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09-08 投稿



improbable 发音

英:[?m'pr?b?b(?)l]  美:[?m'prɑb?bl]

英:  美:

improbable 中文意思翻译



improbable 短语词组

1、improbable cause ─── 不可能的原因

2、improbable definition ─── 不可能的定义

3、improbable crossword ─── 不可能的纵横字谜

4、improbable idea ─── 不可能的想法

5、improbable country ─── 不可能的国家

6、an improbable story ─── 不可能的故事

7、improbable horse ─── 不可能的马

8、improbable racehorse ─── 不可思议的赛马

improbable 同义词

marvellous | incredible | impracticable | implausible | unconvincing | dubious | romantic |unlikely | doubtful | tall | marvelous | unbelievable | fishy | questionable

improbable 反义词


improbable 词性/词形变化,improbable变形

副词: improbably |名词: improbableness |

improbable 相似词语短语

1、improvable ─── adj.可改良的;可利用的;可改善的;可更好的

2、imperforable ─── adj.无孔的,闭锁的;无齿孔的(imperforate的变形)

3、improbably ─── adv.不象真实地;未必会地

4、improvably ─── adv.可改良地;可改善地

5、imperceable ─── 不可逾越的

6、imprisonable ─── adj.应判徒刑的;可判徒刑的

7、impermeable ─── adj.不可渗透的,透不过的;不透气的;不透水的;不为所动的,沉着冷静的

8、probable ─── adj.很可能的;可信的;n.很可能的事;大有希望的候选者

9、imposable ─── 不可能的

improbable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They seem to be less realistic than folktales, like they have something improbable happening—a frog turning into a prince, say. ─── 它们似乎没有民间故事那么真实,包含一些不太可能发生的事,比如一只青蛙变成了王子。

2、One should always be a little improbable. ─── 一个人应该永远保持一点神秘感。

3、The Miracle of St. Anthony: A Season with Coach Bob Hurley and Basketball's Most Improbable Dynasty. ─── 圣安东尼的奇迹:一个属于教练赫尔利和。

4、His cunning was fresh with the day, and his qualms were gone with the night--in which particulars it is not improbable that he had compeers in Fleet Street and the City of London, that fine morning. ─── 他的狡黠已随着白日而更新,他的恐俱已随着黑夜而消逝。 就这个特点而言,在那个晴朗的早晨,舰队街和伦敦城跟他情况相同的人也并非没有。

5、Since 2000, the loser of Game 1 in each of their ALDS has gone on to win the series, making a comeback in this series far from improbable. ─── 从2000年开始,在他们的美联分区系列战中第一场的输家将会变成了整个系列战的赢家,因此要在这个系列战中来个乾坤大逆转并非是件遥不可及的事。

6、Spectacular solar eclipses are an extreme rarity within the universe at large. They are seen on Earth because of a fortuitous combination of circumstances that are statistically very improbable. ─── 壮观的日食是浩瀚宇宙中极罕见的现象。它们之所以在地球上被观测到是因为多种机缘的巧合,而这在统计学上却几乎不大可能。

7、To modern minds the idea that men would go to war over, for example, transubstantiation seems improbable. ─── 以现代的思维来看,人们会因为圣体论而走向战争在现今社会是不太可能发生的。

8、Man can believe the impossible, but man can never believe the improbable. ─── 人们可以相信不可能的事情,人们就是不相信可能不的事情。

9、a recent and yet more improbable theory ─── 一个新近提出的但更加不切实际的理论

10、In retrospect, it seems inevitable-it could not have been any other way--a case of what I call the high probability of the improbable. ─── 回想起来,好像这是必然----不可能是另一样----这种情况我称之为极少可能中的高概率。

11、Knowing Io Welland as he had, he deemed it very improbable that she had even so much as mentioned him to any of her friends. ─── 就他了解的韦兰*爱娥,他认为她不大可能,向她的任何一个朋友提到他。

12、In the 21 months after Obama first launched what he always called his "improbable" bid for the White House, his opponents had sought to fill in the blank of his identity with a series of bogeymen. ─── 在奥巴马启航开始他总是称作“不大可能”的入主白宫历程之后的21个月里,他的对手们找到了一系列可怕的称号来充实他的身份。

13、He had not lived to see the remarkable fruit of his own improbable journey westward. ─── 他没能活着看到他自己的那一次难以置信的西行旅程所结出的非凡果实。

