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09-08 投稿



grenadine 发音


英:  美:

grenadine 中文意思翻译



grenadine 网络释义

n. [纺] 紧捻纱罗织物(丝织成的薄布料);石榴汁糖浆;石榴汁红;一种烤肉卷adj. 石榴汁红的

grenadine 短语词组

1、grenadine syrup ─── 必得利红糖水;红石榴糖浆

grenadine 相似词语短语

1、grenade ─── n.手榴弹;灭火弹;vt.扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击;n.(Grenade)人名;(西、法)格雷纳德

2、Grenadines ─── n.格林纳丁斯群岛(位于西印度洋)

3、gradine ─── n.(圣坛后方的)一级低台阶

4、Grenadians ─── 格林纳达人

5、adrenaline ─── n.[生化]肾上腺素

6、gregarines ─── n.簇虫;adj.簇虫亚纲的

7、green line ─── 轰炸线,军事分界线

8、gregarine ─── n.簇虫;adj.簇虫亚纲的

9、grenadier ─── n.掷弹兵

grenadine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Grenadine satin ─── 色织棉背缎

2、Common special flavorings include Grenadine, Blue Curacao, and others. ─── 常用特调,有糖浆、蓝库拉索及其它。

3、Shake well with ice. Strain into a shot glass. Put a drop of Grenadine in the centre. ─── 混合入杯后将石榴汁滴在中间。

4、Build first three ingredients in a highball glass with ice. Pour grenadine over the top and serve. ─── 前三入加冰海波杯混合,上加石榴汁。

5、curtain grenadine ─── 提花纱罗窗帘


7、silk curtain grenadine ─── 窗帘纱

8、Pour tequila, peach schnapps over ice in a margarita glass. Add grenadine, stir slightly, ─── 将除红石榴汁外的材料摇匀后滤入杯中加入红石榴汁搅拌。

9、Layer in order, slowly and carefully, BOLS Melon, Grenadine, Blue, Amaretto and Baileys in a shot glass. ─── 在子弹杯里分层,缓慢并小心些,波士蜜瓜,石榴,蓝橙和杏仁,百利甜。

10、tulle grenadine ─── 网眼薄纱

11、Then same with the Galliano, then finally the Grenadine. ─── 再入加利安奴及石榴汁。

12、Gin, lemon juice, grenadine and soda water. ─── 金酒,柠檬汁,石榴汁和苏打水。

13、Layer in order, slowly and carefully, BOLS Melon, Grenadine, Blue, Amaretto and Baileys in a shot glass. ─── 在子弹杯里分层,缓慢并小心些,波士蜜瓜,石榴,蓝橙和杏仁,百利甜.

14、grenadine twist ─── 多股加捻丝线

15、gin and brandy with lemon juice and grenadine shaken with an egg white and ice. ─── 杜松子酒和加有柠檬汁和由蛋白和冰冻食品摇匀而成的糖浆的白兰地酒。

16、Pour lime juice into a glass filled with ice. Fill with club soda and stir. Add grenadine and stir again. ─── 加入酸橙汁及苏打水轻搅,再入石榴汁轻搅。

17、Grenadine crepon ─── 毛织薄纱

18、curdle, forming of what looks like a brain, the grenadine gives it a bloody look, then the 151 just makes it worst.....enjoy! ─── 151入底,百利甜其后,莱姆汁入后再入石榴汁,感觉像是出血的脑部。

19、satin grenadine ─── 交织薄缎

20、Add the light rum, coconut rum, pineapple juice and grenadine. ─── 加入淡色朗姆酒、椰果朗姆酒、菠萝汁与柚子汁。

21、Shake rum, creme de banana, cream, and grenadine with crushed ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a banana slice and sprinkle nutmeg on top. ─── 加碎冰混合入杯饰香蕉片及豆蔻粉。

22、Pussy Foot(O J P J, Lemon Juice, Grenadine) ─── 波斯猫爪

23、And then, what I'm gonna do is I'm going to top it off with grenadine syrup, which is a sweet, non-alcoholic syrup, there we go, there's a blending syrup. ─── 然后,我会做的是用石榴汁糖浆加满,这是一种很甜的非酒精糖浆,就这样,是混合糖浆。

24、Notify me of updates to Grenadine Syrup ─── 迪西里牌石榴味浓缩果汁更新时通知我

25、Patrons at the bar had differing views on the Kerry Berry - made with raspberry and strawberry vodka, cranberry juice and a dash of grenadine ─── 酒吧的老主顾们对克里莓酒各持己见,这款酒是由黑树莓、草莓味伏特加、蔓越橘果酱和少量石榴糖浆调配而成的。

