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impassable 发音

英:[?m?p?s?b(?)l]  美:[?m?pɑ?s?b(?)l]

英:  美:

impassable 中文意思翻译



impassable 网络释义

adj. 不能通行的(名词impassability,副词impassably);无路可通的

impassable 同义词

impenetrable | closed | blocked |inaccessible | treacherous | unapproachable | obstructed | unpassable

impassable 短语词组

1、impassable def ─── 不可逾越的定义

2、impassable roads ─── 无法通行的道路

3、impassable stricture ─── [医]不(可)通性狭窄

4、impassable in a sentence ─── 一句话不通

5、impassable gi ─── 胃肠道不通

6、impassable is nothing ─── 无法通行没什么

7、impassable lake ─── 不可逾越的湖

8、impassable pass ─── 无法通行

impassable 词性/词形变化,impassable变形

名词: impassability |副词: impassably |

impassable 反义词


impassable 相似词语短语

1、amassable ─── 可测量的

2、impassible ─── adj.不觉痛苦的;不能伤害的

3、impassibly ─── 不可理喻地

4、impacable ─── 开箱

5、impalpable ─── adj.感触不到的;难理解的;无形的

6、impassably ─── adv.无法通行地,不能通行地

7、compassable ─── adj.可围绕的;可达成的;可完成的

8、impairable ─── 坚不可摧的

9、impartable ─── 公正的

impassable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The stairs to the temple became impassable; ─── 寺庙的台阶也无法通行;

2、impassable road ─── 无法通行的道路

3、But with roads to the airportin the capital of Port-au-Prince impassable, the challenge would be toget the donations, and the people who could help distribute them, wherethey were needed. ─── 但是在海地首都太子港,通往机场的道路已经被破坏,现在最大的困难是如何把物资送到海地,以及如何把物资发给受灾的当地居民。

4、While exploring her new home Coraline one day discovers a bricked up door in the living room, which though impassable during the day at night revels a mysterious and dimly lit tunnel. ─── 某天卡洛琳正在新家四处探寻,在客厅她发现一扇被封死的门。

5、Thedevelopment and construction which strengthen the city community are impassable problem in carrying on industrialization, urbanization, modernization construction of any country. ─── 加强城市社区的发展与建设是任何国家在进行工业化、城市化、现代化建设中不可逾越的问题。

6、The nightly freezes, the daily thaws, the attempt to use them for heavy traffic, combined to make them impassable. ─── 夜晚结冰,白天解冻,以及进行重型运输企图,合在一起使道路不堪使用。

7、When placing unit-producing structures, players will now see these structures'default rally point, which should help guide base-building decisions near impassable terrain. ─── 放置建筑时会出现此建筑默认的集结点,以便更快捷的帮你建造。

8、impassable roads ─── 不通行的道路

9、The snow-covered landscape being almost impassable, state officials decided to get the serum through by a relay of dogsled teams. ─── 由于处处积雪难行,州政府决定用拖雪橇狗队接力把血清送去。

10、He was impassable before victory, before danger, before defeat. ─── 他面对胜利、危险、失败均能处之泰然。

11、impassable stricture ─── 不(可)通性狭窄

12、Change do comfortable the butterfly that has dance, had flown gently the river of impassable of wool caterpillar times. ─── 化做一只安闲起舞的蝴蝶,轻轻飞过毛毛虫时代不可逾越的河流。

13、Much of the northeast was impassable, and by late Saturday rescuers had not arrived in the worst-hit areas. ─── 东北地区多处仍无法通行,在受灾最严重的地区截止到周六晚还无救援人员到达。

14、Who's telling me the destination just means a hope? Where's the man who made the impassable borderline With his fearless hand in his thought? ─── 是谁对我说,终点就是企望?那用大胆的手在思想中划出不可逾越的界线的人,又在何方?

15、The driver couldn't see either. Besides. the roads are nearly impassable. ─── 刚才司机也看不清楚.而且这些路简直无法通行.

