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09-08 投稿



encasing 发音

英:[?n?ke?s??]  美:[?n?ke?s??]

英:  美:

encasing 中文意思翻译



encasing 短语词组

1、incasing or encasing ─── 包裹或 ─── 包裹

2、encasing cells ─── [医] 盖细胞

3、lead encasing of hose ─── [机] 软管铅套

4、lead encasing press ─── [机] 套铅机, 包铅机

encasing 词性/词形变化,encasing变形


encasing 相似词语短语

1、enchasing ─── vt.用镶嵌(或雕刻)方法装饰(珠宝)

2、encamping ─── vi.扎营;露营;vt.露营;在…扎营

3、encashing ─── vt.(英)兑现;付现

4、encalming ─── 包裹

5、enclasping ─── vt.握紧;抱紧;以钩子钩住

6、enchafing ─── 镶嵌

7、encaging ─── vt.关在笼中;禁闭

8、incasing ─── v.把……装进箱子;包起,围住(同encase)

9、uncasing ─── vt.除套;暴露;从箱子取出

encasing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Surgical Treatment of Large Meningiomas Encasing Cerebral Arteries at Central Skull Base ─── 手术治疗包裹大动脉的颅底中央区脑膜瘤

2、A flat tablet of rice paper or dried flour paste encasing a powdered drug. ─── 糯米纸包粉状药物用的平的糯米纸片或干面糊

3、While the palette is pure and cool, materials are warm and cosy, encasing the body in hermetically sealed garments that shield against toxic pollution. ─── 与以往时装设计思路来自东西方文化不同的是,我们的设计融合了南北半球的服饰文化(非洲处于南半球)。

4、For example, as a coral head grows, it lays down a skeletal structure encasing each new polyp. ─── 海浪、游动的鱼和其他力以及生物折断这些珊瑚,它们落入珊瑚礁的隙缝中。

5、Occasionally, the hair would part enough to reveal the tip of a boot, encasing a long, slender foot in violet leather. ─── 有时候,头发将会足够分开显示长靴的顶端,装入紫罗兰色的皮革长又苗条的脚。

6、Kil'jaeden captures the fleeing Ner'zhul and irreversibly transforms him into the Lich King, encasing him in a block of ice. ─── 基尔加丹抓住了逃逸的耐奥祖并以不可逆转的形式将之变为巫妖王,将他罩在了一块冰壳中。

7、Zhu Ming’s performances consist of either enveloping himself with an immense blanket of sudsy bubbles or encasing himself within a plastic balloon, often in brutal and physically demanding ways. ─── 出于艺术要求,艺术家将自己放置在肥皂泡沫中,或者在塑料气球中。经常,这些艺术要求对他的身体是一种挑战。

8、Trim the inner seam allowance to 0.6cm (1/4 inch) . the final stitch, encasing the trimmed. ─── 修剪里层缝份,留0.6cm(1/4英寸)。最后缉缝,对修剪过的缝封边,使这条缝饱满。

9、Aseismic design of additional stories by encasing existing brick masonry structure with a new RC frame structure ─── 砖混结构整体式外套框架加层的抗震概念设计

10、Keywords avoidance obstacle path planning;genetic algorithm;two level dynamic planning;convex polygon;visibility graph;encasing box; ─── 避障路径规划;遗传算法;两级动态规划;凸多边形;可视图;包围盒;

11、encasing steelwork for fire protection ─── 钢结构防火包壳

12、Simulation and analysis for the structure of encasing and reversal equipment ─── 装箱翻包机回转架结构数字模拟分析

13、Encasing the bottle is a very special box constructed by Rolls-Royce coach builders, locked with a gold and jewel-studded key. ─── 香水的外包装盒也是非同一般,它由专业的劳斯莱斯汽车车身制造工人制作完成,并配有镶嵌宝石颗粒的金质钥匙。

14、encasing cell ─── 盖细胞

15、We report on a case in which the tumor presented as a perirenal hilar mass encasing the right renal artery without causing vascular occlusion. ─── 本文介绍一个罕见的后腹腔淋巴瘤的表现:肿瘤将肾动脉包围而没有引起肾动脉的阻塞。

16、If it weren't for a 520-ton steel shield encasing the magnet, people would be able to feel its fringe magnetic field a couple of blocks away. ─── 要不是有座五百二十吨重的钢制护罩包住那块磁铁,在好几条街外的人都能感受到它的边缘磁场。

