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09-08 投稿


tempestuous 发音

英:[tem'pestj??s]  美:[t?m'p?st?u?s]

英:  美:

tempestuous 中文意思翻译



tempestuous 网络释义

adj. 有暴风雨的;暴乱的;剧烈的

tempestuous 短语词组

1、tempestuous define ─── 狂风暴雨

2、tempestuous magic 5e ─── 狂暴魔法5e

3、tempestuous waves ─── 狂风暴雨

4、tempestuous magic ─── 狂暴魔法

5、tempestuous plunge ─── 狂风骤雨

6、tempestuous duke ─── 狂暴的公爵

7、tempestuous storm ─── 惊涛骇浪

8、tempestuous definition ─── 暴风雨的定义

9、tempestuous events ─── 暴风雨事件

10、tempestuous sea ─── 汹涌的大海

tempestuous 词性/词形变化,tempestuous变形

副词: tempestuously |名词: tempestuousness |

tempestuous 相似词语短语

1、temperatures ─── n.[物]温度(temperature复数)

2、tempests ─── n.大风暴(tempest的复数);v.使骚动;起大风暴(tempest的第三人称单数)

3、temptatious ─── 诱惑性的

4、tempest-tost ─── 动荡不定的

5、incestuous ─── adj.乱伦的;血亲相奸的;犯乱伦罪的

6、tempest-tossed ─── 狂风暴雨

7、tempestuously ─── adv.剧烈地;暴风雨一样地

8、impetuous ─── adj.冲动的;鲁莽的;猛烈的

9、tempestuousness ─── n.风暴;剧烈

tempestuous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、WBS:Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous around him. ─── 新译本:我们的 神来临,决不缄默无声;在他面前有火燃烧,在他四周有暴风刮起。

2、and a tempestuous wind will break it down. ─── 暴风也要吹裂这墙。

3、Nevertheless the men rowed hard to get back to the dry land, but they could not, because the sea grew more and more tempestuous against them. ─── 然而那些人竭力摇桨,要回到旱地,却是不能,因为海越发向他们翻腾。

4、There will be a flooding rain; and you, O hailstones, will fall; and a tempestuous wind will break it down. ─── 必有暴雨漫过;大冰雹阿,你们要降下;暴风也要吹裂这墙。

5、Now, Venice, as you know, has a tempestuous relationship with the sea, and is built upon wooden piles. ─── 众所周知,威尼斯和海洋有着密切的关系,而且它建造在木桩上。

6、"Dark and tempestuous was night. ─── 夜色深沉,狂风肆虐,暴雨倾盆。

7、A tempestuous political debate ─── 激烈的政治辩论.

8、Tempestuous soul, possessed of the will to find you ─── 狂乱的内心,充满了寻找你的渴望

9、Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him. ─── 我们的神要来,决不闭口。有烈火在他们面前吞灭,有暴风在他四围大刮。

10、Their ship was sailing dangerously in the tempestuous sea. ─── 他们的船在浪急风高的海上危险地航行着。

11、Our friendship is building on sincerity;it can burden the wild wind and tempestuous rain ,and can fend off the ferocity of flood. ─── 我们的友谊大厦建筑在真诚的基础上,它经得起狂风暴雨,它挡得住洪水激流。

12、And they said to him, What shall we do with you that the sea may be quiet for us? For the sea grew more and more tempestuous. ─── 他们问他说,我们当向你怎样行,使海为我们平静下来呢?这是因为海越发翻腾。

13、Our God has come and will not be silent; Fire devours before Him, And around Him it is exceedingly tempestuous. ─── 3我们的神要来,绝不静默;有烈火在祂面前吞灭,有暴风在祂四围猛刮。

14、In the moving blade's passage, the expanding of steam is tempestuous relatively because of dual-velocity effect;the degree of condensation of steam is considerably distinct. ─── 在动叶内,由于双重速度的作用使得蒸汽膨胀较为剧烈,相对蒸汽凝结程度比较大。

15、It was closer to being a turbulent ocean fomented by the tempestuous warp tides below. ─── 它更接近于由飓风般的亚空间潮汐推动的狂暴洋面。

16、She burst into a tempestuous fit of anger. ─── 她勃然大怒。

17、"Bears, dragons, tempestuous on mountain and river, Startle t he forest and make the heights tremble." ─── 熊咆龙吟殷岩泉, 栗深林兮惊层巅。

18、Then said they unto him, What shall we do unto thee, that the sea may be calm unto us? for the sea grew more and more tempestuous. ─── 他们又向他说:“我们该怎样处置你,才能使海为我们而平静?”因为海越来越汹涌了。

19、fierce and frightening storm;Tempestuous storm ─── 惊涛骇浪

20、But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon. ─── 不多几时,狂风从岛上扑下来,那风名叫友拉革罗。

21、Then said they unto him, What shall we do unto thee, that the sea may be calm unto us? for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous. ─── 他们问他说,我们当向你怎样行,使海浪平静呢。这话是因海浪越发翻腾。