16、The development of digital film of China still has the impassable gap with the advanced standard of the world, thus filmmakers must accomplish the revolution of film concept rapidly. ─── 我国的数字电影发展与世界先进水平还有不可逾越的差距,电影人必须迅速完成观念的变革。

17、I reached an impassable river,and feared that my dream had been lost. ─── 我抵达不可逾越的河流,惧怕梦想就此失落;

18、impassable obstacle ─── 不可通过的障碍物

19、Use world elements such as time warps, jets and moving platforms to make it across seemingly impassable areas, and aim to reach the end of every level, without falling off the path. ─── 利用世界要素,如时间偏差,喉及移动平台,使整个看似不可逾越的地区,目的是达到终点的每一个层面上,没有掉下来的道路。

20、In Finley Ohio, hundreds remain in the shelters, streets are still impassable, but the water has started to recede. ─── 在俄亥俄州的芬得雷地区,仍有上百人留在避难所,道路仍不能通行,但是洪水已经开始退去。

21、The massive winter storm left many roads throughout western Kentucky impassable due to fallen trees, utility poles and power lines. ─── 倒折的树木、电线杆和输电线路等使得许多道路交通阻断。

22、A defensive posture for musket-armed infantry units, creating an impassable wall of steel to fend off cavalry attacks. ─── 如它的名字一样,方阵由四组排成两线或三线的步兵组成一个空心正方形,所有人都朝向外侧。

23、With the rugged Owen Stanley Mountains supplying an almost impassable backbone, the body of New Guinea was one vast jungle. ─── 新几内亚岛上覆盖着大片的丛林,难以逾越的欧文.斯坦利山脉蜿蜒崎岖在岛上。

24、Later, he sees himself approaching some impassable barrier, and he discovers that he must return to earth, that the time for his death has not yet come. ─── 后来他面临一些无法穿越的障碍,并因死期未到而必须回到地球。

25、However, he did not know, Huanghuacheng Great Wall and the actual Jiankou Great Wall between about 30 km apart, have between dilapidated, and in some places even 32, impassable. ─── 然而,他并不知道,黄花城长城和箭扣长城之间实际相距约30公里,两者之间已经残破不堪,有些地方甚至断开,无法通行。

26、the impassable gulf that lies between riches and poverty(bElizabeth Cady Stanton) ─── 存在富有与贫困之间的不可逾越的鸿沟(b伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿)

27、the impassable gulf that lies between riches and poverty(Elizabeth Cady Stanton) ─── 存在富有与贫困之间的不可逾越的鸿沟(伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿)

28、an impassable chasm ─── 不可逾越的鸿沟

29、"And, in many of these areas, either the roads are impassable due to insecurity or due to poor weather and poor road conditions. ─── 她说:“同时在很多地方,由于安全上的原因、气候因素、以及路况不佳,没有飞机的话根本就到达不了。”

30、It was thawing, muddy, and cold, the ice had broken upon the river, the roads had become impassable; ─── 正值冰消雪融的天气,泥泞路滑,寒风刺骨,河上的冰层破开了,道路不能通行。

31、The policy doorsill of Chinese market, be not foreign capital " participate in " the net swims the doorsill of operation impassable. ─── 中国市场的政策门槛,并非外资“参与”网游运营不可逾越的门槛。

32、The barriers between serious and popular music had not become impassable. ─── 严肃音乐和流行音乐之间的界限那时还未变得不可逾越。

33、Dunhuang has a special place in history because of its location close to the parting of the northern and southern routes that skirted the impassable Taklamakan desert. ─── 敦煌历史上拥有特别的地理位置,因为它接近南北路线的分界处,绕过不可通行的塔克拉玛干沙漠。

34、Should he arrive at the inextricable and the impassable? ─── 是否会走到错综复杂无法跨越的地方?

35、We cannot remove our respective sections from each other, nor build an impassable wall between them. ─── 我们不能把我们各区彼此搬迁,也不能在他们中间建起无法逾越的长城。

36、In ancient mythology there was no impassable gulf separating the divine from the human beings. ─── 在上古神话中,神与人之间没有不可逾越的鸿沟。

37、Because asinine leg is too long,not be be impassable, however asinine ear is too long. ─── 又不是因为驴腿太长了过不去,而是驴耳朵太长了嘛。”

38、The driver couldn't see either. Besides, the roads are nearly impassable. ─── 刚才司机也看不清楚。而且这些路简直无法通行。

39、"the impassable gulf that lies between riches and poverty" (Elizabeth Cady Stanton) ─── “存在富有与贫困之间的不可逾越的鸿沟”(伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿)

40、We have seen that there is an impassable barrier between the organic and the inorganic, and that the only way that matter can unfold is to be impregnated with life; ─── 但我们也同样知道,如果我们有意或无意地违反了电的规律,在未曾绝缘的情况下触碰了火线,那结果就十分不幸甚至是惨烈了。

