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09-08 投稿



sanguine 发音

英:[?s??ɡw?n]  美:[?s??ɡw?n]

英:  美:

sanguine 中文意思翻译





sanguine 短语词组

1、lymphatico-sanguine ─── [医] 淋巴性及血性的

2、sanguine blade ─── 血刃

3、sanguine definition ─── 乐观的定义

4、sanguine color ─── 血色

5、sanguine paradise ─── 血色天堂

6、sanguine personality ─── 乐观的性格

7、choleric sanguine phlegmatic melancholy ─── 胆血痰郁

sanguine 词性/词形变化,sanguine变形

比较级--more sanguine;最高级--most sanguine。

sanguine 相似词语短语

1、exsanguine ─── adj.(诗、文)无血的;贫血的

2、ensanguine ─── vt.满身染血;血染;使成血红色

3、sanguines ─── adj.乐观的;满怀希望的;面色红润的;vt.血染;以血沾污;n.血红色

4、anguine ─── adj.蛇的;似蛇的

5、saguin ─── 萨古因

6、sanguinely ─── 乐观地;充满希望地

7、sangui- ─── 血

8、sanguify ─── 放血

9、linguine ─── n.意大利扁面条

sanguine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His hair was very fair, his face naturally sanguine, his skin roughened by coarse soap and blunt razor blades and the cold of the winter that had just ended. ─── 他满头金发,面色天生红润,可用的尽是些粗肥皂钝刀片,加上刚过去的寒冬,害得他皮肤挺粗糙。

2、They were sanguine about [of] victory. ─── 他们对胜利表示乐观 [确信会胜利] (参看 1 c)。

3、Most seem pretty sanguine about their prospects. ─── 大部分新生都对他们的就业前景充满信心。

4、8) Mr.Camfield's most sanguine estimate of his finance could not raise them within full five pounds of the desired amount; ─── 坎菲尔德先生对他的收入作了最乐观的估计,其增长充其量比理想的数额还差整整5英磅;

5、The highest infected percentage of Trifoliate/Robertson No.36/Kate occurred at the Citrus Demonstration Farm, and also the highest spore density of Trifoliats/Robertson No.36/Washington sanguin. ─── 在3个采样点中,以柑橘良种示范场的枳/罗伯逊脐橙36号/卡特夏橙菌根侵染率最高;以柑橘良种示范场的枳/罗伯逊脐橙36号/脐血橙根际的孢子密度最高。

6、He was always so ready to be interested and always so happy, sanguine and light-hearted. ─── 他总是那么体贴,那么愉快、那么乐观、那么无忧无虑。

7、The sanguine point out that this has no effect on cashflow, since such charges are non-cash items. ─── 乐观人士指出这对企业的现金流没有影响,因为这种减值准备是非现金流项目。

8、the sanguine [ phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic ] temperament ─── 多血[粘液, 胆汁, 忧郁]质

9、a sanguine disposition ─── 乐观 [快活] 的天性

10、President Roosevelt's estimate of the final collapse was, in my opinion, too sanguine by many weeks ─── 依我看,罗斯福总统似乎过于自信,他估计崩溃仅为时数星期之久。

11、You, who love healthy life. You are kind, sanguine, cheery and lovely. Also, you may like sports, such as basketball, racing(hope that). ─── 健康生活的你!开朗,活泼,热爱生活。但又喜欢运动,比如篮球,赛车(希望)等等。

12、She had her own reasons for being less sanguine than ever in hopeful views of the future ─── 她之所以在展望未来时不象以往那么乐观,是有她自己的理由的。

13、Broad wide Eutopia can be ideal or actual , but this word to inspect with the sort to emphasize sanguine , ideal and impossible consummate object more. ─── 广义的乌托邦可以是理想的或实际的,但一般来说这个词更强调乐观的、理想的和不可能的完美事物。

14、He is not very sanguine about our chances of success. ─── 他对我们成功的机会不太乐观。

15、a sanguine nature disposition ] ─── 乐观开朗的性格天性]

16、but a sanguine temper, for ever expecting more good than occurs, does not always pay for its hopes by any proportion of depression. ─── 但是有着乐观脾性、其预期总比现实要美好的人,不会因为失望而一直沮丧。

17、Xia Xueluan, a sociologist and Peking University colleague, was less sanguine. ─── 小学乱,社会学家兼北大员工,则没有那么乐观.