14、It is highly improbable that he will arrive tonight. ─── 他今晚准来不了。

15、November 20 in the just ended 29th Blue Dragon Film Awards in South Korea, actors Son Ye-jin row enemy force, improbable wina Best Actress award. ─── 在11月20日刚刚落下帷幕的第29届韩国电影青龙奖中,演员孙艺珍力排强敌,爆冷夺得了最佳女主角奖。

16、It is improbable that he will come. ─── 他不见得会来。

17、Oregon State now was beginning to roll. They swept through the Super Regionals the next week to punch their improbable return trip to Omaha. ─── 俄勒冈州队开始波动了。他们下一个周横扫了超级地区联队,从此开始了他们重返奥马哈的征途。

18、But Chelsea boss Mourinho insists the big two must still be on their guard to avoid an improbable fightback from either the Gunners or Rafael Benitez's men in the second half of the season. ─── 但是切尔西的穆里尼奥则认为切尔西和曼联必须警惕阿森纳和利物浦在下半个的奋力追赶。

19、most of them wildly improbable. ─── 大部分是牵强附会,极不可能的。

20、They presume government takes steps coping with situation but opinion highly improbable ─── 他们认为政府是按目前形势采取措施的。我们不这样认为。

21、Two hundred and twenty one years ago, in a hall that still stands across the street, a group of men gathered and, with these simple words, launched America ’s improbable experiment in democracy. ─── 二百二十一年前,就在仍然屹立在对街的那个厅堂里,一群男人聚集在一起,以简单的文字,发起了美国民主一场大胆的试验。

22、The state of being unlikely or improbable;improbability. ─── 不可能不大可能或不可能的状态;不可能性

23、When you have eliminated the impossble. Whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. ─── 各位认为新一到时候一定会把真相告诉小五郎吗?

24、It seems improbable that the current situation will continue. ─── 当前的局势似乎不大可能继续下去。

25、Prior to Littleton,qe might have been zismissed as an improbable one. ─── 在利特尔顿事件发生以前,这个角色可能会被认为不太合。

26、Building a railway across the unstable soil of the an Plateau was an improbable endeavor from the start, but an army of Chinese government engineers did it anyway. ─── 在青藏高原不稳定的土壤上建造铁路本来就是一个不可能实现的梦想。但是,中国政府的工程师大军却实现了这个梦想。

27、At the same time that life turns up the most improbable books from the Library shelves, it is adding new wings to the collection, making room for more of its improbable texts. ─── 同时,生物从宇宙书库的书架上找到了最难以置信的书,它在加快收藏的速度,为它[那些]更让人难以置信的文本清出位置。

28、The Holmenkollen ski-jumping Board is one of the most famous symbols of Oslo. Norwegians' relationship with skis goes very far Back in time: indeed it is not improbable that even the Vikings traversed Scandinavia on these wooden slats. ─── Holmenkollen滑雪台是奥斯陆的标志建筑之一。挪威人和滑雪渊源已久,的确,人们当时在这窄木条上穿越斯堪的纳维亚半岛不是不可能的。

29、There is nothing intrinsically improbable about this incident, which is stamped indeed, with all the marks of literary truth. ─── 这些事情本身没有任何不可能的因素,它印记着文学真实性的一切特征。

30、an improbable idea, event, result ─── 不切实际的想法、 未必会发生的事情、 不太可能有的结果

31、In Sardinia lost two points, Galliani stressed that he is most regrettable that the team in the league opener at home against promoted Bologna improbable. ─── 在萨丁岛丢掉两分,加利亚尼强调,让他最遗憾的是球队在联赛揭幕战主场爆冷负于升班马博洛尼亚。

32、He carried on smiling at her, for an improbable proposition she had made, or worse, a professional service she demanded and he could only half-heartedly perform. ─── 他继续朝他微笑着,笑她提了一个不可能实现的建议,更糟的是,笑她竟提出招待,而这他只是半心半意地履行。

33、The quality or condition of being improbable. ─── 不可能性,无必然性不可能的状态或者性质

34、That he or the other bigwig Russians who have taken refuge in London would jeopardise their asylum for the sake of such risky Machiavellianism seems improbable. ─── 他或其他曾在伦敦寻求庇护的俄罗斯大佬可能会因为如此不择手段的冒险行为危及自己的庇护权,这似乎不大可能发生。

35、the quality of being improbable. ─── 事情发生的概率为零。

36、It's extremely unlikely / improbable to reach an agreement between us. ─── 在我们之间达成协议是绝对不可能的。

37、What does Aristotle mean when he says that in tragedy a probable impossibility is preferred to an improbable possibility? ─── 亚里斯多德说,悲剧里可能的不可能性是指不可能的可能性,这是什麽意思?

