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09-08 投稿


depositary 发音

英:[d??pɑ?z??ter?]  美:[d??p?z?t(?)ri]

英:  美:

depositary 中文意思翻译




depositary 词性/词形变化,depositary变形


depositary 短语词组

1、depositary bank ─── [财]受托银行

2、depositary share ─── 存托股份

3、depositary 6 ─── 保存人6

4、depositary om ─── 托管om

5、depositary government ─── 保存国政府

6、depositary right ─── 存托〈款〉权

7、depositary receipt ─── 预托证券寄存单据

8、depositary correspondent ─── 通汇银行

9、government depositary ─── [经] 批准接受政府存款的银行

10、bearer depositary recipe ─── [经] 无记名受托保管收据

11、american depositary shares ─── [经] 美国保管人股份

12、depositary document ─── 保存文件

13、corporate depositary ─── [经] 存款公司

14、depositary receipts ─── 寄存单据预托证券

15、depositary receipt system ─── 保管收据制度

16、limited depositary ─── [经] 有限制的保管人

17、depositary institution ─── 保存机构

18、depositary receipt procedures ─── 保管收据程序

19、European depositary receipts ─── [经] 欧洲预托证券

depositary 相似词语短语

1、deposition ─── n.沉积物;矿床;革职;[律](在法庭上的)宣誓作证,证词

2、deposited ─── v.存放;储存;放置(deposit的过去分词);adj.存放的;堆积的

3、depositing ─── n.镀层,电铸;[电]沉淀;涂覆;v.存储;预付;放下(deposit的ing形式)

4、depositaries ─── n.受托人;受托公司;储藏所;adj.存款的;用作储藏所的

5、deposit ─── n.存款;押金;订金;保证金;沉淀物;vt.使沉积;存放;vi.沉淀

6、depository ─── n.贮藏所;受托者;存储处;仓库(同depositary)

7、repository ─── n.贮藏室,仓库;知识库;智囊团

8、depositor ─── n.存款人,存放者;寄托者

9、depositors ─── [金融]存款人,寄托人(depositor的复数)

depositary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Further notifications of intention to participate shall be addressed to the depositary of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization ─── 其他关于参加意向的通知应交《WTO协定》的保存人。

2、AQDII system would allow Chinese people to invest in foreign shares through select funds, while a CDR system would list foreign shares in China's stock market as depositary receipts. ─── QDII机制将答应中国国内投资者通过某些基金投资于外国股票;而CDR机制将答应外国股票以存托凭证的方式在中国股市上市。

3、BHP Billiton's American Depositary shares fell 99 cents to 31.65 U.S. dollars, or 3%. ─── 必和必拓的美国存托股票跌99美分,至31.65美元,跌幅3%。

4、Japanese Depositary Receipt ─── 日本预托证券

5、"Where a longer period for the denunciation to take effect is specified in the notification, the denunciation takes effect upon the expiration of such longer period after the notification is received by the depositary." ─── 凡通知内订明了退出生效的一段更长时间,则退出于保管人收到通知后该段更长时间期满时起生效。

6、China Securities Depositary and Clearing Corporation ─── 中国证券登记结算有限责任公司

7、receipts and their underlying securities for Taiwanese firms, (2) the determinantsof the price differences between depositary receipts and their underlying securities. ─── 凭证价格之间的关系。

8、A revision conference is to be convened by the depositary when not less than one-fourth of the Contracting States so request. ─── 经不少于四分之一缔约国要求,保管人即应召开修订会议。

9、Any State Party to this Convention may give notice of its withdrawal from the Convention one year after its entry into force by written notification to the Depositary Governments. ─── 本公约任何缔约国在公约生效一年后,都可书面通知交存国政府,退出公约。

10、China Netcom Group said Thursday it plans to delist its shares from the Hong Kong stock exchange and withdraw its American depositary receipts from the New York bourse on October 15. ─── 中国网通14日发布公告称,公司将在10月15日从香港交易所退市,并将其美国存托凭证从纽约证券交易所退市。

11、3.Any Contracting State having made a reservation in accordance with the preceding paragraph may at any time withdraw this reservation by notification to the Depositary Governments. ─── 三、对根据本条第一款予以拘留的任何人,应向其提供协助,以便其立即与其本国最近的合格代表联系。

