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09-08 投稿



haunter 发音


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haunter 中文意思翻译



haunter 词性/词形变化,haunter变形

动词第三人称单数: haunts |名词: haunter |动词过去式: haunted |动词现在分词: haunting |动词过去分词: haunted |

haunter 相似词语短语

1、taunter ─── n.嘲弄;讥讽(taunt的变形)

2、chaunter ─── 肖恩特

3、daunter ─── 道恩特

4、flaunter ─── 炫耀者

5、saunter ─── n.漫步;闲逛;vi.闲逛;漫步

6、hunter ─── n.猎人;猎犬;搜寻者

7、enaunter ─── 使能

8、haunted ─── adj.闹鬼的;反复出现的;受到困扰的;v.常去;缠住;使担忧(haunt的过去式和过去分词)

9、vaunter ─── n.自吹自擂的人

haunter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the Jakarta meeting continues to haunt Mr Naimi and may explain why he has been so slow this time to agree to increase production. ─── 但雅加达会议的经历令纳伊米先生耿耿于怀,也许这就是为什么这一次他在同意增产方面动作如此迟缓。

2、One more sacrificed to the Dragon Rage. One more death to haunt him. ─── 又一个龙神的愤怒的牺牲品,又一条鬼魂缠住了他。

3、And how those former confidences can come back to haunt you! ─── 从前泄露的秘密反过来能搅得你多么不得安宁啊!

4、A ghost is said to haunt this house. ─── 听说这房子闹鬼。

5、With the shadow of my passion have I darken your eyes, Haunter of the depth of my gaze! ─── 我用热情的浓影染黑了你的眼睛;我的凝视深处的崇魂! !

6、Why you haunt me with your violence baby, come hit me! ─── 为何用你强烈的心跳占据了我又打击我!

7、As a girl, she used to haunt the local cinema. ─── 她当姑娘时,常去当地电影院。

8、He was coming near the very place that the ghost was said to haunt. ─── 他已走近传说中那个鬼怪出没的地方。

9、Isabel will have to fight the restless spirits who haunt the crypt in order to get the artifact. ─── 为得到宝物,伊莎贝尔必须与那些游荡在地穴中无法安息的鬼魂作战。

10、The library is a favorite haunt of college students. ─── 图书馆是大学生们常去的地方。

11、It simply did not occur to Night Haunter to use anything less than total and decisive force to achieve his objective. ─── 对暗夜领主来说,他所做的一切就是动用一切可用的手段来达成目的。

12、When Lucie falls in love with and marries a French emigre, terrors return to haunt the family as France suffers the convulsions of revolution. ─── 可是,当他的女儿露西爱上并嫁给一个法国的流亡者,当法兰西遭受大革命的震荡,恐惧又回头笼罩著这一家人。

13、But since the card can't be removed from the game, it won't haunt the target creature. ─── 但由于已经无法将该牌移出游戏,便不能缠身在目标生物上。

14、Tonight, three thousand miles from home, the accolade had resurfaced to haunt him at the lecture he had given. ─── 今晚在离家三千英里处,在他作报告时的赞扬令他惶惶不安。

15、Hating to leave his wife, his ghost is supposed to haunt his house a few days after his death. ─── 因为舍不得他的妻子,他的灵魂据说在他死后的几天还在他的房子周围徘徊。

16、But you crushed us and made us a haunt for jackals and covered us over with deep darkness. ─── 你在野狗之处压伤我们,用死荫遮蔽我们。

17、This is the bar he used to haunt. ─── 他过去常到这个酒吧来。

18、Her sense of Mrs Penniman's innocent falsity, which had lain dormant , began to haunt her again. ─── 她感到对佩尼曼太太无知与虚伪的那种厌恶在潜伏一阵之后又开始来纠缠他了。

19、As soon as we can afford to, we eat out of cans, buy frozen TV dinners, and haunt the delicatessens. ─── 只要可以担负的起,我们会马上吃掉所有的罐头,买走冰冻的电视直销大餐以及熟食????????

20、People say ghosts haunt that old house . ─── 人们说鬼常出没于那幢古老的房子。

21、Eg. The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves. ─── 夏日黄昏,群蝇嗡嗡地非。

22、The college library is a favorite haunt. ─── 大学图书馆是人们喜欢的地方。

23、Paranoid delusions they haunt you. ─── 妄想的幻觉纠缠着你。

24、If you don't take care of the natter now, it will certainly come back to haunt you later. ─── 如果你现在不把这件事情处理好,早晚还会是个问题.