38、In the opponent is still remarkable performance, O'Sullivan did not give any opponent the opportunity, three in straight sets, will rival the deficit improbable dream shattered. ─── 在对手依旧可圈可点的表现前,奥沙利文没有再给对手任何机会,直落三局,将对手翻盘爆冷的梦想彻底粉碎。

39、a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations. ─── 以明显的讽刺和离奇的情景为特点的喜剧。

40、Inside an old factory building in Cambridge, Mass, a remarkable machine with the improbable name Zeus is hard at work. ─── 在马萨诸塞州坎布里奇市的一座旧工厂大楼里,一台了不起的机器人正在苦干着。 它有一个令人难以置信的名字叫宙斯。

41、Among these details the reader will encounter two or three improbable circumstances, which we preserve out of respect for the truth. ─── 在那些细微的情节里,读者将遇见两三处似乎不可能真有其事的经过,但是我们为了尊重事实,仍旧保存下来。

42、“I guarantee that the town of Smolensk is not in the slightest danger, and it is improbable that it should be threatened in any way. ─── “我向您保证,斯摩棱斯克城现在还没有面临丝毫的危险,可能受到威胁也令人难于置信。

43、Responding to calls from local businesses she must maintain their madcap machines, including the 'Penguin Distractor', a 'Far Removed Spinner' and the highly improbable 'Theoretical Hoover'. ─── 为了随时给当地商家服务,她必须要维护那些疯狂的机器,包括:“企鹅分散机”,“遥控纺纱机”, 和异想天开的“理想真空吸尘器”。

44、May be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable. ─── 信仰可以简洁地定义为对不可能之事的发生所持的不逻辑的信念。

45、Even if perverse consequences of this type look improbable, a junk-food tax may have less impact than its advocates expect. ─── 即使这类型税收出现反常的可能性不太大,垃圾食品征税可能并不能得到其倡导者们想要的结果。

46、It is improbable to stand on behalf of people's and national interests , in order to maintain its power the high-rankings dither a lot in waging a war in disputed territory. ─── 多年来,由于国家在计生政策上未作调整和修改,大部分家庭就是一个子女,要把独子送上战场,国民心态就会有一个骤然转变。

47、not likely to be true;improbable ─── 不大可能是真实的;不大可能的

48、It's not improbable that she will pass. ─── 她未必不会通过((或许她会通过))

49、Intuitively, such a tiny region does not have many microstates, so it is not so improbable for the universe to stumble by accident into the microstate corresponding to inflation. ─── 因此,不难想像宇宙一不小心就会进入与暴胀对应的微观态。

50、a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations ─── 以明显的讽刺和离奇的情景为特点的喜剧

51、There improbable friends pledged to be blood brothers. ─── 在那里,萍水相逢的朋友结成了生死与共的兄弟。

52、In the nineteenth century, a novelist would bring his story to a conclusion by presenting his readers with a series of coincidences-- most of them wildly improbable. ─── 在19世纪,小说家常在小说结尾处给读者准备一系列的巧合--大部分是牵强附会,极不可能的。

53、At the Kyoto summit, some Asian countries discussed an ambitious (and improbable) plan to pool part of their reserves and use them to stabilise currency fluctuations. ─── 在京都峰会上,有些亚洲国家商讨了一项雄心勃勃的计划,即将各国储备金汇集到一起,以用于平抑货币波动。

54、It is improbable that she will go. ─── 她不见得会走。

55、The state of being unlikely or improbable; improbability . ─── 像洪水、地震这类不大可能发生的事,就不要担心了.

56、For a system of 10 20 molecules, on the other hand, entropy decrease becomes so improbable that it deserves to be called impossible. ─── 另一方面,对于有10 20个分子的系统,熵的减少是如此之不可几,因而理所当然地被说成不可能。

57、Created by or as if by a wildly fanciful imagination; highly improbable. ─── 大胆虚构或异想天开的;非常不可能的

58、The "Guinness Book of World Records" taught me to believe in the accessibility of the improbable. ─── 《吉尼斯世界纪录》使我相信所谓的“不可能”是可以实现的。

59、It's improbable that she'll accept the invitation. ─── 她不大可能接受邀请。

60、His explanation seems highly improbable. ─── 他的解释似乎很不可能。


62、* Some people find the coincident events in Hardy's novels annoyingly improbable. ─── *有些人觉得这是一个巧合的事件哈代小说中烦人难以置信。