12、Duly certified copies of this Convention shall be transmitted by the Depositary Governments to the Governments of the signatory and acceding States. ─── 交存国政府应把经签字的本公约之副本送交各签字国和加入国政府。

13、Neither the depositary nor its agents have any obligation to appear in, prosecute or defend any action, suit or other proceeding in respect of any deposited securities or the ADRs. ─── 受托人及其代理人均没有义务就存托证券或美国存托凭证发生的诉讼或其它法律行动而出庭、提出控告或者进行辩护。

14、As a result, the company's American depositary receipts are down since its fiscal first-quarter earnings report last week. ─── 受此影响,公司在美股价已较上周发布财年第一季度盈利报告时下跌。

15、depositary document ─── 存放单据,存单

16、The depositary will not be responsible for failing to carry out instructions to vote the ADSs, for the manner in which the ADSs are voted or the effect of the vote. ─── 受托人未能按照指令对美国预托股份进行投票、投票的方式或结果如何,则不承担责任。

17、China Securities Depositary and Clearing Co. ─── 和中国证券登记结算有限责任公司。

18、These declarations are to be notified to the depositary and are to state expressly the territorial units to which the Convention extends. ─── 此种声明应通知保管人,并且明确地说明适用本公约的领土单位。

19、As a result, Human Genome shares more than tripled Monday to $12.51.American depositary shares of the drug's partner, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, rose 4% to $37.81. ─── 因此,人类基因组公司的股价本周一上涨到原来的三倍达到12.51美元,该药物的合作伙伴GlaxoSmithKline的美国存托股票上涨4%达到37.81美元。

20、Abstract: In this article introduces the concept, legal relation of the American Depositary Receipts and the advantages of the American Depositary Receipts as a means of financing lease. ─── 文摘:本文介绍了存托凭证的概念、法律关系的构成和存托凭证作为一种投融工具的种种便利。

21、Hong Kong shares of Sinopec, which also is listed in Shanghai and has American depositary receipts, fell 3.3% Thursday to HK$7.87 (US$1.01). ─── 中国石化在香港上市的H股周四下跌3.3%,收于7.87港元(约合1.01美元),今年以来累计下跌了33%。

22、Where a longer period for the denunciation to take effect is specified in the instrument of denunciation it takes effect upon expiration of such longer period after its deposit with the depositary. ─── 凡退出文件中规定退出生效的更长期间者,则退出在向保管人交存该退出文件后该更长期间届满时生效。

23、Its initial public offering of 7.5 million American depositary shares was priced at $15 each, topping the expected pricing range of $11 to $13. ─── 新东方通过首次公开招股共发行750万股美国存托凭证,每股发行价为15美元,超过了此前预期的11至13美元。

24、Tudou has sold six million American depositary shares so far. ─── 土豆目前已经发售了600万美国存托股票。

25、trustee is a mere passive depositary. ─── 被动受托人只不过是消极受托人。

26、This Convention, of which the English, Russian, French, Spanish and Chinese texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Depositary Governments. ─── 本公约的中文、英文、法文、俄文及西班牙文文本均具有同等效力,均交交存国政府存档。

27、The company also has American depositary receipts that trade on the New York Stock Exchange. ─── 该公司的美国存托凭证(adr)在纽约证交所交易。

28、depositary bond ─── 存款保证保险; 存款债券

29、Declarations and confirmations of declarations are to be in writing and be formally notified to the depositary. ─── 声明和声明的确认,应以书面形式提出,并应正式通知保管人。

30、The deposit agreement expressly limits the obligations and liabilities of the depositary, ourselves and our respective agents. ─── 存托协议清楚地限定了受托人、股份有限公司方本身以及股份有限公司方代理人的责任。

31、After the earnings release, Nokia's American depositary receipts rose 11% to close at $14.88 on the New York Stock Exchange. ─── 业绩公布后,诺基亚美国存托凭证的价格在纽约证交所上涨11%,报收于14.88美元。

