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09-08 投稿



hoar 发音


英:  美:

hoar 中文意思翻译





hoar 网络释义

adj. 白的;灰色的n. 灰白;白霜n. (Hoar)人名;(英)霍尔

hoar 短语词组

1、hoar frost ─── 树冰, 冰霜, 白霜

2、hoar-frost n. ─── 白霜,草、叶子、房顶等上面的霜

hoar 词性/词形变化,hoar变形


hoar 相似词语短语

1、boar ─── n.野猪;(未阉的)公猪;n.(Boar)人名;(罗)博阿尔

2、hoor ─── n.婊子

3、hoax ─── n.恶作剧;骗局;谎报;vt.捉弄,欺骗

4、Zoar ─── n.避难所

5、hoard ─── n.贮存(品),秘藏(品);古代宝库;情报(库);v.贮藏(钱财或贵重物品);(在某物匮乏时)积敛;储存(以备后用);n.(Hoard)(美)霍尔德(人名)

6、haar ─── n.[气象]哈雾;n.(Haar)人名;(德、英、荷、瑞典)哈尔

7、hoary ─── adj.久远的,古老的;灰白的

8、hoer ─── n.锄地者

9、hear ─── vt.听到,听;听说;审理;vi.听;听见

hoar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、but his hoar head bring thou down to the grave with blood. ─── 你是聪明人,必知道怎样待他,使他白头见杀,流血下到阴间。

2、A year old of child with 4 big months, defecate shows hoar, rice is graininess, what reason, how to treat ─── 一岁四个月大的孩子,大便呈灰白色,米粒状,什么原因,如何治疗

3、In body symptom respect, the skin is atrophic and dry knit more, hoar tine falls, quiver of tongue, hand, eyesight, audition drops etc. ─── 在躯体症状方面,皮肤萎缩而干燥多皱,发白齿落,舌、手震颤,视力、听力减退等。

4、Trees and bushes were covered with hoar frost, and looked like a forest of white coral; ─── 可是当太阳升起的时候,那是甚么样的景色啊!

5、After crossing this solar terms, winter's footsteps have been getting more and more near, the proverb has “Cold Dew not to calculate coldly, the hoar frost descending clouded over” view. ─── 过了这个节气后,冬天的脚步就越来越近了,俗语有“寒露不算冷,霜降变了天”的说法。

6、airtious hoar frost deposit ─── 飞机积霜

7、bice massive,hoar fine powder. ─── 灰色块状、灰白色粉末.

8、I was now furnished with roots and corn, such as it was, and water, and leaving my friendly Negroes, I made forward for about days more without offering to go near the hoar, ─── 现在,我有了不少杂粮,又有了水,就离别了那些友好的黑人,一口气大约又航行了十一天,中间一次也没有登岸。

9、You cannot tell her beams from hoar frost in the air.Nor from white sand upon Farewell Beach below. ─── 空里流霜不觉,飞汀白沙不见。

10、I approached him and scrutinized only to find that he got older than what he had been, hairs on the whole grey and on temples hoar, wrinkles deeper than ever. ─── 不曾想,一出检票口,就看见父亲站在人群里,身着那件他穿了半辈子的蓝雨衣,手里拿着给我带的雨衣。

11、The ground of hoar and white sofa appear relaxed all the more, a few cushion for leaning on of weak yellow, weak green, weak cyan on sofa, make the same score for the room added a few minutes lively. ─── 灰白色的地面与雪白的沙发显得格外清爽,沙发上淡黄、淡绿、淡青色的几个靠垫,为房间平添了几分活泼。

12、Its' design and color are still vivid, one is mauve, one is light red, and the other one is hoar yellow ivory with something like blood-red demitint in it. ─── 蔷薇的花色还是鲜艳的,一朵紫红,一朵嫩红,一朵是病黄的象牙中带着几分血晕。

13、Hoar frost? ─── 是霜吗?

14、hoar evenly qualitative fish odor leucorrhea: common in bacterial vaginal disease. Have fish odor, companion vulvae mild pointless. ─── 灰白色匀质鱼腥味白带:常见于细菌性阴道病。有鱼腥味,伴外阴轻度痛痒。

15、On the reed full of hoar frost, the light oar plunged into the water in home's direction. ─── 芦蓬上满载着白霜,轻轻摇着归泊的小桨。

16、crevasse hoar ─── 冰隙白霜

17、Another work in the same placing heard a word one time this, can't help complexion is hoar, he is impatient fierily cried to rise, "My day! ─── 另一位同事听了这一番话,不禁脸色发白,他心急如火地喊了起来,“我的天啊!