18、But if I was to take a super-dose of Nyquil and wake up in January 2013 to see President Palin on the television, I would still be sanguine. ─── 但假设我服用了超大剂量的NyQuil感冒药一觉睡到2013年1月并在电视上看到帕林总统的话,我也有理由保持乐观。

19、Arthur Galston was less sanguine. ─── Arthur Galston没那么愉快。

20、To be sure, many central banks are more sanguine, noting that inflation expectations are, in the jargon, well-anchored. ─── 可以肯定的是,很多央行都更加乐观,指出通胀预期都是,用术语来讲,高度锚定的。

21、his colour sometimes betwixt yellow and black, but for the mod parts more sanguin then otherwayes: a bold man and resolute, his hair curling; ─── 他的肤色有时候介于黄色和黑色之间,但是思想更乐观,另一方面他还个勇敢坚决的人,他的头发卷曲;

22、His endeavor was unceasing, his strong will was overwhelming, and his expression was totally different from the sanguine and joyous mien that he had assumed for my encouragement. ─── 像是在奔赴一种使命,又如同他整个人变成了机器一样,在时间的操控下精确而灵巧的运转。

23、Look at these figures and the surprise is less that the central bankers are now so jumpy about inflation than that they sounded so sanguine earlier this year. ─── 在1970年,官员们就曾经因为从价格指数中排除了过多的价格种类而导致错误的低估了通胀的可能性。

24、His hair was very fair, his face naturally sanguine ─── 他的头发很淡,脸色天生红润。

25、He has a sanguine attitude to life. ─── 他对于人生有乐观的看法。

26、Because of your sanguine disposition. ─── 075因为你的开朗。

27、The sanguine point out that this has no effect on cashflow, since such charges are non-cash items. ─── 乐观人士指出这对企业的现金流没有影响,因为这种减值准备是非现金流项目。

28、This sanguine view is set out in the bank's latest inflation forecast (see chart). ─── 这个乐观的观点出现在银行最新的通胀预测中。

29、Nonetheless, the notion that large deficits and increasing debt can be accepted with equanimity until the private sector starts spending again is too sanguine. ─── 但是,如果认为在私人部门重新开始花钱之前,人们可以镇定地接受巨额赤字和不断增加的债务,那就太过乐观了。

30、a sanguine report ─── 乐观的报道

31、The authorities were excessively sanguine about the existence of such a vast and undercapitalized organisation. ─── 对于这种规模庞大且资本不足的机构的存在,监管当局过于乐观。

32、The sanguine point out that, because profits are fat, firms need not pass higher costs on to prices.But it seems they are already doing so. ─── 乐观的人指出,由于利润丰厚,公司无需将搞成本传递到价格上,但是他们好像已经这样做了。

33、However, the mood elsewhere in Asia was far less sanguine. ─── 但亚洲其它地区的投资者情绪却远没有那么乐观。

34、A sanguine septuagenarian, happy at last. ─── 在我七十岁的时候,终于找到了真爱。

35、Carl-Gustaf Stawström, the managing director of Sweden's Independent Schools Association, is sanguine. ─── 作为瑞典自主教育的董事长,他对此充满信心。

36、His sanguine nature kept him from worry ─── 他乐观的性情使他免于烦恼。

37、But if the discrepancies on the Shenzhen market are any indication, the NDRC's sanguine numbers probably conceal sizeable tumbles in the other cities. ─── 但是如果深圳数据的差异显出一些迹象的话,国家发改委的乐观数据可能掩盖了其它城市幅度相当大的房价下跌。

