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09-08 投稿


arbitrage 发音

英:[?ɑ?b?trɑ??]  美:[?ɑ?rb?trɑ??]

英:  美:

arbitrage 中文意思翻译



arbitrage 反义词


arbitrage 短语词组

1、indirect arbitrage ─── [经] 间接套利

2、covered-interest arbitrage ─── [经] 套利交易

3、arbitrage of exchange ─── [经] 套汇

4、arbitrage rate ─── [经] 套汇汇率

5、direct arbitrage ─── [经] 直接套利

6、arbitrage account ─── [经] 国外套汇帐

7、arbitrage in foreign exchange ─── [法] 套购外汇

8、arbitrage house ─── [经] 投机套利或套汇公司

9、arbitrage dealer ─── [经] 套卖(买)商

10、commodity arbitrage ─── [经] 套购商品, 商品套利

11、compound arbitrage ─── [经] 复合套汇(利)

12、arbitrage of stocks and shares ─── [经] 套购证券

13、arbitrage broker ─── [经] 公断经纪人, 仲裁介绍人(掮客), 套汇经纪人

14、compromis d'arbitrage ─── [法] 仲裁协定

15、arbitrage in commodities ─── [法] 套购商品

16、exchange arbitrage ─── [经] 外汇投机交易, 外汇套购

17、currency arbitrage ─── [经] 套汇

18、arbitrage in securities ─── [法] 套购证券

19、hard arbitrage ─── [经] 硬行套利, 艰辛的套利

arbitrage 词性/词形变化,arbitrage变形

动词现在分词: arbitraging |动词第三人称单数: arbitrages |动词过去分词: arbitraged |动词过去式: arbitraged |

arbitrage 同义词

arbitrage 相似词语短语

1、arbitrates ─── vt.仲裁;公断

2、arbitrable ─── adj.可仲裁的,可裁决的

3、arbitragers ─── n.[金融]套汇人;套利人

4、arbitrate ─── vt.仲裁;公断

5、arbitrager ─── n.[金融]套汇人;套利人

6、arbitrages ─── n.套汇,套利;仲裁

7、arbitrated ─── v.仲裁,公断(arbitrate的过去式和过去分词)

8、arbitrageur ─── n.从事套购活动的人,证券套利者

9、arbitraged ─── n.从事套购活动(arbitrage的过去式和过去分词)

arbitrage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A stock investor has commenced an action against you in the district court. He claimed that you had conspired with a stockbroker for illegal arbitrage. ─── 一位股票投资者已经在地方法院控告你,他宣称你和一位股票经纪人合谋非法套汇。

2、In 1976, Stephen A. Ross developed CAPM and initiated the arbitrage pricing theory (APT) which is a breakthrough. ─── 1976年,罗斯(Stephen A.Ross)突破性地发展了CAPM,首创套利定价理论(APT)。

3、You can think of the factors in arbitrage pricing as representing special portfolios of stocks that tend to be subject to a common influence. ─── 你可以把套利定价中的因素想成代表着易受一种普遍影响的特殊的股票投资组合。

4、At last the paper deduces the pricing formula of real option similarly American Option utilizing No-Risk Arbitrage Pricing Theory. ─── 在此基础上,运用无风险套利原则,推导出变动执行价格条件下的类似于美式期权的实物期权的定价公式。

5、At yearend 1987 we had no major common stock investments (that is, over $50 million) other than those we consider permanent or arbitrage holdings. ─── 在1987年底除了永久的持股与短期的套利之外,我们并没有新增任何主要的股票投资组合(指5,000万美元以上),

6、As a result, the price in London should be driven up, and the price in New York should be driven down so that arbitrage is no longer possible. ─── 其结果是,伦敦的价格会逐渐上升,而纽约的价格会逐渐下跌,这样的套利机会将最终消失。

7、The arbitrage opportunity is enormous. ─── 套利机会非常巨大。

8、Arbitrage between bonds of different maturates implies that the price of a bond is the present value of the payments on the bond, discounted using current and expected short-term interest rates. ─── 不同到期债券的套汇是该证券支付的现值,利用当期或预期短期利率折现的。

