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09-08 投稿


diastole 发音

英:[da???st?li]  美:[da???st?li]

英:  美:

diastole 中文意思翻译



diastole 词性/词形变化,diastole变形

形容词: diastolic |

diastole 短语词组

1、gastric diastole ─── [医] 胃舒张

2、auterial diastole ─── [医] 动脉舒张

3、diastole definition ─── 舒张期定义

4、diastole and systole ─── 舒张和收缩

5、cardiac diastole ─── [医] 心舒张

6、ventricular diastole ─── [医] 心室舒张

7、auricular diastole ─── [医] 心房舒张

diastole 相似词语短语

1、diastyle ─── 三径间式

2、diascope ─── n.投影仪

3、diastyles ─── 三径间式

4、pistole ─── n.皮斯托尔(西班牙古金币)

5、diastolic ─── adj.心脏舒张的

6、diazole ─── n.二唑;二唑衍生物

7、diaspore ─── n.[矿物]水铝石;[植]传播体

8、diastalses ─── 纵裂

9、diastase ─── n.淀粉糖化酵素

diastole 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ventricular diastole ─── 心室舒张

2、Clinical Observation on Effect of Method of Invigorating Qi and Activating Blood Circulation in Improving Left Ventricle Diastole Function of Patients with Coronary Heart Disease ─── 益气活血法改善冠心病左室舒张功能的临床研究

3、6.The heart keeps contractive, diastole, formed the beating that rhythm has the law, people calls the rule of this kind of beating rhythm of the heart; ─── 心脏不停地收缩、舒张,形成了有节奏有规律的搏动,人们把这种搏动的规律叫做心律;

4、An increasing content of elastin is typical of larger arteries that need to provide for considerable elastic recoil during diastole, the time period between ejections of blood from the heart. ─── 典型的大动脉必须在血液从心脏流出的舒张期间提供相当大的弹性回缩,所以需要有愈来愈多的弹力蛋白。

5、The systole that can affect skin blood capillary like the temperature of surroundings and mood condition or diastole and affect its color; ─── 如周围环境的温度和情绪状态可以影响皮肤毛细血管的收缩或舒张而影响其颜色;

6、"KVP" cardioplegic solution can lower diastole of the ischemic hearts, is beneficial for ischemic myocardial protection. ─── “钾维普”停搏液停搏的心脏缺血期间基础张力降低,有利于缺血心肌的保护。

7、The flow reersal in the OA during systole and early diastole can be explained by the suction effect created by the CCF. ─── 在收缩期和舒张早期眼动脉血流反向,可由CCF产生的抽吸效应解释。

8、The lowest value of aortic blood pressure in diastole. ─── 心室舒张时,主动脉压下降,在心舒末期动脉血压的最低值。

9、During diastole, however, the cardiac muscle relaxes and no longer obstructs the blood flow through the left ventricular blood vessels. ─── 在舒张期,然而,心肌松弛,不再阻碍血流通过左心室血管。

10、Methods 85 patients suspect coronary heart disease, with echocardiography, the peak flow velocities during early diastole (E), atrial contraction (A), E/A ratio were recorded and calculated. ─── 方法85例临床疑诊冠心病超声检查左心室二尖瓣口舒张早、晚期血流充盈速度E、A两峰峰值,计算E/A比值,其结果分为舒张功能正常和降低两组。

11、Keywords heart failure;diastole;echocardiography;brain natriuretic peptide; ─── 关键词心力衰竭;舒张期;心脏功能;脑钠肽;

12、Somebody thinks because alcohol makes,this is inside skull vasomotor produce obstacle be caused by with diastole function; ─── 有人则认为这是由于乙醇使颅内血管收缩和舒张功能发生障碍所致;

13、To test inside diameter of the left ventricle and the funtion index of systole and diastole by Heart Color Doppler after four to six weeks. ─── 结果:再通组与未通组的左室舒张末内径及收缩、舒张功能指标经统计学处理有差异性。