18、Let us live long enough, and we shall all have hoar hairs;therefore we may as well enjoy this promise by the foresight of faith. ─── 岁月无情,时序嬗递,我们的肉体虽然逐渐毁坏,但我们内在的生命,却一天新似一天,藉著信心的眼睛,我们看到荣耀的盼望就在眼前。

19、So, should notice whether oneself have the case that the hair is unplugged very easily usually, and drop hair root is very fine, for hoar, without keenly feel. ─── 所以,平常应该注重自己是否有头发很轻易被拔掉的情况,并且掉下的头发根很细,为灰白色,没有痛感。

20、And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground. ─── 出16:15以色列人看见、不知道是甚麽、就彼此对问说、这是甚麽呢.摩西对他们说、这就是耶和华给你们吃的食物。

21、Hoar Edge Grits ─── 胡尔埃杰粗砂岩

22、Maintain for hoar the travel shoe of chalaza of plastic face, half tall waist. ─── 认定为灰白色塑胶面、半高腰系带的旅游鞋。

23、More the jeans side hoar wool appears on street, with transmission, foil of leg ministry " graceful graceful " vision. ─── 更有发白的毛边牛仔裤亮相街头,以透射、衬托腿部的“婷婷”视觉。

24、They're trying to understand hoar, frozen dew layers that can shatter when buried under snow, triggering an avalanche. ─── 他们正在努力研究为什么当白霜和冻结的露水层在冰雪覆盖下会粉碎,进而引发雪崩。

25、3.No hare, sir; unless a hare, sir, in a lenten pie, that is something stale and hoar ere it be spent. ─── 不是什么野兔子;要说是兔子的话,也不过是斋节里做的兔肉饼,没有吃完就发了霉。

26、The 2nd: Argent and aureate, OK as suitable as any color line. Aureate do not include yellow, argent do not include hoar. ─── 第二条:金色、银色可以与任何颜色相配衬。金色不包括黄色,银色不包括灰白色。

27、Do therefore according to thy wisdom, and let not his hoar head go down to the grave in peace. ─── ?阅阋?漳愕闹腔坌校?蝗菟?淄钒踩幌乱跫洹

28、Child coating on the tongue is hoar, be dyspeptic? ─── 孩子舌苔发白,是消化不良吗?

29、I thought hoar frost had fallen from the night. ─── 我以为夜里下白霜了。

30、depth hoar ─── 浓霜

31、The sun came up on the way, and the swamp maples and dogwood glowed crimson and orange and the stone walls and cornfields sparkled with hoar frost; ─── 太阳逐渐升起来,沼泽枫与山茱萸映着深红橘黄的光辉,石墙和小麦田上的冰霜闪闪发亮,空气清新而刺骨,弥漫着希望的气息。

32、Color of skin appears white tender, should notice to prevent bask in, besmear hoar foundation cream, attack again light whitening. ─── 肤色呈现白嫩,要注重防晒,并涂发白的粉底霜,再扑上淡淡的白粉。

33、air hoar ─── 霜凇

34、Hoar Frost Falls ─── 蜂箱架

35、Do therefore according to thy wisdom,let not his hoar head go down to the grave in peace. ─── 6你要照你的智慧行,不容他白头安然下阴间。

36、As to the Power Ground RLC equivalent circuit with a large number of independent current sources, we propose a novel HOAR (High Order ARnoldi) based MOR method. ─── 在电源地网络RLC等效电路降阶分析方面,我们提出了一种新的基于高次Arnoldi过程的降阶算法HOAR

37、Software Description: About Frost, This wallpaper shows a close view of hoar frost near Purcell Mountains in British Columbia, Canada. ─── 这张壁纸显示在英国哥伦比亚,加拿大的普赛尔山附近的灰白的严寒的一幅风景。

38、Now it was pale shrimp-colour, with a Bluish-white hoar of frost. It always pleased Connie, this underfoot of sifted, Bright pink. It's an ill wind that Brings nobody good. ─── 现在这条小路是呈着淡谈的虾色,上面铺着灰白带蓝的薄霜、康妮很喜欢这条铺着细沙的鲜玫瑰色的路径。天下事有时是有弊亦有利的。

39、Because it shows hoar. ─── 因为它呈灰白色。

40、The hoar -frost whitened the pavement in front of Mr. Moore's residence, and made silent havoc among the tender plants in his garden. ─── 白霜洒白了穆尔先生的住宅前面的大路,悄悄地摧残园子里嫩弱的草木。

41、hoar crystal ─── 霜晶

42、Lens ask forring seems ulcer to show a circle inside or elliptic, the edge is sharp, base is smooth, enclothe for necrotic organization, show hoar or yellow white, show sometimes Brown; ─── 内镜征象是溃疡呈圆形或椭圆形,边缘锐利,基底光滑,为坏死组织覆盖,呈灰白色或黄白色,有时呈褐色;

43、They both reported to Marine General Joseph Hoar, the commander of the U.S.Central Command at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. ─── 他们都听令于佛罗里达州坦帕麦克迪尔空军基地美国中央司令部司令海军陆战队将军约瑟夫.霍尔。

44、You cannot tell her beams from hoar frost in the air, Nor from white sand upon Farewell Beach below ─── 空里流霜不觉飞 汀上白沙看不见

45、The old man has hoar hair ─── 那位老人头发花白。

46、hoar frost descends ─── n. 霜降

47、O ye dews and hoar frosts, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. ─── 露和霜,请赞美上主,歌颂称扬他,直到永远!