25、If you don t help me,I ll haunt you after my death. ─── 如果你不帮助我,我死后变鬼来缠你。

26、They had their origins in sacred groves, springs and rivers believed to be inhabited by gods and spirits, the haunt of nymphs and satyrs. ─── 它们起源于神圣的小树林,泉水,河流,相信是有人居住的神,出没若虫和有恃无恐。

27、The Wanglang Preserve in western Sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda. ─── 川西的王朗自然保护区是大熊猫出没的地方。

28、I hear you haunt that disco. ─── 听说你常去那家迪斯科舞厅。

29、It seemed his martyrdom lent him strength, and soon even he began to refer to himself as Night Haunter. ─── 仿佛他的殉难反而赐予了他力量,不久他就自视为暗夜幽魂。

30、She claimed to have seen manifestation of dead people in the haunt house . ─── 她说她在那闹鬼的房子里看见了死人显灵。

31、In my dream she oft doth haunt me, With her garments soaked in brine, Though in life I used to hug her, Now she's dead I draw the line. ─── 她在梦中萦绕我,浑身依旧水沾衣。生前我们常相拥,如今生死两分离。

32、The past began to haunt him. ─── 他开始不停地思考起古代社会来。

33、As a girl,she used to haunt the local theater. ─── 小时候,她常去当地那家剧院看戏。

34、She have a haunt look, as if she is constantly anxious or afraid. ─── 她显得忧愁不堪,彷佛一直在担心害怕似的。

35、"Babylon will become a heap of ruins, a haunt of jackals, An object of horror and hissing, without inhabitants. ─── 巴比伦必成为乱堆、为野狗的住处、令人惊骇、嗤笑、并且无人居住。

36、Does the scent of regret Ever haunt you? ─── 你可曾有过丝毫后悔之情?

37、As a girl , she used to haunt the local cinema . ─── 她还是姑娘的时候常去当地的电影院。

38、A dream that you don't fight for can haunt you for the rest of your life. ─── 你不去努力实现的梦想会搅得你一生不安和不甘。

39、Before he left, Walter had particularly come to dislike one aspect of the job, one which would return to haunt him almost exactly twenty years later. ─── 在沃特离开之前,他变得特别讨厌这个工作的一个方面。这种讨厌将在20年后又萦绕着他。

40、With the shadow of my passion have I darkened your eyes, Haunter of the depth of my gaze! ─── 我用热情的浓影染黑了你的眼睛;我的凝视深处的崇魂!

41、If you betray my trust, by Heaven, I will haunt you. ─── 如果你背弃了我的信托,老天在上,我是饶不了你的。

42、He knew she would haunt his memory every day of his life if he did not possess her. ─── 他明白,要是他不占有她,那她就会在他有生之年每天都索绕在他的脑际。

43、His presence seemed to shed light over that base and obscene haunt. ─── 他的神采似乎照亮了那个下流而肮脏的处所。

44、Even outside ex-Yugoslavia, authoritarian and bigoted ideas still haunt the political fringe. ─── 即使在前南地区以外,极权主义与偏执观念仍萦绕在政治生活的边缘。

45、An evil female spirit in ancient Semitic legend, alleged to haunt deserted places and attack children. ─── 夜妖古代闪米牧人传说的女妖,指常在荒无人烟之地出没,袭击小孩

46、For obvious reasons, telling all of your business on a first date can come back to haunt you. ─── 出于显而易见的原因,初次约会就把自己的情况全盘托出会后患无穷。

47、From his windows which overlooked the Bay of Naples, he saw a hundred places that recalled the Romans and the Greeks. The past began to haunt him. ─── 他站在窗前就能俯视那不勒斯湾。此时,他凭窗远望,看到上百处残踪遗迹,因而联想到罗马和希腊的胜衰。他开始不停地思考起古代社会来。

48、People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever. ─── 人总是会犯错。我们是被允许犯错的。但是报复情绪时候的行为会让我们永远再无法弥补自己的错误。

49、He fear the soul of his deceased wife will haunt him. ─── 他害怕亡妻的鬼魂会来缠扰他。

50、Thorns will overrun her citadels, nettles and brambles her strongholds. She will become a haunt for jackals, a home for owls. ─── 以东的宫殿要长荆棘,保障要长蒺藜和刺草。要作野狗的住处,鸵鸟的居所。

51、Will you memory haunt me till I die? ─── 你的回忆将会萦绕我心直到死吗?