14、Te3 during diastole was correlated negatively with mVe(r=-0.628,P

15、Echocardiography demonstrated a mass attached to the posterior left atrial wall protruding into the mitral orifice during diastole. ─── 心脏超音波影像可见肿瘤依附左心房后壁,于舒张期阻塞二尖瓣开口突入左心室。

16、Attached to the bone, and controlled by the innervations, skeletal muscles contract and diastole to move the bones to produce movement. ─── 骨骼肌附在骨上,在神经支配下进行收缩和舒张,牵拉骨产生运动。

17、Evaluation of Strain Rate in Different Layers of Left Ventricular Myocardium in Early Diastole Using Strain Rate Imaging ─── 应变率显像对左室不同层次心肌舒张早期应变率的研究

18、At the end of diastole, your heart’s atria contract (an event called atrial systole) and pump blood into the ventricles. ─── 当舒张期结束时,心房收缩(称为“心房收缩期”)将血液压入心室。

19、Keywords myocardial bridge;mural coronary artery;systole;diastole; ─── 心肌桥;壁冠状动脉;舒张期;收缩期;

20、gastric diastole ─── [医] 胃舒张

21、Ordinal auscultation sound of of one mind and disloyalty sound, and systole and diastole period sound. ─── 并依次听诊第一心音和第二心音,以及收缩与舒张期音。

22、The blood flow velocity of mitral during early diastole(E)and atrial contraction(A)were also measured by pulsed Doppler echocardiography and E/A ration was calculated. ─── 结果正常组舒张早期峰值速度(E)>左房收缩期峰值速度(A),E/A>1;

23、auricular diastole ─── 心房舒张

24、Conclusions(1) Because of different types and magnitudes of LVH, LV function was significant impaired and LV motion asynchrony in systole and diastole existed in HCM patients; ─── 由于左室肥厚的发病机制、类型及程度不同,HCM患者存在严重左室心肌收缩、舒张功能下降,且左室运动于收缩期、舒张期均存在明显协调障碍;

25、During diastole, the atria and ventricles of your heart relax and begin to fill with blood. ─── 在心脏舒张期,心房和心室会放松,血液开始流入心脏。

26、Results When aortie valve are bicuspid, they have the shape of “二” in systole and “-” in diastole; ─── 三叶畸形时三个瓣叶有不同程度的改变,过小、过大或增粗等;

27、auterial diastole ─── [医] 动脉舒张

28、The chroma difference of Potassium of inside and outside of cardiac muscle cell is systole of cardiac muscle fiber - the premise condition that diastole moves. ─── 心肌细胞内外钾的浓度差是心肌纤维收缩-舒张运动的前提条件。

29、Quantitative tissue velocity imaging on left ventricular diastole asynchrony in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ─── 定量组织速度成像评价肥厚型心肌病患者左心室非同步舒张运动的初步研究

30、The arterial flow during systole and early diastole was reersed, whereas the flow during late diastole at the end of the cardiac cycle was forward transiently. ─── 在我们的病例中,左侧眼动脉远端频谱异常,在收缩期和舒张早期血流反向,而在舒张晚期血流瞬间向前。

31、During late diastole, a transient decline in the flow elocity in the CCF may decrease the suction effect, causing a transient forward flow in the OA to occur (Fig. 5). ─── 在舒张晚期,CCF中的血流速度瞬间下降,抽吸效应下降,引起眼动脉血流瞬间向前的发生[图5]。

32、Transmitral flow velocities during early diastole(E) and atrial contraction(A) were also measured by Doppler echocardiography and E/A ratio, E/Ve ratio were calculated. ─── 应用彩色多普勒超声心动图测量二尖瓣口舒张期血流快速充盈速度E峰,左房收缩充盈速度A峰,计算E/A值和E与平均Ve的比值(E/Ve)。

33、diastole right ventricular internal dimension ─── 右心室舒张期内径

34、Keywords carbohydrate-resisting analysis;function of LV Diastole;ultrasound echocar diography/diagnostic use;heart structure; ─── 糖耐量分析;左室舒张功能;超声心动图/诊断应用;心脏结构;