41、And black line should be added on both sides for impassable or dangerous stream. ─── 不可越过者或有危 险者在两旁加黑边。

42、In Findlay, Ohio, hundreds remain in a shelter.Streets are still impassable, but the water has started to recede. ─── 在芬得雷地区,数百人仍然寄居于临时庇护所,街道尚未能通行,不过洪水已经开始退去。

43、In ancient mythology there was no impassable gulf separating the divine from the human beings. ─── 在上古神话中, 神与人之间没有不可逾越的鸿沟。

44、Byrs says it is critical to try to reach as many victims as possible before the roads become impassable when the monsoon season reaches its peak in a couple of weeks. ─── 比尔斯说,在雨季高峰在两个星期后来临之前,道路还能够通过的时候,设法将救援物资送到到更多的灾民那里,这一点至关重要。

45、The avenue had never been paved, and deep mud made it impassable in winter. ─── 这条大街从来没有铺过,深泥使其在冬天无法通行。

46、If a person happens to an almost impassable obstacle and needs help, another one must leave after overing it. ─── 如果一个人遇到了似乎是不可逾越的障碍,需要帮助时,另一位一定在克服后才离开.

47、country lanes that are often impassable in winter ─── 在冬天经常不能通行的乡间小路

48、The God who is revealed in Scripture neither suffers (impassable) nor changes (immutable), in himself. ─── 启示于圣经中的神,在祂自己里面没有苦难(不相通的属性),也不会改变(不改变的属性)。

49、You know many streets are impassable. ─── 你知道许多道路不通.

50、the impassaBle gulf that lies Between riches and poverty ─── 存在富有与贫困之间的不可逾越的鸿沟

51、The rainstorm has made the road impassable. ─── 暴雨已经使得路不能通行了。

52、Off the path, the way is almost impassable, although people have moved through it and creatures as large as Acromantulas and a Ford Anglia have managed to get around. ─── 偏离小路,几乎寸步难行,尽管有人曾经穿越过,也有像八眼巨蛛和一样大的生物,附近还游荡着一辆福特安格利亚车。

53、The forest was almost impassable. ─── 森林几乎不可逾越。

54、There is only the impassable red light, no impassible life. ─── 只有过不去的红灯,没有过不去的日子.

55、Cell phone networks were down in much of the region, and vast lakes formed by the tsunami rendered roads impassable. ─── 手机网络的下降大部分地区,并通过提供道路无法通行的海啸形成的巨大湖泊。

56、But in the life, our skin is impassable with us constantly however, not be a pair of long black red face, it is dark and gloomy cadaverous. ─── 但生活中,我们的皮肤却时常和我们过不去,不是长着一副黑红面孔,就是晦暗苍白。

57、There is no impassable gulf between democracy and centralism, both of which are essential for China. ─── 民主和集中之间,并没有不可越过的深沟,对于中国,二者都是必需的。

58、"Grenoble and Lyons are faithful cities, and will oppose to him an impassable barrier." ─── “格勒诺布尔和里昂都是效忠王室的城市,人民会起来反对他,使那儿变成一道插翅难飞的关卡。”

59、They're impassable, because of the landslides. ─── 由于山崩带来的泥石,他们无路可走。

60、There was an impassable barrier between the white race and the one which they had reduced to slavery. ─── 在白色人种和被他们奴役的种族之间有一道不可逾越的障碍。

61、Weather conditions caused travel chaos around the country yesterday with many flights and ferries cancelled and a large number of roads flooded or impassable due to fallen trees. ─── 昨天的天气状况造成了全国旅游市场的混乱,许多航班和渡轮被取消,大量的道路被淹或由于树木倒下而不能通行。

62、One letter from local farmers described how a nearby factory making 8-hydroxyquinoline, used as a deodorant and antiseptic, emitted noxious fumes that “make our days and nights impassable. ─── 在一封信中当地农民描述了附近一个用偏苯三酚制造除臭剂和防腐剂的工厂如何排放有害气体,使得他们感到“日子一天也没有办法过了。”

63、Relief equipment and personnel seem to be flowing to Beichuan county but the last 10 kilometres to town were impassable, the official said. ─── 救灾设备和人员,似乎是流向北川县,但最后10公里的城市分别为不可逾越的,这位官员说。

64、Gulf impassable, Breach indescribable, such as is perhaps nonexistent south of the Trent. But in the Midlands and the industrial North gulf impassable, across which no communication could take place. ─── 在特兰以南的地方,这种人与人之间的极端隔绝也许是不存在的。但是在中部和北部的工业区,他们间的隔绝是言语所难形容的。