52、The idea of being in debt may haunt you forever,if you only pay the minimum amount each month since the interest will balloon as time passes by. ─── 如果你每月只付最低数额,那么脑子里老想着欠了帐,这会使你永无宁日,因为利息随着时间的流逝会越滚越大。

53、You haunt me with your violent heartbeat. ─── 你在黑夜用强烈的心跳占据了我。

54、By the time the Primarchs had enough craft ready for pursuit, Night Haunter had already entered the warp. ─── 在基因原体们能够来得及追赶时,他已经消失在亚空间。

55、His favorite haunt is the Barringer Meteorite Crater (a.k.a.Meteor Crater) in Arizona, the world's best preserved impact site. ─── 他最喜欢的是亚利桑那州的巴林杰陨石坑(或称为大陨石坑),也是世界上保存最佳的撞击地点。

56、However, it is not love haunt Jaguar, always stay in air-conditioned equipment room. ─── 可是,这只美洲虎不爱出没,总是待在有空调装备的房间里。

57、Just let it be. Her rudeness will come back to haunt her. ─── 不理它。她的那种无理迟早会让自己倒霉的。

58、The midnight streets, previously buzzing with activity, were as silent as the grave.Mothers threatened disobedient children with the depraved attentions of the Night Haunter. ─── 从前喧闹的午夜街道现在就如同墓地一般寂静,母亲们用暗夜幽魂来恐吓不听话的孩子们。

59、Eg.The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves. ─── 夏日黄昏,群蝇嗡嗡地非。

60、According to this theory, the unconscious mind carries imprints of the past that mercilessly haunt the present. ─── 依照这个理论,过去的经历会在无意识中留下挥之不去的痕迹。

61、Memories of the past haunt her. ─── 她总是想起过去的事。

62、He remembered it as though it were yesterday and knew it would haunt him until his dying day. ─── 他想起的时候总觉得好像就发生在昨天,并且也知道这将伴随他直到去世的那天。

63、Revisiting an old haunt is surely exciting. ─── 大牛:故地重游嘛,当然兴奋了。

64、Her wistful face haunt my dreams like the rain at night. ─── 她充满渴望的容颜萦绕在我的梦际,如夜雨一般.

65、Do you have any memories that haunt you at night? ─── 你是否有某段记忆总在午夜梦回萦绕心头?

66、As a girl, she used to haunt the local theater. ─── 小时候,她常去当地那家剧院看戏。

67、The Emperor opened his arms wide as he approached Night Haunter. ─── 帝皇展开了双手接近暗夜幽魂。

68、His father let him not to haunt with us the bad girls. ─── 他父亲不让他和我们这些坏女孩交往。

69、Provisions accepted unwittingly can come back to haunt them. ─── ”不清楚所接受的合同条款有可能会对他们造成伤害。

70、The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves. ─── 夏夜蝇子嗡嗡的出没其中。

71、He will be justifiably suspicious that he has missed something important, something that will come back to haunt him later. ─── 他有理由怀疑错过了一些重要的内容,某种以后会回过头来困扰他的内容。

72、Her wishful face haunt my dream like the rai at ight. ─── 她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。

73、Apparently the park is their frequent haunt. ─── 一对家鸦仍在,看来当地是牠们常到的地方。

74、In Lebanon, this mistake has come back to haunt him. ─── 在黎巴嫩,这个错误返回来一直困绕着他。

75、Kratos: Athena, rid me of the memories that haunt me still. ─── 克瑞托斯:“雅典娜,帮我抹掉那些记忆吧。”

76、Babylon will be a heap of ruins, a haunt of jackals, an object of horror and scorn, a place where no one lives. ─── 巴比伦必成为乱堆,为野狗的住处,令人惊骇、嗤笑,并且无人居住。

77、It's a favourite haunt for many backbenchers. ─── 对很多后座议员来说,这是他们经常喜欢去的地方。

78、The mountainous areas of western Sichuan are the haunt of the giant panda. ─── 大熊猫出没于川西山区。

79、The monster in your closet is actually your friend. He's preparing you for later in life when all of your bad decisions come back to haunt you! ─── 在你心里的怪物其实是你真正的朋友。当你的决定发生错误时。它会保护着你。

80、She has a haunt look, as if she is constantly anxious or afraid. ─── 她显得忧愁不堪,彷佛一直在担心害怕似的。

81、He said things that would have been better unsaid, he had read too many books, he frequented the Chestnut Tree Cafe, haunt of painters and musicians. ─── 他爱讲些顶好三缄其口的怪话,他读的书太多,他常爱逛逛栗树咖啡馆,那本是画家跟音乐家扎堆儿的地方。

82、The words began to haunt him. ─── 其诗句则开始使他忐忑不安。

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