38、36/Kate occurred at the Citrus Demonstration Farm, and also the highest spore density of Trifoliats/Robertson No. 36/Washington sanguin. ─── 以柑橘良种示范场的枳/罗伯逊脐橙36号/脐血橙根际的孢子密度最高。

39、Still, bitter , tell self , firmly shouldering! Still, painful , tell self , not crying! I should be learn to strengthen , brave and sanguine! ─── 再苦,告诉自己,扛住!再痛,告诉自己,不哭!我要学会坚强,勇敢和乐观!

40、Matre Simon Sanguin, the elector of the Nation of Picardy, with his wife on the saddle behind him. ─── 庇卡底的选董西蒙·桑甘老公来了,他带着老婆,让她坐在骡子屁股上。”

41、Blood-stained Sanguin ─── n. 紫红蛤(樱蛤超科,紫云蛤科)

42、They are very confident and sanguine, but usually overdo everything. ─── 他们非常自信乐观,但做事情常常有些过分。

43、I was born in high summer and own a sanguine character. ─── 出生于盛夏的我,拥有乐天性格。

44、Colors All the sanguine reds, from blood orange to scarlet, with a drop of plum or wine. ─── 今夏红色被大量运用,从橙红色到鲜红色,红的色彩缤纷;从果红色到酒红色,红的娇艳欲滴。

45、sanguine of success ─── 对成功抱乐观态度

46、Ceteris paribus, it is undoubtedly better to think positive thoughts than negative ones.But in the real world, all other things are never equal, no matter how sanguine your outlook. ─── 在一切条件相同的情况下,正面想法当然要比负面的好,只不过在现实生活里,不论你的想法有多乐观,其他条件就从来不会完全相同。

47、Matre Simon Sanguin,the elector of the Nation of Picardy,with his wife on the saddle behind him. ─── 庇卡底的选董西蒙·桑甘老公来了,他带着老婆,让她坐在骡子屁股上。

48、Not everyone is so sanguine. ─── 不是所有人都如此乐观。

49、Diphos Sanguin ─── n. 西施舌(樱蛤超科,紫云蛤科)

50、sanguine attitude toward life ─── 乐观生活态度

51、Similarly, the possibility that Beijing might sell off its massive holdings of U.S.Treasurys is often treated as a doomsday scenario, but Krugman is positively sanguine about the prospect. ─── 同样,北京抛售所持大量美国国债的可能性常常被视 为一种在世界末日才会发生的事情,克鲁格曼对这一前景却颇为乐观。

52、He wears a small pair of glasses on ordinary days, which gives us an impression that he is vivacious, sanguine and clever. ─── 平日里戴着一副小眼镜的他留给人的总是一个活泼开朗、灵气十足的形象。

53、a sanguine nature [ disposition ] ─── 乐观开朗的性格[天性]

54、The international dependence school, in contrast, is much less sanguine and, in many cases, is downright pessimistic ─── 与此相对照,国际依附学派则悲观得多,在许多情况下甚至是完全悲观主义的。

55、Upchurch was more sanguine about the potential for recreational developments to draw people and investments to rural areas. ─── " 厄普丘奇对通过娱乐开发把人和投资吸引到农村地区的潜力感到更加乐观。

56、Israel, which has tried for years to mobilise international action against Iran, suddenly appears more sanguine. ─── 以色列,多年来一直试图动员国际社会采取行动(果)霎时看到了转机和希望。

57、sanguine type ─── 乐观型快活型

58、They are less sanguine about the company's long-term prospects. ─── 他们对公司的远景不那么乐观。