48、Hoar frost. One of the things I find fascinating is how beautiful everything can be in winter. ─── 我发现很奇妙的一件事情就是在冬天一切都变得如斯美丽。

49、Shape:Curled strips,strong,heavy,with dragonfly head,lenitive luster,appare green,definite red spots,with hoar frost the leaves ─── 外形:条索卷曲、壮结、沉重,呈青带绿腹蜻蜓头状,色泽鲜润,砂绿显,红点明,叶表带白霜

50、And even to your old age I am he;and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; ─── 直到你们年老、我仍这样、直到你们发白、我仍怀搋。

51、surface hoar ─── 地面霜

52、Quarrel is hoar, macerate, debaucjed, linear chap and horn are changed, scar leaves after healing. ─── 口角发白、浸渍、糜烂、线状皲裂和角化,愈后留疤。

53、”Along with hoar frost descending's arrival, the crops, the vegetation start the yellowing, the fallen leaf. ─── 随着霜降的到来,作物、草木开始泛黄、落叶。

54、It is elegant that hoar fastens a person, calm. ─── 灰白色系给人是优雅,沉静。

55、6 Do therefore according to thy wisdom, and let not his hoar head go down to the grave in peace. ─── 王上:2:9现在你不要以他为无罪、你是聪明人、必知道怎样待他、使他白头见杀、流血下到阴间。

56、They both reported to Marine General Joseph Hoar, the commander of the U. S. Central Command at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. ─── 他们都听令于佛罗里达州坦帕麦克迪尔空军基地美国中央司令部司令海军陆战队将军约瑟夫.霍尔。

57、The hoar -frost whitened the pavement in front of Mr. Moore's residence, and made silent havoc among the tender plants in his garden. ─── 白霜洒白了穆尔先生的住宅前面的大路,悄悄地摧残园子里嫩弱的草木。

58、Now therefore hold him not guiltless: for thou art a wise man, and knowest what thou oughtest to do unto him; but his hoar head bring thou down to the grave with blood. ─── 王上2:9现在你不要以他为无罪、你是聪明人、必知道怎样待他、使他白头见杀、流血下到阴间。

59、Full Run moisture hoar frost ─── 盈润水份白霜

60、Often have on the face some hoar have the little a knot in one's heart with transparent dot again (perfunctory) how be to return a responsibility? ─── 脸上老是有些发白又有点透明的小疙瘩(不痛不痒)是怎么回事?

61、And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you. ─── 4直到你们年老,我仍这样,直到你们发白,我仍怀搋,我已造作,也必保抱,我必怀抱,也必拯救。

62、Young branch is mixed closely by hoar short fluff the long bristle of extend. ─── 幼枝密被灰白色短柔毛和伸展的长刚毛。

63、It is elegant that hoar fastens a person, calm. Tea table is sedate gray department accordingly. Perhaps this kind matchs you can feel cold, but flavour among them. ─── 灰白色系给人是优雅,沉静。茶几相应是稳重的灰色系。也许这种搭配你会觉得冷冷的,但味道正在其中。

64、Towards morning nothing was left of the fog on the heights but a hoar frost passing into dew, but in the valleys the fog still lay in a milky-white sea. ─── 黎明前,夜里的雾霭在高地上只留下一层转化为露水的白霜,那雾霭还像乳白色的海洋一般弥漫于谷地之中。

65、Child coating on the tongue is hoar, be dyspeptic? ─── 孩子舌苔发白,是消化不良吗?

66、A splash of white on my bedroom floor. Hoar frost? ─── 在我的卧室地板上白色的飞溅声。是霜吗?

67、He told us a hoar old joke that we'd all heard many times before. ─── 他给我们讲了一个我们都听了很多次的老掉牙的笑话。

68、His hair is hoar. ─── 他的头发花白。

69、(3) skin damage comes for grain of rice the hemisphere form papula of pea size, the center is small sunken, the surface has candle appearance burnish, show hoar or pearl scene. ─── (3)皮损为米粒至豌豆大小的半球形丘疹,中心微凹,表面有蜡样光泽,呈灰白色或珍珠色。

70、Zinnwald, Germany: A severe hoar frost grips the state of Saxony ─── 德国,Zinnwald:一场严重的霜冻袭击了萨克森州

71、hoar frost ─── 树冰冰霜白霜

72、Senator Hoar spoke strongly against the treaty. He said that taking over the Philippines would be a dangerous break with America's past. ─── 议员Hoar强烈地反对条约。他说占领菲律宾是与美国过去的危险的决裂。

73、That shows his hoar leaves in the glassy stream; ─── 灰白的叶片映照在琉璃的河面上,

74、Hoar W. S. et al., Fish physiology(Vol. I - XII), Academic Press, New York &London, 1962-1992. ─── 林浩然,《鱼类生理学》,广东高等教育出版社,广州,1999。

75、Curled strips, strong, heavy, with dragonfly head, lenitive luster, appare green, definite red spots, with hoar frost the leaves ─── 条索卷曲、壮结、沉重,呈青带绿腹蜻蜓头状,色泽鲜润,砂绿显,红点明,叶表带白霜

76、I knew Hoar and had great confidence in his judgment and ability. ─── 我了解霍尔,对他的判断力和能力很有信心。


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