22、DBY:Our God will come, and will not keep silence: fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him. ─── 和合本:我们的 神要来、决不闭口.有烈火在他面前吞灭、有暴风在他四围大刮。

23、Nevertheless the men rowed hard to get them back to the land; but they could not: for the sea grew more and more tempestuous against them. ─── 船员反而拚命摇桨,要把船划到海岸去。可是风暴越来越猛,他们无法前进。

24、a tempestuous sea ─── 波涛汹涌的海洋

25、He saw overhead a black and tempestuous sky, across which the wind was driving clouds that occasionally suffered a twinkling star to appear ─── 他看到天空是一片黑暗,预示着大风暴即将来临了,风在用劲地驱赶着疾驰的浮云,不时的露出一颗闪烁的星星。

26、After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. ─── 他们在海上颠簸了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月里,在现在的马萨诸塞州的普里茅斯登陆。

27、But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon. ─── 14不多几时,狂风从岛上扑下来,那风名叫友拉革罗。

28、to illumine our tempestuous day. ─── 把我们的风雨之日照明。

29、Nevertheless the men rowed hard to bring it to the land; but they could not: for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous against them. ─── 然而那些人竭力荡桨,要把船拢岸,却是不能。因为海浪越发向他们翻腾。

30、Au contraire, they are massive and tempestuous. ─── 相反地,它们可是非常厚重狂暴的。

31、On a rainy, tempestuous night a “coloured” woman was standing on the roadside. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed help. Wet to her core, she signalled to the passers by. ─── 一個暴風雨的晚上,一個“有色”婦女站在路邊,渾身濕透。她的車壞了,急需幫忙,正在焦急地向過路人求援。

32、Tempestuous winds ─── 惊风骇浪

33、All the fury of her tempestuous soul fell, as the sea falls under -a lapse of wind. ─── 她那狂暴的灵魂发出的一切愤怒都在平息了,如同大海在风暴之后的平静一样。

34、After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in Novermber, what is now Plymouth.,Massachusetts. ─── 他们在海上颠簸折腾了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月里,在现在的马萨诸塞州的普里茅斯登陆。

35、Their ship was sailing dangerously in the tempestuous sea. ─── 他们的船在浪急风高的海上危险地航行着。

36、But the sea in those old times, heaved, swelled, and foamed, very much at its own will, or subject only to the tempestuous wind, with hardly any attempts at regulation by human law. ─── 但是那时候的大海,汹涌澎湃、掀浪卷沫,很大程度上是我行我素,或仅仅臣服于狂风暴雨,从来没有道接受人类法律束缚的念头。

37、His hand waves benediction and repose over the rage of the tempestuous elements. ─── 在这样绝望的光景中,主顶镇静地起来斥责风和浪;

38、tempestuous gales. ─── 狂风

39、Accidental song and restoring your memory, insisted on the sea tempestuous. ─── 偶然的一首歌,复原你的声息,在记忆的海翻腾。

40、Yet he was able to rub along with even the most tempestuous martinet. ─── 然而,就算脾气最暴躁、纪律最严明之人,韦维尔也能与其相安无事。

41、Do they not typify the tempestuous seasons of my life? ─── 这不正代表我们生命中激烈的季节吗?

42、Mercilessly pounded by the tempestuous southern ocean, Borden Islands surprisingly offers a haven for one of the rarest seals in the world. ─── 由于无情地受到南部海洋暴风雨的猛烈袭击,博登岛意外地成为世界上的一种珍稀海豹的安息之所。

43、tempestuous seas ─── 波涛汹涌的大海

44、Bears, dragons, tempestuous on mountain and river, ─── 熊咆龙吟殷岩泉,

45、Though the couple had a tempestuous marriage off-screen (Desi was an unrepentant philanderer), the Ricardos' kisses showed the spark of real attraction. ─── 虽然这对夫妻私底下有不平静的婚姻关系(戴西是个不知悔改的色胚),李卡度夫妻之吻仍冒出真实互相吸引的火花。

46、3) Their married life was short and tempestuous. ─── 他们的婚姻生活很短暂而且是吵吵闹闹的。

47、All the fury of her tempestuous soul fell, as the sea falls under -a lapse of wind. ─── 她那狂暴的灵魂发出的一切愤怒都在平息了,如同大海在风暴之后的平静一样。

48、They had fortitude and self-reliance, and in time of difficulty or peril stood up for the welfare of the state like a line of cliffs against a tempestuous tide. ─── 他们坚定而自信,在困难和危险的时刻,为了国家利益挺身而出,犹如一面危崖迎击拍岸的怒涛。

49、I'll sail forward, however hard the voyage, however tempestuous the sea, to your heart, to pour out to you my endless yearning. ─── 无论航程多么艰难,海上风暴多么汹涌,我都会驶向你的心灵,向你倾诉我无尽的思念。

