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laryngeal 发音

英:[l?'r?n(d)???l]  美:[l?'r?nd???l]

英:  美:

laryngeal 中文意思翻译



laryngeal 网络释义

adj. 喉的;喉头治疗用的n. 喉部;喉音

laryngeal 短语词组

1、laryngeal commissure ─── [医] 喉连合

2、laryngeal diverticula ─── [医] 喉憩室

3、laryngeal dilator ─── [医] 喉扩张器

4、laryngeal mirror ─── [医] 喉镜

5、laryngeal center ─── [医] 喉中枢

6、laryngeal catarrh ─── [医] 喉卡他

7、congenital laryngeal spasm ─── [医] 先天性喉痉挛

8、laryngeal nuclei ─── [医] 喉核

9、congenital laryngeal stridor ─── [医] 先天性喉喘鸣

10、glosso-labio-laryngeal paralysis ─── [医] 舌唇喉麻痹

11、laryngeal diphtheria ─── [医] 喉白喉, 膜性喉炎

12、laryngeal epilepsy ─── [医] 喉性癫痫, 阵咳性昏厥

13、laryngeal artery ─── [医]喉动脉

14、laryngeal crisis ─── [医] 喉危象

15、laryngeal edema ─── [医] 喉水肿

16、lancet laryngeal ─── [医] 喉柳叶刀

17、laryngeal influenza ─── [医] ─── [马]喉流感

18、laryngeal catheterization ─── [医] 喉插管术

19、laryngeal chorea ─── [医] 喉头舞蹈病, 膈痉挛

laryngeal 词性/词形变化,laryngeal变形

异体字: laryngal |

laryngeal 相似词语短语

1、laryngealize ─── 喉化

2、larynges ─── 喉

3、laryng- ─── laryngology喉科学

4、laryngal ─── n.喉音;adj.喉音的

5、laryngo- ─── 柱

6、laryngeally ─── 喉部

7、pharyngeal ─── adj.咽的;咽头的;n.咽的;喉音

8、laryngealise ─── 喉舌

9、pharyngeals ─── adj.咽的;咽头的;n.咽的;喉音

laryngeal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Recurrent Laryngeal Nere innerates all the muscles of the larynx except the cricothryroid muscle and part of the transerse arytenoid muscle. ─── 可出现除环甲肌和部分杓横肌外的所有喉部肌肉瘫痪,因为声门关闭可出现呼吸道梗阻。

2、Of them, detubation was done besides 2 cases suffering from laryngeal stenosis even with laryngeal dilation. ─── 2例并发喉狭窄,经喉扩张亦未能拔管。

3、Method:3 patients with extensive or recurrent laryngeal papilloma were treated by laryngostomy and laser surgery. ─── 方法:为3例病变范围广泛或多次复发的喉乳头状瘤患者行喉造口激光切除术。

4、An acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds,spasms of the jaw and laryngeal muscles are a symptom. ─── 急性严重的中枢神经系统感染,由于伤口的细菌感染所引起。

5、Methods A retrospective review was made about 36 patients treated by total laryngectomy and secondary stae operation laryngeal reconstruction. ─── 方法对36例病人行喉二期发音功能重建术。

6、Are all single-use laryngeal masks the same? ─── 所有一次性使用的喉罩是一样的吗?

7、From 1982 to 1991, 61 cases of laryngeal papillomas were treated at Taipi VGH. ─── 摘要台北荣总耳鼻喉科部自民国71年11月至80年10间,治疗61例喉乳头状瘤的患者;

8、To investingate the new minimal therapeutics for the pharyngeal and laryngeal hemangiomas. ─── 摘要目的探索咽喉部血管瘤的微创疗法。

9、Laryngeal Variations for Vowels; Breathy and Pressed Voicing; Tones; Stress. ─── 不同母音的喉头变化;呼吸式的和紧气式的发声;声调;重音。

10、Objective: To explore the diagnostic value of CYFRA21-1 in pulmonary carcinoma, laryngeal carcinoma and digestive tract neoplasm. ─── 摘要目的:探讨CYFRA21-1在肺癌、喉癌和消化道肿瘤中的诊断价值。

11、The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) was developed in the 1980’s,but has only been widely used in emergency medicine in the last decade . ─── 摘要喉罩呼吸道在1980年代已被发展出来,然而只有在最近十年,才逐渐在急症医学中广泛使用。