63、Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. ─── 一旦你消灭了不可能,不管留下了什么,不论多么不可思议,它都一定是事实。

64、But this young Chinese Taipei team in Yaqing Sai had been improbable victory over Chinese youth team. ─── 不过这只中华台北青年队却在亚青赛上曾爆冷击败过中国青年队。

65、It all sounded highly improbable. ─── 一切听上去很荒唐。

66、Not likely; improbable. ─── 不可能的不太可能的;不可能的

67、" They add, however, that a heritable basis for the signature, although improbable, cannot be ruled out. ─── 他们还说,尽管难以相信,但该特征具有可遗传的基础无法被排除。

68、an improbable and unexpected victory. ─── 不可能且意想不到的胜利。

69、As a general, if he punishes those that are not wrong, there will be many grouses.A person whose emotions changes unpredictably, is improbable of escaping his demise. ─── 作为将帅乱奖赏无功的人就会使部下离心背向,惩罚无罪的人就会使人们怨声载道,喜怒无常的人,则难以逃脱灭亡的厄运。

70、Among these details the reader will encounter two or three improbable circumstances, which we preserve out of respect for the truth. ─── 在那些细微的情节里,读者将遇见两三处似乎不可能真有其事的经过,但是我们为了尊重事实,仍旧保存下来。

71、Or it could mean one more thing-as improbable, but it was far more sinister plot. ─── 再不然就是另一种情况,尽管可能性也不大,但那却是凶狠毒辣得多的阴谋。

72、But who can rule out the notion that the most improbable alternative might be the only one possible? ─── 但说不定最离奇的选择反而却是唯一的答案呢;谁也不能排除这种可能性。

73、Even in their storied history, none of their teams ever overcame as much and achieved a goal as improbable. ─── 即使在联盟历史上,也没有任何一支球队可以克服这么多的困难然后得到自己的目标。

74、A thirty years' war or a hundred years' war is highly improbable, because a long war is very much against the interests of the United States. ─── 三十年战争、百年战争是不会有的,因为长期打下去对美国很不利。

75、It is very / most improbable that the level of unemployment will fall. ─── 失业率几无可能下降.

76、The state of being unlikely or improbable; improbability. ─── 不可能不大可能或不可能的状态; 不可能性

77、too improbable to admit of belief. ─── 太不可能了,难以承认或者相信。

78、He had arrived at last after the most improbable of careers and one of the most extraordinary feats of self-discipline in American political history. ─── 他在经过了一段预想不到的历程和表现了美国政治史上最不寻常的一次自我约束精神之后终于如愿以偿。

79、The improbable pregnancy was big news for the woman's family. ─── 她居然能怀孕,对于她的家庭来说否是一件大新闻.

80、Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable. ─── 信仰可以被简单定义为相信不太可能发生之事会发生的不合逻辑的信念。

81、His excuse as to why they were late sounds improbable. ─── 他为他们迟到所找的借口听上去不大可能。

82、He asked me to compile a list of suspects, however improbable. ─── 他让我列出一个嫌犯名单,把可能不可能的人都列进去。

83、Another crucial characteristic is incongruity, which can be seen in the improbable or inconsistent relation between the “punch line” and the “body” of a joke or experience. ─── 另一个重要特征是不协调性,这就相当于笑话精妙的结尾和故事本身之间的巨大的反差。

84、They made the alternations as they sailed on towards a destiny that must have seemed improbable: the two ships happened upon each other off the Brazilian island of Trindade. ─── 两艘船一面改装,一面朝着似乎不可能降临的命运开去:在巴西特林达迪岛附近,彼此碰个正着。

85、Oregon State now was beginning to roll. They swept through the Super Regionals the next week to punch their improbable return trip to Omaha. ─── 俄勒冈州队开始波动了。他们下一个周横扫了超级地区联队,从此开始了他们重返奥马哈的征途。

86、THEY have been improbable soul-mates, the silver-tongued British barrister and the drawling Republican from Texas. ─── 他们是少有的那种惺惺相吸的伙伴。一个是巧舌如簧的英国律师,一个是不谙言辞的德州共和党人。

87、Nuclear war is not at all improbable once these countries get desperate. ─── 一旦这些国家感到绝望,核战争不是不可能发生的事。

88、They presume government take step coping with situation but opinion highly improbable. ─── 他们闪为政府是按目前形势采取措施的。我们不这样认为。

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