50、Her character falls in love very quickly with tempestuous Rochester. ─── 她和性情乖戾的罗切斯特很快地陷入了爱河。

51、May our God come and not keep silence; Fire devours before Him, And it is very tempestuous around Him. ─── 诗50:3我们的神要来、决不闭口.有烈火在他面前吞灭、有暴风在他四围大刮。

52、She is in a tempestuous mood ─── 她心理很乱。

53、Indeed, a congruence of calamities could prove politically tempestuous: a sharp rise in unemployment, increased poverty and inequality, weakened middle classes and high food prices in many countries. ─── 事实上,大同小异的灾难反映了政局的波涛汹涌:迅速增长的失业率,越来越多的穷人和愈发严重的社会不平等,遭受重创的中产阶级以及高昂的食物价格。

54、The historians present the picture of a brilliant but tempestuous and cruel man. ─── 这些史家笔下呈现出的成吉思汗是一个绝顶聪明,但脾气暴烈、残忍无情的君王。

55、ERV:Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him. ─── 吕震中本:我们的上帝来临,决不缄默;有火在他面前焚烧着,有暴风在他四围大刮着。

56、These youths are very tempestuous. ─── 这些年轻人非常狂暴。

57、Spinelli's relationship with the striker has often been a tempestuous one, but he denied that it had caused an irrevocable split. ─── 斯皮内利和卢卡雷利的关系常常紧张,但他否定了二人的关系会导致球队的一次必然的分裂.

58、What a tempestuous night. ─── 好一个狂风暴雨之夜。

59、ERV: Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him. ─── 新译本:我们的神来临,决不缄默无声;在他面前有火燃烧,在他四周有暴风刮起。

60、In force and momentum the attack is tempestuous; those who bow before it survive and those who resist perish. ─── 这个攻击的形势,简直是急风暴雨,顺之者存,违之者灭。

61、I'll sail forward, however hard the voyage, however tempestuous the sea, to your heart, to pour out to you my endless yearning. ─── 不管前途艰难,路途遥远,我都将一往直前,驶向你心灵的港湾,向你诉说那风浪中的无尽思念。

62、a tempestuous historical trend ─── 汹涌澎湃的历史潮流

63、After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts on icy November day. ─── 他们在海上辗转颠簸了两个月之后,在酷寒的11月登上了陆地,登陆地位于现在的马萨诸塞州普利茅斯市。

64、After a tempestuous two-month voyage on the MayFlower, the first Puritan settlers landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. ─── 在五月花号历经了两个月狂风暴雨的航行后,船上的第一批清教徒移民终于在冰冷的十一月抵达了如今马萨诸塞州的普里茅斯港。

65、a tempestuous relationship/love affair ─── 动荡不定的关系/恋爱事件

66、tempestuous debate ─── 激烈的讨论

67、After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of[1] starvation or epidemics. ─── 感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是倍感亲切。

68、Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is long past the ocean will be flat again. ─── 经济学家给他们自己立了个太容易太无用的任务,就是说在多有飓风暴雨的季节里,他们只能在暴风雨早过了时才告诉我们海上何时又会风平浪静。

69、a tempestuous relationship. ─── 一种狂暴的关系

70、Nevertheless the men rowed hard to bring it to the land; but they could not: for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous against them. ─── 然而那些人竭力荡桨,要把船拢岸,却是不能。因为海浪越发向他们翻腾。

71、Then said they unto him, What shall we do unto thee, that the sea may be calm unto us? for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous. ─── 11他们问他说,我们当向你怎样行,使海浪平静呢。这话是因海浪越发翻腾。

72、Kinfolk who breed with Shadow Lords usually do so after long years of tempestuous and dysfunctional romance. ─── 被阴影议员养大的亲属在多年狂暴而有障碍的罗曼史后往往有智力。

73、At a tempestuous meeting on September 21st, frontbenchers attacked him for proposing a tax on homes worth over £1m to pay for exempting low-earners from income tax. ─── 在9月21日一场激烈的会议上,前座议员对他进行了攻击,后者提议征收超过100万欧元的房屋税以免除低收入者的所得税。

74、Burst, to illumine our tempestuous day. ─── 或许跌出,把我们的风雨之日照明。

75、All the fury of her tempestuous soul fell, as the sea falls under -a lapse of wind ─── 她那狂暴的灵魂发出的一切愤怒都在平息了,如同大海在风暴之后的平静一样。

76、So far, the Atlantic hurricane season has not been as violent as forecast and America's row with Iran is also proving less tempestuous than many feared. ─── 至今为止,大西洋飓风季节并没有像预期的那样猛烈,美国和伊朗之间的冲突也没有许多人害怕的那样严重。

77、but they could not: for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous against them. ─── 因为海浪越发向他们翻腾。

78、1 After a tempestuous two-month voyage on the MayFlower, the first Puritan settlers landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. ─── 在“五月花”上经过为期两个月的艰难航程,在冰冷11月第一批清教定居下来,那地方是现在的普利茅斯,马萨诸塞。

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