65、If someone meet a impassable trouble and need the other's help,the other will not to leave untill overcome it. ─── 如果一个人遇到了似乎是不可逾越的障碍,需要帮助时,另一位一定在克服后才离开。

66、The princess lies sleeping on the far-away shore of the seven impassable seas. ─── 公主躺在远远的隔着七个不可逾越的重洋的那一岸沉睡着。

67、Snow and ice made the road impassable ─── 冰雪使道路无法通行。

68、The Alps mountains, lofty and rugged, stood like an impassable wall before him. ─── 巍峨崎岖的阿尔卑斯山,象一座无法越过的高墙屹立在他面前。

69、"The soldiers moving through the area had to struggle against the bad weather, which could render the primitive roads impassable." ─── 士兵们在穿越那一地带时,必须与恶劣气候抗争,因为恶劣气候可能使得那些原始的道路让人无法通行。

70、There is no road that is impassable. ─── 没有不通的路。

71、In foreign countries, laws related to the property declaration of civil servants have become an impassable legal protective screen against corruption because this system has a firm barrier-"exposure to the sun", viz. ─── 在国外,公职人员财产收入申报法之所以成为防止腐败的一道不可逾越的法律屏障,是因为该制度有一道铁关:"阳光曝晒"。

72、In the last night our Lord took pains to make clear to His disciples the impassable gulf between Him and the world, and between them and the world too (John xvi. ─── 主在世上最后一个晚上向门徒澄清他和世界有个无法越过的隔阂,门徒和世界之间也是一样。

73、A piece of impassable bog with yield of liquid peat. ─── 一个不可逾越的泥沼区。

74、They may include impassable mountain ranges, oceans, or vast deserts. ─── 包括不能通行的山脉、海洋或辽阔的沙漠。

75、The explorers were confronted with gorges(that were)almost impassable and rivers(that were)often unfordable. ─── 探险人员面临着几乎是无路可通的峡谷和常常是无法渡过的河流。

76、an impassable highway ─── 不能通行的公路

77、Permanent Terra Incognita removed and replaced with impassable regions. ─── “国家重心”系统?专注某个区域的发展?

78、Generations of oxcarts and foot travel have carved the only trails into more remote areas, and most of them are impassable by even the brawniest four-wheel-drive vehicles. ─── 我们大部分食物都必须从首都安塔那那利佛运送,包括几百磅米、豆子与罐装肉类。

79、impassable barrier ─── 不可逾越的障碍

80、You act as if everyone were dying like flies, like the streets are impassable with corpses and that I'm reluctant to bury them ─── 你以为所有人象苍蝇一样死去,街道上堆满尸体不能通行,而我不愿意去埋他们。

81、If your climbing prevent by impassable objective factor (such as weather、war、earthquake、ect..)we will return all money you paid. ─── 注:请提前预定。如果因天气等客观因素影响不能进行攀岩,我们将推迟或者全额退款;

82、You act as if everyone were dying like flies, like the streets are impassable with corpses and that I'm reluctant to bury them. ─── 你以为所有人象苍蝇一样死去,街道上堆满尸体不能通行,而我不愿意去埋他们。

83、At this point a meeting is the only way to go in order to resolve the impass. ─── 现在唯一的方法就是通过会议解决这个争论。

84、His troops met negligible resistance in the poorly defended sector around Sedan, which the Belgian High Command thought was impassable to tanks. ─── 他的部队在色当附近遭到了轻微的抵抗,而比利时最高司令却还认为那里无法通过坦克。

85、Scorched Earth: Ability to make impassable terrain, enviornment based defenses. ─── 焦土战术:用于制造不可通过地形的技能,地形防御。

86、I am particularly easy recently actuation, often the family member is impassable! ─── 我最近特别容易冲动,经常家里人过不去!

87、the purpose to demonstrate that there is no impassable gulf between elegance and vulgarness of music and that the key lies in the approaches of fusion. ─── 摘要艺术其实并无雅与俗不可逾越之鸿沟,关键在于融合的手段。

88、impassable roads; impassable problems. ─── 不能通行的道路;不能克服的问题

89、Surrounded by mountains that were impassable for most of the year, it was "a fastness hard for a foreign foe to make his way into. " ─── 由于被在一年的大多数时间里都不能通行的山脉所围绕,事实上这是“很难为外部敌人侵入的堡垒。”

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