9、Arbitrage The simultaneous purchase and selling of a security in order to profit from a differential in the price. This usually takes place on different exchanges or marketplaces. ─── 同时买入及卖出证券,意图从差价中获利,在一般于不同的交易所或市场进行买卖。

10、But since because this week the Mideast recently the demand had relaxes, regarding has from the west Northern Europe area direction's arbitrage cargo shunting action decreases. ─── 但由于本周以来中东地区近日需求有所缓和,对于来自西北欧地区方向的套利船货分流作用有所减低。

11、This holds true even when we restrict attention to the returns of firms that do not issue at all, suggesting that issuance is partly an attempt to arbitrage mispriced characteristics. ─── 哪怕只是对那些完全没有发行股票的公司收益率,也是如此。这表明了股票发行一定程度上是定价偏差的特征套利的一种尝试。

12、Although they could be bad for somebody who's trying to be an arbitrage trader or Wall Street lawyer. ─── 不过这些影响对想成为套期交易商或华尔街律师的人来说可能是负面的。

13、Therefore the WACC evaluation, generally different from the APV,allows for arbitrage. ─── 因此,通常不同 APV 的 WACC 评价允许套利。

14、Similarly, all the futures and options products the same, FFA is a tool for arbitrage, and this is what those taken by the financial institutions. ─── 同样,和所有的期货期权产品相同,FFA是一种套利工具,而这点正是那些金融机构所看中的。

15、Second, if the deviation from the theoretical price, how much the degree of deviation is the appropriate time arbitrage time. ─── 二是如果偏离了理论价格,偏离的程度多大时才是合适的套利时机。

16、In still other cases, arbitrage may be both possible and potentially profitable, but the price discriminator may be able to subvert it effectively. ─── 在另外的例子中,套利存在可能及潜在的套利机会。不过价格制定者可能会在暗中破坏。

17、The same time, the same species, the two trading market, the two possible deviations from the price, This is the Bo-seeking arbitrage opportunities. ─── 同一时间,同一品种,两个交易市场,两种可能出现偏差的价格,这就是博宏寻觅的套利机会。

18、They have also argued that an arbitrage mechanism to facilitate price equalisation would not be in the interest of Hong Kong. ─── 他们又指出使价格趋于一致的套戥机制并不符合香港利益。

19、The Research of Swaps in Arbitrage ─── 互换套利分析研究

20、You have to recover the original intention of the situation because it is tremendous volatility and speculative arbitrage opportunities. ─── 你追势的初衷就是因为它波动巨大,有投机套利的机会。

21、For any model of arbitrage, the average rate of return with predicting tools is higher than that without predicting tools.It is helpful for arbitrageurs to apply the strategy of basis time selection. ─── 二、在任一套利模型中,有使用预测工具之平均获利报酬皆高于不使用预测工具,显示运用基差择时策略对于套利者而言,具有实质助益。

22、A program used to simultaneously place orders for stock index futures and the underlying stocks. The ATP attempts to exploit price variations (Market Arbitrage). ─── 同时买入股票指数期货及相关股份的交易计划,旨在从差价中获利(市场套汇)

23、6, ETF arbitrage financial services. ─── 6、ETF套利理财服务。

24、But it became clear that there were limits to their ability to arbitrage folly away. ─── 但是,越来越清楚的是对于他们轻松套利的能力是有限制的。

25、Today, if you are adept at judging the chances that a corporate takeover will go through, you can make good money running an investment fund devoted to merger arbitrage. ─── 今天,如果你对于判断一宗收购交易能否成功有着敏锐的嗅觉,那么经营一家专门从事合并套戥的投资基金将会让你赚得盆满钵满。

26、Do you know how to make money with arbitrage trading? ─── 你知道如何进行套利交易?

