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09-08 投稿



exclusionary 发音

[ ?k'sklu??nri]

英:  美:

exclusionary 中文意思翻译



exclusionary 反义词


exclusionary 同义词

ban | bar | refusal | exception | barring | embargo | segregation | marginalization | censure | elimination | excommunication | expulsion | sanction |rejection | ejection | elision | riddance | omission | prohibition

exclusionary 词性/词形变化,exclusionary变形

形容词: exclusionary |

exclusionary 短语词组

1、exclusionary rule of evidence ─── 证据排除规则

2、exclusionary rule ─── 证据排除法则;不采纳规定

3、exclusionary rules ─── [法] 证据排除法则

4、exclusionary practice ─── 排他性做法

exclusionary 相似词语短语

1、inclusionary ─── 包容性

2、evolutionary ─── adj.进化的;发展的;渐进的

3、exclusionist ─── adj.排外主义的;n.排外主义者

4、exclusionism ─── n.排外主义;排他主义

5、conclusionary ─── 结论

6、exclusioner ─── 除外责任;

7、exclusions ─── n.除外(exclusion的复数形式);排除给付;除外条款

8、delusionary ─── adj.虚妄的;误导性的

9、exclusion ─── n.排除;排斥;驱逐;被排除在外的事物

exclusionary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Fourth Amendment exclusionary rule ─── 有美国学者区分为第四修正案排除规则

2、it is porous rather than exclusionary, but the new tools may filter out the noise. ─── 和排他性相比,这种机制更加开放,但是需要新的工具来过滤噪音。

3、Part 3: “commenting on legislation of Exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence and justice actuality in our country. ─── 第三部分:“我国刑事非法证据排除规则的立法及司法现状评析”。

4、Comparative Research Upon the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence Between Canada and Australia ─── 加拿大、澳大利亚非法证据排除规则的比较研究

5、When the Church does this, some like to make the accusation against her that she is unmerciful, that she is exclusionary. ─── 当教会真的这样做的时候,就有人会责难教会不够慈悲,排除异己。

6、” In this part ,I talked mainly about the complexions of the Exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence applied in the typical country ,for instance ,the USA, Britain ,Germany and Japan . ─── 本部分主要对国外较为典型的美、英、德日等国适用非法证据排除规则的情况作了简要的概述和评析。

7、The social network is valuable because it is exclusionary; ─── 社会网络的价值在于它的排他性。

8、A perfect exclusionary rule of illegally obtained confession should also be formed by substantial rules and procedural rules. ─── 一项完善的非法供述排除规则也应当由实体性规则和程序性规则构成。

9、The exclusion is based on effort and skill, not race orincome, but it's still exclusionary. ─── 这种排外性是建立在贡献和技能上的,不是竞争或收入,但它仍然是具有排外性的。

10、The Rational Choice Between the Exclusionary Rule and Correlative System ─── 非法证据排除规则与相关制度的理性抉择

11、On theoretical base of the Exclusionary Rule of Unlawfully Obtained Evidence ─── 论非法证据排除规则的理论基础

12、Had we been wrong not to teach him about the exclusionary nature of the "real world" ? ─── 难道我们错了,没有教给他被“真实世界”抛弃的感受吗?

13、The Exclusionary Rule In American Civil Procedures and Its Value for Reference ─── 美国民事诉讼的排除规则及其借鉴意义

14、China should absorb rational ideas of intimidating theory, and build up exclusionary rules of Chinese type. ─── 我国应当吸收吓阻理论的合理内核,确立起中国式的证据排除规则。

15、Father to his reputation, while allowing his niece abuses, as long as not to fire upon him, by the way also for his exclusionary. ─── 神父为了自己的名誉,放任自己的侄女胡作非为,只要不把火烧到他头上,顺便也替他排除异己。

16、exclusionary rules ─── [法] 证据排除法则

17、Exclusionary rules of illegal evidence, being an important rule in the principle of rule by law, are kept to in Common Law System and mostly in Continental Law System. ─── 非法证据排除规则,已是英美法系国家与大部分大陆法系国家所坚持的法治原则。

18、7.An emphasis on purity in contrast is exclusionary and selective, and in the long run is counterproductive to insuring the survival of the magic allele. ─── 与此对立的对于纯血统的强调是排他并且有选择的,长远地说是与保证魔法基因等位体的生存格格不入的。

19、Corresponds with it, took the procedure fair should have righteousness criminal unlawfully obtained evidence exclusionary rule to be congenitally deficient naturally. ─── 与之相对应,作为程序公正中应有之义的刑事非法证据的排除规则自然先天不足。

20、"Pan-blue Exclusionary Opinion Polls" ─── “排蓝民调”