35、Cuffs wrapped around the lower extremities and the hips are inflated with air in each diastole and deflated instantly at onset of systole. ─── 袖带缠在下肢和臀部被夸大与空气中的每个舒张和收缩立即发病时的收缩。体外反搏有很长的持久的影响心绞痛。

36、length in the diastole was bigger than that in the systole. ─── 在舒张期其可视长度比收缩期长。

37、When arrhythmia average and ventricular rate is amounted to 120 times / time-sharing, ventricular diastole plentiful period shorten make the heart discharges hematic quantity to decrease. ─── 当心律不齐而平均心室率达120 次/分时,心室舒张充盈期缩短使心排血量减少。

38、the lumen of the common carotid artery gradually constricted with a red and yellow border stripe,a dark blue central area and a bright white stripe red and yellow between in the late systole the early and middle diastole. ─── 在心脏收缩晚期与舒张早、中期颈总动脉血管管腔逐渐缩小,呈现血管边缘区有红黄彩带,中央是蓝色暗区,两者之间是亮色与白色彩带。

39、Objective To explore assessment and distingnishable value on left ventricular diastole function of hypertension and CHD in pulse wave DTI(DTI-PW). ─── 目的探讨组织多普勒成像脉冲频谱技术(DTI-PW)评价高血压病、冠心病左室舒张功能。

40、The last stage of diastole in the heart, occurring just before contraction and during which little additional blood enters the ventricle. ─── 心舒张后期发生在心室充盈和心房开始收缩之间的心脏舒张休息期

41、Regurgitant murmurs are generally early diastolic whereas ventricular filling murmurs occur in mid and late diastole . ─── 回流性杂音一般出现于舒张早期,而心室充盈性杂音一般出现于舒张中晚期。

42、(Narceine of 1) hydrochloric acid has diastole effect to flowing flesh, have direct and outspread effect to cerebral blood-vessel especially. ─── (1)盐酸罂粟碱 对平滑肌有舒张作用,尤其是对脑血管有直接扩张作用。

43、Only 1 of 52 recipients without blood flow in diastole occurred artery complications. ─── 52例舒张期无血流,其中仅1例(1/52)发生动脉并发症。

44、left ventricular internal dimension diastole ─── 左心室舒张期内径

45、Methods Thirty healthy subjects were enrolled in the study. Longitudinal SR of LV walls and RV wall during systole,early diastole and atrium contraction(SRs,SRe and SRa) and largest strain(Smax) were measured. ─── 方法测量30例正常中老年人各室壁、各节段收缩期、舒张早期和房缩期纵向应变率(SRs、SRe、SRa)及最大应变(Smax)。

46、Echocardiography demonstrated a mass attached to the posterior left atrial wall protruding into the mitral orifice during diastole. ─── 心脏超音波影像可见肿瘤依附左心房后壁,于舒张期阻塞二尖瓣开口突入左心室。


48、The Influence of Warming Yang and Invigorating Qi, Promoting Blood Flow and Diuresis Decoction on the Function of Left Ventricular Diastole of Patients with Chronic Heart Failure ─── 温阳益气活血利水中药对慢性心力衰竭患者左室舒张功能的影响

49、The cuffs rapidly inflate and deflate under high pressure at the onset of diastole and systole, respectively. ─── 在心脏舒张与收缩时,束带在高压下快速地充气及洩气;

50、Regurgitant murmurs are generally early diastolic whereas ventricular filling murmurs occur in mid and late diastole. ─── 回流性杂音一般出现于舒张早期,而心室充盈性杂音一般出现于舒张中晚期。

51、Megluminecy-clic adenglote impact on acute myocardium patient's left room diastole function of infarct ─── 心先安治疗急性心肌梗死患者左室舒张功能变化的对比

52、7.Heart sounds is heart throb process in, shut by the valve inside the heart, open, and the sound that the oscillatory place such as systole or diastole produces. ─── 心音是心脏搏动过程中,由心脏内瓣膜关闭、开放、以及收缩或舒张等振动所产生的声音。