27、To be involved in arbitrage. ─── 参与套利活动

28、limitation of labor dispute arbitrage ─── 劳动仲裁时效

29、international arbitrage account ─── 国际套汇帐

30、Many expect merger-arbitrage funds to deliver even stronger returns over the next few months once more deals reach a conclusion. ─── 许多人预计,一旦更多的交易成交,合并套利基金在未来数月内将实现更强劲的回报。

31、Therefore, the additional circumstances do not discount arbitrage operation. ─── 因此,在增发的情况下不能做折价套利操作。

32、Cour Internationale d'Arbitrage de la CCI ─── 国际商会国际仲裁院

33、Principle and Application of State Bonds Buy-back Arbitrage ─── 国债回购套利的原理及其运用

34、At the same time, V-steel E ratio of six ultra-holders to focus coming out, 4 natural, professional bodies arbitrage 2. ─── 与此同时,钢钒权证六大超比例持有人集中现身,其中自然人4名,专业套利机构2名。

35、I prefer low-risk arbitrage trading because the key to investment is not to make a lot of money but to preserve one's asset first, said Liang. ─── “我更喜欢低风险的套利交易,这是因为投资的关键在于要先保全个人资产,而并非一味地去赚钱,”梁昊说。

36、As a result of offshore non-deliverable forwards market and the local swap market arbitrage between the narrow space, on the 6th trading, the dollar against the yuan spot market continues to fall. ─── 因离岸市场无本金交割远期与本地掉期市场之间的套利空间收窄,6日尾盘,美元兑人民币现汇市场继续回落。

37、The multifactor pricing model is a crucial breakthrough in asset pricing theory and a derivation or an extension of the arbitrage pricing theory (APT). ─── 多因子定价模型(Multifactor Pricing Model)是资产定价理论发展到套利定价理论(Arbitrage Pricing Theory,APT)之后的延伸,是对金融资产定价研究的重要理论突破。

38、The kind of regulatory and tax arbitrage that small countries once profited from is now subject to an international crackdown. ─── 曾经让小国获利的那种监管和税收套利操作,现在面临国际打击。

39、Additionally, it can lead to an arbitrage position as an investor attempts to lock in a small return at expiry. ─── 同时,当投资者打算锁定到期时的最小收益时,可以产生套利机会。

40、Similarly, I do not see why Hong Kong stocks cannot be co-listed in the Shanghai stock market through an arbitrage arrangements We are discussing the mechanics of it. ─── 同样,我也看不出香港股票为何不能通过套利安排在上海股市交易我们正在讨论相关的机制。

41、The arbitrage for soybean with lifting bean oil and its reverse ─── 大豆提油套利与反向提油套利

42、Based on the assumption of no arbitrage,an accurate WACC formula is derived. ─── 基于无套利假设,给出了WACC的精确公式.

43、Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return ─── 套利定价模型与多因素风险与收益定价模型

44、Next, Lamont and Thaler studied the options market for more evidence on how high shorting costs eliminate exploitable arbitrage opportunities. ─── 另外,为了找到更多关于卖空成本如何减少套利机会的证据,Lamont和Thaler还研究了期权(options)市场。

45、three-point arbitrage inforeign exchange ─── 三角套汇

46、Arbitrage Opportunities under CAPM ─── CAPM滥用时的套利机会

47、In order to prevent the organization arbitrage, since fund company in October has launched in salvos limits purchases the command, maintains the fund scale the stability. ─── 为了防止机构套利,基金公司10月以来连发限购令,以保持基金规模的稳定。

48、His conclusion was that "the lack of a comprehensive design is clear" , and that the structure encouraged regulatory arbitrage. ─── 他的结论是,“我们显然缺乏一个全面的设计”,这种架构助长了监管套利行为。

49、He is known for a keen intellect, a willingness to take risks, and years of impressive returns in convertible-bond arbitrage. ─── 作为一个敏锐的智者,一个风险爱好者,一个多年在可转换债券套利市场上获得惊人回报的人,他鼎鼎有名。

50、In a well functioning capital market, arbitrage prevents the law of one price from being broken, and in fact, violations of the law are rarely seen. ─── 在一个高效有续的资本市场,套利可以防止单一价格定律被打破,事实上,违反这一规则的事例屈指可数。