21、Theoretical Analysis on Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence ─── 非法证据排除规则之法理分析

22、The comparative study of American exclusionary rule and Germany rule of evidentiary use prohibition ─── 美国非法证据排除规则与德国证据运用禁止规则之比较

23、exclusionary role ─── 排除规则

24、Second, liars use fewer exclusionary words — but, nor, except, whereas. ─── 其次,说谎者较少使用排他词语——但是,也不,除了,然而。

25、By default, our filters hadbeen set to a vigilance level of four on a 1-to-5 setting, with fivebeing the most exclusionary. ─── 我们的过滤器在默认状态下设定在了1-5级的警戒级别,也就是4级,而5级是最具排他性的。

26、exclusionary rides of illegally obtained evidence ─── 非法证据排除规则

27、How can the "more advantageous to the rich" will show their strong exclusionary? ─── 岂能因“对富人越有利”便表现出强烈的排斥性?

28、Comparison and appraisal of the exclusionary rule of illegally-obtained evidence ─── 非法证据排除规则比较评析

29、The article subject divides into four parts, first part of limits unlawfully obtained evidence exclusionary rule meaning and so on basic concept; ─── 文章主题分为四部分,第一部分界定非法证据排除规则的含义等基本概念;

30、Exclusionary Damage and Intiative Adjustable Protection and Self-balance Steady Reaction of Human and Animal before Sexual Maturity Caused by High Concentration Aluminium ─── 高铝引起性发育成熟前人和动物的排斥性损害和主动调节保护及自身平衡稳定反应

31、Once he embarked on the course of exclusionary writing of architectural history, the omission of Chinese and Japanese building that did not structurally relate to the east hall may hae come naturally. ─── 作者认为梁先生这样一位中国最早期的建筑历史学家是在有意识的撰写筛选过的历史。她觉得与刘敦桢先生的建筑史研究相比,梁先生更合适被称为一位建筑技术史家。

32、As one of the most important contents in criminal justice, the exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence commonly concerns about the main thoughts and values of the special period. ─── 刑事非法证据排除规则作为刑事司法领域中最重要的内容之一,它通常蕴含着某一特定历史时期社会的主流思想意识和价值观念。

33、Part 1“the connotation and the purport of the Exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence”. ─── 第一部分:“非法证据排除规则的内涵、意义”。

34、Academic inquiry, at least in some fields, may need to become less exclusionary and more holistic. ─── 至少在部分领域,学术调查可能需要减少排他性,变得更全面一些。

35、The lag of the evidence legislation and the vacancy of the exclusionary rule of unlawfully obtained evidence, is intensely manifested the idea. ─── 证据立法的滞后以及非法证据排除规则的制度性缺位,正是这种法律观念、法律思想在制度层面的强烈体现。

36、exclusionary rule ─── 证揣排除规则

37、Part4: “the disadvantages in establishing the Exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence.”? ─── 第四部分:“影响我国建立非法证据排除规则的不利因素”。

38、The exclusionary rule has always been an inevitable issue of the criminal procedural law. ─── 非法证据排除规则一直是刑事诉讼中不可回避的话题之一。

39、Fire Fighters using full PPE entered exclusionary area to check out unknowns. Good move on vacating scene of unknown substance in tank. ─── 消防员使用全套个人保护装备进入警戒区进行不明物品的检查。在不知道箱内有什么东西时,撤离现场是正确的。

40、Also exclusionary area set up around aircraft for unknown exposition at this time also. ─── 同时在没有说明的情况下,在飞机周围确立了警戒区。

41、This exclusionary rule wasn't carved out by the courts until 1961. ─── 这个排除规则直到1961年才由法院创制。

42、Procecutor:I am asking you to recognize the absurdity of the exclusionary rule. ─── 检察官:我是在请求您认识到这个排除规则的荒谬性。

43、exclusionary rule for illegal evidence ─── 证据排除规则

44、The role of municipalities is crucial in reversing the exclusionary pattern of urban development in Brazil. ─── 对于反转巴西城市发展中排斥的部分来说,市政当局的角色至关重要。

45、Secondly, study the present situation and the insufficiency of legislation of the exclusionary rule of unlawfully obtained evidence in our country. ─── 三、探讨我国刑事非法证据排除规则的制度构建。

46、Criminal illegal exclusionary rules ─── 刑事非法证据排除规则

47、Exclusionary reviews - Reviewing only a sample of the code and leaving out other important pieces. ─── 排它性复查——只拿出代码中的某一段样本来进行复查,把其他重要的部分都弃而不顾。

48、Part 5: “the establishing the Exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence. ─── 第五部分:“我国刑事非法证据排除规则的构建”。