12、Endolaryngeal microsurgery (ELM) is mandatory in the diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal lesions.However. ─── 摘要在喉部病灶的诊断与治疗上,喉内显微手术是不可或缺的一环。

13、Conclusion : Intravenous induction combined with inhalation maintenance was an ideal anesthetic method for laryngeal microsurgery. ─── 结论:静脉诱导,吸入维持的复合全麻是支撑喉手术较理想的麻醉方法。

14、In this paper,the ultrastructural featuers of laryngeal papillomas of 9 cases of adult patients were investigated by means of SEM. ─── 为探讨成人乳头状瘤超微病理特征,采用扫描和透射电镜观察9例成人喉乳头状瘤。

15、MUP and inference patterns of different laryngeal muscles are different, and correlate with their own anatomic and physiologic characteristics. ─── 各喉肌正常运动单位电位及不同收缩力量干扰相波幅-转折数量化分析等参数的正常值不相同,与其各自的解剖生理特点相关;

16、Laryngeal cleft and laryngotracheoesophageal clefts or G syndrome are rare congenital anomalies. ─── 摘要喉裂或喉气管食道裂及G症候群为一种罕见的先天性异常。

17、The Superior Laryngeal Nere (SLN) and the Recurrent Laryngeal Nere (RLN) are two branches of the agus nere that innerate the larynx. ─── 喉返神经支配除环甲肌和部分杓横肌外的所有喉部肌肉。

18、The most common oral manifestations of leukemia are: lymphaenopathy, laryngeal pain, oral bleeding, oral ulcer, and gingival enlargement. 4. ─── 患者主诉症状中,最常见之口内并发症是颈部淋巴腺肿大、咽喉疼痛、口内出血、口腔溃疡、牙龈肿大。

19、LMA with OELM could improve the laryngeal views in patients with difficult laryngoscopy,and it would provide us with an easy and reliable option. ─── LMA +OELM联用能明显改善声门的显露程度,降低困难气管插管的难度,提高气管插管的成功率,为临床解决困难气管插管提供了一种新的选择。

20、Serious person can produce laryngeal convulsion, have a headache, jelly, digestive obstacle, eyesight obstacle, heart-throb and insomnia. ─── 严重者可发生喉部痉挛、头痛、软弱无力、消化障碍、视力障碍、心悸和失眠等。

21、The timbre of the laryngeal sound stands out, and oral noise decrease . ─── 噪音的音色充分显露出来,口腔的噪音就消失了。

22、Laryngocele is an uncommon disease defined as an abnormal dilatation or herniation of the laryngeal saccule, forming an air-filled cavity. ─── 喉气囊肿是一种少见的疾病的异常扩张或球囊喉症的定义,形成一个充满空气腔。

23、The expression of bax was reversely related to that of bcl-2, bcl-xl and bcl-xr in laryngeal carcinoma. ─── bax与bcl 2 ,bcl xl,bcl xr在喉癌的表达两者比较 ,有统计学意义。

24、This case study reported the nursing experience of a 67 years old man who underwent total laryngectomy after being diagnosed as laryngeal cancer. ─── 摘要本篇个案报告主要是在探讨一位67岁男性喉癌患者,术后面临生理及心理上不适应之护理经验。

25、Laryngeal surgery was performed in 2.3% of children, and fundoplication for reflux in 3.3%. ─── 2.3%的患儿进行了喉部外科手术,3.3%的患者进行了胃底折叠术以改善反流。

26、Laryngeal electromyography (LEMG) plays a potentially significant role in the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorder of the larynx. ─── 摘要喉肌电图为诊断喉部肌肉及神经性疾病的直接方法。

27、Of them,detubation was done besides 2 cases suffering from laryngeal stenosis even with laryngeal dilation. ─── 2例并发喉狭窄,经喉扩张亦未能拔管。

28、Objective To observe the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and CD44V6 in laryngeal carcinoma tissues. ─── 摘要目的了解增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)和CD44V6在喉癌组织中的表达。

29、Objective To explore the observation and nursing of recurrent laryngeal papilloma in infant patients. ─── 摘要目的探讨婴幼儿复发性喉乳头状瘤的观察与护理。