53、In this paper the static stress distribution of closed valve during diastole under the peak across valve pressure difference is analyzed with nonlinear finite element method. ─── 用有限元数值方法计算了在心室舒张期瓣膜关闭瞬时峰值跨瓣压差作用下的静态应力分布。

54、CONCLUSION:The variation of plasma vasoactive peptide concentration was not only related to UAP attack but also significant to the maintance coronary diastole and corculation. ─── 结论:UAP的发生与血管活性肽的变化密切相关,血管活性肽对维持冠脉舒张和循环有重要意义。

55、6.By using TEI and DTI telegraphy, we can more timely and correctly access the cardiac diastole function and offer the guarantee for diagnosis earlier, so we can extensively used them in clinic. ─── 其中TEI指数和DTI技术的应用为更及时、准确的分析心脏舒张功能提供了有力依据,为早期诊断及治疗提供了保障,且易行、实用,可广泛应用于临床。

56、Keywords Cardiac reserve;Cardiac contractility change trend;Diastole to sys tole ratio;Heart blood supply time for itself;Cardiac contractility monitor; ─── 关键词心脏储备;心肌收缩能力变化趋势;心脏自身供血时限;舒张期;收缩期比值;心力监测仪;

57、The length and width of the visual segment in the right coronary after at systole and diastole were examined. ─── 右冠状动脉在收缩期可视段宽度比舒张期长;在舒张期其可视长度比收缩期长。

58、Assessing regional left ventricular dysfunction of systole and diastole in patients with essential hypertension by strain rate imaging ─── 应变率成像评价原发性高血压患者左心室心肌的舒缩功能障碍

59、Malignant tumors connected with atrium wall tightly and broadly without pedical, and did not move with the systole and diastole of heart; ─── 恶性肿瘤与心房壁接触密切,接触范围广泛,无蒂,瘤体不随心脏收缩、舒张运动。

60、Left room diastole function ofinfarct ─── 左室舒张功能

61、electrical diastole ─── 电舒张期

62、Palpation of the pulse simply indicates the difference between systole and diastole. ─── 脉搏的触诊这只可以表示心脏的膨胀与舒张的区别。

63、Mitral inflow velocity, left atrium contraction inflow velocity in early diastole and their ratio were detected by Doppler flow imaging.Difference of the index of the two groups was compared. ─── 并用二尖瓣血流多普勒法检测舒张期早期血流速度峰值、左心房收缩期血流速度峰值及二者比值,比较两组间所测指标的差异。

64、Bath of cold hot water makes the skin hemal flexibility increased in contractive diastole motion, and can function of aggrandizement cutaneous metabolization. ─── 冷热水浴使皮肤血管在收缩舒张运动中增强了弹性,并能强化皮肤的代谢功能。

65、Each heartbeat has two basic parts: diastole, and atrial and ventricular systole. ─── 每一次心脏跳动都包含两个基本部分:舒张期以及方式收缩期。

66、Impairment of LV function and synchrony existed only in diastole in HHD patients. ─── HHD仅于舒张期出现左室心肌功能下降及运动的不协调性。

67、cardiac diastole ─── 心舒期

68、The kid five jiao coin sizes, the white is all over the body glittering and translucent carving, often up and down flutters in the water, the contraction diastole, the posture is very exquisite. ─── 小家伙不过五角硬币大小,通体白色晶莹剔透,在水中不时上下飘荡、收缩舒张,姿态十分优美。

69、Change of Heart Rate, Systole and Diastole Function, Coronary Flow Volume of the Isolated Rat Heart during Perfusion ─── 大鼠心脏体外灌流过程舒缩功能与流量变化

70、auricular systole (0.1s), ventricular systole (0.3s), diastole (the time besides systole). ─── 心搏周期大约是0.8秒,它包括三个主要阶段:心房收缩,心室收缩,和心舒张

71、3.The last stage of diastole in the heart, occurring just before contraction and during which little additional blood enters the ventricle. ─── 年轻人有时可听到第三心音,来源于心脏舒张时血液从心房冲入心室产生的室壁振动。