49、The civil evidence exclusionary rules of our country are mainly stipulated in the judicial interpretations, and minor in the civil procedural law. ─── 我国的民事证据排除规则主要体现在司法解释中,民事诉讼法的规定很少。

50、On Several Issues of the Exclusionary Rules of Illegally obtained Evidence ─── 非法证据排除规则要论

51、On the advantages and disadvantages of American exclusionary rule and its teaching ─── 论美国排除规则的利弊要略及教学要端

52、Only through a thorough understanding of the exclusionary rule of the illegally obtained evidence can we construct a rational exclusionary rule of the illegally obtained evidence. ─── 只有深入理解非法证据排除规则存在的价值基础,才能构建符合理性的非法证据排除规则。

53、The exclusionary rules dominated by intimidating theory established the just of Criminal procedure further, and protected rights of suspect. ─── 在该理论指导下的证据排除法则进一步确立起了刑事司法程序的正当性,保障了犯罪嫌疑人权利。

54、Criminal Procedure. Exclusionary Rule. A Defendant's key Rights with a Criminal case. The Miranda Rule Range. ─── 非法证据排除规则。刑事诉讼中被告的几项主要权力。米兰达原则的适用范围。

55、Criminal Procedure. Exclusionary Rule. A Defendant's key Rights with a Criminal case. The Miranda Rule Range. ─── 知识点:非法证据排除规则.刑事诉讼中被告的几项主要权力.米兰达原则的适用范围.

56、On Establishing Chinese Criminal Unlawful Evidence Exclusionary Rules ─── 论构建我国刑事非法证据排除规则

57、Part 2 “practice in Exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence overseas. ─── 第二部分:“国外关于非法证据排除规则的实践”。

58、The exclusionary rule for involuntary oral statements--from the perspective of torture ─── 非自愿性口供的排除规则--从刑讯逼供角度的分析

59、Exclusionary rules are limitedly applied in cases of grievous bodily harm and of moral injury. ─── 法官对非法取证的查证基本上形式化;

60、One result may be to loosen the traditional moorings of exclusionary political identities in favor of a broader sense of ecological community. ─── 结果之一可能是使具有排它性的政治共同体的联系变得松散,而代之以更广泛的生态社区意识。

61、Authoritative reasons are exclusionary reasons and exclude the possibility of the moral considerations, thus the conception of authority sustain the sources thesis. ─── 权威性理由是排他性理由,排除了道德因素的可能性,权威论支持了渊源论。

62、The exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence is invalid and can't be adopted in court,for it disobeys the proceedings of law. ─── 非法证据排除规则指违反法定程序、以非法方法获得的证据,不具有证据能力,不能为法庭采纳。

63、Study on the Exclusionary Rule of Unlawfully Obtained Evidence ─── 刑事非法证据排除规则研究

64、The wisdom of this exclusionary rule is doubtful, as many straightforward applications for relief from sanction should be capable of being disposed of fairly and efficiently without any oral hearing. ─── 这项排除规则是否理智值得怀疑,因为应当能够不经口头聆讯而公平、高效地处理许多免除惩处的简单申请。

65、In China, different opinions exist in lawsuit theoretical circles on how to look on the value of the demonstration of illegal evidence exclusionary rule. ─── 在我国,刑事非法证据证明能力的价值如何选择,诉讼法理论界说法不一。

66、The Construction and Demonstration of the Exclusionary Rule for Illegal Evidence ─── 构建我国非法证据排除规则的基本设想

67、The Internet “is robbing slang of a lot of its sociolinguistic exclusionary power,” said Robert A.Leonard, a linguistics professor at Hofstra in Hempstead, N. ─── ‘网络正在寻找俚语在语言学之外的能量点,’纽约霍夫斯拉特大学的语学教授罗伯特.

68、The aim is to demonstrate the justifiability of the construction of the exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence in China. ─── 探讨该规则的价值问题是论证在我国构建非法证据排除规则之正当性的需要。

69、To many, the sheer numbers of China's people were menacing, and exclusionary immigration laws were enacted to keep them out. ─── 在许多人看来仅中国人口数目这一项就是一种威胁,于是就制定了专门为了排斥中国人入境的限制移民法。

70、the pattern of exclusionary rule ─── 排除模式

71、A Study of the Production Burden of the Exclusionary Rule for Illegally Obtained Evidence ─── 非法证据排除规则的举证责任

72、exclusionary practice ─── 排他性做法

73、Immigrants could circumvent such exclusionary laws by leasing or purchasing land in their American-born children's names. ─── 移民可以通过用他们在美国出生的孩子的名字租赁或购买土地来规避这种排他性法律。

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