32、Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession is effected by the deposit of a formal instrument to that effect with the depositary. ─── 4.批准、接受、核准或加入通过向保管人交存具有该效力的正式文件而生效。

33、A denunciation takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the deposit of the instrument of denunciation with the depositary. ─── 3.退出声明在保管人收到退出文件之日起六个月后的那个月的第一日生效。

34、After a slump last year, Home Inns' American depositary receipts have risen from a 52-week low of just over $7 to trade around $36 early Tuesday afternoon. ─── 在去年的下挫之后,如家美国存托凭证从52周低点的略高于7美元升至周二午盘的约36美元。

35、depositary bank ─── 保管银行

36、Contracting State May denounce this Convention at any time by means of a notification in writing addressed to the depositary. ─── 缔约国得随时以书面形式向保管人声明退出本公约。

37、trust contract, loan service contract, fund depositary contract and other relevant draft legal documents; ─── 三)信托合同、贷款服务合同和资金保管合同及其他相关法律文件草案;

38、depositary government ─── 保存国政府

39、Any such modification or amendment shall enter into force when the depositary Government has received notice from all such Contracting Parties that they have ratified it. ─── 任何这种变更或修改应在保存国政府从所有这些缔约各方接到它们已批准这种变更或修改的通知时生效。

40、Chinese depositary receipt (CDR) is a certificate issued by a depositary representing ownership of a specified number of shares in a foreign company. ─── 摘要中国存托凭证(CDR)是境外注册的公司在中国境内发行的代表境外公司股票的可转让证券。

41、depositary bonds ─── 存款保证保险

42、London depositary receipts ─── 伦敦预托证券

43、global depositary receipt - GDR: Instrument that allows trading of stocks on foreign exchanges when the country concerned will not allow foreign ownership of the stock of domestic firms. ─── 全球股票代存收据(简写为gdr):一种金融工具,它允许在外国的交易所进行股票交易。这是在有关国家不允许外国人拥有本国企业股票的情况下采用的办法。

44、The depositary may own and deal in deposited securities and in ADSs. ─── 受托人可以拥有和买卖存托证券和美国预托股份。

45、The Secretary-General of the United Nations is hereby designated as the depositary for this Convention. ─── 兹指定联合国秘书长为本公约保管人。

46、NINETOWNS board of directors has approved an amount of up to 50,000,000 U.S. dollars of American Depositary shares buy-back scheme. ─── 九城董事会已经批准了一项金额最高为5000万美元的美国存托股份回购计划。

47、government depositary ─── [经] 批准接受政府存款的银行

48、We will begin a pilot program to test the functionality of the site with twenty (20) companies and three (3) depositary banks during the week of January 22, 2008. ─── 我们将用一周的时间与二十(20)家公司和三家(3)存托银行一起开展一项试用计划,测试网站的功能。该周包括2008年1月22日在内。

49、bearer depositary recipe ─── [经] 无记名受托保管收据

50、Any such declaration shall be notified to the depositary and shall state expressly the territorial units to which the Convention applies. ─── 任何此种声明应通知荷兰王国外交部,并明确指定适用本公约的领土单位。

51、bearer depositary ─── 无记名信托证券

52、(7) the depositary bank and the account No.; ─── (七) 开户银行和帐号;

53、ADR (American Depositary Receipt) ─── ADR

54、Duly certified copies of this Treaty shall be transmitted by the Depositary Governments to the Governments of the signatory and acceding States. ─── 本条约经正式核证的副本应由保存国政府分送签署国和加入国政府。

55、The valuation of PetroChina's American depositary shares is close to the Hong Kong shares. ─── 中国石油的美国存托股票估值与H股接近。

56、Visitors may deposit their personal articles at the depositary counters and self-service terminals at entrance areas and specific areas within the Expo park. ─── 为参观者提供物品的寄存服务。在各出入口处和园区内相应的服务区设置寄存服务和自助寄存,参观者可自主选择寄存方式。

57、depositary correspondent ─── 开有本行存款账户的通汇银行

58、She was not the only depositary of the terrible secret . ─── 她不是唯一知道这可怕秘密的人。

59、depositary right ─── 存货权存款权

60、Under the merger agreement, Unicom will swap 1.508 new Hong Kong shares for each existing Netcom share.Unicom will swap 3.016 new American depositary shares for each existing China Netcom ADS. ─── 根据合并协议,现有每股中国网通H股将换得1.508股中国联通新H股,每股中国网通ADS将换得3.016股中国联通新ADS。