72、Each heartbeat has two basic parts: diastole (di-AS-toe-lee, or relaxation) and atrial and ventricular systole (SIS-toe-lee, or contraction). ─── 每一次心脏跳动都有两个基本部分组成:心脏舒张和房室收缩。

73、While in diastole, there were (1) antegrade in the transverse aorta, and retrograde in the ascending aorta and descending aorta (below FDA), and (2) left-to-right shunt in the FDA. ─── 结果发现:在收缩期时,在升、降主动脉是顺向(前进)血流,在横主动脉是逆向血流,在动脉导管是右至左分流。

74、Depend on the result, the author suggets that vibrating maneuversis an alternating contraction and diastole between forearm wrist flexor andextension muscle rapiday. ─── 提出振法是在全身高度协调性动作的支持与配合下,进行的一种由前臂屈腕肌群与伸腕肌群快速地交替兴奋与抑制过程所形成的振荡动作。

75、RV pressure overload can also result in interventricular septal flattening with deviation toward the left ventricle in diastole, thereby impairing left ventricular filling. ─── RV压力过大也会导致舒张期室间隔向左心室偏移,因而影响左心室充盈。

76、Diagnostic value of measuring resistance of airway in the bronchus diastole test for asthma ─── 支气管舒张试验中气道阻力测定对支气管哮喘的诊断价值

77、The length in the diastole was bigger than that in the systole. ─── 在舒张期其可视长度比收缩期长。

78、Keywords heart;ischemic-reperfusion injury;systole;diastole;coronary circulation;disease models;animal; ─── 心脏;缺血-心肌再灌注损伤;收缩;舒张期;冠脉循环;疾病模型;动物;

79、Each heartbeat has two basic parts: diastole and atrial and ventricular systole. ─── 每一次心脏跳动都包含两个基本部分:舒张期以及方式收缩期。

80、Experimental study on assessment of left ventricle diastole function in early diabetic cardiomyopathy by Doppler tissue Imaging ─── 多普勒组织成像评价早期糖尿病心肌病左室舒张功能的实验研究

81、In arteriovenous fistula the shunt flow from the artery to vein was detected during systole and diastole. ─── 5例动静脉瘘,在静脉内检出动脉性血流或在瘘口处双期连续性分流。

82、According to the experiments on the animals “Jinguihuishengyi” can cause the systole and diastole of the rats' ileum and the spasmus of the guinea pig. ─── 动物实验表明:金匮回生液能引起离体的大鼠回肠肌肉的收缩和舒张,引起豚鼠回肠的痉挛。

83、Because the heart undertakes having the systole of rhythm and diastole activity ceaselessly, haemal ability keeps flowing in the circulatory system of closedown. ─── 由于心脏不断地进行有节奏的收缩和舒张活动,血液才能在闭锁的循环系统中不停地流动。

84、Simulative experiment and analysis of the pressure on the coronary artery from systole to diastole ─── 冠状动脉收缩期受压持续到舒张期的模拟实验分析

85、the last stage of diastole in the heart,occurring just before contraction and during which little additional blood enters the ventricle ─── 心舒张后期,发生在心室充盈和心房开始收缩之间的心脏舒张休息期

86、On cine-MRI all 11 patients who underwent this examination showed limited right ventricle diastole. ─── 11例电影MRI均显示右心室舒张受限。

87、The heart is a motive organ, and can the whole life keep having the rhythm of shrink and diastole. ─── 心是动力器官,能终生保持有节律地收缩和舒张。

88、Results:FEXT powder has obvious effects to increase ejection fraction and heart output and the diastole late term volume of ventricular Sinister. ─── 结果:福耳心痛散有明显增加正常家猫射血分数、每分心输量、左心室舒张末期容积的作用。

89、Restraint leel was quantified by use of fluid-filled epicardial balloons placed around the entricles and measurement of balloon luminal pressure at end diastole. ─── 用充满液体的心脏外球囊包绕在心室外面,通过测量舒张末期的球囊内压力来量化限制扩张的程度。

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