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09-08 投稿



disrelish 发音

英:[d?s?rel??]  美:[d?s?rel??]

英:  美:

disrelish 中文意思翻译




disrelish 词性/词形变化,disrelish变形

动词过去分词: disrelished |动词第三人称单数: disrelishes |动词过去式: disrelished |动词现在分词: disrelishing |

disrelish 相似词语短语

1、disembellish ─── 被剥夺了权利。

2、delish ─── 美味的

3、disbelief ─── n.怀疑,不信

4、to disrelish ─── 厌恶

5、disrelishes ─── vt.嫌恶;讨厌;n.嫌恶;讨厌

6、displenish ─── 不悦

7、dishelms ─── vt.夺去头盔;卸下船舵

8、disrelished ─── vt.嫌恶;讨厌;n.嫌恶;讨厌

9、disrelishing ─── vt.嫌恶;讨厌;n.嫌恶;讨厌

disrelish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You know I love more (relevant article: Archer the tendency to love) you? Also with respect to one wool money! Is what you disrelish love insufficient? Had been very! ─── 你知道我多爱(相关文章:射手座对爱情的倾向)你吗?也就一毛钱的吧!你嫌爱的不够?已经是十分的啦!

2、Little sisters, if disrelish small, do not want urgent breast enhancement, first abundant head! ─── 妹妹们,假如嫌小了,不要急着丰胸,先丰脑吧!

3、Silent not language, the family can disrelish me again proud. ─── 沉默不语呢,人家又会嫌我傲慢。”

4、Because disrelish stale of difference of homebred goods quality, modelling, vietnam consumer especially young subscribe China or Japanese bicycle, cause produce bicycle market more from.. ─── 由于嫌国产货质量差、造型陈旧,越南消费者尤其是青年人只认购中国或日本自行车,致使越产自行车市场从...

5、The so-called disrelish,is the sentiment to the tray after a person finishes the food on the tray. ─── 所谓讨厌,这是一个人吃完盘子里的食物之后对盘子的感情。

6、Charlie asks: "Are you to disrelish expensive do not want to buy? ─── 查理问:“你不是嫌贵不想买的吗?”老爸说:“没看我带了斧子吗?”

7、The immortal thinks disrelish small, show move piece big stone again: "Turn this into gold to give you! ─── 神仙以为嫌小,又指著块大石头道:“将这个变成金子给你吧!”

8、Clean out treasure suggestion, on this disturbance Baidu C2C respect has disrelish exaggeratedly. ─── 淘宝暗示,在该此次风波上百度C2C方面有夸大之嫌。

9、" bagman says to get give an extravagantly colourful description, the lady one'sed mind disturbed a bit, but still disrelish expensive. ─── 推销员说得天花乱坠,女士有点动心了,但还嫌贵。

10、Because tonal the feeling that has clumsiness easily too greatly, make what originally not capacious sitting room porch has short disrelish, make the person has depressive feeling easily. ─── 因为色调太深便易有笨拙之感,令本来并不宽敞的客厅玄关有局促之嫌,轻易使人有压抑感。

11、Lend money for instance, be on speaking terms, borrow Debuduo again, perhaps disrelish a trouble, perhaps hinder at face, the problem of handle add was avoided, this also is constant some thing. ─── 有些事情看起来很简单,却往往不能做到。比如借钱,关系好了,又借得不多,或者嫌麻烦,或者碍于面子,把手续的问题免了,这也是常有的事。

12、In marital heart very disrelish a wife to open a television to disturb him to read a book, pay attention to none. ─── 丈夫心里很嫌妻子开电视机干扰他看书,就毫不理会。

13、Indoor: Indoor and ventilated not free, often have strange taste, if disrelish air pure and fresh agent bad smell, can cut lemon half, put in corner office, can eliminate. ─── 室内:室内通风不畅,常有怪味,如嫌空气清新剂味道不好,可将柠檬切半,放在角落处,即可消除.

14、Dan Longtian is proud or disrelish little, but under, wang Yu is forced to follow Long Tianao arrives on the drawing machine with downstair guesthouse, took 1000 yuan to give Long Tianao again. ─── 但龙天傲还是嫌少,无奈之下,汪宇只好跟随龙天傲到宾馆楼下的提款机上,又取了1000元给了龙天傲。

15、Stick double-fold eyelid to disrelish a trouble everyday? ─── 天天贴双眼皮嫌麻烦吗?

16、Is the husband that you disrelish you too fat? ─── 你是不是嫌你的老公太胖?