59、He tends to take a sanguine view of the problems involved. ─── 他对涉及的问题持乐观态度。

60、He seemed quite sanguine about his chances of success. ─── 他看上去对成功的可能性十分乐观。

61、Cacatua sanguine' ─── 小凤头鹦鹉

62、He was always so ready to be interested and always so happy, sanguine and light-hearted ─── 他总是那么体贴,那么愉快、那么乐观、那么无忧无虑。

63、sanguine temperament ─── 多血质

64、She had her own reasons for being less sanguine than ever in hopeful views of the future. ─── 她之所以在展望未来时不象以往那么乐观,是有她自己的理由的。

65、But even the most sanguine Norwegian officials admit that the “trajectory” in Russia is worrying. ─── 但即使是最乐观的挪威官员,也承认俄罗斯种种的做法令人担忧。

66、the sanguine [ phlegmatic,choleric,melancholic ] temperament ─── 多血[粘液,胆汁,忧郁]质

67、His private expectations were not so sanguine. ─── 他私下的期望并不是那么乐观。

68、Moody's, which last summer had issued a sanguine outlook for Alt-A, recently quadrupled its loss projections on bonds backed by such loans. ─── 去年夏天,穆迪还曾对次优按揭持乐观态度,现在它预计这些按揭所支持的债券将产生四倍于以往的损失。

69、Mr Medvedev, however, was sanguine about opposition abroad to the growing reach of Russian companies. ─── 不过,对于俄罗斯企业在国外影响力不断扩大而遭遇的反对,梅德韦杰夫表现得泰然自若。

70、not very sanguine about our chances of success ─── 对我们成功的机会不很乐观

71、Sanguine people usually have great ideas of things to do with their friends. ─── 乐观的人通常能想出与朋友合作的绝佳点子,

72、Chinese sanguin (Hiatula chinensis) ─── 中国紫蛤

73、Chinese financial market participants were sanguine about the statement. ─── 中国经济市场的投资者对这一声明表示乐观。

74、Yet investors seem sanguine: Greece's ten-year bond yield is comfortably below 5%. ─── 不过投资者看起来保持乐观:令人放心的是,希腊的十年债务量维持在5%以下。

75、Grayling is far less sanguine. ─── C.格雷林可远没有这般乐观。

76、The commander was sanguine about the superiority of his airmen. ─── 司令官对属下飞行员的优势报乐观态度。

77、Female, 28, unmarried, 1.63m, slim and attractive, company white collar, wishes to meet male older than her, healthy, sanguine, and committed to work ─── 女28岁,未婚,1.63米,苗条漂亮,公司白领,想觅一位大于本人健康开朗事业上有一份爱心的男士

78、He tends to take a sanguine view of the problems involved. ─── 他对涉及的问题持乐观态度。

79、They are sanguine that its longer term prospects remain bright as the ultimate potential of the information age has not yet run its full course. ─── 他们仍然乐观,认为长期看来前景仍是光明的,信息时代的发展潜能来日方长。

80、Atlantic sanguin ─── n. 血紫蛤

81、But independent analysts are much less sanguine. ─── 但中立派的分析人士则没有那么乐观。

82、Others are less sanguine. ─── 其他人则没这么乐观。

83、They are less sanguine about the company's long-term prospects. ─── 他们对公司的远景不那么乐观。

84、They were sanguine that they would win. ─── 他们确信自己会赢(参看 1 b)。

85、But sanguine people have weaknesses, too. ─── 但是乐观的人也有弱点。

86、The most valuable thing in our life is that we should adopt an optimistic, sanguine, magnanimous attitude towards life. ─── 人生百年,可贵的是乐观向上,开朗坦荡的看待一切。

87、Individuality: active and sanguine; work: cautious and conscientious; ─── 个性活泼开朗;工作兢业务实;

88、He's remarkably sanguine about the problems involved. ─── 他对所涉及的问题非常自信。

89、But, as he wrote in 1969, he was not so sanguine inside. ─── 但是,如他在1969年写到,他的内心并不安详乐观。

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