30、LMVD was associated with clinical stage, lymph node metastasis in laryngeal carcinoma of type supraglottic. ─── LMVD与声门上型喉癌临床分期、淋巴结转移呈正相关。

31、Objective To study the significance of dissection and exposure of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) in thyroid surgery. ─── 摘要目的探讨在甲状腺手术中显露喉返神经的意义。

32、Primary malig-nant lymphoma of the larynx is uncommon and consists of only 1% of all laryngeal malign-nant neoplasms. ─── 但喉部淋巴瘤并不常见,只佔喉部恶性肿瘤不到1%。

33、The bad response such as allergic shock, laryngeal edema and dyspnoea were severe, which mainly caused by allergy. ─── 多数患者经停药、抗过敏、对症等治疗迅速好转。但仍有少数病例不同程度地延长了住院时间,甚至死亡。

34、Conclusion Subtotal laryngectomy with preservation of arytenoid cartilage is recommended for T3 laryngeal cancer. ─── 手术的关键是不能损伤杓状软骨及喉返神经,设计好环咽吻合方案。

35、Methods The disease conditions of recurrent laryngeal papilloma of 33 infant patients were closely observed to gain the remedy opportunity. ─── 方法对33例婴幼儿复发性喉乳头状瘤患儿密切观察病情,以赢取抢救机会;

36、As the individual matures, that overt talking to oneself becomes covert talking to oneself, but thinking still shows up as a laryngeal habit. ─── 随着个体的成熟,公开的自言自语变成了隐蔽的自言自语,但思考仍然表现为一种喉部习惯。

37、The acoustic parameters and the score value taking from the patients with laryngeal cancer were higher than those from patients with vocal polyp (P

38、Laryngeal the person that have phlegmy liquid, usable rubber tube receives a needle to be in charge of pump. ─── 喉头有痰液者,可用橡皮管接针管抽吸。

39、Tonetic appreciably heighten, but had blossommed because of laryngeal vocal cords, still be for the most partThe maleTonetic. ─── 声调略微增高,但因喉头声带已经长成,大部分仍为男性声调。

40、Mandibular Advancement Improves the Laryngeal View during Direct Laryngoscopy Performed by Inexperienced Physicians Tamura M, et al. ─── 下颌前伸改善操作不熟练医生直接喉镜的视野观察。

41、Fiberoptic laryngoscopic examination revealed marked distortion of laryngeal contour with several irregular tumour-like lesions. ─── 喉纤维内视镜检查,发现喉部已严重扭曲变形,假声带区出现不规则隆起。

42、Seven cases were local primary pharyngeal and laryngeal amyloidosis and no affirm-ative death report was recorded sinc... ─── 与系统性淀粉样变性相比,咽喉部原发性局灶性淀粉样变性预后相对较好,但可能复发,应定期随诊。

43、The recurrent laryngeal nerve innervates what muscles of the larynx? ─── 单侧喉返神经损伤可导致什么症状?

44、At the beginning of the 20th century, Crile described and performed the first radical neck dissection for laryngeal and other cancers of the neck. ─── 在20世纪初,他最早描述和实施了喉癌和其他颈部恶性肿瘤的根治性颈清扫术;

45、Airway Responses During Desflurane Versus Sevoflurane Administration via a Laryngeal Mask Airway in Smokers. ─── 吸烟患者经喉罩通气时使用异氟醚或气氟醚时气道反应的对比。

46、Laryngeal symptoms is a hoarse voice, this performance will become increasingly severe, the patient's throat will be very uncomfortable. ─── 喉癌的一个症状表现就是声音嘶哑,这种表现会越来越严重,患者的咽喉部也会很不舒服。

47、Background: Human papillomavirus virus (HPV) has been proposed to be closely associated with laryngeal papilloma. ─── 摘要背景:人类乳头状瘤病毒被认为和喉乳头状瘤有密切的关系。

48、We believe that this patient's airway obstruction was likely secondary to laryngospasm rather than laryngeal edema. ─── 我们认为,该例患者的气道阻塞很可能是继发性喉痉挛,而不是喉头水肿。

49、First, pressure must be applied to the cricoid cartilage, not the thyroid cartilage or other pharyngeal or laryngeal structures. ─── 首先,压力必须作用于环状软骨,而不是甲状软骨或其他咽、喉部结构。

