏;v.取出内脏(gut的ing形式)

9、-cutting ─── n.剪报;插枝,插条;狭窄通道,路堑;切割,切断;割下的东西;adj.尖酸刻薄的;严寒的,刺骨的;锋利的;v.切割;凿成;剪短;把……切碎;划破(cut的现在分词);n.(Cutting)(美、澳、印)卡廷(人名)

glutting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Box office should improve when the current glut of low-grossing one-person shows is replaced with lots of big tuners this spring. ─── 如果当前充斥百老汇舞台的利润微薄的单人表演如果能被今年春天的许多大牌歌唱家所取代,票房应该会有起色。

2、In order to arrest price declines, OPEC needs to step up its efforts to cut production, thereby exacerbating capacity glut. ─── 为控制油价下降,OPEC需要进一步减产,这将导致剩余生产能力进一步增加。

3、But many in the steel business hope this growth in China will slow down, reducing the possibility that excessive production will lead to a glut and drive down prices. ─── 但许多钢铁业内人士希望,中国的这种快速增长能够放缓,以降低因产量过多而导致供应过剩、格下跌的可能性。

4、Already, some expect both the flat-panel and semiconductor markets to be hit by a supply glut that will drive prices back down. ─── 一些人已经预计,液晶面板和半导体市场都将受到供应过剩的打击,这将推动价格下行。

5、Germany's saving glut allowed others to spend freely and to run up large debts. ─── 德国的高储蓄使得其他国家可以自由花钱、欠下巨额债务。

6、market glut ─── 商品稀奶油

7、An unsatisfying implication of the literature on the saving glut is that it paints America as a tragic victim of forces beyond its control (though some of the authors insist this is not their belief). ─── 在这项有关储蓄过剩的理论中,有一个恼人的寓意:它将美国描绘成一名不能控制那些施加在其身上的力量的牺牲者(虽然有研究人士坚称这不是他们的见解)。

8、Millions of home foreclosures combined with a continuing credit squeeze and a deteriorating economy have led to a glut of unsold houses on the market. ─── 数百万幢住房被银行收回、信贷继续紧缩再加上恶化的经济状况导致市场上充斥着大量的未售出房屋。

9、A stress field model of glut single side subjected pressure for rolling repairing damaged casing well ─── 套损井碾压修复时的尖楔单边应力场模型

10、Even the surrender of half of Europe failed to glut Hitler's ambition. ─── 即使是半个欧洲的投降也不能满足希特勒的野心。

11、glut weld ─── v 形焊缝

12、Natural gas is getting the snot beat out of it as the glut of the stuff in supply continues to weigh down the market. ─── 天然气是让青鼻涕击败了它作为过剩的东西在供应继续压制市场。

13、That there was a link between the savings glut and the financial fragility was evident. ─── 储蓄过剩和金融脆弱性之间存在联系,这点相当明显。

14、The good news is that, in most developed markets, the boom did not result in a glut of new building. ─── 利好消息是,在大部分发达国家市场中,地产价格的攀升并未导致新房的供过于求。

15、general glut ─── 全面生产过剩

16、to glut on meat ─── 吃很多肉

17、Despite signs that the economy is picking up, a glut in manufacturing capacity will slow recovery. ─── 尽管经济起色有所迹象,但是生产能力上的过剩将会减缓经济的复苏。

18、The global imbalances, dominantly featured by the large external deficit of the United States, are inextricably linked to a global business investment anemia, rather than a global saving glut. ─── 以美国的巨额对外收支赤字为主要特征,世界贸易不平衡不是由于世界储蓄过度;相反,世界范围内商业投资的贫乏与此难逃干系。

19、"No! Yum, gorge, glut." ─── 不行,嚼嚼!你这讨厌鬼

20、a glut of cheap videos on the market ─── 市场上供过于求的廉价录像带

21、The Rockets will head to Austin and the weeks of the preseason needing to sort out their backcourt glut, apply a new system to the old stars and make some very tough cuts. ─── 开赛前在奥斯汀的几周,火箭将挑选他们的后场人员,让明星们适应一种新体系,尽管很难,也必须裁掉几人。