17、Min area convex encasing box is introduced in this method, and then fast obstacle avoidance for visual monitoring platform can be realized. ─── 该方法中引入了最小面积凸包围盒算法,简化了求解过程,从而能实现视觉监测平台的快速避障。

18、steel encasing ─── 外包钢

19、Finally, nickel-bearing magma welled up from Earth's mantle, combining with the sulfide to form nickel sulfide and encasing the compound inside volcanic rock called komatiite. ─── 最终含有镍的岩浆从地幔中涌出,跟硫化物结合形成硫化镍,并将硫化镍包裹在一种叫做“科马提岩”的火山岩中。

20、With the correlation matching and constant-local-disparity, real matching points are found which can be used to produce the maximal encasing box for the obstacle on the ground. ─── 接着对障碍物区域进行局部视差连续性约束下的相似性匹配,并构造障碍物的最大包围盒;

21、A superior mediastinal tumor encasing major vessels with vocal cord and diaphragm paralysis was found on CT scan. ─── 胸部电脑断层显示一上纵膈腔肿瘤包围著大血管,导致声带及横膈麻痹。

22、Keywords gas hydrate;formation;drilling fluid;relative density;encasing;rheological property; ─── 天然气水合物;地层;钻井液;相对密度;护壁性;流变性;

23、he looks on the body as a mere shadow, an outer sheath encasing the soul. ─── 他仅仅把身体看成是影子,灵魂的外壳。

24、Application of clinical nursing system in excimer laser cormea situ grinding and encasing operation ─── 临床护理路径在准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术中的应用

25、Kil'jaeden captures the fleeing Ner'zhul and irreversibly transforms him into the Lich King, encasing him in a block of ice. ─── 基尔加丹抓住了逃逸的耐奥祖并以不可逆转的形式将之变为巫妖王,将他罩在了一块冰壳中。

26、smallest quadrangle encasing box ─── 最小四边形包围盒

27、Objective To explore the surgical treatment of large meningiomas encasing cerebral arteries in the extensive area of the central skull base. ─── 目的探讨对包裹重要脑动脉的颅底中央区脑膜瘤的手术方法。

28、Min area convex encasing box is introduced in this method, and then fast obstacle avoidance for visual monitoring platform can be realized. ─── 该方法中引入了最小面积凸包围盒算法,简化了求解过程,从而能实现视觉监测平台的快速避障。

29、Encasing genes in viruses for transport into muscles or other tissues has been a popular approach in gene therapy experiments for the last decade and is still an important strategy. ─── 用病毒作载体将正常基因送入肌肉和其他人体组织是上一个十年非常流行基因治疗实验方法,今天仍然是重要的方法。

30、Split the hard white armour encasing you, burst apart the thousands of miles of ice stretching from your head to your tail; let the entirety of your magic carry me to your lower reaches, to where you meet the sea! ─── 裂开你身上白色的坚甲,炸开你首尾的万里长冰,使出你全部的魔力,把我送到下游,把我带到你的入海口吧!

31、A team of droids rebuilt Vader in an Imperial rehabilitation center on Coruscant, adding cybernetic components to his body and encasing him in black armor. ─── 在科洛桑的帝国康复中心,一队机械人重造了维德,在他体内加入机械自动化元件,并用一套黑色盔甲包覆他的全身。

32、Algorithm for smallest quadrangle encasing box of convex polygon ─── 凸多边形最小面积四边形包围盒算法

33、With brushes and awls we teased away the rock encasing its fossilized jaws. ─── 借着刷子和锥子,我们将附在已成化石的下颚上的石块刨开。

34、He also noted that tough crystals of apatite encasing the graphite probably sheltered it from the harshest metamorphic transformations. ─── 他也注意到,石墨周围包裹著磷灰石的坚硬晶体,或许因此保护石墨免受严酷变质作用的摧残。

35、A kind of a special encasing material with good mechanical property and proper toughness was developed to encase and reinforce the part. ─── 论述了系统的工艺流程及其组成;研制了一种具有良好粘接性能和可切削性能的包埋材料;详细设计了断层截面图像采集系统。

36、" It disrupts the ligaments, muscles, and capsule (encasing membrane) holding the joint in place." ─── 外力的强度大于保持关节稳固的韧带、肌肉和关节囊的抵抗力时便能使关节脱臼。

37、A cavity in the ovary containing a maturing ovum surrounded by its encasing cells. ─── 卵泡含成熟的卵子的子房中的小洞,被周围细胞所包围

38、An algorithm for generating the min-area convex quadrangle encasing box,based on genetic algorithm,is investigated and put forward. ─── 基于遗传算法的思想,研究并提出了凸多边形面积最小的凸四边形包围盒生成算法。