51、High LME prices and the substantial arbitrage over Comex have prompted producers and traders to shift material out of Comex into the LME's St Louis warehouse. ─── LME铜价高企,其与纽约商品交易所之间存在的巨大套利机会推动生产商和贸易商将纽约商品交易所的铜库存运往LME位于圣路易斯的仓库。

52、Finally I ended up as an arbitrage trader in New York but in my free time I continued to work on my philosophy. ─── 最后,我在纽约套利交易的位置上稳住了。但空闲时我仍然继续我的哲学研究。

53、In what appears to be a permanent rather than cyclical change, fewer and fewer of these arbitrage windows are opening these days. ─── 在似乎是一种永久性,而不是周期性变化的情况下,近来,此类套汇窗口正在逐步被关闭。

54、Therefore, leans to one side behind the public opinion is the arbitrage risk which the special interest group eyes covetously. ─── 因此,一边倒的舆论背后是利益集团虎视眈眈的套利风险。

55、One view is that by Kim Tae-ST, trading companies, such as triple play of capital stock of the operation, Wong Kwong Yu from the secondary market arbitrage. ─── 中英文对照:一种看法是,通过对ST金泰、三联商社等个股的资本玩术,黄光裕不断从二级市场套利。

56、Meanwhile, economic inequality and excess liquidity also encourage hedge fund to seek arbitrage and investment opportunities globally, which may in turn destabilize the global financial system. ─── 全球经济失衡和流动性过剩也推动对冲基金在全球寻找套利和投机机会,对全球的金融稳定产生一定的影响。

57、Over time, Hong Kong manufacturerstraders will place less emphasis on quota arbitrage in deciding on the whereabouts for apparel production. ─── 今后,港商选择服装生产地时,配额套利将不再是重要的考虑因素。

58、In addition, they form the basis of more specialized strategies, such as arbitrage and relative value, as we will come to later.Market neutral investing. ─── 另外,他们也形成了更专业的策略基础,比如我们之后会讨论到的套利和相对价值以及市场中立投资。

59、Suppose to be doing arbitrage, ─── 套利交易

60、Too much money tends to dilute returns, as happened to one sector (convertible arbitrage) in 2005. ─── 太多的资金会导致收益的稀释,正如在2005发生在可转换债券套利部门的情况那样。

61、Banks deal in arbitrage all the time, playing their parts in the converging of currency rates internationally. ─── [银行机构就经常行套汇,经营着跨国货币兑换,使得货币在不断地兑换中得以汇聚成一个跨国统一比率。

62、On the other hand, China's stock market slump and the bond market led to the stunting domestic arbitrage funds into the real estate market, in addition to no other choice. ─── 另一方面,中国股市的不景气和债市的发育不全导致国内套利资金除了进入房地产市场外别无其他选择。

63、Although Mr Lepori dryly labels this phenomenon the “reversal effect”, others might view it as an opportunity for arbitrage. ─── 在一次(日,月)食发生的前后三天内,四个股票指数中的三个呈现低于平时的回报率,虽然只比平时降低了区区的0.17%,但是影响确实存在。

64、In fact, the arbitrage has become an institution in the near future the IMF is facing the biggest embarrassment. ─── 事实上,机构套利已成为近期货币基金面临的最大尴尬。

65、Evaluate subordinate performance, arbitrage and prevent conflict between employees. ─── 下属表现考核与评估,仲裁、防止产线、员工间的冲突;

66、No arbitrage can correct the mispricing. ─── 任何套利都无法修正错误定价。

67、This paper proposes a simple model to confirm that the existence of arbitrage requires some benefit space in the game between noise trader and arbitrageur.So the arbitrage action is restricted. ─── 一个简单的拍卖模型表明,套利者在与噪声交易者的博弈中,套利行为的产生需要一定的获利空间条件,因此套利者行为确实受到了限制。

68、Because you don't lose when you place an arbitrage trade, you're not betting at all - you are trading. ─── 因为,做出差价交易的时候您什麽也没损失,您根本都没赌---您只是在交易。

69、The fact that tax arbitrage was at its height during boom times also raises the question of just how real were banking profits. ─── 税收套利活动在景气时期达到巅峰,这一事实也提出了一个问题:银行业的利润到底有多少水分?