22、Twenty years ago, after OPEC's members failed to agree on a price mechanism, the Saudi oil minister of the day, Sheikh Yamani, predicted a glut ─── 二十年前,当敬佩克成员国没能就价格机制达成一致意见时,当时的沙特石油部长亚马尼酋长预言了石油的产量过剩。

23、glut the market ─── 使市场存货过剩把产品大量抛到市场使产生滞销现象

24、It is too plentiful for small economies to spend, and has therefore added to the glut of global saving that is in part responsible for the financial excesses of recent years. ─── 对于小规模经济体来说,这些钱多的花不清,结果加剧了全球储蓄的供过于求,这种供过于求要为近年来过高的金融流动性负部分责任。

25、stress glut ─── 应力过量

26、Children at any party will glut themselves with cake and ice cream, and not touch healthier foods. ─── 孩子们在任何聚会上都会撑饱糕饼和冰淇淋,而不沾有营养的食物。

27、The boy glut themselves with cake. ─── 孩子们吃蛋糕过了量。

28、Meanwhile, a supply glut of panels has pushed down prices, hurting many European manufacturers and leading to allegations that Chinese makers are dumping panels or selling them below production costs. ─── 与此同时,太阳能板的供应过剩压低了价格,给很多欧洲厂商带来了冲击,导致他们投诉中国厂商以低于生产成本的价格在倾销太阳能板。

29、Any hint of an oil glut sent the pound down and the yen up, while bad news from anywhere tended to strengthen the dollar as the world's money haven. ─── 任何石油滞销的风声都会使英镑下跌而使日元上涨,同时任何地方传来的坏消息,都会使作为世界各国货币避风港的美元更趋坚挺。

30、The glut of coffee led to a sharp drop in prices. ─── 咖啡供过于求道致价格急剧下跌。

31、Additive effects of insulin stimulation and ischemia on myocardial GLUT translocation and glucose uptake in canine ─── 在体心肌缺血与胰岛素对犬心肌细胞GLUT移位和葡萄糖摄取的相加作用

32、Tarquin might have thought that the ***yl had just one rival buyer, and if each buyer wanted only one trilogy, that would be a supply glut. ─── 塔尔坎可能会认为,这个女预言家只有一位竞争性买家,如果每位买家都只想要3本书的话,这将形成供过于求的局面。

33、Der Engel wirft die Schwingen in die Glut ─── 天使掷双翼于烈焰之中

34、But monetary and credit-policy easing may be ineffective: It will be like pushing on a string, as the overinvestment of the last few years has led to a glut of capital goods. ─── 在中国近几年过度投资已经导致大量生产资料积压的情况下,这有点象是在强迫人家花钱。

35、The sudden glut in the IT market is also bound to drive down the salaries fo many returning professionals. ─── IT市场的不景气也必然使许多回国的专业人士的工资待遇降低。

36、If there's a glut, you're impoverished for the year, especially if you rely on only one or two commodities. ─── 假如出现供过于求,你就得整年陷入穷困,特别是如果你只靠一两种商品的话。

37、a glut in [on] the market ─── 市场的存货过剩

38、"So now that we are in this market where there are a glut of relatively low-budget games that are filling up the marketplace, the market may be ready for a more serious, more refined experience. ─── 所以现在的市场充斥着低预算,低成本的游戏,占据了一些市场地位,现在的市场需要更多的认真的,精制的游戏。

39、The result, said Mr. Bernanke, was a “global saving glut”: lots of money, all dressed up with nowhere to go. ─── 伯南克说,这样做的结果是“全球储蓄过剩”:许多钱穿好了衣服,但是没地方可去。

40、As the production of rice decreases the glut of rice on the market diminishes and the price begins to rise. ─── 因为稻米生产减少,市场上稻米过剩程度将逐渐降低,价格开始上扬。