39、Development of the Encasing Material for Reverse Engineering Based on Cross-sectional Imaging ─── 层切图像法反求工程包埋材料的研制

40、And a panel encasing a vacuum is one of the best insulators known.But vacuum-insulated panels are too pricy for widespread use. ─── 有一款真空隔热板是迄今为止最好的,但其造假昂贵,不利于普及使用。

41、17b.Now fold the belt down on that center line so that the belt is encasing the hakama. ─── 现在将腰带沿正中线翻折下来从而腰带将袴[的上端]包在里面。

42、I remained in bed, encasing myself in the shape and smell of her body that lingered in the sheets. ─── 躺在床上,我把自己裹入她尚留在床单上的体型和气息里。

43、Keywords reverse engineering;cross-sectional imaging;encasing material; ─── 反求工程;层切图像法;包埋材料;

44、The encasing resin was thicker. ─── 包覆树脂较厚。

45、A top government official, Yukio Edano, said a steel container encasing the nuclear reactor had not been ruptured by the blast. ─── 高级政府官员枝野幸男(YukioEdano)说,包围核反应堆的钢铁容器在爆炸中没有破裂。

46、Most perennial grasses in arid and sandy habitats possess cylindrical rhizosheath encasing their roots, a physiological mechanism by which the plants adapt to drought stress. ─── 摘要生长在干旱、沙化地区的禾本科植物的根系通常都具有沙套结构,沙套的形成是植物对干旱逆境环境的生理适应机制。


48、brushes and awls we teased away the rock encasing its fossilized jaws. ─── 刷子和锥子,我们将附在已成化石的下颚上的石块刨开。

49、encasing equipment ─── 装箱机

50、lead encasing press ─── 套铅机包铅机

51、As but one example: the building with entire facades of double layers of glass encasing living plants within. ─── 正如其中一个示例:房屋的外观是种满植物的双层玻璃温室。

52、Effect of bag encasing conditions on fruit quality of pomegranate ─── 不同套袋条件对石榴品质的影响

53、In this paper,safe encasing,transporting and using of contents in medical chest,especially the fragile products were instructed by designing of buffered package of general medical chest. ─── 通用医疗箱缓冲包装设计指导医疗箱内装物,特别是易碎品的安全装箱、运输与使用。

54、lead encasing of hose ─── 软管铅接合

55、It did so by encasing the needle, immediately upon withdrawal from a patient. ─── 这种注射器的操作程序是在把针头从患者身上抽出后,针头会立即缩入防护套中。

56、The encasing resin was thicker. ─── 包覆树脂较厚。

57、This paper introduces the phenomena of label disrepair in encasing,and discussed the method of solution,and advances the measure of treatment. ─── 本文叙述了酒标在装箱机过程中的破损现象,探讨了解决问题的办法,提出了处理措施。

58、In many engineering applications, it is necessary to calculatethe minimum-volume encasing box of an object. ─── 许多工程应用中需要计算物体最小体积的包围盒。

59、of Asian radish in rice paste, studded with morsels of bacon and dried shrimp, and deep-fried yam cakes with frizzy shells encasing a soft, comforting paste and a meaty stuffng. ─── 还有油炸小吃,如用平底锅煎出来的、外面裹以熏肉或干虾的萝卜饼,用油炸过的、里面包着柔软可口的面团和肉馅的山药饼,等等。

60、Diesign assumptions and placement techniques for concrete block encasing the spiral case of pump-turbine ─── 水泵水轮机蜗壳和外包混凝土设计的几个问题

61、The Application of Omron ZEN Programmable Relay to Encasing Equipment ─── 欧姆龙ZEN可编程序继电器在装箱机中的应用

62、In this paper, an algorithm for generating the mini-volume encasing box, based on three-dimension polyhedral model of mechanical part(triangular facet), is investigated and hence put forward. ─── 本文基于机械零件的三维多面体模型(三角面片),研究并提出了它的最小体积的包围盒生成算法。

63、encasing cells ─── [医] 盖细胞

64、And a panel encasing a vacuum is one of the best insulators known. But vacuum-insulated panels are too pricy for widespread use. ─── 有一款真空隔热板是迄今为止最好的,但其造假昂贵,不利于普及使用。

65、And what about artists such as Mondrian, whose paintings consist exclusively of horizontal and vertical lines encasing blocks of colour? ─── 还有像蒙德里安这样的艺术家怎么样?他们的画完全是由水平和垂直的线条包围着色块构成的。

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