17、Because disrelish,carry a load tired, invented wheelbarrow; ─── 因为嫌挑担累,发明了独轮车;

18、If disrelish detain to spend implement too expensive word, also can buy directly a few already the flower with good sign, again the be fond of according to oneself, spend skill, spend the ground single-handed fine stick a beautiful world. ─── 假如嫌押花器太贵的话,也可以直接买一些已押好的花,再根据自己的喜好,一花一手,一手一花地细粘出绮丽的世界。

19、Because we had been been used to " appropriate chases after Sheng Yong tottering enemy " and Feng Tian has however " buy name " disrelish. ─── 因为我们已经习惯了“宜将胜勇追穷寇”而丰田却有“沽名”之嫌。

20、" " the monkey is forced to request to buy a pair of beautiful shoes again, this badger child want it to take 20 pinecone to change, if disrelish,say you expensive, smooth base is good. ─── “猴子只好请求再买一双花鞋,这次獾子要它拿二十个松塔换,并说您若是嫌贵,就光着脚好了。”

21、If disrelish this method trouble, still have another kind of method, besmear equably in freezer compartment wall namely an edible is oily, can make freezer is in for some time not frost. ─── 假如嫌这个办法麻烦,还有另一种方法,就是在冷冻室内壁均匀地涂上一层食用油,可以使冰箱在一段时间不结霜。

22、It's the truth, It's very disrelish who dislike myself. ─── 确实如此!不喜欢自己的人很讨厌!

23、The cousin fears when canaliculus too, call my back her, I disrelish a trouble, did not manage her. ─── 堂妹过小沟时害怕,就叫我背她,我嫌麻烦,没理她。

24、Of course, should say 9 cities and Zhu Jun lack cash at this point also disrelish early. ─── 当然,要说九城和朱骏就此缺钱了也嫌早。

25、The girl that innocence is when marrying you, you are good, had had the sort of thing with a few women instead, I do not disrelish you you disrelish me conversely! ─── 嫁你时是清清白白的女孩儿,你倒好,反而跟几个女人有过那种事,我不嫌你你倒反过来嫌我!

26、What the girl loves to complain most is weight and height, disrelish oneself nevertheless fat can reduce weight, if disrelish oneself short, heighten can have bit of difficulty. ─── 女孩子最爱抱怨的就是体重和身高,不过嫌自己胖可以减肥,假如嫌自己矮,增高可就有点难度了。

27、Many owners of bright lights disrelish oneself, to store enough to honor the modified lamp, some owners are simply change xenon headlamps. ─── 很多车主嫌自己的车灯不够亮,到改装店给车灯增光的很多,有些车主则干脆换成氙气大灯。

28、have a disrelish for raw fish ─── 不喜欢吃生鱼

29、Love look for a bargain " clean out a guest " encounter get online on sell the home, can especially provoking disrelish ? ─── 爱讨便宜的“淘客”遇上网上卖家,会不会特惹人嫌?

30、Be worth check. pair of a few data in conduct propaganda, want what whether vigilance has digital game to disrelish. ─── 值得查证。而对宣传中的一些数据,要警惕是否有数字游戏之嫌。

31、Be worth check. pair of a few data in conduct propaganda, want what whether vigilance has digital game to disrelish . ─── 值得查证。而对宣传中的一些数据,要警惕是否有数字游戏之嫌。

32、Be to disrelish often sitting is buttock big waist thick? ─── 不是嫌老坐着屁股大腰粗吗?

33、The idea of people also produced change, eating pork in the past is " carry fertilizer to disrelish thin " , eating pork now is " carry thin disrelish fertilizer " . ─── 人们的观念也发生了变化,过去吃猪肉是“挑肥嫌瘦”,而今吃猪肉是“挑瘦嫌肥”。

34、One can help a boss encircle the handler of money, who can disrelish him again expensive? ─── 一个能帮老板圈钱的经理人,谁又会嫌他贵呢?

35、A.Give helpless wife: Ask for help is inferior to begging his, disrelish his formulation, introduce new pattern as oneself! ─── A.给无奈的妻子:求人不如求自己,嫌他公式化,不如自己引进新花样!

36、"He always scolds me, disrelish me study is bad, often also do not come home. ─── “他总是骂我,嫌我学习不好,也经常不回家。”

37、Disrelish mesa small, still can go up in length outspread, become the Western-style food table of a piece of standard. ─── 嫌台面小,还可在长度上延伸,成为一张标准的西餐桌。

38、If disrelish,be to be afraid that him processing is bad, can give company of professional carpet cleanness is cleaned. ─── 假如嫌麻烦或是怕自己处理不好,可以交给专业地毯清洁公司清洗。

39、Tips: walnut and fish are rich in nutrition, suitable for supplying nutrition for kids;though kids have disrelish for them. ─── 核桃、鱼肉虽然营养丰富,很适合宝贝的营养需要,但宝贝多不爱吃。

40、This ability says wife: "Last you disrelish me to eat more, you are angry. ─── 老婆这才说:“上次你嫌我多吃了,你就生气。

41、Sina science and technology: Is at present main difficulty they disrelish the price too low? ─── 新浪科技:目前主要困难是他们嫌价格太低?