41、a glut of goods ─── 商品过剩

42、glut oneself with food ─── 吃得过饱

43、No! Yum, gorge, glut. ─── 不行,嚼嚼!你这讨厌鬼。

44、Many people feel that the glut of mandates has led to a sense of professional indigestion. ─── 人觉得授权过多已经引起职业的消化不良感。

45、But brokers say there now may be a glut of office space as Hong Kong's financial sector downsizes. ─── 但经纪公司称,由于香港金融业规模的缩小,香港的写字楼可能供大于求。

46、glut oneself with rich food, on cream buns ─── 大吃油腻食物、 奶油面包

47、What's more, the glut of prohibitions is tantamount to treating the driver like a child and it also foments resentment. ─── 更有甚者,过量的规定就等于将司机象孩子一样对待,并且招来怨恨。

48、Sales of previously owned homes in America rose by 7.2% in July compared with June, the biggest jump since 1999, as buyers took advantage of cheaper prices and a glut of foreclosed properties. ─── 7月的二手房销售较6月增长了7.2%,这是自1999年来最大的增幅。购房者在价格上和大量的被取消赎回权的不同产上占足了便宜。

49、A glut of unsold homes will also push down prices, particularly in areas such as California and Florida, which had a disproportionate share of riskier loans. ─── 未售房屋的供给过剩也将使房价降低,特别在像加利福尼亚和佛罗里达这样更高风险贷款高得不成比例的地方。

50、With oil prices rising towards $80 a barrel, importers in Europe and Asia soon are going to be forced to pay more for their gas in spite of a looming glut. ─── 尽管天然气将出现供过于求局面,但随着油价靠近每桶80美元水平,欧洲和亚洲的进口商不久将被迫支付更高的天然气价格。

51、But, the import surge by China is not due to any strong rise in market use, so domestic soybean stocks are accumulating.This glut of government reserve stocks will overshadow the domestic market. ─── 但是,进口激增的中国不是因为任何市场的强劲增长在使用,政府的收储掩盖住了国内库存的增长。

52、Research on Liquidity Glut of Chinese Commercial Banks ─── 我国商业银行流动性过剩问题研究

53、The glut of how-to books in our bookstores today is evidence that publishers are pandering to our practicality as well. ─── 市场上多如牛毛的指南类书籍也证明出版商在迎合着我们方便和实用的要求。

54、The glut of movie screens has also prompted the big chains to shutter their own historic theaters. ─── 影院供过于求还导致大型连锁影院关闭自己的老影院。

55、Will China's enormous boost in chip production glut the world market? ─── 中国在芯片产量上的大幅提升会使世界市场供大于求吗?

56、Increased urban pollution levels and the mounting death toll from motor vehicles accidents can mainly be attributed to the glut of automobiles appearing on city roads in recent years . ─── 城市人口的增长和车祸中死亡率的增加主要是由于近年内充斥城市道路的汽车。

57、He realized that a huge mass of men was a glut on the countryside, and so he broke his army into smaller units that foraged on their own as they moved. ─── 他认识到一大群人对国内来讲是一种过度的供给负担,所以,他把他的军队分成若干小单元,让他们在运动中自己取得食物。

58、Predictions of a glut in natural gas (which generates around 40% of Britain's electricity) should worry atom-splitters. ─── 天然气(占英国发电量的40%)过剩的预测应该引起核电厂的关切。

59、Price-cutting at many hotels suggests there may be a glut of rooms. ─── 一些旅馆的削价做法表明它们也许还有大量的空房间。

60、Still, much of the global saving glut did end up in America. Why? ─── 尽管如此,全球许多过度储蓄资金还是流入美国。何以故?