61、The originator and loan servicer of a securitization of credit assets shall not act as the fund depositary institution in the same transaction. ─── 信贷资产证券化发起机构和贷款服务机构不得担任同一交易的资金保管机构。

62、A trustee; a depositary. ─── 受托人信托人;受托人,保管人

63、The initial session of the Conference shall be convened by the Depositary no later than 30 days after the entry into force of this Treaty. ─── 大会首届会议应至迟于本条约生效后30天内由保存人召开。

64、On August 9, 2007, the parent company WuXi PharmaTech (Cayman) Inc. became a New York Stock Exchange listed company and its American Depositary Shares commenced trading under the ticker symbol WX. ─── 2007年8月9日,母公司无锡药明康德(开曼)有限公司正式在纽约证券交易所挂牌上市,其美国存托股份交易代号为WX。

65、She was not the only depositary of the terrible secret. ─── 她不是唯一知道这可怕秘密的人。

66、Curacao Depositary Receipts (CDR) ─── 库拉考寄存单据

67、nuclear data depositary ─── 核数据库

68、Stanley Chu, spokesman at the TSE, said the bourse was targeting 10 depositary receipt listings from Singapore-listed companies this year. ─── 台湾证交所发言人朱士廷(StanleyChu)表示,该交易所今年的目标是吸引到新加坡上市公司在台湾发行10宗存托凭证。

69、The depositary of this Convention shall consult with the Government of the Netherlands, as the depositary of the 1964 Conventions, so as to ensure necessary co-ordination in this respect. ─── 本公约保管人应与1964年两公约的保管人荷兰政府进行协商,以确保在这方面进行必要的协调。

70、Thus, premiums might persist for depositary receipts issued by Taiwanese firms. ─── 及时将原股转换成存讬凭证,因此,存讬凭证的溢价难以缩小。

71、american depositary shares ─── [经] 美国保管人股份

72、In this article introduces the concept, legal relation of the American Depositary Receipts and the advantages of the American Depositary Receipts as a means of financing lease. ─── 本文介绍了存托凭证的概念、法律关系的构成和存托凭证作为一种投融工具的种种便利。

73、Declarations and confirmations of declarations are to be in writing and be formally notified to the depositary ─── 声明和声明的确认,应以书面形式提出,并应正式通知保管人。

74、corporate depositary ─── [经] 存款公司

75、national depositary bureau ─── 国家储备局

76、depositary control number ─── 存款控制编号

77、authorized depositary ─── 受权存券商,受权保管人

78、Article IX Depositary ─── 保存人1

79、Without prejudice to the entry into force of suchrestriction, suspe nsion or prohibition, as determined by the Party, itshall be notified to the Depositary of this Ag reement as soon as possible. ─── 在不影响所确定的这种限制、中止或禁止的生效的情况下,缔约国应尽速将这种决定通知本协议的保存者。

80、European depositary receipts ─── [经] 欧洲预托证券

81、European Depositary Receipt ─── 欧洲预托证券

82、Feasibility Analysis about Chinese Depositary Receipts System ─── 我国推出存托凭证制度的可行性分析

83、and before the appointment of the new fund depositary, the securities regulatory authority under the State Council shall designate a temporary fund depositary. ─── 新基金托管人产生前,由国务院证券监督管理机构指定临时基金托管人。

84、depositary institution ─── 保存机构

85、limited depositary ─── [经] 有限制的保管人

86、China Securities Depositary and Clearing Corporation Limited, CSDCC ─── 中国证券登记结算公司

87、The property and benefits obtained by the fund manager and fund depositary as a result of the management, utilization or any other use of the fund shall be included into the fund property. ─── 基金管理人、基金托管人因基金财产的管理、运用或者其他情形而取得的财产和收益,归入基金财产。

88、The Director General shall be the depositary of this Treaty. ─── 总干事为本条约保存人。

89、depositary system ─── 存款制度

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