70、But it should be emphasized that a really bad experience or two - such as many arbitrage operations suffered in late 1987 - could change the figures dramatically. ─── 但必须强调的是只要发生一、两次像今年其它几个套利惨痛的经验,就可能使得整个结果猪羊变色。

71、two-point arbitrage in foreign exchange ─── 两角套汇

72、ETF. Conducting arbitrage premium, the need to buy a basket of stocks into ETF application. ─── 在进行溢价套利时,需要买入一篮子股票申购成。

73、In a way, he was advertising an early version of an arbitrage fund. ─── 从某种程度上说,他在为一种早期版本的套利基金做广告。

74、The Relation of Arbitrage and Numeraire ─── 套利与记账单位的关系

75、S. has successfully closed the deal.We mentioned NDS corp (NNDS) several times in the last few months as a great merger arbitrage opportunity. ─── 在过去的几个月里,我们提到的NDS集团(NNDS)曾出现过许多次非常好的合并套利机会。

76、The investors will have a riskless arbitrage opportunity, if the market price contradicts this relationship. ─── 在价格有效的证券市场上,这种无风险套利的机会是不存在的。

77、Meanwhile, China's securities market invalid points or inefficient points, arbitrage opportunities fertile. ─── 另外,目前,中国证券市场无效点或低效点多,套利机会肥沃。

78、Astute Singaporeans quickly spotted an arbitrage opportunity. ─── 精明的新加坡人很快看到了一个套利机会。

79、Court verdict of an arbitrage about securities exchange ─── 一桩证券交易仲裁案裁决始末

80、The penalty is automatically deducted from the balance payment of every consignment and is not negotiable, even in case of Arbitrage. ─── 但是每批货的罚款金额不会超过总金额的10%百分之十)所罚的金额会直接从货款里面扣除,不容商议。

81、We enter into only a few arbitrage commitments each year and restrict ourselves to large transactions that have been publicly announced. ─── 每年我们限制自己只专注在几个少数已公开信息的大型交易案

82、China's strict capital and investment controls prevent arbitrage between the two markets. The cities' two stock exchanges are as distinct as their property markets, subject to different sentimentand liquidity conditions. ─── 中国严格的资本及投资管制,阻隔了两地市场之间的套利交易。受不同的人气和流动性状况的影响,两地的股票交易所就像各自的地产市场那样截然不同。

83、"Given that arbitrage cannot correct the mispricing, why would anyone buy the overpriced security?" write Lamont and Thaler. ─── Lamont和Thaler在其文章中写道:“既然套利行为无法纠正不合理的定价,为什么还有人购买标价过高的证券呢?”

84、Geopolitical concerns continued to pressure the market, but were outweighed by a host of downward factors such as high stock levels, a heavy maintenance schedule particularly in the USA and arbitrage opportunities for crude flows into Asia. ─── 地缘政治风险造成的油价上涨压力仍然存在,但已被一系列压低价格的因素所压倒,比如高水平库存、国保持高库存的计划、油流入亚洲的套利机会。

85、(5) short-term arbitrage commitments. ─── (5)短期套利交易

86、In the case of spatial arbitrage, an arbs looks for pricing discrepancies across geographically separate markets. ─── 在空间套利的情况下,套利交易会在不同地方的市场中寻找价格差异。

87、Analysis of additional premium arbitrage operation. ─── 分析增发情况下溢价套利操作。

88、Our only $50 million-plus arbitrage position at yearend 1987 was 1,096,200 shares of Allegis, with a cost of $76 million and a market value of $78 million. ─── 今年我们新增5,000万美元以上的套利案只有斥资7,600万美元投资100万股Allegis,目前的市价约为7,800万美元。

89、China's strict capital and investment controls prevent arbitrage between the two markets. ─── 中国严格的资本及投资管制,阻隔了两地市场之间的套利交易。

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