61、Yum, gorge, glut. ─── 嚼嚼!你这讨厌鬼。

62、The world oil glut combined with disastrous federal energy policies to scupper Alberta's economy(Christian Science Monitor) ─── 世界石油过剩再加上具有破坏性的联合能源政策使阿尔伯达的经济遭受破坏(基督教科学箴言报)

63、data glut ─── 数据过剩

64、"The world oil glut combined with disastrous federal energy policies to scupper Alberta's economy" (Christian Science Monitor) ─── “世界石油过剩再加上具有破坏性的联合能源政策使阿尔伯达的经济遭受破坏”(基督教科学箴言报)

65、But a glut of homes in Cape Coral-Fort Myers, Fla., pushed the median down 59% from a year earlier to $87,300 -- ranking it just below Gary, Ind. ─── 但佛罗里达州珊瑚角-迈尔斯堡地区的大量房屋令房价中值较上年同期暴跌59%,至87,300美元,房价排在印第安那州的加里之后。

66、The House of Representatives last week passed a series of legal-reform bills intended to discourage frivolous lawsuits,of which there is alleged to be a glut. ─── 上星期众议院通过了一系列司法改革法案,以遏止人们打一些无关紧要的官司,据说人们打官司已到了泛滥的地步。

67、The world faces a glut of natural gas that will force the US to scrap plans for new import terminals and mothball much of its existing capacity, the International Energy Agency says. ─── 国际能源机构表示,全球面临天气然过剩,这将迫使美国放弃新建液化气接收站的计划,同时,还会封存许多现有的接收产量。

68、Global recession and fuel-saving in reaction to high-cost oil mitigated world petroleum demand and later creates a glut. ─── 但是由于担心供应可能中断,日本买主带领了新一轮的石油库存抢购风潮。

69、Study on Low Surface Roughness Grinding of Silicon Nitride Ceramic Glutting ─── 氮化硅陶瓷镶块低粗糙度磨削的研究

70、China's graduate glut set to worsen ─── 中国大学毕业生过剩情况恶化

71、But the fact remains that without the global saving glut, we couldn't have had a housing bubble or the resulting housing collapse. ─── 但事实是没有全球存款过剩,我们根本就不会有房产泡沫也不会有房产下跌。

72、Add the likelihood of some 1m more repossessions as adjustable-rate mortgages are reset, and you have the makings of a housing glut. ─── 加上可能一百多万房产的收回都是因为可调利率贷款被重设利率,我们称其住房供给过剩一点都不为过。

73、A well-fed glut of baby boomers put strain on the containing walls of colleges and universities. ─── 大批的衣食无忧的婴儿潮给大学带来了很大的压力。

74、If you want to know where the global crisis came from, then, think of it this way: we're looking at the revenge of the glut. ─── 如想知道这场全球危机从何而来,不妨这麽想:我们已开始看到供应过度的反噬。

75、But Hollywood executives fear the glut created by the recent spate of overproduction is going to be felt for at least a couple more years. ─── 不过,好莱坞高层人士担心,最近几年电影多产带来的供应过剩问题在未来几年内还将继续存在。

76、Despite this growing glut, however, the price of oil has been rising steadily in recent weeks (see chart 2). ─── 尽管供给过剩,但近几周油价却稳步上升(见表2)。

77、The displays by Emanuel Ungaro and Shawn Collins were a welcome alternative to the glut of suits seen on the catwalks this season. ─── 和本季伸展台上众多正式服饰相较,艾曼纽.恩加洛和尚恩.柯林斯展出的服装成了受欢迎的选择。

78、United had a glut of goalscoring opportunities, but Sir Alex felt sometimes there was a tendency to over elaborate. ─── 曼联有足够的进球机会,但是弗格森爵士觉得现在有过度乐观的倾向。

79、During three years at Stamford Bridge, Mourinho has secured a glut of trophies for the club, including two Premier League titles. ─── 在的三年里,穆里尼奥为球队赢得了大量的奖杯,其中包括两个英超联赛冠军。

80、Much of what's gumming up Wall Street is a glut of impaired assets that investors no longer want. ─── 将华尔街搅得一团糟的大部分都是投资者不想再染指的受损资产。

81、Und folgen werde ich bis in die Glut ─── 我追随着它,直至坠入炽热的火焰

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