26、Summer Punch(OJPJ,Lemon Juice,Grenadine Mint's) ─── 夏日宾治

27、Grenadine syrup is flavored with pomegranates. ─── 这是一种石榴糖浆。

28、Strain ingredients into collins glass filled with ice.Top with grenadine. ─── 冰入可林直杯,入混合物,凤梨汁及桔汁混合物至八分,石榴汁由上加入。

29、5. gin and brandy with lemon juice and grenadine shaken with an egg white and ice. ─── 杜松子酒和加有柠檬汁和由蛋白和冰冻食品摇匀而成的糖浆的白兰地酒。

30、Using a shot glass. pour grenadine then kahlua then vodka layer by layer. flame the drink. serve. ─── drink using a straw 子弹杯按石榴汁、卡鲁瓦咖啡利口酒、伏特加的顺序入,点火服务,用吸管饮用。

31、Build the tequila and orange juice and then drop the grenadine on top of drink. It will sink to the bottom. Stir to watch the sun rise! ─── 倒好龙舌兰和橘子汁后,滴入适量石榴糖浆,它会沉到底部,搅拌着饮料看太阳升起吧!

32、grenadine juice ─── 石榴汁

33、Grenadine colour with copper tints - A nose ofblackcurrant and marshmallows sweets completed by the freshness of the amylic aromas (banana, roundness, body - An intense aromatic return. ─── 带有铜色的糖浆色,带有黑醋栗,葵蜜饯糖的味道,丰富的(香蕉,太菲香草)的混合果香,圆润中展开的新鲜感,深深的果香回味。

34、Add grenadine to an empty Collins glass; ─── 添加grenadine到一个空柯林斯玻璃;

35、grosse grenadine ─── 毛哔叽

36、Gin, Lemon juice, Grenadine syrup and egg white. ─── 金酒,柠檬汁,红石榴糖浆和蛋白。

37、gin and brandy with lemon juice and grenadine shaken with an egg white and ice ─── 杜松子酒和加有柠檬汁和由蛋白和冰冻食品摇匀而成的糖浆的白兰地酒

38、Pour lime juice into a glass filled with ice. Fill with club soda and stir. Add grenadine and stir again. ─── 加入酸橙汁及苏打水轻搅,再入石榴汁轻搅。

39、Add TULLAMORE DEW, grenadine and lime juice. ─── 添加塔拉莫尔露点, grenadine及石灰汁。

40、All ingredients ( except grenadine) into shaker with ice. SHAKE and SERVE! ! ! Donforget to put grenadine into your glass before serving. ─── 所有原料(除石榴糖浆)加冰入摇壶,摇合后入杯!!

41、The attack is supple leading into a fresh,acidulous impression with notes of redcurrant and grenadine. ─── 口感:入口轻滑,在口腔里有强烈的充实感,柔软,平滑的丹宁味形成很好的气味结构。

42、A cocktail of gin, brandy, lemon or lime juice, egg white, and grenadine, shaken with cracked ice and strained. ─── 粉红佳人,一种鸡尾酒,由杜松子酒、白兰地、柠檬汁或石榴汁、鸡蛋蛋白带碎冰摇匀并过滤后形成。

43、nylon curtain grenadine ─── 尼龙窗帘纱

44、Tablespoon grenadine is much suitable to be the first meal after post partum.Because it can quicken the blood and transform stasis, enrich the blood as well as discharge of lochia. ─── 红糖水非常适合产后第一餐食用,不仅能活血化瘀,还能补血,并促进产后恶露排出。

45、And you can see, what's happening, is the grenadine syrup is floating down through the drink, giving it kind of the color of a sunrise, and that would be it. ─── 正如你所见,石榴汁糖浆混入饮料中,带来了一种日出的颜色,就是那样。

46、Lastly, Grenadine, Peach and Cedar wood produce base notes with a luscious sensuality. ─── 最后,石榴,桃和雪松木生产出甜美性感的基调。

47、Add orange juice and top with a splash of grenadine. ─── 新增柑桔汁和顶端与飞溅的grenadine 。

48、fill glass with ice, add alcohols, followed by, sweet and sour, and a dash of grenadine . fill with juices, shake and pour! ─── 杯子里加满冰块,加入伏特加,,甜酸混合,和少量的石榴糖浆,注满橘汁,摇合后倒入杯子。

49、Add the grenadine to the milk and shake up for a excellent milk shake alternative. ─── 加石榴汁于打好的奶昔中(即泡沫牛奶,将牛奶和冰淇淋混合搅打至起泡)混合.

50、First pour in the midori and galliano and try to layer them, but this is not essential.Then layer the baileys on top.Then drop in a few drops of grenadine to make it look like it is bleeding. ─── 首先入加利安奴和蜜瓜酒并使之分层,然后入爱尔兰乳酒,最后入少许红石榴汁沿杯壁流入,看上去就像是流血。

51、grenadine syrup ─── 石榴糖浆

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