42、Housewife or young white-collar always can disrelish the commode of toilet to be used not quite, feminine chest wants enough and capacious, feminine commode also should have enough large size. ─── 主妇或年轻的白领总会嫌卫生间的洗脸台不够用,女人的衣柜要足够宽敞,女人的洗脸台也要有足够大的容量。

43、Love look for a bargain " clean out a guest " encounter get online on sell the home, can especially provoking disrelish? ─── 爱讨便宜的“淘客”遇上网上卖家,会不会特惹人嫌?

44、horror; disrelish; aversion; dislike; distaste; abhorrence; abomination; detestation; execration; loathing; odium. ─── 憎恨;可憎的事物;厌恶;憎恶;厌恶;可憎的事物;厌恶。

45、Does the husband that you disrelish you sleep can you snore? ─── 你是不是嫌你的老公睡觉会打呼噜?

46、In filth, decay and disrelish the leg-less man lay kneeling, ─── 肮脏、腐败、丑陋的断腿人跪着爬行

47、But, kiss many times, disrelish him because of the woman short and fail. ─── 可是,相了好几次亲,都因为女方嫌他矮而告吹。

48、Chief editor still asks to do to comment on to these plan, doing this to comment on is to make compere gingerly, wary really have disrelish captiously. ─── 主编还要求对这些方案做一个点评,做这个点评真是令主持人战战兢兢、唯恐有吹毛求疵之嫌。

49、Of mother love great, no matter use how good language to praise, always also let person sense disrelish reluctance a bit. ─── 母爱的伟大,无论用多么美好的语言来赞美,也总是让人感觉稍嫌勉强。

50、The madam nods saying is.The expert says then, child first time arranges his bed, used a hour full, you disrelish him ham-handed, right?This mother saw an expert stunnedly. ─── 专家接着说,孩子第一次整理自己的床铺,整整用了一个小时,您嫌他笨手笨脚,对吗?这位母亲惊愕地看了专家一眼。

51、Disrelish brunet sofa too depressing, be put or red or white cushion; ─── 嫌深色沙发过于沉闷,就放上或红或白的坐垫;

52、If disrelish oneself kitchen chaos, you also might as well try. ─── 假如嫌自己的厨房乱,你也不妨试一下。

53、3. You know I love more (relevant article: Archer the tendency to love) you? Also with respect to one wool money! Is what you disrelish love insufficient? Had been very! ─── 你知道我多爱(相关文章:射手座对爱情的倾向)你吗?也就一毛钱的吧!你嫌爱的不够?已经是十分的啦!收藏指正

54、Have so live in be in to disrelish narrow apartment inner room a bit in, but already decided change reachs countryside go in a big house. ─── 有这么一家住在一套稍嫌狭小的公寓套间里,但已决定迁到乡下一座大房子里去。

55、I disrelish filthy of any kind. ─── 我厌恶一切肮脏的东西。

56、" 70 " , served where the wind and the waves are highest Hangzhou policeman, public opinion points out the policeman's processing has Fang Zhi of partial cause trouble to disrelish in succession. ─── 一句“70码”,将杭州交警送上了风口浪尖,舆论纷纷指出交警的处理有偏袒肇事方之嫌。

57、But, "Seminar " left " critically meeting " do not say, "Method " connect actually piece do not carry public hospital, have it seems that " say turkey to one and bazzard to another " disrelish. ─── 但是,“研讨会”开成了“批判会”不说,“办法”竟然通篇不提公立医院,似乎有“厚此薄彼”之嫌。

58、If put these adornment all alone,be of course in the home, often do not have a feeling, or of some nondescripts disrelish. ─── 当然假如孤零零地将这些装饰品摆放在家里,往往没有感觉,或有些不伦不类之嫌。

59、But I observed so long, these experience are not taken share what have selfishness to disrelish. ─── 但我观察了那么久,这些体会不拿出来分享是不是有自私之嫌呢。

60、Disrelish crime because of the malfeasant experience in purchase and sale of medicines and chemical reagents, he is promoted by peaceful arrest passes city people procuratorate. ─── 因为药品购销中的不法行为涉嫌犯罪,他被泰兴市人民检察院拘传。

61、Disrelish mesa small, still can go up in length outspread, become the Western-style food table of a piece of standard. ─── 嫌台面小,还可在长度上延伸,成为一张标准的西餐桌。

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