50、Hoarseness and a mass hard in consistency over the thyrohyoid memebrane with supraglottic tumefaction led to a tentative diagnosis of supraglottic laryngeal cancer. ─── 我们遭遇一个喉结核的病例,其独特的临床表徵极类似上喉癌。

51、Laryngeal mask airway(LMA)is a kind of airbreather above glottis between ventilation using endotracheal tube and face mask. ─── 喉罩是介于气管内插管通气和面罩通气之间的声门上通气装置。

52、To investigate the mutation and methylation of PTEN gene in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC). ─── 摘要目的研究喉鳞状细胞癌(简称鳞癌)蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶(PTEN)基因突变和启动子甲基化状况。

53、The major side effects of this therapy were fungus infection of the oral cavity, vocal hoarseness and laryngeal discomfort. ─── 其主要不良反应为口腔霉菌感染、声音嘶哑或咽喉不适等局部副作用。

54、Metaplasia of laryngeal respiratory epithelium has occurred here in a smoker. ─── 图示:嗜烟者喉部呼吸道上皮化生。

55、There was a high positive correlation between VEGF and COX-2 expression in human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (r=0.756, P

56、Thus, we consider malignancy to be the most common cause of pseudohemoptysis, due to the pharyngeal and laryngeal lesions. ─── 因此,我们认为恶性肿瘤是咽喉病灶造成假性咳血最常见的原因。

57、Abstract: Objective:To improve the clinical treatment level for laryngeal paraganglioma. ─── 摘 要: 目的:提高临床诊治喉副神经节病的水平。

58、Eugenia P, Moreno A, Galindo L, et al. Prognostic factors in laryngeal cancer: A multifactorial study of the 416 cases. Cancer,1986,58: 928. ─── 姚祖仁,王亚非,陆晨希.肺癌根治标本淋巴结病理分析及临床提示.实用医学杂志,2001,11:1056.

59、Main branch of ansa cervicalis anastomosis and end to end anastomosis of RLN effectively restore the laryngeal vocalization. ─── 颈襻主支吻合术及喉返神经吻合术也能有效地恢复喉的发音功能。

60、On CT scan, the tumor extension, laryngeal cartilage destruction and metastatic lymph nodes were investigated. ─── 按双盲法根据CT征象进行分期并与手术病理结果对照分析。

61、In EGG, waveform of every groups demonstrates change in different degree, but the waveformof glottal type laryngeal cancer obviously tends to have no regularity. ─── 各组病变的egg波形均有不同程度的改变,但声门型喉癌的波形明显趋于无规律性;

62、Laryngeal yellow, have brunet stain and beard hair. ─── 喉部黄色,有深色斑点和须毛。

63、The external laryngeal nerve innervates what muscles? ─── 喉返神经支配什么肌肉?

64、Objective: To study the experience and lessons of the emergency management of severe laryngeal obstruction caused by acute epiglottitis. ─── 摘要目的:回顾分析急性会厌炎并发严重喉梗阻的急诊处理方法及经验教训。

65、In 2003, an estimated 3800 deaths occurred from laryngeal cancer. ─── 在2003年,估计有3800个患者死亡喉癌。

66、OBJECTIVE To analyze the complications of the CO2 laser-assisted laryngeal microsurgery for laryngeal tumors. ─── 摘要目的分析支撑喉镜下CO2激光喉肿瘤手术的并发症。

67、An 81-year-old male with early-stage laryngeal carcinoma had been treated with 60Gy curative radiotherapy. ─── 摘要一位81岁早期喉癌男性曾经接受60格雷剂量的治疗性放射线疗法。

68、For selected cases, using omohyoid myofascial flap to repair the partial laryngeal defect and reconstruct glottis is available and practicable. ─── :经过仔细选择病例 ,肩胛舌骨肌瓣修复喉部分切除术后缺损、重建声门是积极有效和切实可行的。

69、Before and four months after the operation,laryngoscopy,laryngeal electronyography and histological study were undergone respectively. ─── 实验组术侧声带内收运动明显优于对照组。

70、Objective: To discuss the risk factors and the preventive measure about recurrent laryngeal nerve(RLN) injury in thyroidectomy. ─── 摘要目的:探讨甲状腺手术所致喉返神经(RLN)损伤的原因及预防措施。

71、The treatment of advanced laryngeal cancer constitutes a constant challenge to surgeons. ─── 摘要晚期喉癌患者的治疗对于头颈肿瘤医生一直是一个挑战。

72、Laryngeal Mask Airway and Bougie Intubation Failures: The Combitube as a Secondary Rescue Device for In-Hospital Emergency Airway Management. ─── 喉罩和探针插管法失败后:食管-气管导管可以作为医院内紧急气道处理的备选安全设备。

73、Laryngeal electromyography and histological appearance also supported the results. ─── 对照组失神经支配的环杓侧肌显示肌肉萎缩、变性。

74、Objective: To study the fine distribution of the intramural lymphatics space in the laryngeal of rabbit. ─── 摘要目的:进一步明确家兔喉内三个间隙内淋巴管的微细分布。

75、Laryngeal tuberculosis was common in the past and usually accompanied by advanced pulmonary diseases. ─── 摘要喉结想以往相当常见,而且常合并肺部疾病又高传染性。

76、It is a better method of diagnosing laryngeal disease that the laryngostroloboscopic image is analysed by multimedia. ─── 应用多媒体技术对频闪喉镜图像进行分析是诊断喉病的较好方法。

77、A thorough evaluation requires good illumination, a tongue blade, gloves, and a gauze pad. A dental or laryngeal mirror, if available, is helpful. ─── 全面的评估需要良好的照明,压舌板,手套和纱布垫。口镜或咽喉镜有助于口腔检查。

78、Cervical spine tenderness, subcutaneous emphysema, tracheal deviation, and laryngeal fracture may be discovered on a detailed examination. ─── 颈椎脊突触痛,皮下气肿,气管偏移,喉部裂伤等均可在仔细的体格检查中发现。

79、LMA with OELM could improve the laryngeal views in patients with difficult laryngoscopy, and it would provide us with an easy and reliable option. ─── LMA+OELM联用能明显改善声门的显露程度,降低困难气管插管的难度,提高气管插管的成功率,为临床解决困难气管插管提供了一种新的选择。

80、Primary laryngeal lymphoma is uaually B-cell type and locates at supraglotticarea, especially at aryepiglottic fold, with intact and nonulcerative overlying musosa. ─── 其外表黏膜通常是完整且没有被肿瘤侵犯,所以切片时,应先切开黏膜,再夹取较深部组织来做病理检查,才容易确定诊断。

81、Our aim was to discuss the cause of laryngeal paralysis and the effect of arytenoid adduction. ─── 探讨喉麻痹的原因和杓状软骨内移术的手术效果。

82、Method: The clinical data of seven patients with cicatricial laryngeal stenosis involved with respiratorium scleroma were retrospectively reviewed. ─── 喉部可与鼻腔及其他部位联合发病,导致喉部结构改变和功能障碍,严重者可导致瘢痕性狭窄。

83、We encountered a case of laryngeal tuberculo-sis with unique clinical pictures simulating those of supraglottic laryngeal cancer. ─── 喉结核的临床表现目前更为多样化了,偶尔病人会表现出类似喉癌的症状。

84、Objective To evaluate the value of exposing recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) during thyroid surgery. ─── 摘要目的探讨显露喉返神经在甲状腺手术中的应用价值。

85、An 81-year-old male with early-stage laryngeal carcinoma had been treated with 60 Gy curative radiotherapy. ─── 一位 81 岁早期喉癌男性曾经接受 60 格雷剂量的治疗性放射线疗法。

86、It not only can totally excise neoplasm and prolong life,but also can betterly reserve laryngeal function and improve the quality of patient′s life. ─── 它在切除肿瘤、延长生命的同时可以较好地保留喉的生理功能 ,提高患者术后的生活质量

87、Conclusion The electrotomy might be effective, economic and applied in clinic for laryngeal masses. ─── 结论电切术是一种治疗喉部占位病变的有效方法,经济、实用,适用于基层医院。

88、The External Laryngeal Nere is a motor nere, innerating the cricothyroid muscle and part of the transerse arytenoid muscle. ─── 喉上神经外侧支为运动神经,支配环甲肌和部分杓横肌。

89、Objective To improve the knowledge of laryngeal injury caused by endotracheal intubation. ─── 摘要目的提高对气管内插管并发喉损伤的认识。

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